The shameless invaders are about to launch a blasphemous war against the great Crown.

They will bring disaster and hunger.

They will bring plague and pain.

They want to kidnap our children, they want to destroy our homes.

They want to make this thriving land return to barrenness.

They are shameless thieves, the source of evil, and demons who swing swords at angels.

Such remarks, like a virus with legs, are spreading wildly and rapidly among the tribes these days.

From the old orcs to the little dog-headed people who have just become sensible, almost everyone has known the news of the coming war.

The source of the information is said to be a goat-headed man who accidentally inquired from the black knight.

However, the truth is that these rumors were deliberately "leaked" by Irene Wangcai.

To be safe, she plans to recruit a large number of ordinary followers who have not been transformed into dragonborn to participate in this war.

The premise of doing so is to mobilize the fighting spirit of all the subordinates to facilitate the subsequent large-scale conscription.

After all, no one likes war, except the noble lords who sit in the back and enjoy the fruits of victory.

After all, these orcs and half-orcs from various tribes have not been transformed by the Dragonborn, and their mentality is different from those Dragonborn who are fanatical believers, regard Irene as a god, and have full loyalty.

In the final analysis, they are just a group of poor people who are forced to surrender.

Although these people have lived a good life for a few years under the arrangement of Xiaolong Niang, they are very grateful to this benevolent crown in their hearts, and even worship him.

But if these poor people who have lived a good life for a few years are forced to go to the battlefield, they may be full of thoughts about their families, unwilling, cowardly, afraid that they can not go back alive, and even run away driven by their hearts.

Under all these concerns, their original combat power can only be exerted 70% to 80%.

But what if we tell them that they join the army now not to protect the wealth of the black dragon, but to protect their families?

After all, if the black dragon is defeated, she can just run away, but what about the natives?

Can they still live such a good life now?

Will those humans bring them a good life like their beloved Majesty?


Those humans will just beat them back to their original form, plunder everything they have, and let them become barbarians who can only struggle to survive in the wilderness.

After seven years of development, no orc would agree to let them return to the life of eating raw meat and drinking blood.

Under such an emotional offensive, these upright guys, whether for their own future to enjoy such a life, or for their wives and children who stay at home and wait for their triumphant return, will burst out with unprecedented combat power.

This is the power of belief.

Under the influence of such a deliberately created sense of urgency, even though Irene had not issued a conscription order, a large number of followers were either planning or had already spontaneously gathered towards the Black City.

Tie Niu was the most ordinary one among them.

On the eve of dawn, this tauren who had not slept all night sat on the roof, smoking a pipe one after another.

He looked up into the distance with a dull look.

That direction was the direction of the Black City.

He had never been to that city, but this did not prevent him from enjoying the beauty of that city.

Their Barbarian Bull Tribe, because of its remoteness, had only recently been embraced by His Majesty.

Well... He would never forget that day, when the black dragon wearing black shorts on his head rushed into the tribe with fifty big guys dressed very strangely, pinched the chief's neck, and forced the chief to call him handsome.

At that time, they all thought that they would be slaves of this perverted black dragon for the rest of their lives, living a life worse than death.

But unexpectedly, the black dragon left after asking them to swear an oath of allegiance.

Not long after that, a group of dragon-born orcs who claimed to be black knights came to them and brought them a lot of food and various materials needed to build the tribe.

That day, Tie Niu knew for the first time what it felt like to be full.

Later, in order to thank the great crown mentioned by the black knight, the patriarch summoned all the people in the tribe, collected the most beautiful, rarest, and holy white gyro flowers nearby, made them into wreaths, and sent them over thousands of miles accompanied by the high priest.

After returning, the patriarch told them how prosperous and magnificent the tribe called Black City was.

It was just like heaven.

From then on, Tie Niu yearned for that city and wanted to visit it personally.Go and see, is Black City really as good as the tribe leader said?

Is that His Majesty really a holy dragon with six wings and three heads as rumored?

The tribe leader also said that Black City used to be a very poor dog-headed tribe called the Iron Teeth Tribe, which was worse than their Barbarian Bull Tribe.

But under the leadership of that great His Majesty, it has developed into what it is today in just a few years.

At that time, Tie Niu thought that under the leadership of such a great His Majesty, their Barbarian Bull Tribe would definitely be able to live a good life like the Iron Teeth Tribe in the future.

His guess was right. Their tribe changed more and more every day. The days when they didn't have enough food before were gone forever, and sometimes they would even wake up with a smile in their dreams.

However, just two days ago, the underground tunnel leading from Black City to their tribe was opened.

They no longer need to risk crossing the yellow sand and Gobi to go to Black City. Now they can get there by just taking a steam train reproduced by the equipment department established by His Majesty and taking a nap.

This was originally a good thing, but along with the train came the bad news of the impending war.


The young Tauren took a deep puff of his homemade dry tobacco and blew out a twisted smoke ring, just like his sad face.

He was going to finish smoking this cigarette, and then secretly catch the morning train to go to the long-awaited dream city with the Tauren brothers who were lucky enough to be selected as dragonborn.

However, this time, he might not come back.

Even if he came back again, he would probably be a cold corpse.

Yes, he was ready to participate in this war.

This war with the human principality.

Just to keep his family from being affected by the war, so that his wife could continue to enjoy this hard-earned...happy life.

But at this moment.

"Master." A sudden voice sounded behind him.

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