
Amid the harsh noise and gushing steam, the train arrived at the station.

The crowded carriage was like a can full of sardines. As the carriage door was opened, countless "sardines" pushed and squeezed out of it.

As far as the eye could see, it was a dim tunnel.

The torches hanging on the wall emitted a little light, and even the road ahead could not be illuminated.

The black knights who came with them had already lined up and disappeared in the darkness.

And this group of "sardines" was like Liu Laolao entering the Grand View Garden, looking around in a bit of confusion, not knowing where to go.

Fortunately, their great Black Dragon Crown had already thought of the current situation, so before this group of warriors who volunteered to join the war were confused for a long time, someone came to guide them out.

Tie Niu was mixed in the crowd, and was pushed and shoved along with the flow of people, like an unlucky person swept by the trend of the times.

But he did not resist and was powerless to resist.

Following the crowd, when he came out of the dim underground tunnel, the sun was already high in the sky. His eyes, which had adapted to the dim environment underground, were somewhat uncomfortable with the strong light again.

Like most orcs who did not have night vision, Tie Niu stopped and squinted his eyes. After a long time, he slowly opened his eyes.

What he saw was very different from what he imagined.

The streets were very empty, not as lively as the tribe leader said. There were no merchants from afar chatting everywhere, and no orcs and orcs with smiles on their faces.

Only soldiers wearing armor and holding weapons patrolled from time to time, and the towering black walls in the distance proved that he had not come to the wrong destination.

But this city called Black City had already entered a state of war readiness a month ago and cut off any transactions with the outside world.

In fact, even if the trade is not cut off, those merchants are basically not willing to risk their lives to trade.

Although they regard gold coins as more important than life, they are not stupid. They will not do it unless the benefits are high enough.

It is no secret that the Principality of Reni has transported troops on a large scale to prepare for war with the new forces in the God-Forsaken Land. The entire Eastern countries have been alert.

What's funny is that in order to avoid unnecessary vigilance and misunderstandings from other principalities and empires, the reason for the war announced by the Principality of Reni is:

Fighting shameless thieves.

In their mouths, the mysterious bartender who has risen in the God-Forsaken Land in recent years has become a traitor to the Principality of Reni and a shameless thief.

In their mouths, it was this shameless thief who lurked around the Duke for many years, and after gaining his trust, stole the new formula that the Duke had worked hard for many years and secretly researched.

In order to avoid the Duke's pursuit, he hid in the God-Forsaken Land.

The Duke originally did not want to pursue the matter because of their friendship over the years, but the shameless thief actually tried to use the formula of the new wine to seize the wine business of the Principality of Reni.

The crime is unstoppable.

For this reason, the Duke launched this just war for justice, fairness, faith, and to protect everything.

They even forged a copy of the evidence of theft.

When the news reached the God-forsaken Land, looking at the declaration of war with solid evidence, if Irene had not known that she had never been to the Principality of Reni, she would have almost believed this rhetoric.

Such a statement, naturally, the top leaders of the Eastern countries did not believe a word.

But it doesn't matter, the Principality of Reni only needs a reason to go to war, and the facts are written by the winner.

As long as the bartender is killed and her formula is taken away, then this will become a fact.

"Hey! Tie Niu!"

A sudden shout suddenly sounded.

Tie Niu turned his head and saw a skinny sheep-headed man waving at him across the crowd. The only remaining horn was particularly eye-catching.


Tie Niu was startled.

This sheep-headed man was from the Goat Tribe, not far from the Barbarian Bull Tribe. In the past, the two tribes often exchanged some needed supplies.

A few years ago, when Tie Niu accompanied the tribe leader to the Goat Tribe to exchange supplies, he met this very cheerful sheep-headed man.

But I didn't expect to meet him here now.

While he was stunned, the sheep-headed man had squeezed through the crowd and came to Tie Niu. With a smile on his face, he hit his chest hard: "Hey! I didn't expect you to come too. Aren't you afraid that your wife will be a widow?!"

"Don't talk nonsense, you guy!"

Tie Niu came to his senses and punched the sheep-headed man in the chest hard. "I'm not here to die. When my cub is born, I will give it to me.The kid said how powerful I am on the battlefield."

"Okay, okay, I said the wrong thing, haha."

Dujiao didn't care, he hugged Tieniu's broad shoulders and walked to the other side.

"Come on, let me take you to get familiar with this place. I tell you, I have been in Black City for three days and have already figured it out. Let's go eat first. The food here is full and delicious!"

"After dinner, I will take you to lead..."

While walking, Tieniu suddenly stopped and looked in one direction.

The strong physique made the thin Dujiao stagger. Just when he wanted to say a few words, he followed Tieniu's gaze and saw a team of heavily armored soldiers walking in neat steps from a distance. The dark armor and weapons, under the reflection of the sun, looked particularly solemn and solemn.

"That is the imperial guard. It is said that it is the most loyal and powerful force of the great crown. "Dujiao explained casually: "Don't look at their small number, they are all elites. Two or three of them can fight our entire tribe alone."

"I also want such armor." Tieniu suddenly said: "If I can wear such armor back to the tribe, it will definitely make my wife proud."

"Are you serious?"

Dujiao glanced at the imperial guards in the distance, then looked at Tieniu's firm eyes, and shook his head. "I advise you not to dream, how can we, the big soldiers, have such good treatment."

As he said, he pulled Tieniu to the other side: "My uncle's second aunt's third aunt's son became a black knight."

"I heard him say that those imperial guards were selected from their black knights. We are not even dragonborn, so don't dream."

Speaking of this, he looked around and made sure that there was no one around, then lowered his voice and said: "Also, he told me a secret, don't tell anyone. "

"These imperial guards are about to change their armor. It seems to be some kind of power armor. I heard that it was dug out from the graves of the ancestors of those green-skinned orcs."


The goat-headed man shook his head with a bitter and vengeful look. "Do you think our orc ancestors will leave behind any good things..."

The two walked away arm in arm, but they didn't notice that in the direction they were watching before, a girl in a black robe was standing there, her eyes fixed on their backs.

"Which batch is this?" The girl suddenly asked.

"Your Majesty."

Wangcai, who had been following behind, lowered his head, "This is the ninth batch of warriors who volunteered to join the war."

"Well..." Irene retracted her gaze. "Remember to properly arrange their families."

After speaking, she stepped forward.

"Let's go to the equipment department. I heard that Gal has completed my power armor."


Wangcai nodded and hurriedly followed.

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