After holding it in for a long time, Herbert could only say one sentence:

"Actually... I feel... your two dragon cubs should be living well, at least better than you think..."

"If you really feel guilty, why don't you go see them?"

Christine paused in her crying with her face covered, and her eyes were full of loneliness.

"Forget it."

After wiping her tears twice, she took two more sips of wine, and then slammed the bottle heavily on the stone table.

"I don't know how to face these two children. They probably won't recognize me as their father..."

"After all, they are different from me. They were raised by Silvery. They are real evil dragons."

"It's hard for me to imagine how Silvery, such a ferocious black dragon, raised his two children."

"I'm afraid they were tortured and trained inhumanely since childhood..."

When she thought of the torture she had suffered that year, Christine couldn't help but shudder. She felt her legs go weak and her crotch went cold.

"So you choose to escape like you did back then and get drunk here?" Herbert said, and inadvertently threw out a few more pieces of mithril ore, adding a heavy stack of chips for himself.

As if the thorn in his heart was stabbed, Christine didn't even use the sound transmission magic, and roared loudly:

"I didn't escape!!!"

But then, noticing the sudden quiet atmosphere around him and the surprised eyes of the dwarves, he closed his mouth again and whispered with the sound transmission magic:

"I stay here to protect my children. God knows whether the humans in the East Continent will do anything to them again."

As he said, Christine's eyes drooped, "By the way, it can be regarded as making up for the vacancy for them over the years, and trying to fulfill the responsibilities of a father."

"Haha! Man, if you say this, I'm afraid that those bards who have nothing better to do will make up some obscene poems and spread them all over the continent."

Herbert smiled and shook his head. "It's obviously a five-colored dragon of the chaotic evil camp, but it cares about blood and family affection just like the lawful good metal dragon."

"This is even colder than the jokes told by those brainless demons in Baator Hell."

"I never said that I was from the evil chaotic camp." Christine looked at Herbert with a firm look in her eyes, "I remember telling you that my mother was a great silver dragon."

"Under her teachings, I have long believed in Bahamut, the god of good dragons. Don't compare me with those 'kinds' who believe in Tiamat, the mother of evil dragons, and are full of fighting and killing, okay?!"

"Okay, okay, buddy." Herbert perfunctorily said helplessly, raised the bottle in his hand and touched Christine's bottle, "This bottle is dedicated to the great platinum dragon god Bahamut, I said the wrong thing."

Then he drank the whole bottle of wine.

Then he picked up another bottle, pulled out the cork, and rubbed his red rosacea.

"But man, your worry is unnecessary. I received news before that the Eastern countries have sent envoys to negotiate peace with your two precious dragon cubs."

"According to the time, the envoys should be almost at the God-forsaken Land now."

Ignoring Christine's wide eyes, Herbert continued to say: "To be honest, this surprised me. Those tall guys surrendered so easily."

"But it's good this way. At least I don't have to worry about not being able to drink this delicious red wine."

"Are you serious?" Christine stood up suddenly and slapped his hands on the stone table, making a muffled sound.

The hard stone table shook violently, and several wine bottles fell, rolled to the edge of the stone table, and fell off the stone table with a snap.

Ended up in pieces.

Realizing that she had acted a little too aggressively, Christine quickly sat down again, pretending that nothing had happened, and whispered, "Where did you get the news?!"

"Of course it's true." Herbert blinked and shook the bottle in his hand: "As for where the news came from..."

"My friend, I can only say that your source of information is too backward."

"Our dwarf brothers are all over the plane, and of course there are many who have infiltrated the human empire and duchy. Some lucky little guys have even been hired as royal blacksmiths."

"So I received the news a few days ago, when those old guys from various countries hadn't selected an envoy yet."

"However, I didn't expect that it would be so troublesome for these tall guys to select an envoy, and the efficiency was ridiculously low!"

"You know, that group of tall guys always do this every time something goes wrong., the countries will inevitably weigh the pros and cons and make all kinds of conspiracies. In the end, whichever country can't hold on will voluntarily contribute a noble unlucky man to be an envoy. "

Then, as if thinking of something, Herbert's face, which had already flushed, was very evil, as if he saw a cute little girl, and his eyes kept looking at Christine's face.

"By the way, old friend, did you bring money this time? I've been itching to get a full body armor..."

Hearing this, the smile on Christine's face just now slowly withdrew, revealing a painful expression on her face. After thinking for a while, she took off a storage ring from her finger and threw it on the stone table, making a light click.

"Inside are the scales I have replaced over the years, just as wine money. ”

“… If there is more, consider it as the reward for taking care of my child’s business…”

After saying that, he stood up from the stone chair.

The dwarves saw this and thought that Whitebeard finally couldn’t drink anymore and admitted defeat. Their invincible Dwarf King won again and defended the supreme title of the first wine barrel in the East Continent.

Then the whole tavern exploded, and the dwarves made ghostly howling sounds as if it was New Year’s Day.

Some dwarves were so excited about making a fortune that they tore off their tattered clothes on the spot, shaking the rags and making wild laughter.

Some dwarves were gamblers and wanted to go all in, so they bet all on Christine’s On his body, he ended up losing all his money.

Now he was covering his butt and preparing to go to the red-light district of the Dwarf Empire to implement the tragic plan of selling his dick to pay off his debts.

There were also dwarves who wanted to scold Christine for playing a fake game, but after looking around with a bottle of wine for a long time, they found that the figure with a white beard had disappeared from the spot.

No matter how these people asked or searched, no one saw where he went.

It was as if he had evaporated from the face of the earth, and he disappeared suddenly from the spot.

But no one noticed when he disappeared.

This made those guys who lost money and wanted to beat Christine couldn't help but shout: "The undead are making trouble in broad daylight!"

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