Born As The Emperor's Daughter

Chapter 36 - Pure Emotions (3)

Carlos stopped in his tracks and when Alexandra noticed that there was no other sound of footsteps other than hers, she also stopped and looked back at him. Somehow, she was shocked to see the expression on his face as he stared at the man not far away from them. He had a dark expression, his guard was raised, and his eyes were narrowed like he was glaring at the man 10 steps away from them. He had a serious expression on, his gentle smile was wiped away from his lips. That made Alexandra curious and look in front of her also, she saw a man in his mid-20s with a gentle smile on his face but he had the aura of a tiger.

He opened his mouth to speak, "It has been a while, Carlos" He grinned mischievously, his voice was cheerful but Alexandra can feel hatred from it. The way he blurted out his name, it was laced with venom. He spoke it out with hatred and that sent a chill down Alexandra's spine. Great, another bone-chilling encounter, she thought to herself annoyed at everything that happened already. She could feel the sudden pressure in the air and it became cold.

The glare that the two gave each other seems like lightning, it showed how much they hate to see one another. Silence conquered the whole room, nobody dared to speak not even Alexandra who really wants to leave the palace but can't. Carlos opened his mouth to speak, "It sure is, Sir Devan," The way he spoke seems like he was annoyed, the way he spat out his name seems like venom. They despise each other and Alexandra doesn't know why. She examined the man not far away from them who was called Sir Devan, he was wearing a robe, a wizard's robe to be exact. It almost reached the floor and it covered his whole body, it seems like he was wearing a dress. He must be a palace wizard. His hair was green as well as his eyes but it didn't look attractive like Diana's. The grin on his face looked annoying that Alexandra wants to remove it either by asking politely or by force.

Alexandra showed an annoyed face as he stared at the man, everything about him screams trouble. "Mark is fine. We have been acquaintances for so long yet you still call me with formalities," He said and shortly laughed, Alexandra's ears somehow twitched when she heard his laugh. It sounds sarcastic and fake. Carlos just remained silent and stared at him. Sir Mark's eyes darted at Alexandra who had a gentle and soft expression yet on the inside she was already annoyed. "Oh, you became a babysitter. That's hilarious, the vice-captain of the royal knights became a babysitter of a kid. Wait, whose kid is this? She looks very familiar," He said and Alexandra flinched. She furrowed her eyebrows showing annoyance. O-hoh, I would like to kick this person in his shin, he looked very arrogant and annoying, Alexandra thought to herself.

"If you may, please excuse us," Carlos said and he suddenly held Alexandra's hand gently and they continued walking. He just ignored the wizard, they walked past him and when Alexandra looked up, he met his eyes. His eyes that looked like he was going insane, the way he looked at her sent a chill down Alexandra's spine. She averted her gaze and continued walking.

After they went a floor down using the stairs, Alexandra was finally able to breathe normally, the pressure of the atmosphere that surrounded them earlier was too much for her. She was curious about who he is, she asked Carlos, "Who was that?" A hint of curiosity from her tone and Carlos replied to her, "An annoying palace wizard. If you see him, just ignore him. Try to avoid him as much as possible," And that made Alexandra more curious.


"He's insane," Was what Carlos replied and Alexandra just nodded as an answer. She should follow what Carlos say and aside from that, the stare he gave her was enough to tell that he was someone insane or dangerous. It looked like he was about to do something bad to her and a chill went down Alexandra's spine.

What a morning, she thought to herself and heaved a sigh. They are going back to the palace to eat lunch since Alexandra is already hungry, all the encounters she had tired her out and her brain received too much info.


Her afternoon tea party with her father was canceled because of some urgent matters which she doesn't know. Alexandra was happy since she finally got an alone time and could spend a fraction of her afternoon in peace because ever since she had tea parties with her father and had a tutor, she didn't have any alone time or peace in the afternoon. The only time that she could rest was during the evening after she finished answering the sheets her tutor, Ferdinand gave her. She can use this time to process everything that happened earlier first. Alexandra decided to go to the library of her palace. Even though there are good books at her father's palace, the books here are also interesting even if they are old. Carlos followed behind her observing and watching her every action, from how the palm of her hand gently slid along the books as she looked around, from how her hair bounced, and from how she opened the book and flipped its pages gently and with care.

Alexandra found the contents of the book she was holding interesting and she turned around to face her personal knight. "I'm going back to my room," She simply said with a gentle smile on her face which Carlos replied back with a smile. She turned her heel around and walked towards the door of the library, her hair slightly swaying as she walked. The door was opened by Carlos and Alexandra stepped outside and continued to walk while Carlos closed the door behind him and followed Alexandra.

Upon arriving at her room, Carlos opened the door and Alexandra went in, this time Carlos just remained outside. Alexandra walked towards the couch and sat on it while placing the book on top of the table. She didn't open the book and just sighed as she remembered what happened earlier. She still can't remove the stare the man earlier gave her inside her head, it was… scary.

Alexandra remembered the event earlier before that. I don't know if she should call her brother at this time but he called her a rat and he was the one who almost traumatized or wanted to kill her 2 years ago in the forest. Alexandra groaned and slouched at her seat, sinking more and more like she was being pulled into quick sand. How old am I again? She randomly asked herself while she stared at the ceiling. Right, I'm turning 8 already, she heaved a sigh once again.

"If you keep sighing like that, you'll get wrinkles," She suddenly heard a voice beside her, she turned her head around and stared at the person beside her with a bored expression on her face. "Oh, it's you, Harrison," Alexandra said and fixed her posture. She sat properly and she slightly faced Harrison who was sitting beside her with a distance of a meter. She heaved a sigh once again, she looked like an old woman troubled because of many problems in her life. "You look like you aren't happy to see me, should I leave?" He asked and was about to leave and when Alexandra spoke up.

"No, no, I'm just thinking," It was true that she was thinking. She was glad that Harrison still has time to visit her even though what they would just usually do is to either insult each other or to have a conversation which is just Alexandra telling him what happened and what's stressing her out.

"That's new, I never knew that you could think with that brain of yours," He started and grinned. Alexandra's eye twitched hearing his response and she looked at him somewhat annoyed because of what he said. "Shut up," She can't think of a name that would insult him, that's because he looked perfect. His eyes are beautiful, his hair looked like it was from a hair commercial, he's tall, his pale skin complemented his crimson eyes, his voice is also attractive, and such. However, his attitude is just… she can't describe it that well since he's really confusing. Sometimes he is kind, sometimes he is not.

"So, what happened?" And he is also a good listener although it seems like he was already the owner of her room since he would come in or appear inside just to eat and such. Alexandra's features soften and she heaved a sigh and averted her gaze. She cleared her throat first before she spoke, "I met my brothers," She started and she told him everything that happened earlier.

After what it seems like an hour of telling him what happened, she finally finished. "He irritates me," Was what Harrison said and Alexandra replied: "Which one?"

"The Sir Mark one, he sounds annoying and arrogant," He answered with a frown on his face. Alexandra even told him about how he stared at her before he left and that somehow annoyed or angered Harrison very much. He wants to gauge that guy's eyeballs out. Aside from that, her brother called her a rat. If that were Harrison, he would have a fight with him. So that's why she looked so troubled, he thought inside his head.

"How old are you again?" He asked and Alexandra tilted her head sideways as she stared at him wondering why, "I'm turning 8, why?" She answered. Harrison just hummed and nodded his head multiple times before he stood up and walked and stopped in front of her. He looked down at Alexandra who was looking up to him, she was wondering what he was about to do. He raised his hand and gently, he placed it on top of Alexandra's head and ruffled her hair gently which shocked Alexandra. His unusual action shocked her, it was unbelievable. "W-What are you doing?" She asked he was still doing it.

Harrison just hummed as an answer and removed his hand on top of her head, Alexandra stared at him confused. What's that? For encouragement? To show support? She asked herself still staring at him.

"I'll be taking my leave now, I still need to do some things," Harrison said with a bored expression before he completely disappeared from Alexandra's sight after she blinked. Well, that was fast, she thought to herself and picked up the book at the table to read it.


After eating dinner and taking a short bath, Alexandra was now lying down in bed as she was being tucked by Diana. She knew of what happened earlier except for the encounter of Sir Mark because Carlos told her, he was guessing that she might want to know what happened since she takes care of Alexandra and is always with her.

"Diana," Alexandra called out to her name in a gentle tone of voice and she raised her head and looked at her with a gentle expression, she showed a faint smile at her. "Did you remember what happened 2 years ago?" She blurted out and Diana showed a confused and curious expression, she sat beside Alexandra and stared at her. "So many things happened at that year, enlighten me, young miss," Diana replied not wiping off the smile on her face.

"The one where I was missing for hours and I came back dirty and crying," It was about time that she should tell what happened and why she was crying. Diana thought for a moment before she nodded her head, "Yes, what about it?" She asked and Alexandra heaved a sigh before she spoke once again. "I met my brothers at that time, he threatened me," She didn't add the part where he almost killed her, one wrong move and her neck will be slashed. Diana was shocked, her eyes widened and she gasped. She opened her mouth to speak but she kept on stuttering like she doesn't know what to say.

"I didn't know they were my brothers since I didn't saw their face completely but I'm okay now, you don't need to worry about it. I just wanted to tell you about it," Alexandra said and she brought the comforter up to her neck. Silence surrounded them and nobody didn't want to speak. Since the young miss told her that she's already okay, she just let her be although there is still a tinge of worry left inside her. Alexandra stared at the ceiling as she listened to Diana's lullaby:

"Sweet little angel,

close your eyes,

let your problems drift away tonight,

in the sea of dreams,

in your paradise,

sleep tonight,

o sweet little angel of light."

That was her favorite lullaby and as usual, Diana's sweet voice filled the room and it gently lulls her to sleep. Alexandra's eyes slowly closed as her vision was being engulfed with darkness before she was pulled into a slumber.

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