Born As The Emperor's Daughter

Chapter 4 - An Unexpected Encounter (2)

"I'll slash your neck if you don't answer us." The owner of the voice threatened. Alexandra clenched her small fist. "You won't?" He asked and Alexandra gulped. She opened her mouth to speak and was came out a shout, "I'm a harmless person!" Alexandra was very nervous that she shouted those words instead of something more meaningful like her name. She silently hoped that she will not have her neck slashed just like he said.

"Show us your face!" The same voice said, his voice more frightening before. Was it because Alexandra had the senses and body of a 5-year-old that she actually trembled in fear or is she (the adult her) really scared?

Afraid of him threatening her more or slashing her neck, she immediately turned around just like what he ordered, her platinum-white hair swaying as well as the skirt of her blue dress in the process. Alexandra saw two pairs of blue eyes, the same ones as hers.

In this world, eyes could tell which bloodline a person belongs to. Normal people possess normal-colored eyes like brown, black, grey and other common ones. People who came from a royal bloodline possess more beautiful and unique eye colors like violet, green, red, blue, yellow and such. Basically, the more unique and beautiful your eye color is, the stronger and powerful bloodline you came from. Eye color can be either inherited or can be determined by your mana that's why there are some people who came from a normal bloodline but had a unique eye color.

Alexandra saw two pairs of blue eyes, the same one as hers. They sparkled like gems, just like Alexandra's. Mesmerizing and beautiful. Judging from their eye color, they came from a royal bloodline and she can sense that they are powerful. Alexandra gulped in fear and her hand gripped her skirt, her grip tightened as seconds passed. Silence surrounded as nobody spoke but the atmosphere was still the same as before, thick and cold.

"M-Mother..?" The boy, who looked like he was 7 or 8 years old, spoke breaking the silence. "Huh?" Alexandra made a confused face. Did he just call me mother? Do I look that old to your eyes? Alexandra pursed her lips into a thin line, the grip on her skirt slowly loosening until she let go of it. The two males who were several feet away from her wore royal clothing, the casual ones. The other boy who was with him looked like he was 10-12 years old based on his height and looks. He was the one who threatened Alexandra to slash her neck if she doesn't answer them. She clearly can't see what they both looked like or what their hair color is, what she only saw was their blue eyes that somewhat glowed in the dark. They weren't carrying any sword, so probably the threat was a joke—

And a sound like something being slashed was heard. A wind blew past her shoulders, making her hair fly back and the rock behind her was slashed in half, the ground was also slashed. W-What the hell? Alexandra thought to herself, her eyes widening in shock, her face became pale, her heartbeat fastened, she was sweating cold sweat. He stared at the boy who had his index finger held out which made the slash motion earlier. Basically, he used magic and he could kill Alexandra any moment from now. The strength on Alexandra's knees gave out and she ended up on the ground, some of the flowers in the basket she was holding fell out. She coughed multiple times and she was breathing heavily like a huge rock was placed on her shoulders. The atmosphere came back to normal and Alexandra was able to breathe normally again.

"Go back to your place." The frightening boy said. He and his companion turned their back against her, the frightening boy glared at her first before he turned his back and leave, and walked back to the path they took. Alexandra remained on the ground looking at the two boys walk until they disappear at her sight. Tears sprung to her eyes and it feels like there was a lump on her throat. Her heart was beating rapidly.

And she cried. Never had she ever felt very frightened and scared.


Alexandra eventually found her way back to the palace but her clothes were dirty, her eyes were red and puffy as well as her nose and cheeks. She was very tired and exhausted. When she returned, Diana, with a worried face, looked at her and was shocked to see her condition.

"Alexandra!" She ran towards the child and eventually hugged her. Diana was worried and when she saw her came back at that condition, she became more worried. Hannah told her that Alexandra picked flowers in the garden but she was nowhere to be seen.

"Where have you been? I was worried and looked for you!" Diana sounded like a mother who had lost her child in the market or mall. Alexandra suddenly remembered a memory of her mother and for a moment, she thought Diana was her mother. Alexandra embraced her arms around Diana and cried once again.

"Waaaaaa, Mommy! What took you so long?" She cried out, her sobs getting more and more loudly.


"Alexandra, guard the house for me. I'll just go to the store to buy some things, okay?" Alexandra's mother squatted and patted her head gently. Alexandra, with a brave face, nodded. "Yes, I will, mom!" She answered and smiled right after. Her mother smiled and pinched her cheek gently not to hurt her. "Good." She stood up and walked towards the door, swinging it open. "I'll be going now! Guard the house, okay? Love you!"

"Okay!" And she went outside and closed the door.

And her mother didn't return—


Alexandra was just 10 years old when that happened. She regretted not saying 'I love you' and 'Take care' back then. She regretted.

Alexandra fluttered her eyes open. The familiar ceiling of the room greeted her eyes. She sat up and noticed that her attire was changed from her casual expensive dress to her night gown. She roamed her eyes around and saw Diana sleeping next to her, her head resting on top of her arms that was on the bed. Alexandra recalled everything that happened earlier. Picking flowers, ending up at an unfamiliar place, the frightening male, the rock being slashed, her crying at the forest, returning at the palace, Diana hugging her and crying again. Just remembering what happened at the forest made her tremble, the memory and what she felt still at that time were still vivid. Did her mother appear earlier? Did she call Diana mother?

She hated that she still remembered her crappy previous life, she hated that she still remembered her heartbreaks, the memories she wanted to forget and her mother. She hated that she still regretted it. She hated it all, she hated that she still cried over her and yearned to see her again. She hated that she didn't say goodbye, she hated that she didn't come back with a smile on her face, she hated herself for not saying 'I love you' back then.

A tear streamed down her cheek and she quickly wiped it. She suddenly felt movement at her left and saw Diana lifting her head up while she stretched her arm and yawned. Her eyes darted in her direction, "Thank goodness, you're awake! You fainted earlier and slept for like 12 hours straight. Are you okay now?" Diana asked calmly with a gentle smile plastered on her face. Alexandra silently nodded as an answer.

"Would you like me to bring you a slice of cake?"

"Yes, please"

And she hated that Diana (slightly) resembled her mother.

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