Born In Sunagakure, Dedicated To Konoha For Decades

1035. Sand Shinobi is a village developed during the war

"Huh! Big nephew, your father is really generous, haven't you been fishing less in recent years? No wonder you've been occupying the dungeon all these years without shitting, Konoha and Mist Shinobi are the Fifth Generation, we Sand Shinobi and Cloud Shinobi It's also the Fourth Generation, as far as you Rock Shinobi or the Third Generation, you have been the prince for decades, and you have a good temper. If someone else kicked him down earlier, brother Tumu, you Say yes?"

In the Konoha wine house, Shinto and the disciple "Conan his father" who also brought Luosha's set of Jinsha package to congratulate, pulled Tumu and chatted with loess, and the people from Mist Shinobi also came, but Mizukage's sister sent The person who came here is not the white-eyed man, and Shinto is not familiar with it. The senior management of Mist Shinobi is too shallow to sit with him. The people from Cloud Shinobi have not arrived yet, so Shinto can only bring Tu Mu and Huang Tu to chat and spank, After all, after fighting with Ohnogi for decades, everyone is acquaintance...

The "Father Conan" beside Shinto ate and drank on his own, as if he hadn't heard his teacher's words.

He has long been accustomed to the teacher's mouth, and fooling his son into a position is just a normal operation.

"Hehe, you still like to joke so much, but these 613s are just souvenirs of our Rock Shinobi, but it's the Kazekage from your village who is really generous, and it's golden sand when you shoot it. 35

Everyone has known each other for decades, and Tu Mu has become accustomed to this bastard's way of speaking, and he doesn't care, he said with a smile.

"My father is still physically strong, and I am not good enough to be a Tsuchikage. 35

In other words, although Ohnogi is shy, he can definitely throw Sarutobi Hiruzen a few streets away when it comes to teaching his son. He is calm and calm, as if the other party said that he is not his own father. Sarutobi Hiruzen's ineffective young son You will never learn.

After the loess finished speaking, he still ate his face like "Conan's father" without changing his face. He thought about the level gap between the two sides, so he took Kazeyage as the benchmark. Back then, Konoha was an ugly mortal. >Fengkage, he Konoha that ugly prisoner.

After such a comparison, it is clear that he and the civil engineering team are still unable to do this old bastard, not to mention that there is a Sand Shinobi green light who used to be able to forcibly split with Namikaze Minato.....(cjbc)

"Hey, we Sand Shinobi are so poor that only Jinsha is left. To say that Oh Yegi has been in his life, what I admire most about him is that he can teach his eldest nephew such an excellent son as you."

Shinto sighed inwardly when he looked at the loess whose face was not changing. It was not a day or two for him to fool Oh Yemu, his son. After so many years of practice, his big fool technique was already in MXA. This son has even used Observation Haki several times, but people have no idea.

Oh Yemu taught his son to be really good. If this was replaced by Gaara or Asuma, after listening to him fooling around for so many years, he would bet that he would find something to act on himself.

"Your Excellency Golden Lion, what do you think of Konoha's Hokage, you are most familiar with him.

Tu Mu forcibly diverted the topic, so I can't let this go on, lest one day there will be news of him conspiring with loess to rebel, loess is his own son at most locked up, he is really afraid that one day a masked dwarf will kill him while he is sleeping Come in......

"Sit and watch.... I guess some of you Rock Shinobi are also eager to move, and our Sand Shinobi is the same. I recently watched the stars at night, a Sirius star that has been silent for hundreds of years has recently begun to rise, I guess not In a few years, there will be earth-shattering events! Don't believe me, although I am a Golden Lion, I have never lied to anyone. Besides, my astronomy is learned from the meteorologists of the land of wind. ."

Hearing Tu Mu ask this, Shinto probably knows what he means. In fact, not only Rock Shinobi, but also Sand Shinobi. "Conan his father" told him when he came, since they knew that the superior Hokage was not guessed by them. After Tsunade became Nawaki, many families in the village have already started to fight with Konoha.

After all, for a village like Sand Shinobi, which can only develop through war, peacetime is good, not so many families are destroyed, but the relative peace has been too long. In a country without the resources of the ninja world, it is impossible to develop at all. More than ten years have passed since the last war. Because the village has always implemented an elite policy, the village has reached saturation in terms of strength. Even if there are many ninjas, their village cannot afford to support them. The same is true for those families. There are only so many resources, and the allocation to each family is stipulated, so at this time, it is necessary to start a war to profit from it.

If this Hokage is Tsunade Hime, those high-level officials will be taboo, after all, the fist of their village's top card Golden Lion is too big, but now the Hokage is not Tsunade Hime but Tsunade Hime's younger brother, then the situation is different!

Although Tsunade's return has strengthened Konoha's lineup to a certain extent, the corresponding Hokage's strength is nothing but a red stick. No matter how strong Konoha's overall strength is, how many villages can he be singled out at the same time as before?

But now Luo Sha has suppressed it for the time being, but Luo Sha may not be able to suppress this problem for a long time.

Sand Shinobi is like this. Cloud Shinobi also has a martial group army. Rock Shinobi also has some ambitious people who want to be higher. The situation can be imagined. Now it is estimated that Mist Shinobi is the safest. After experiencing the wave of brother Obito, it is estimated that Mist Shinobi is not relieved now. Almost all the families with the bloodline limit in the entire village have been wiped out, and the rest are only some small Karami who could not be on the stage in the glory days. , even if I have an idea, I don't dare to mention it......

There are still two or three years before Miss Kaguya will come out. Isn't it weakening our faction to engage in a world war now? If after we get Miss Kaguya, we will have a friendly match to celebrate. He will definitely support it, but if it is not done Before Miss Kaguya, it was definitely not possible, so these people must be stabilized.

But having said that, after getting Miss Kaguya, the savior and the second man in pants, mouth and pretending have all been mastered, and Kakashi's five-five-five-open divine body has also been fully activated. It is estimated that he wants to play a game afterwards No one dares to play in a friendly match...

After all, possessing the power of Six Paths and escaping, the second male savior who pretends to be a savior and pants is a dimensional blow to almost every village in the ninja world. Senju and Madara are still in the era when they ruled.

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