Born In Sunagakure, Dedicated To Konoha For Decades

1115. One Tail's Last Stubbornness

And because of the stinky problems of its eldest nephew, how could he be willing to be a younger brother when he is used to being an eldest brother?

Although Uchiha Sasuke was born at the right time, he still does not think Uchiha Sasuke will be the reincarnation of Inshura.

But there are only three Uchiha clan left, and Obito can rule them out. The remaining two Uchiha brothers are either older brothers or younger brothers. The birth time line of the older brother does not match, and now he is suffering from a terminal illness and will die soon, so only the younger brother is left. .

After confirming that his younger brother is the reincarnation of Inu Shura, Black Zetsu also ate several kilograms. When did Inu Shura change, and he actually wanted to be his younger brother?

The words are divided into two parts. When Black Zetsu was eating a few pounds, Uchiha Itachi and Kisame were still discovered. Although the battle between Uchiha Itachi and Xiuri was quite big, everyone's attention was in the sky at that time. During the air battle between the two big bosses, no one noticed that this side had also started to fight.

However, when the human realm and the hell realm were chased and fought, and the battle in the sky came to a stalemate, someone finally discovered Uchiha Itachi and Kisame, but it was discovered a little late. He pulled it out and sealed it, and fell into a coma. Fortunately, 647 Seven Tails had not forgotten the previous promise to stay in Xiuli's body without life-threatening.

After catching Seven Tails, Uchiha Itachi and Kisame hurried to grab One Tail after knowing Gaara's location, and it was at this time that they were discovered. Uchiha Itachi's ancestral red giant is as bright as a firefly in the night sky. I found that because everyone's focus is on the sky, and now the plot in the sky is almost the same

I couldn't see a single reason after looking at it. At this time, I finally discovered the fiery red ancestral giant of Uchiha Itachi. 1

Of course, I found that Uchiha Itachi and Kisame's Sand Shinobi were also smart enough to go up without thinking.

And Luo Sha also pretended to be shocked when he found out. If he still showed a calm look at this time, even the younger brother would doubt whether he was ruthless or not.

As a result, Luo Sha's face changed seventy-two within a second after the shock. As if thinking about something important, he slapped his thigh hard and explained (cjbc) that the other party had caught Seven Tails. The next target must be Gaara, and then with a group of younger brothers who can't get the boss, they aggressively kill Uchiha Itachi and Kisame.

If they don't give a reaction at this time, everyone knows that they are acting...

So when Uchiha Itachi and Kisame just found Gaara's hiding place, they were blocked by Luo Sha with Sand Shinobi, and Uchiha Itachi's ancestral giant hard steel One Tail fat cat, Kisame carried Samehada behind Uchiha Itachi. Guan Wanfu is not open, stop Luo Sha, a group of Sand Shinobi boys, look at me, I will look at you, they can't talk at all in this level of battle... Bah! They can't plug their feet, this again It is a super Water Style and a large gold sand, and it is even more fierce there. A fiery red giant is rubbing the One Tail on the ground. Just looking at it makes their scalps tingle.

Didn't the school textbook say that One Tail is fierce? Before Shinto-sama didn't rise, the village was deeply affected. Even their Nidaime was killed by One Tail. Why are they being pressed by the red giant summoned by Uchiha Itachi? Rubbing on the ground doesn't even have the slightest bit of strength to fight back. It's far worse than Seven Tails, right?!

Although Seven Tails is cowardly, people can still hold on for dozens of rounds, and this One Tails can't even hold on for one round...

Sand Shinobi, who has been numb, can only put away his kunai, and pull out his shuriken with a bunting and a small loudspeaker to cheer for their Kazekage-sama. I hope that their Kawokage-sama will get the shark face as soon as possible, and then they will go to fight one after another. Giants......

However, the cheering of these Sand Shinobi brothers did not have any halo effect. Luo Sha was still the archmage Luo Sha, and it was quite depressing to meet Kisame who had the Samehada sword, as if he had returned to the original Konoha people's one-on-one assessment that had three bloods. When the limit was ugly, Luo Sha knew that he was cheating when he saw that his super luxurious golden sand package was useless every time he encountered the Samehada broadsword.

Fortunately, this Kisame doesn't have the same ninjutsu rebound as the ugly monster at the beginning, and there is no Swift Style, Gang Dun, these messy blood follower boundaries, so he won't lose face, but don't turn the shark's face at this time, he can Relying on flying to remain undefeated is already Amitabha...

However, the title of Kisame human-tailed beast is not given for nothing. Seeing Luo Sha flying around in the sky, I am annoyed that Sand Shinobi's Magnet Style is disgusting. Excessive bombing, what is Chakra? He Kisame is so poor that only Chakra is left.

The scene was even more spectacular than the previous battle with Chiyo. A small river was forced out in the desert, causing the eyes of Sand Shinobi, who was shouting and cheering in the distance, to glow green. It's also a good thing, my mother no longer has to worry that they have no water to bathe. If they can create a sea, Yangguan

The beach would be even better! (^?^)?

On the other hand, the situation of One Tail's fat cat is not very good, because the time is tight and the task is heavy, and because he has just had a fight with Seven Tails, with Seven Tails as an adult, Uchiha Itachi directly summoned his own when he came up. The ancestral giant of the artifact, and the fat cat has been sealed since his debut, and he has never met Uchiha Madara. Tails little brother is too strong and timid.

Its One Tail Shouhe is not the same as the timid Seven Tails little brother, but it is the big brother who is fighting for the Nine Tails little brother!

In the face of the flaming giant rushing up, the One Tail Fat Cat did not need to be summoned by Gaara, just jumped out and threw up his fists and went up aggressively!


The momentum is quite strong, but the strength of the One Tail fat cat is so different from that of Seven Tails, and even the two tails are not as good as that, and even Uchiha Itachi who was on the forehead of the flaming giant once doubted whether this tailed beast was a fake. .

Can you be called a tailed beast even with this little strength? Still competing with Nine Tails for big brother?

But the biggest difference between One Tail Fat Cat and Seven Tails is stubbornness!

After all, it is a tailed beast that can compete with Nine Tails for the boss. Even if it is pressed and rubbed on the ground by the fiery red giant, there will be all kinds of clamor in its mouth. As long as it does not die, its mouth must not stop......

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