Born In Sunagakure, Dedicated To Konoha For Decades

514. The mouth cannon is the most tactic

"Listen to the people in front, you are already surrounded, I tell you to pull over and stop immediately, we will abide by international conventions and laws and will not torture prisoners, if you stubbornly resist, my sword will be hungry and thirsty... !(▼^▼ㄨ)”


Just as the two unlucky little Rock Shinobi brothers are about to leave this sandy land and leave the Land of Wind, they have already been greeted by Lord Tsuchikage, and they seem to have seen the happy life after returning to the village... ....

However, just when they started to dream about their future careers, a voice that sounded like a devil came from the sky. The two looked up, their mouths were smashed, their feet were weak and they slapped their butts. Sitting on the sand, looking desperately at the golden figure in the sky, that regret in my heart!

Of course, they didn't regret taking the risk of taking Prince Senju away, because no matter who was in the situation at the time, they would do it, and if they were lucky, they could have a future.

What they regret is that if they knew that it was the Golden Lion who was chasing them, they would not run away. They had to suffer and suffer here. Seeing that they were about to leave the country of the wind soon or they were caught up, goodbye. So much suffering, why bother?

It's better to stay in good shape and have a fight with the Golden Lion, maybe the Golden Lion may see that he is brave enough to let them go......

Now their situation can't even fly the shuriken, what a shit!

Looking at Golden Lion's ruddy complexion and full of vigor, it looks like he is in peak condition, so he is still playing a ball!

"It's not the golden lion, it's the golden lion! You two bastards, although not from our Sand Shinobi, but as the saying goes, the kindness is not as great as the kindness, you eat our Sand Shinobi all these years, use our Sand Shinobi Yes, how did we Sand Shinobi treat you badly? We still eat inside and out, thinking of Rock Shinobi, do you know that the most hated thing in this life is the second or fifth child! Son of a bitch, it is not good to be the second or fifth child The end! (♥~▼ㄨ.“)”

Looking at Tsunade who was about to kill at a speed of thousands of yards per hour, Shinto spit at the two with a tone of indifference to his son, who didn't know that he thought it was Sand Shinobi's son who had betrayed. ......

"Master Golden Lion...

The two Rock Shinobi brothers looked at Shinto's face, but they didn't react, and they were infected by the atmosphere. They bowed their heads ashamed when they were said. They have lived as Sunagakure people for too long. Time can't change, I really forgot that I am a special Rock Shinobi, just like a child who has done something wrong, he is as shameless to the villagers and fathers.

"Hey! Knowing your mistakes can improve a lot. There is no end to the sea of ​​hardships. It's not too late to turn around before you make a big mistake. Let Nawaki go quickly, because you have worked so hard to keep Nawaki in vain and fat. Come on, I won't embarrass you anymore, honestly go back to the village and admit to Feng Ying that you are wrong, and write a letter of guarantee of 100,000 words to Feng Ying, to ensure that you will not make any mistakes, I think Feng Ying will forgive you. ...99

Shinto looked at the two Rock Shinobi brothers who felt ashamed below in surprise. Originally, he was just habitually fooling around. He didn't need these two brothers to do any harmless things in front of him. Knowing if it was because he was hungry for too long, his brain started to become sluggish, and he was so foolish. Shinto put on a bitter face and said to the two of them, what is the most awesome tactical play?

Mouth cannon is the best tactic!

To be able to get Nawaki back from the two of them without doing anything, isn't that a push up the ranks several times in an instant? As for Tsunade to catch up, it's not his concern whether these two unlucky little brothers die. This is how the ninja world is. Only those with big fists are qualified to talk about human rights. Small shrimps can only be eaten by big fish, even if Tsunade doesn't kill them.

They did such a thing to make Rock Shinobi and Konoha work, and they went back empty-handed. It is estimated that Ohnogi was smiling on the surface, and the two brothers will die unexpectedly the next day...

"Yes, let's go back..."

The two have fully entered the role, their faces are ashamed, and they are about to put down the "thing" in the big sack on their backs, but the two finally reacted, no! Aren't we Rock Shinobi? Guarantee! (⊙_⊙)?

Damn! I was almost fooled!

Immediately, the two began to make eye contact, their brains were spinning at a high speed, and they came up with ways to let them escape from the claws, but after considering the strength of Golden Lion's father, they all passed those ways, no matter how many ways they can carry I can't live with someone's sword...  

Afterwards, they appointed the general to release Nawaki, who was in a drowsy state after being drugged by them, but had been raised by them. If those Sand Shinobi Anbu chased after them, they thought they could fight together, but This is a Golden Lion, and it's a bird!

""|| Hey! That's right, it's important to be brave, but you can't do it if you don't have brains or eyesight. With your courage, you can only be a spy here. It's too subservient, but now Just apply to renounce the nationality of the country of soil and join our country of wind. You have lived in our Sand Shinobi for so many years, and you should know our village very well. Now our Sand Shinobi is implementing talent reform. Talents, as long as you have the ability, regardless of your birth, regardless of your back, you can show your talents and talents, you can sign a maximum salary... Tsunade, you are here, Nawaki is okay , Look at the fat man, he slept soundly, I have rescued the person (so good Zhao), you can do whatever you want with these two...

When Shinto was about to continue to flicker, the mighty Tsunade had already killed him, and immediately carried Nawaki, who had not slept like a dead pig until the effect of the medicine, floated into the air, and the conversation suddenly changed.


"Master Golden Lion, no! We are willing to join Sunagakure...!((ini)"

The two who were listening to Kouhi and Zhengshuang also felt the amazing murderous aura of the legendary female tyrannosaurus. After hearing what Golden Lion said, and looking at the amazingly murderous female tyrannosaurus, the two were scared to pee, but because of the He hadn't drank water for many days, and he couldn't urinate, his face was dazed, and he shouted into the air with tears on his face, as if to grab the last straw. Good luck in hand.

That's not what you said just now...T^T.

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