Luo Sha: (-_-)/

"This... Haizo-sama..."

Luo Sha stared at the retirement report in front of him for a while. It was impossible for him to sign it. He would only let this man retire if he was an idiot. Although the labor law of the village stipulated that one can apply for retirement after working for 30 years, this special Why is the situation different? It’s all prescribed for ordinary people. After all, ninja is a high-risk, high-reward profession. It’s basically difficult to live 30 years after the official debut, and few people can. You can do it, and even if you can stay for 30 years, most of them are already old and have serious decline in physical function. In addition, the dark wounds left by the injuries they suffered when they were young broke out, and they will also peel off the skin if they die. Basically, they are incompetent. Ninja is a profession, so the village will introduce this regulation in order to protect those ordinary civilians.

The remaining ones who can survive for 30 years are not high-ranking people or high-ranking people of the big family. These people had a bunch of bodyguards to surround them in three layers and three layers in the last battlefield. As long as they don't die, they want It's hard to get hurt. 29 And these people are greedy for power and power, and they never think about retirement after 30 years of work. Meichuan Baidi is a good example. He still refused to abdicate when his hair turned white in 2010. If Chiyo hadn't pulled out the ten people to "invite" Mei Chuan to retire, the old guy's life would have been so hard that it would have been possible for him to pass his son's throne directly to his grandchildren.

Therefore, in the high-level villages, it is generally not possible to apply for retirement after working for 30 years. Of course, if someone else asked Luo Sha to apply, he is still very pleased to agree, after all, these old fried dough sticks are much more senior than him. , In the various departments, the power is even greater than his Fengying, if they retire, he will be too happy.

But if it was replaced by his grandfather's old subordinate, their Sand Shinobi's top card, Luo Sha would not be happy.

Although Mr. Shinto has been the monitor of the Jōnin class all these years, he is just a name. It is his secretaries who help him to work. Basically, no matter what, the rights of the Jōnin class have always been in the hands of his teacher, Fengying and Ebizō. ,Although Ebizō has delegated power to him, it is still difficult to fully accept his current prestige from the Jōnin class, so it needs to be supported by Shinto-sama.

And Mr. Shinto has never been greedy for power, and has been playing the role of a senior thug in the village over the years, and a top double-spending red stick acts as a senior thug.

What are the conditions?

In the whole ninja world, Konoha has only had this condition since White Fang quit Konoha Anbu. Before White Fang quit Anbu, he was only a Jiraiya, but Jiraiya is not a top-level double-spend red stick.

So Luo Sha naturally wouldn't sign this retirement report, but the other party was much higher than him in terms of seniority, rank, and seniority.

....... Don't think about retirement. You are only forty-four this year. Look at everyone here except Kudo, who is not older than you. I am almost sixty and haven't retired yet. When will it be my turn? your turn. "

Ebizō put away the retirement report on the seat and shook his head.

Just kidding, he also thought that he would retire after completing the handover with Luo Sha in two years, but Luo Sha just needed someone to support him. This guy is prestige and strong enough. He is the best candidate. If he is allowed to retire Now, when he also retires, how can Luo Sha, a young man, be able to hold on to the situation, and then it will be strange that the village will not be in chaos. He and Sun Chuan have worked hard for 30 years to create this situation. It is not easy.

"What you said is wrong. It's not a matter of age whether to retire or not. I'm different from you. I think I've been working as a ninja for more than 30 years. Sealing the tailed beast, solved the crisis of the One Tail riot, joined Anbu at the age of twelve to assassinate the younger brother of Konoha Anbu Minister Sarutobi Hiruzen, brought back a lot of materials for the village at the age of sixteen, worked with Seven Tails Chōmei, and worked with White Fang for decades How many fights have I fought, how much face I have helped the village, which one of the things the village explained I did not complete properly, now the war is over, I am also very tired, I found that my blood-stained hands have been I can't hold this Uchiha machete, I just want to retire, what's the matter? Besides, the future is ultimately handed over to young people. If we old guys don't retire, how can young people have a chance to take the position? It's not the old or the young, and it's not my turn to be in the position.

Seeing that Ebizō put away the retirement report he wrote up late, Shinto was instantly upset, and everyone in the room said angrily.

Now that the three battles are over, if you follow the direction of the main line, there will be no more battles in the ninja world after Miss Kaguya came out for more than ten years. It doesn't matter, it's better to apply for retirement and continue to fight Tsunade with a pension. Anyway, he has already met the conditions for retirement. He doesn't have to do anything and he can get a pension. This kind of good thing should not be for nothing.

Hearing what he said, everyone around was speechless, but for some reason, they always felt that there was something to show off.

The cliff is showing off 427! Dammit even remembers the age of everything decades ago. The textbooks in the school are not written in such detail. They all wonder if there is a small book that he has done. The events were memorized in great detail. . . .

But at this time, they are really hard to speak. After all, what they said just now is also true. This force can almost kill the audience by pulling out every major event. Whether it is from the Senju clan in the heyday of Konoha at the time The beast sealing technique, or bringing Seven Tails back to the village to enhance the village's nuclear power, are not done by humans. At this time, if they dare to speak, they will be scolded. With Ebizō in front of them, why should they go to humiliate themselves? .

What's more, whether Shinto retires or not has no conflict of interest with them, and even if this guy doesn't lead the team to jungle after retirement, they won't get any benefits, so they naturally don't want this guy to retire so early, subconsciously, Retired at forty-five, so those fifty-year-olds are not considered old guys who occupy the hut and don't shit?

But they also know that even if Ebizō can't stop this guy, isn't there Chiyo-sama on it, and Chiyo-sama naturally wouldn't agree that this guy should retire so early, so these high-level executives are listening to each other, and it doesn't matter. Get up high.

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