Born In Sunagakure, Dedicated To Konoha For Decades

808. Shocked! Nawaki actually likes the second male fuck!

"...Don't you have any ideas of your own about Ye Cang?"

Shinto looked at Nawaki with tears in his eyes, as if he was forced to even flirt with a girl, and couldn't help but be a little surprised.

When he introduced Tsunade to Ye Cang, this kid didn't object. After returning to Sand Shinobi, he let him go to him. Now, looking at his appearance, he doesn't seem to be very happy.

The main reason is that this kid's presence in front of Tsunade is too low, and it's easy for people to forget that he exists. If it wasn't for looking at his bad face now, Shinto really couldn't remember that they didn't seem to have taken care of Nawaki's own feelings.

Or Nawaki's feelings don't seem to be too important to Tsunade, but this fuck has all invited other girls out, and promised not to go home at night, and ended up telling the story of his first half of his life all night, which is not what Shinto thinks I didn't want to go on stage but was pushed out of the field, and as a result, I should have been able to kill the game, but I didn't shoot.

Otherwise, as a normal male creature, it would be difficult for him to imagine that there would be a man and a woman in a room alone, doing nothing to patronize and tell 29 stories, this is absolutely impossible!

"Ye Cang... He's a good listener, that's all... We've only seen each other a few times since we were young, and they say they're pretty... That's it, I'm in Daming Mansion. In the past few years, I have seen a lot of beautiful people, I don't feel anything special, I just treat her as a friend..."

Nawaki also touched his chin and recalled his bruised face.

"This... Then you don't have a type you like? For example, when you see each other, you feel your heart beat faster, and you want to protect each other?"

Shinto has a toothache. Originally, he planned to let this boy flirt with his sister, and then he would become a family and have his own child. Tsunade would not focus on this younger brother, and he would have a better chance at that time.

Although Tsunade said some conditions when he asked him to take action last time at Konoha Nine Tails, but he is not someone who takes advantage of others' dangers...

In order to let this kid get rid of him earlier, he even sold his own disciples, and as a result, this kid has no idea, which is very strange.

"This...I really don't have it, I followed my old lady in and out of the casino all day long, and I met all those people, how could I meet any girl I like.

After delaying for a while, Nawaki spread his hands and said helplessly.

"Never? Wasn't it when I was in Konoha before? Yujiu said with confidence that even if it was the daughter of your Fire Nation's name, brother-in-law would tie it up for you..."

Shinto saw Nawaki's delay, and knew that this kid must have had it before, but for some reason he said no.

Shinto patted his chest and said.

"Still... let's not, that girl used to be my classmate, but now she's a mother of two children...-_-||"

Nawaki said helplessly in cold sweat.

"What's the matter? Having a child proves that the girl is good at giving birth. You have experience. If you really like others, would you care that they are already the mother of the child? Tell your brother-in-law who the girl is, as long as you both love each other. , If you don't return to Konoha in the future, who knows the history of that girl?"

Shinto rolled his eyes, guessing in his mind who the girl Nawaki once liked was.

Of course, it is generally not possible to play tricks. After all, although Nawaki's talent is a little bit poor, he was a child who followed "yellow gambling and drugs" all day long, especially with Jiraiya. According to Nawaki's personal characteristics, Nawaki does not necessarily like others, and according to Nawaki's age, there seem to be few girls with names and surnames in his generation Konoha.

And he is a classmate with Namikaze Minato and Nara Shikuji who are automatically eliminated in this issue. According to his understanding, Nawaki is two years older than them, which also shows how incompetent this kid is. , People who are two years younger than him have already started to take the top position in Konoha, this kid is still messing with his enchantment...

But it doesn't seem to blame him. Who let him be born in the famous Senju clan, and he is the only legitimate heir. Everyone's expectations of him are too high. If he can't awaken Wood Style, it's fine, at least he has to reach his father. Or Tsunade's depth is enough, but this kid can't reach it yet. When Senju and Senju were alive, they didn't have less hatred. Although they weren't as hilarious as Madara, they just dropped a grade. If the kid dares to be alone in the ninja world, he will not survive three episodes, and there are still two episodes that are used for memories...

"But that girl's surname is Uchiha. You know the history of our Senju clan and Uchiha clan. I can't be beaten to death by the old lady...o('')o"

Nawaki just wanted to say it out of his mouth, but he still said it with the face of Xiaosheng's fearful 囧.

"Hi....that girl you mentioned...couldn't it be Uchiha Fugaku's wife? (⊙_⊙)"

He is a classmate with Nawaki, has the surname Uchiha...and is the mother of two special children. Combining these three points, if he can't guess who this girl is, then he should hit the scale.

Shinto took a breath and looked at Nawaki in shock.


Nawaki actually likes the second male fuck!

No wonder this kid is going to be painted to death.

Not because the seat of Hokage was killed, nor because the second master of Senju dug his elder brother's grave to pay for his head.

This kid just killed himself and fell in love with the mother of the second boy and the younger son, and wants to be the father of the second boy and the younger son!

What the hell is this Fuck if it's not death?

Can anyone be the father of the second male and the younger son?

Especially since you are of the blood of the Senju clan, the male 20,000 born from this will have a genetic upgrade or something, which will cause the plot to be messed up, so how does Kishimoto draw it?

No wonder Kishimoto didn't paint you to death!

But speaking of what the charm of the second male and her mother is beyond having a good life, Uchiha Fugaku, who is Uchiha's talker, and Senju's family's talker are attracted to her at the same time.

Uchiha is also a family that is rich in beautiful boys and girls. As Uchiha’s agent, what beauties Uchiha Fugaku have not seen? If it is said that this male second fucker is a super genius in other fan fiction, it is also bragging. If it is true What super genius would marry so early as a housewife?

And since Danzo was harassed by Shinto, he has been focusing on taking care of the Uchiha family. As for Uchiha's situation in Konoha, if there is a super genius, he will focus on training it, where will she be married as a woman, the Uchiha family has always been It's not the second man's father who has the final say.

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