Born In Sunagakure, Dedicated To Konoha For Decades

885. After tying the grandfather and pitting the grandson

"Damn it....We also append....10 billion!""

"I'll add another 15 billion..."

"I'll add another two hundred...


"I'm five hundred...

In the private room, the three daimyo were already on the top, but the stunned eyes of the surrounding daimyo were blushing and their necks were thick.

This scene made the other big names who wanted to enter the stadium stunned. They are all old players. It’s a common thing to bet on the lottery. Supporting his own village with one foot, but now seeing the three big names doing this, it is still a small bet on happiness here and there, and they are all gambling on their wealth.

Especially the famous 50 billion of the last land of the country... why do you have 50 billion?

It's not enough to sell your famous capital for 50 billion...

The name of the Kingdom of Thunder was also discouraged. This time, their Raikage personally led the team. There is no reason why his name should not support their Raikage, and their Cloud Shinobi brother is also a big size. both won.

But seeing that these three daimyo are weighing their own money bags, it doesn't matter if he loses a dozen or two billion. Although he is not as rich as the daimyo of the country of fire and the country of wind, he is still the top five in the ninja world. , But if it is tens of billions of dollars, it will have to open the national treasury, and Raikage will not let him dry and fly a kite at that time.

Although it was very exciting to see the three big names vying for their fortunes, he couldn't help but want to get involved, but the last bit of reason told him to cherish his life and stay away from gambling... Although they are one and the same The name of the country is very beautiful and handsome, but the real thing is Raikage, 50 billion... How many detonating charms can I make...

"Stop, stop, please control your excitement a little bit. This bet is all real money, but it's not like you shout, and you can't carry tens of billions on you, right? Xiao Gambling Yi Love is fine, so be it.... The three daimyo all support their own villages, so it's not a solution to add more, so it's better to cap it to 50 billion daimyo in the land of the land, but the three daimyo must also be If you don't bring so much, just write a word to explain something, and no one will regret it later, right?"

Shinto saw that the three daimyo (cjbc) are really high, especially the daimyo of the land of the land, he really dared to shout, 50 billion.... Does he doubt that the land of the land is so rich?

The 20 billion in the country of fire is still the 30 billion in the country of wind. That is because one is rich in resources and the other is rich in gold sand, and it is not bad for money, but the country of earth.... Oh Yemu's dog head is only a little bit. 600 million. The land of the land is so rich, Iwagakure didn't need to take a loan from Sand Shinobi to buy two tailed beasts...

Originally, he didn't think about how much of the famous name of the land of the land. After all, they didn't know each other, and he also tied up his grandfather. But he, the field control master, couldn't control this scene!

He never thought that these big names would be so brave when they were angry, so it would be a waste not to be a ninja as cannon fodder.

Hearing what Shinto said, the three people at the top didn't compare, took out an A4 piece of paper and swishly wrote it, and then recklessly pressed their finger prints.

With that attitude of treating money like dung, even Shinto, who is used to seeing big snakes poop, was shocked.

After the three daimyo put up a letter to end the "war", the other daimyo entered the field one after another, but the other daimyo didn't make it, they just made a small bet. As for whether the Golden Lion, who was sitting in the village, would have so much money to lose them. don't really care.

Not to mention that they are Sand Shinobi people themselves, the three words Golden Lion alone are more than this price.

'...What's going on? Go and see what's going on in those famous private rooms?"

The sound insulation of the private room is not very good. I was watching Onogi who was pecking at each other in the field. Fourth Raikage and Hatake Sakumo were both experts. Even non-sensing ninjas could hear the movement in the private room. Onogi frowned. Let the younger brother beside him go to see what's going on. After all, there are big names from many countries in the ninja world gathered there. Although they are puppets, they are also the face of the country, especially since this is still on his territory.

If something happened to these big names on his site, they Iwagakure would be humiliated and thrown home. In order to ensure their safety, Ohnogi deliberately let his son use Earth Style to create a private room at the top to isolate them from the crowd. , I am afraid that if there are Kakuzu's colleagues among these people, it will be bad, these big names come to his place, and Rock Shinobi will naturally be fully responsible for the safety of their net worth.

"Lord Tsuchikage, several daimyo are betting with the Golden Lion, our daimyo is on top of the daimyo of the Kingdom of Fire and the daimyo of the Kingdom of Wind, and we are fighting for our fortune...

After a while, the younger brother Rock Shinobi came back, his face was pale, his lips were shaking, his head was sweating, and he carefully looked at the boss's face and told the general situation again, but he really did not dare to open the details.

I was really frightened by the huge amount of money.

Five billion!

That's 50 billion!

I don't know if the boss will explode on the spot when he hears this number. Anyway, if he is the boss, he will definitely explode.

Five billion!

If he has so much money and still be a ninja, wouldn't it be cool to hold his wife and children at home?

"Golden Lion? Where did that bastard go and what did he do? How about the big names betting? 35

Oh Yemu looked at the rookies below and didn't notice that the younger brother was strange and asked a question casually.

After all, those big names are old players, and this kind of betting game is just a small scene, it just makes him wonder what the Golden Lion, an idiot who has not been able to get a girl for decades, is mixing with the old player.

Of course, what interests him the most is the betting situation of the big names. Now, anyone with a discerning eye can see that their Rock Shinobi is stable, Cloud Shinobi, Konoha and Sand Shinobi have been hacked by him. Aside from Biao, Konoha always loses more and wins less, Sand Shinobi is all white flags, only Cloud Shinobi is the only one who made the cut easily. If the bet amount is not bad, he wants to step in, although recently They Rock Shinobi got rich, but who would think too much money!

Moreover, this is his home ground, all the staff are their own, but there is a lot of room for manipulation!

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