


Then more and more people shouted the word explanation.

The sound resounded in the sky.

At this moment, the ape flying Asma, who was pointed at by Qianfu, was already stunned.

“Ape flying Asma!”

“You apologize to everyone in the Uchiha clan right now!”

Ape Flying Sun Chopper now can’t care about his son.

Asma roared angrily towards the ape flying Asma.


The one who is recognized by everyone is the Hokage.

Once he loses everyone’s approval.

Then his Hokage will naturally cease to exist.

The so-called water can carry a boat and can also overturn the boat.

What’s more, Sarutobi Hinata has established his own Hokage majesty since he took office.

Ape Flying Asma caused this incident today.

It has reached the point of uncontrollability.

Now the only way.

The attitude sincerely asked Ape Flying Asma to apologize.

Alleviate the anger in the hearts of the people.


Sarutobi Asma was drunk by his own father.

Suddenly frightened.

“Sarutobi Asma, go and apologize to me immediately to the people of the Uchiha clan now!”

Ape Flying Sun Slash roared angrily at Ape Flying Asma again.


Ape Flying Asma was originally a little reluctant

Also want quibbles.

But after seeing the anger that never appeared in his father’s eyes.

The words were suddenly swallowed.

At this moment, he

Already completely afraid.

Be aware of the seriousness of the matter.

“Go now!”

Ape Flying Sun Chopper did not give Ape Flying Asma a chance to speak back.

There was anger in his eyes.

Li Sheng said to Ape Fei Asma.

“.. Be! ”

Ape Fei Asma did not dare to look at her father.

After answering.

It’s as if there are scales under your feet.

Step by step, he walked towards Uchiha Wanyo.

Ape Flying Asma had just bent down.

He was stopped by Uchiha Manyo.

“Don’t apologize to me.”

“What you need is for the entire Uchiha clan.”

“And the Uchiha clan apologize for kneeling down for all the undead who died in Konoha.”

The disgust in Uchiha Wanye’s eyes was unpretentious.

“What, you actually want me to kneel?”

Sarutobi Asma asked angrily to Uchiha in disbelief.

He was the son of Hokage.

Except when worshipping ancestors.

In the past, no one dared to make him kneel and apologize.

“How? Can’t be done? ”

“Do you say an apology lightly.”

“Can you comfort the wounded hearts of wounded and dead soldiers?”

Uchiha Wanye asked with a sneer.

“Kneel down and apologize!”

A ninja of the Uchiha clan suddenly shouted.

“Kneel down and apologize!”

Most of the people around.

The emotions in my heart were instantly aroused.

All of them let Sarutobi Asma kneel down and apologize to the Uchiha clan.

“You guys: You guys..”

Ape Fei Asma kept looking at the people who were scolding him.

As if I wanted to remember each and every one of them.

“Ape flying Asma! Now immediately kneel down and apologize to the Uchiha clan!”

Ape Flying Sun Chopper shouted angrily at Ape Flying Asma again.

At this moment, he did not dare and could not.

Give Ape Flying Asma a little more time to think about it.

Arouse public outrage.

This is directly going to shake the foundation of his Hokage!

“Father! I don’t want to…”

Ape Fly Asma was in a hurry.

Even his father’s instructions to him in the past were forgotten.

Once Ape Flying Sun Chopper said.

Being in front does not affect calling his father.

He can only be called three generations.

When Ape Flying Asma spat out a word.

The ape flew and realized that something bad was going to happen.

Immediately interrupted Sarutobi Asma’s words.

“Now immediately kneel down and apologize to the Uchiha clan!”

The ape flying sun’s voice rose again.

The anger on his face could no longer be hidden.


Ape Fei Asma saw the anger on Ape Fei Ri’s face.

Can’t help but swallow a mouthful of saliva.

Dense hot sweat began to rise on his forehead.

His eyes gradually became horrified.

“Kneel down and apologize!”

Ape Flying Sun saw that Ape Flying Asma had not yet moved.

Angry again.

Ape Flying Asma was once again frightened.

My knees couldn’t help but bend downward.


Ape Flying Sun’s knees fell to the ground.

“I shouldn’t have insulted the warriors and undead of the Uchiha clan, I’m sorry!”

Ape Fly Asma gritted her teeth.

Gritting his teeth, he spat out this paragraph from his mouth.

Then he quickly wanted to get up.

However, he was held down by Uchiha Wanye.

“Three knocks and nine byes!”

Uchiha Wanye looked at the ape flying Asma kneeling on the ground.

Coldly said a few big words.


Sarutobi Asma after hearing Uchiha Wanyo’s words.

Instantly angry, suddenly wanted to get up.

But he was held down by Uchiha Wanye’s hand.

Unable to stand up.

“Impossible, three knocks and nine worships are absolutely impossible!”

Ape Fei Asma knelt on the ground.

Angrily yelled at Uchiha Wanye.

Three bows and nine prayers are rituals handed down from ancient times.

It is generally used to worship the deceased ancestors of one’s own family.

And in this era, the status of ninjas is very special.

Even if it is the daimyo of the person in power of a country.

They did not dare to let the ninjas bow down to them.

Now Uchiha Wanye wants him to bow to the Uchiha clan three times and nine times.

This makes how can Ape Flying Asma agree!

“Insulted the warriors who died to protect you.”

“Why can’t you perform the three-pronged and nine-prostration prayers?”

Uchiha finished in a loud voice.

Then press and hold Sarutobi Asma’s right hand hard.

Ape Fei Asma’s body immediately sank downward.

Both knees are printed with a shallow mark.

“No, absolutely not!”

Although both knees have developed severe pain.

But Ape Flying Asma still gritted her teeth.

He kept talking.

“Why not, you insulted the warriors who guard yourself?”

“Why can’t you bow to them three times and nine times?”

“Are you going to give him back the life you have protected?”


One had a bandage on his right body.

Among them, a man with a trace of blood stood up.

Mighty questioned Asma powerfully.

“Yes, today you either give your life back to those fighters.”

“Or perform the three bows and nine bows!”

Suddenly, another man from an unknown family stood up.

Appeal to the crowd.

“Yes! Or return the life. ”

“Or bow three times and pray nine times!”

“Either return the life, or perform three bows and nine prayers!”


Countless people shouted on the field.

The sound was earth-shattering.

“It’s not easy to do now, teacher!”

Ji Lai also listened to the sound of thunder in his ears.

Shaking his head slightly.

But his expression did not change at all.

At this moment, he did not feel the slightest pity for his teacher.

He has found out.

His own teacher seems to have changed.

The current Konoha didn’t seem to be the Konoha he had in mind.


Tsunade and Orochimaru also watched the scene in front of them coldly.

There was not the slightest sympathy.

There is still a bit of joy in my heart.

“Can you do the three-pronged nine-prostration ritual?”

Uchiha Wanye asked Sarutobi Asma again.

“I: I..”

Ape Fei Asma was completely stunned at the moment.

He didn’t expect that he was just insulting the Uchiha family.

The crowd actually asked him to take his life to compensate.

At the moment ape flew Asma’s forehead.

Double 11 reading every day, charge 100 get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: November 11th to November 11th)

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