The words of the third generation Hokage Hokage.

It tugged at everyone’s heartstrings in an instant.

Almost everyone was cheering.

“The first one is famous in the third Ninja World War, Bofeng Shuimen!”

“He once stopped the current fourth-generation Mekage and Yao alone!”

“I also faced dozens of Shangnin alone in the battle with Shen Wubi Bridge.”

“Destroy countless enemies in the country of water, the country of earth, the country of thunder, and the country of wind!”

“Special commendations to him…”

Around is the experienced ape flying sun.

After reading about so many excellent achievements of Bofeng Shuimen.

It’s not enough to smash the tongue secretly.

Because Wave Feng Shui Gate has time and space ninjutsu.

You can travel with major battlefields.

Plus once again, the five major countries almost became a pot of porridge.

Combat power is extremely scarce.

Wave feng shui gate with space teleportation ability.

Almost one is used as four.

Of course, the effect is also remarkable.

This piece is full of handwriting feats.

It is an excellent proof of the wave feng shui gate.

Hokage is like that, not to mention everyone else.

After they heard about the achievements of Bofeng Shuimen.

In an instant, you can’t calm down.

In addition to the people of the major families.

Basically everyone is shouting the name of Bofeng Shuimen.

“Wave Feng Shuimen!”

“Wave Feng Shuimen!”

And stand at the front of the square.

Bo Feng Shuimen beside Zi Lai Ye lowered his head shyly.

“Watergate actually has such prestige! There should be no problem now.”

Ape Flying Sun Chopper stood on a high platform.

Hear the crowd below frantically shouting the name of Bofeng Shuimen.

At the bottom of my heart, I was relieved.

Konoha’s management is not alone.

Rather, it is made up of multiple candidates.

This is the second-generation Hokage of that year.

To avoid the Hokage for various reasons.

Use the village as a tool for personal gain.

People from other management classes.

It is possible to impeach the Hokage.

Although this time Konoha won.

Victory in the Third Shinobi War.

But in fact, the strength of all aspects within the village has seriously declined.

You must know that the Elder Group has always had a position against the Hokage.

The shimura danzo with a tiger’s eye on it.

This time he caused Konoha’s combat power to lose so much.

Even twelve-year-old fighters lined up on the battlefield.

Shimura Danzo can not use this reason to impeach himself.

The ape flying sun chop is a hundred do not believe.

And Shimura Danzo is now with Orochimaru.

This powerful contender for the Hokage position is implicated.

Obviously, Shimura Danzo probably wanted to use the big snake pill.

Replace your own Hokage.

And take advantage of some kind of weakness of the big snake pill.

Turn Orochimaru into his own puppet Hokage.

Ape Flying Sun Chopper was very aware of the character of his disciple.

He hates trouble.

He would never want to trouble the position of Hokage.

But this time he volunteered to say to him.

I want to be Hokage.

Something is clearly very wrong.

Since the position of the Hokage is mostly unsafe.

Ape Flying Sun Chopper still came up with an excellent method.

Then voluntarily quit the Hokage position yourself.

Become the Elders of Konoha.

Learn the same as Shimura Danzo.

Keep the dark part firmly in your own hands.

And use the management mechanism of several elders.

Put the puppet who controls the wave feng shui gate.

Now everyone is so respectful of Wave Feng Shuimen.

This is obviously excellent for him.

“Next is the big snake pill…”

Ape Flying Sun Chopper forcibly stabilized his mind.

Continue to talk about the exploits of the next person.

As long as it’s the Hokage faction that is close to him.

Basically, the battle merits will be focused on the roll call.

And the Uchiha clan and the Hinata clan almost only mentioned it lightly.

But the only thing that comforted the Uchiha family was.

Sarutobi Hinata praised Uchiha for stopping the water.

Almost on the verge of defeating the Land of Water.

All pressed on Uchiha’s water stop head.

The people of the Uchiha clan were speechless for a while after hearing this.

But after all, Uchiha Shuishui is a Uchiha clan after all.

Compare with the Hyuga clan who were said to have almost no combat achievements on the side.

They think it’s already very good.

Those who were read out behind the three generations of Hokage were one by one who had achieved great battle merits.

But it did not cause the whole audience to boil again.

“Well, the last time of today, I hope we can leave it to those dead warriors to go to the cemetery to see our dead compatriots!”

Ape Flying Sun Chopper said.

So he left the high platform.

And the fighters under the field.

After hearing Hokage’s words.

The excitement suddenly fell silent.

The lost soul begins to go.

A cemetery you built for your friends or loved ones.

Inside those cemeteries.

Many of them are just one piece of clothing.

The surrounding crowd gradually dispersed.

【Hint of a new special location, Konoha Cemetery! 】 】

Suddenly, a mechanical prompt sounded in my mind.

Immediately surprised Uchiha Wanye

You must know that he has not met a special check-in for a long time.

And ordinary check-in.

But basically only sow postpartum care and other useless knowledge.

“Big brother, I’ll go to the cemetery!”

After Uchiha Wanye left this sentence.

He immediately turned and left.


A cemetery that is not too big.

Inside, gray-white tombstones stand inside.

There are not many tombstones here compared to other cemeteries.

At this time, Uchiha Wanye walked in.

“Is this the cemetery where Konoha’s former celebrities are buried?”

Uchiha Manyo looked at this not a gorgeous cemetery.

Whispered to himself.

“System check-in!”

Uchiha suddenly said silently in his mind.


“Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Nine Hook Jade Reincarnation Eye +1.1.”

“Congratulations to the host Jiugou Jade Reincarnation Eye inheritance value of 30%, successfully activating the third ability!”

Suddenly in Uchiha Manye’s mind.

Pass in a series of system tones.

“This time I actually activated the third ability!”

Uchiha Wanye thought in surprise.

“Open the System Panel!”

Double 11 reading every day, charge 100 get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: November 11th to November 11th)

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