“Shui Dun Group!”

Captain Yunnin suddenly shouted to everyone.

“Water escape, water array wall!”

The five Yunnin stood up.

Instant printing success.

Each of the five spat out a long column of water from their mouths.

Five large columns of water formed an azure wall made of water in front of Yun Shinobu.

At the moment when the sea of fire comes into contact with the wall of water.

“Nope! Tudu Group! ”

The leader of Yun Ninja secretly shouted that it was not good when he saw this.

Keep yelling.

Immediately, another Yunnin leader and the four Yunnin quickly formed a seal.

“Tudun, Tuliu Wall!”

The five Yunnin immediately put their arms on the ground.

The ground began to rise rapidly behind the wall of water.

A ten-meter-long and wide earthen wall stood up.


The wall of water only touched the sea of fire for a moment.

It’s like a windswept cloud.

Swept away by the sea of fire.

The sea of fire instantly hit the earthen wall.

Instantly stalemate with the earthen wall.

“It worked!”

Look at the sea of fire that does not spread.

Yun Ninja said with great joy in their hearts.

Suddenly, the sea of fire seemed to be strengthened.

Immediately shattered the hard earthen wall.

Instantly towards defenseless.

“Not good!”

See the moment when the earthen wall is breached by a sea of fire.

The leader of Yunnin shouted badly.

Just wanted to command.

But in the blink of an eye, a sea of fire had spread in front of them.

Instantly involved thirteen of them.

The raging fire burned wildly on Yun Shinobu’s body.

“Ah! Yes! Yes! Yes! ”

In the sea of fire, there were screams one after another.

A moment later.

Uchiha Wanye gradually took down his knotted hands.

The huge sea of fire ahead also began to gradually dissipate.

Thirteen charred figures slowly emerged.

Except for the muscular Captain Yunnin, who was still kneeling on the ground.

The rest of the cloud ninja has been exhausted to the end.

Uchiha Wanye saw this scene.

Step by step, I walked towards them.

At this moment, Captain Yunnin still has some consciousness.

But the body could no longer move a little.

Captain Yunnin looked at Uchiha Wanye’s gaze.

It’s like looking at the devil.

The eyes were full of horror.

“Snap! Snap! Snap! ”

Uchiha Manyo’s footsteps sounded in the silent village.

And these footsteps are for the current Captain Yunnin.

Like a symphony before the harvest of death.

Uchiha Wanye slowly walked in front of the Yunnin captain.

“You bastard, Lao Tzu is not afraid of you!”

Captain Yunnin looked at Uchiha Wanye who came in front of him.

I overcame the fear in my heart.

With all his strength, he shouted angrily at Uchiha Wanye.

The originally scorched throat suddenly tore open a crack.

A bright red color was revealed in it.

But Captain Yunnin’s body suddenly stood up.

Vigorously but slowly, he threw his fist at Uchiha Wanye.

Uchiha Wanye did not speak.

Just shook his head lightly.

The finger lightly touched Yun Shinobu’s forehead.

The movements of his body stopped instantly.

The body is thrown backwards uncontrollably.


Captain Yunnin’s body fell heavily on the ground.

Uchiha Wanye’s finger just now did not use force.

Just a gentle push.

It’s just that Yun Ren’s body has long been the end of the strong crossbow.

“I hope you don’t meet me in your next life!”

Uchiha Wanye finally whispered to the dead Yun Shinobu.

After Uchiha Manyo came to this world.

I’ve seen too many friends I know.

Died in a foreign land.

So he was to these Yun Shinobu who were killed by himself.

I didn’t feel sorry.

This is also not the first time Uchiha Wanye has killed people.

Ability to upgrade to elite Shinobi.

Naturally, he has handled a lot of tasks for Konoha.

It is not without the task of killing.

Followed by Uchiha Manyo

He slowly rushed from the center of the village.

“It should be here!”

Uchiha Man Ye came to the very center of the village.

There is a small square stone here

Wooden house.

Surely said.

Just now, when Uchiha Wanye was using the domineering probing of sight.

It was discovered that the thirteen Yunnin basically stayed near this position.

Obviously, this is most likely the place where the intelligence scroll is stored.

Uchiha Wanye gently pushed open the door.

Walked into the square wooden house.

But I found that the wooden house was empty.


Uchiha Wanye, who has the eye of reincarnation of the Nine Hook Jade.

Instantly, a raised wooden board was found on the ground.

Uchiha Man Ye walked over.

Suddenly stepped towards the raised plank.


The thick planks on the ground were instantly stepped on.

There is indeed a long hole below that is neither shallow nor deep.

Uchiha Manyo moved away.

Extend your right hand with the palm facing down and five fingers facing down.

“Vientiane Heavenly Lead!”

A light blue scroll carved with a pattern was immediately sucked into Uchiha Wanye’s hand.

“Looks like it’s done!”

Uchiha Wanye glanced at the scroll in his hand.

Plainly said.

Then he slowly walked out of the wooden house with the scroll.

Suddenly, there were several rat-like dark blue flames in the sky.

Swept towards Uchiha Wanyo, who had just stepped out of the door.

“This is!”

Uchiha Manba saw the blue flames coming towards him.

Subconsciously stepped towards the ground.


Uchiha Manyo dodged the attack of the blue flame.

But when he saw that the blue flame was about to attack the wooden house.

Suddenly came a ninety degree turn.

Again towards Uchiha Manyo.

“Can you still track?”

Uchiha Manba looked at the blue flames that were speeding towards him.

Said with a frown.

Then he quickly raised his other free palm.

“Shinra Heavenly Sign!”

An invisible wall.

Instantly extinguished the blue flames that swept towards him.

“Who is it!”

Uchiha Wanye fixed his eyes and looked towards the domineering perception of seeing and hearing.

Has long, straight beige hair.

A long braided hair that reaches to the waist.

There is a pair of big dan phoenix eyes.

Wearing a patterned shirt.

With a cloud ninja forehead on his head.

Quite a queenly temperament, the woman is spreading her ten fingers towards her.

He looked at himself angrily.

“Who are you?”

Uchiha Wanye looked at the beautiful woman in front of him.

He asked with a puzzled look.

Although Uchiha Wanye felt that the woman in front of him was somewhat familiar.

It’s as if I’ve seen it somewhere.

But didn’t come up with it for a while.

Who is this yellow-haired woman in front of her.

“Yunyin, Yugito!”

[Kneeling for flowers and evaluation, really kneeling for it].




[ps: Ask for flowers!! Ask for a monthly pass!! Please urge more !! Ask for a tip!! The author is stable for more than seven chapters every day, and today I have prepared twenty chapters, and as long as the data is still rising, it will continue to explode!! 】

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