Uchiha Manba didn’t say anything, just looked at the six of them calmly.

“Now the root is urgently dispatched! Uchiha Manyo please leave Nio to us! ”

The tall, thin root said to Uchiha Wanye in a tough tone.


Uchiha Wanye sneered.

It turned out to be to grab credit.

“Uchiha Wanye now please call out Erao, otherwise we will carry out the coercive measures.”

The tall, thin root saw that Uchiha Wanye did not move.

A little impatient said.

“Want Nio?”

Uchiha Wanye first said a few words to Roku.

Then he gently placed the scroll in his left hand on the ground.

He gently placed the two-tailed Yugito on his shoulder on the ground.

He said to the few people in front of him with a cold face

“I dare to give it, do you dare to come and get it?”


Seeing Uchiha Manyo act like this.

The people at the root couldn’t sit still.

Looking at Yugito, his eyes were full of greed.

Then the six looked at each other.


One stared at Uchiha Manyo.

Prevent it from getting hands-on.

The other five people rushed towards the two-tailed Yukito on the ground in unison.

The five arms quickly moved towards the two-tailed Yukito on the ground.

Seeing this, the coldness on Uchiha Wanye’s face was even worse.

His right hand gradually touched the handle of the knife at his waist.

“Not good!”

Uchiha Uchiha stopped the water after seeing Wanye move like this.

The dark passage is not good.

Suddenly he reached out and pulled out the long knife behind his back.

Just when the palms of the five people were about to touch the two-tailed Yugito.


A silver sword light flashed.

Five arms fell to the ground in unison.


A large amount of blood flowed from the broken arms of the five people.

Seeing this, Uchiha Wanye’s left hand stretched out towards the two-tailed wooden man and scroll on the ground.

Yukito and the scroll flew from the ground to Uchiha Manyo.

Just dodged the gushing blood.

Uchiha Manyo resisted Futao Yugito with one hand.


The scroll landed on the empty ground.


The five suddenly began to scream.

He looked at his arm on the ground in disbelief.

Uchiha Manye’s figure flickered.

In an instant, he came to the five people.

It is not yet waiting for the reaction of the crowd.

Holding a long knife, he slashed at their necks one by one.

“Bang bang!”

Five human heads fell to the ground at the same time.


Countless blood gushed out from the broken necks of the five.

It seemed that a bright red blood rain had formed on Uchiha Manye’s head.

Uchiha Wanye’s figure flickered, and he instantly left the area covered by blood rain.

“Uchiha Wanye, what exactly are you doing?”

Uchiha Uchiha asked angrily.

When Uchiha Manba had just cut off the arm of the five-man Konoha ninja.

Uchiha Uchiha was already stunned.

He was still wondering why Uchiha Manyo was like this.

But I didn’t expect it in the short moment he was thinking.

Uchiha Wanye actually killed all five people.

Uchiha Wanye just glanced at Uchiha and Uchiha coldly.

He turned and rushed towards the last Konoha ninja.

Uchiha Uchiha did not hesitate.

Chasing Uchiha Manyo.


Finally, the masked root saw Wanye rushing towards him.

Bend your knees instantly.

Kneeling towards Uchiha Wanye.

“Don’t kill me! I’m a ninja from Konoha! ”

The root ninja’s face suddenly changed drastically, and he roared at Uchiha Wanye.

He didn’t think of it anyway.

Uchiha Wanye actually has such terrifying strength.

He killed five of his companions in the blink of an eye.

His pleas for mercy did not have the slightest effect.

In an instant, Uchiha Manyo’s long knife had already swung towards his neck.

Uchiha Uchiha stopped the water and dried up the moment Wanye swung his knife.

Hurriedly swung out the knife in his hand.

Fiercely swung towards Uchiha Manye’s long knife.

Seeing this, Uchiha Wanye’s movements in his hands did not change at all.

“Armed color domineering hardening!”

Uchiha Manye’s long knife suddenly turned pitch black.


Uchiha The knife that Uchiha slashed downwards instantly broke.

Uchiha Manyo’s long knife did not feel the slightest pause.

It crossed the neck of the root ninja who was kneeling on the ground.

Uchiha Wanye faded the armed color domineering on the long knife.

Slowly put the long knife into the scabbard around his waist.

I saw that the root ninja had his eyes wide open at the moment.

His hands collapsed weakly on the ground.

There seemed to be no wounds all over the body.

But if you look closely at his neck.

You will notice a slender red line at the neck.


A huge amount of blood gushed out.

Suddenly rushed his head into the sky.

Uchiha Wanye dodged the gushing blood.

Came to Futao Yugito and the scroll.

First, he resisted the two-tailed Yugito on his shoulder.

Then he sucked the scroll up with Vientiane Heaven.

“How is it possible, Uchiha Wanye actually … Actually so strong? ”

Uchiha Uchiha looked at the broken knife in his hand.

The mouth kept chanting.

He couldn’t believe Uchiha Wanyo, who was ordinary in the family.

It actually has such a strong strength.

“Uchiha Manyo, why did you kill these ninjas of Konoha? Aren’t you afraid that when you go back, you will be convicted of killing your companion? ”

Uchiha Uchiha came back to his senses.

With a broken knife.

With a livid face, he walked up to Uchiha Wanye and questioned.

“What companions I don’t know, are these people ninjas from Konoha?”

Uchiha Manya made a confused look.

Knowingly asked Xiang Uchiha and said.

“Aren’t these people the ninjas of Konoha?”

Uchiha Uchiha pointed to the six headless corpses on the ground.

Angrily questioned Uchiha Wanye.

“Hmph, you said that these people are Konoha’s ninjas, so what evidence do you have on them that can prove that they are Konoha’s ninjas?”

Uchiha Wanye snorted coldly.

Then asked Uchiha rhetorically.

He knew that Uchiha couldn’t come up with evidence.

Because the roots are out on a mission.

You will not wear any Konoha-related items.


After hearing Wanye’s words, he looked down at the six dead people.

Uchiha Uchiha suddenly choked again.

“Hmph, if it weren’t for the love of the same clan and the heart you came to help me just now, you would have been like these people a long time ago, but did you say that I would never dare to kill you?”

Uchiha Wanye said, and finally a mysterious light flashed in his eyes.

His body was suddenly covered with a thick blue chakra.

The vast and majestic momentum instantly pressed towards Uchiha and Uchiha stopped the water.




[ps: Ask for flowers!! Ask for a monthly pass!! Please urge more !! Ask for a tip!! The author is stable for more than seven chapters every day, and today I have prepared twenty chapters, and as long as the data is still rising, it will continue to explode!! 】

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