“Hmm! I’ve completed my mission! ”

Uchiha Wanye replied coldly.

“Great! In this way, it seems that we in Konoha will have to have more patience today! ”

Although Ape Fei Ri Chop had many doubts in his heart.

But on the surface, he still said fakely.

“Shangnin, has Uchiha Wanye already completed the Shangnin assessment?”

The two ninja advisors said in unison.

Uchiha Wanye did not reply, and looked at the ape flying sun coldly.

“Uchiha Wanye, give me the quest scroll in your hand!”

Ape Flying Sun Chopper still said kindly.

Uchiha Wanye gave the scroll in his hand to Sarutobi with a cold face.

After Sarutobi got the scroll.

Immediately opened the reel and took a look.

After determining that the intelligence scroll is real.

The look in Uchiha Wanye’s eyes was even more shocked.

“Congratulations, Uchiha Manyo, you are now Konoha’s upper Shinobi!”

Sarutobi Hinata said congratulations to Uchiha Wanye with a complicated face.

“Came back alive, actually completed the task, what are those root ninjas for?”

After Shimura Danzo hears that Manyo has completed this mission.

The horror in my heart could not be greater.

“Well, we have another superior Shinobi in Konoha!”

The two ninja advisors shouted in unison.

Ape Fei Ri groped under his desk.

Soon a brand new brace was taken out.

The mark on the forehead is a little larger than that on Uchiha Manyo.

“Uchiha Wanyo, please give me your Naka Ninja Forehead, and I will distribute the Upper Ninja Forehead to you!”


Uchiha Wanye nodded.

He removed the Konoha guard from his arm.

Hand it to the ape flying sunchop.

Sarutobi Hinata took the Naka Shinobi Protector after the forehead.

Feel free to put it on the table.

Immediately after that, he took Kami-Shinobu and prepared to personally put it on for Uchiha Wanye.

This is also the tradition of the Upper Shinobi Grant Ceremony.

Because Kami Shinobi is extremely rare in the village.

Therefore, it is usually Naruto himself who puts on the forehead brace for Shangnin.

When the ape flying sun came towards Manye’s forehead with the upper ninja protector’s forehead.

Uchiha Wanye shot fiercely.


One grabbed the ninja guard on the ape flying sun’s hand.

Pull hard.

The upper ninja forehead immediately broke away from the palm of the ape flying sun.

Immediately after that, Uchiha Wanye was under the shocked gazes of the four.

Buckled the upper ninja forehead on his wrist.


The four people present were all shocked.

They really didn’t expect Uchiha Wanye to be so bold.

Dare to be in front of all of them.

Provoke the three generations of Hokage.

“I wonder what else you have ordered?”

Uchiha Wanye still looked coldly at the ape flying sun.

Asked with a flat face.

From this time after he saw the ape flying sun.

He did not honor the ape flying sun and cut him into a fire shadow.

Since the ape flying sun chop has already sent people to hunt him down.

Since the ape flying sun chops in such a manner.

Uchiha Wanye was not ready to show mercy either.

“You are… This is a blatant provocation of Konoha! ”

Sarutobi Hinata wanted to curse Uchiha Wanyo.

But I didn’t know how to speak.

I had to make up a random reason.

“Hehe, who and whom Konoha was built in the first place, I think you know better than me. And one of the people who built Konoha now disappeared into history. I want to ask you, do you think what you did is very obscure? ”

Uchiha asked forcefully.


Sarutobi was choked by Uchiha Wanye’s words.

I couldn’t spit out the second word for a long time.

“If you think Konoha should be yours alone, then there is no need for Konoha to exist!”

Uchiha Wanye looked calm.

But anyone can feel the anger in his words.

“What do you say!”

Ape Flying Sun Chopper hasn’t spoken yet.

Danzo and the two ninja advisors immediately asked.

None of them expected Uchiha Wanye to be so bold.

Even Konoha dared to say such words as existence.

“The four of you, two are disciples of the first Hokage, and two are disciples of the second Hokage, they are at ease to hand over power to you, but now you have made your master’s family look like, I think you know very well.”

“Boy, what are you talking about?”

The four old men all looked at Uchiha Wanye with fierce faces.

“Hehe, what you have done to your master family, you yourself are quite clear! Gee, how old do children have to kill too? What a group of good disciples! ”

Uchiha Wanye kept mocking several hypocritical old men in front of him.

Uchiha Manyo These are not fabricated out of thin air.

It’s almost all they really do.

It is clear that their master is between the thousand hands pillar and the thousand hands.

And it was their masters who handed over power to theirs.

And what they did.

After Sarutobi took office.

The Senju clan, the clan that created Konoha.

It was as if it had disappeared directly from Konoha.

Even the grandson of the first generation of Mei who is a few years old.

They were all forcibly arranged to die on the battlefield.

Could it be that Konoha didn’t know the importance of the Senju rope tree?

Of course they know.

It was deliberately placed in the troops where Tsunade was absent.

This led to his direct death.

If arranged in the troops of Senju Tsunade.

Uchiha Manya does not believe that the Senju rope tree will die.

People with a little strength.

Who doesn’t know that the Senju rope tree is the only single seedling of the Tsunade family.

Who dares to kill the Senju rope tree.

Isn’t it going to attract Tsunade’s desperate pursuit?

And ordinary ninjas are under the protection of Tsunade.

How can you enter the body of the Senju rope tree.

“You… You… You…”

The four pointed at Uchiha Manyo.

But the second word could not come out of his mouth.

“You are in high positions, naturally there are countless pairs of eyes staring at you, you laugh at the foolishness of everyone, you think that you have played and applauded countless people, but you do not know that everyone is waiting for the moment when the trigger will occur.”

Uchiha Wanye finally looked directly at the four people and said in a loud voice

Why did the three Shinobi leave Konoha this year?

Konoha will be empty like never before.

Obviously, the answer to everything lies in these people.

Uchiha finally gave them a cold look.

He left Hokage’s office directly.




[ps: Ask for flowers!! Ask for a monthly pass!! Please urge more !! Ask for a tip!! The author is stable for more than seven chapters every day, and today I have prepared twenty chapters, and as long as the data is still rising, it will continue to explode!! 】

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