After being dragged by Uchiha Wanye to the wooden house, Futao Yuki lifted his buried head out and looked at everything in the house curiously.

“Okay, from now on, you will stay in my house all the time, and you will be responsible for mopping the floor, cooking, washing dishes, etc.!”

Uchiha Man Ye suddenly spoke up and interrupted Yugito’s appreciation.

“Huh! I’m in your house, in charge of these things? ”

After hearing Manyo’s words, Yukito Nio first exclaimed, then pointed to himself and asked in surprise.

“Well, that’s right, it’s you!”

Uchiha Wanye nodded and said resolutely.

“Didn’t I become your handmaiden?”

Futsuo Yukito asked puzzled.

She had always guessed that Uchiha Manyo’s purpose in bringing her back to Konoha was to keep her in a dungeon.

Then find the next suitable person pillar force and transfer the brigade in your own body to another person’s body.

Even if he had a different mood for Uchiha Wanye halfway, this idea did not change.

But he didn’t think about Uchiha Wanye bringing her back to his home and letting her do these things.

“You can understand it that way! You are now my handmaid! ”

Uchiha Wanye nodded and affirmed Yugito’s statement.

“Why am I your handmaiden?”

Futsuo Yugito bit his lip lightly and said angrily.

She is angry because Uchiha Manyo will be treated as a handmaiden.

“Because you are now my prisoner!”

Uchiha Wanye saw Yugito’s appearance and said indifferently.


When Yukito Nio heard this, he was immediately sad and angry, and the chakra, which had recovered in his body, was applied to his feet again, and his whole body began to emit a slight blue light.


Seeing this, Uchiha Wanye’s brows wrinkled slightly, and the Nine Hook Jade Reincarnation Eyes instantly appeared above his eyes, and the vast and majestic momentum instantly pressed on Yugito’s body.

In an instant, the Chakra fluctuations on Yuki’s figure came to an abrupt end.

Fuchio Yugito felt the huge pressure on his body, unwilling to shed tears of sadness, bright eyes staring at Uchiha Manyo.

Seeing Yukito’s pitying appearance, Uchiha Wanye instantly put away the momentum on his body, a trace of distress flashed in his eyes, and hurriedly stepped forward, stretching out his hands to gently stroke Yugito’s pretty face.

“Go away!”

The second tail Yugito did not let Wanye touch his pretty face this time, pushed Wanye heavily, and stumbled back two steps, with pear blossoms and rain on his delicate face.

“Well, stop crying, you’re not my maid!”

After Uchiha Manba stabilized his figure, he strode forward, ignoring Yukito’s obstruction, forcibly wiped the tears from her face, and then quickly withdrew his hands and comforted her softly.

He had just thought about it carefully, and although he still hadn’t come to the idea of why Yukito was so sad, he also guessed that it was probably caused by the maid just now.

Uchiha Manyo’s comfort really worked, and the tears in the corners of Yukito’s eyes began to ease, but they still did not stop falling.

“Okay, don’t cry, I’ll make you something to eat!”

Uchiha Man Ye looked at Yugito, who was still crying, and felt a very headache, and said like a child.

After Yukito Nio heard Uchiha Manye’s words, the tears in the corners of his eyes suddenly stopped, and he asked in disbelief


“Well, really!”

Uchiha Wanye saw that Yugito stopped his tears, and couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief, and quickly said.

“Sin, this is looking for a maid, this is clearly finding an ancestor for yourself.”

At this moment, Uchiha Manba looked at Yugito whose face was full of tears, and he couldn’t help but think in his heart.

“Hey, can you cook as a big man?”

Nio Yukito glanced at Wanye carefully, exclaimed, and asked very suspiciously.

She knew that men who could cook were extremely rare in this world.

And if you want a strong male like Uchiha Wanye to cook by yourself, that’s basically nothing.

“Get used to it!”

Uchiha Wanye replied indifferently.

“That’s awesome!”

Futao Yukito praised Manyo.

Uchiha gave her a blank look, then turned and went to the kitchen, ready to start cooking.

However, Futsuo Yugito eventually quietly followed, let Uchiha Manya put down the tools in his hand, asked the location of the ingredients, and then let him go to the living room to rest.

“That’s right!”

Uchiha Wanye smelled the fragrant smell in the kitchen, and couldn’t help but sigh.

I began to admire my Meiji decision at that time, but I didn’t expect to bring back a second tail, not to send a big beauty, but also to send a big chef.

Soon, Futsuo Yugito brought the fragrant meal up.

When Uchiha Wanye saw the delicious and delicious food, he immediately began to eat happily.

Seeing this, Nio Yugito just gently sipped his chopsticks and looked at Uchiha Wanye’s eating appearance with puzzled eyes.

After hearing Uchiha Manye’s shout, he gently picked up a bite of food.

A quarter of an hour later, the food on the table was emptied by a roll of Uchiha Wanyo.

“Delicious! Delicious! ”

Uchiha Man touched his slightly bulging abdomen, gave a thumbs up to Yugito Nio, and praised him repeatedly.

“Of course, my cooking skills can be called one of the best in the Land of Thunder! How many people want to eat a bite and never can’t eat it. ”

Nio Yugito’s praise of Uchiha Wanye was very useful, and said proudly.

“I believe this, your cooking skills, open a restaurant, there is absolutely no problem!”

Uchiha Wanye nodded and said affirmatively.

“Okay, I’ll go clean up the dishes and chopsticks!”

Futao Yukito began to clean up the mess on the table.

Uchiha Manba looked at everything Yugito was doing with satisfaction, and couldn’t help but nod his head from time to time.

“Wanye, you’re back!”

At this moment, the shadow of Qimu Shuomao came behind the Uchiha clan.

“Somo, is Kakashi doing well lately?”

Uchiha Wanye turned his head to look at Qimu Shuomao and asked calmly.

He had already sensed Qimu Shuomao’s location.

“Kakashi’s recent state, alas!”

After Qimu Shuomao heard Wanye’s words, his eyes were suddenly full of sadness, and he sighed heavily.

Kakashi’s situation in recent days can not be described as bad.

Watching his child fall into an endless abyss.

This Konoha White Fang, who had once suppressed the three Shinobi, had a face full of loneliness.

“What’s wrong?”

Uchiha Manya saw Kiki Shuomao looking so lonely and asked.

After all, the current Qimu Shuomao can also be regarded as his subordinate.

“Alas, I’m sorry Manyo, watching Kakashi fall into the abyss, but I can’t do anything to help him, and I’m a little out of shape for a while!”

Qimu Shuomao replied to Wanye with a look of shame

“Oh so, Shuomao, I decided before I left, and this time I came back and began to prepare for your resurrection!”

[Ask for flowers, ask for evaluation].




[ps: Ask for flowers!! Ask for a monthly pass!! Please urge more !! Ask for a tip!! The author is stable for more than seven chapters every day, and today I have prepared twenty chapters, and as long as the data is still rising, it will continue to explode!! 】

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