The scolding eyes burned to the head of the water gate, and many neutral families immediately rose up, slapped and shattered, and the conference table came from nowhere.

“What do you say, old piff? You dare to say it again, try again! ”

“You guys are noisy, don’t put dirty water, splash water on the door!”

A neutral melon-eating mass, let the snake protection faction pull into the water, kill the snake faction, take the opportunity ~ arch fire.

Now the scene in the conference room is very spectacular, and the small and medium-sized ninja village families are all hugging and supporting the wave feng shui gate.

And the family power is a little greater, and those who have a direct interest connection with the Hokage line are dead and alive to save the big snake pill.

The joys and sorrows of the big clan and the small clan are destined to be unconnected.

Since the establishment of Konoha Village, the family that has stood on the same line with Hokage has long become an indispensable member of Konoha Village, the structure of various organs.

Among them, it is not uncommon for family leaders to serve as the heads of village organs.

And the family that abandoned Hokage and embraced the three giants of Konoha, since the weakening of the Senju clan, the departure of Uchiha, and the defeat of Hinata and the three generations to seize power…

The inevitable pays, the corresponding price!

So much so that today, he does not hesitate to join hands with the sworn opponents who killed on the battlefield back then, and the exploitation of the high-level of Konoha for three generations and one line.

The quarrels and angry curses in the conference hall intensified, and there was a posture of fighting when they did not agree with each other.

Finally, a second before the on-site pressure cooker was about to explode, the three generations arrived at the conference hall in concert.

The moment the Hokage appeared, the entire meeting suddenly fell into a deathly silence.

In the audience, few people dared to speak loudly and take a breath.

“Three generations of adults, you are here.”

In the end, a small and medium-sized power family and patriarch stood up to greet them.

It’s true that Sarutobi is about to step down, but that doesn’t mean that he has to lose the real power of Hokage!

“Noisy! Go on, why can’t I make a noise with you? ”

Ape flying sun slash glance less than the whole scene, the former ninja, today the power is still not reduced!

The killing breath pressed this small space, and it could be seen that the ape flying sun chop was in a very bad mood at the moment.

“Ahem… After the day chopping, it is almost enough, today is to discuss the purpose of the four generations, you are old! ”

Shimura Danzo jumped out to play the circle, wooing people’s hearts and minds, and at the same time, incidentally reminding the three generations not to go too far, Konoha is not Hokage’s words.

“At this time, do you know how to be a good person?”

Ape Flying Sun Chop and Shimura Danzo are-for-tat, but Ape Flying Sun Chopper knows how to accept when it is good, and does not stimulate Tuanzo’s nerves too much:

“All the families have arrived?”

“Three generations of adults, and two family heads have not arrived.”

Konoha’s old family stood up and said.

“Oh? Yes, who are they? Miyo asked knowingly.

There are so many people, weekday meetings look up and don’t look down, who is missing, will your three generations not know?

Those who get up and reply, this will be difficult to ride the tiger, say and no, do not say it is not.

Three generations, Uchiha and Hinata, he can’t afford to mess with either side.

“The Uchiha clan, and Hinata…”

Finish the words hard, there is no way who let Uchiha and Hinata not be there, the three generations can be close, the stakes are very clear.

“The shelf is really big.” The three generations did not continue to be embarrassed, and the patriarch, who was more or less a member of his family’s faction, had to give people some face.

“Forget it, I’ll come over and say two things, then you guys remember to tell it, Uchiha and Hinata!”

“The first thing, the Hokage election, you also know, I am old; Konoha will need new blood in the future to awaken the village.

In terms of candidates, I will not mention it, you decide for yourself, by the way, to add, we need a young man for four generations! ”

At the end of the words, Sarutobi looked at the Zhi Village Danzo with great attention, and the meaning of the words was self-evident!

Shimura Danzo’s peeping into the position of the Hokage is simply Sima Zhao’s heart, and passers-by know it. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Sure enough, Shimura Danzo had half of his old face covered in bandages, his eyelids jumped, don’t look at him on the surface full of care, the bottom of the heart society is almost hysterical.

Once he was in the position of Hokage, losing the ape flying sun slash once, but he didn’t expect this shame, in the discussion meeting of the four generations of candidates, he would have to do it again!

“The second thing, the matter of the big snake pill, so far there is no accurate statement, the victim is unknown, the human body research base is unknown, and there are four generations of elections.

So many coincidences, concentrated on this day, I believe you are not stupid.

I hope that the representatives of all races can make a fair judgment so that it will not hurt the heart of my disciple and the hero of Konoha!” ”

“Okay, that’s it, I’m not comfortable with you, the next four generations of target candidates, I, the Hokage, also have to avoid suspicion, take a step first!”

With an absolutely calm mind, Sarutobi said words that were enough to cause an uproar in the entire ninja world.

The stability of the mentality and the tranquility of the words made the representatives of Konoha, who had been quarreling about the Great Snake Pill not long ago, involuntarily calm down and ponder the turbulent dark tide behind the four-generation election!

“Why don’t you go away?”

Sarutobi set off and saw that Shimura did not make the slightest movement, so he stopped, he had to clear away all uneasy factors before the election day.

Shimura Danzo must be his number one enemy!

“Is it really good to be so permissive? Ape fly! ”

Shimura Danzo’s eyes flashed with cold light, he looked down on these small clans in Konoha Village from the bottom of his heart, because of the existence of these people, he didn’t know how much power he had to divide for this!

In Shimura Danzo’s view, it is nothing more than a group of parasites lying on Konoha, and the role of this group of waste is only one, that is, to provide a renewable bloodstain boundary for the darkness of Konoha.

“I said that the future of the village belongs to the young people, and the two of us, this old bone, it’s time to go into the soil!”

“Danzo! Don’t force me to say it a second time! ”

“And don’t forget, I’m the Hokage!”

Seeing the determination of the ape flying sun, Shimura Danzo decided to endure first, tomorrow’s election, Konoha can’t be chaotic, otherwise it will be a joke for other ninja villages.

Three generations, Tuanzang, came suddenly, went in a hurry!

Leaving a large and small patriarch who looked at each other, the big snake pill’s argument, did not give a result, do they still need to continue now?

Uchiha clan land.

The patriarch’s family home, scouts reported the whereabouts of three generations and two people.

“Konoha, it seems that there is no mess today.”

Uchiha Fugaku read it and handed the note to Manyo.

“Although the three generations are old, Yu Wei still exists, and now those trumped-up charges in the village can’t take the big snake pill for the time being.”

Wanye had no accidents, if the three generations couldn’t shake the scene today, he would feel strange.

“But don’t worry, this good drama has just begun, interesting things are still to come!”

“Wanye, whose handiwork do you think will be the cause of trouble in the village today?”

Seeing that Uchiha Wanye had a bamboo appearance, Fugaku was curious about where his confidence was?

“Three generations!” Wanye didn’t even think about it, and gave an answer directly.

“What?” Fugaku was taken aback, he didn’t quite understand the ape flying sun, this series of operations, what was the idea of ten.

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