The release of power by the ape flying sun made the small clan see hope.

Big Snake Pill, how wonderful you defected!

I already knew that today, how is it enough to close a big snake pill, Zilaiye, Tsunade, not to give ape flying sun to cut the entire three disciples, Shici Zixiao, are sorry, ape flying sun chopping so many years of oppression

After the ape flying sun was cut to the throne, the life of the ape flying family was more and more comfortable.

The consumption paid in World War II was all fed back in the three wars.

The compensation given by the Shinobi Village of Shikoku, the Sarutobi family did not eat less.

Of course, the sudden depression of the ape flying sun is not a one-day thing.

After the end of the three wars, Tsunade and Jiraiya successively left the village to lay the groundwork, and then to the human experiment of the big snake pill, which gave the ape flying sun a heavy blow.

Only now that he is confused and gives the four generations some opportunities.

The parade went out of chaos, successfully gave four generations, and there were various opportunities to intervene.

The people’s grievances look terrifying, but in fact it is just that, dragging it on, dragging it until everyone forgets, dragging it until the people of Konoha realize what they are doing!

Who is Ape Flying Sun?

A generation of heroes, the wind and rain, their hands stained with blood all their lives, more than many people in the village, who have eaten more food in their whole lives.

How could it be possible to take this little thing to heart.

Throughout the parade, the four generations gained power, and the ape flying sun slashed to protect its reputation, only one person in the regiment, and the parade detachment that is still being divided is still blocked.

It stands to reason that the people of Konoha have no chance to know where the roots are.

But it can’t be stopped, a village clan acts as an inner ghost, hand-in-hand to teach the procession, where the roots are, and which road to take, can reach it as soon as possible.

Danzo lifted the table in a wave, completely angering the entire ninja family of Konoha.

Usually you can fight with your own people, and call the villagers of Konoha to make trouble, what do you want to do?

If it weren’t for Konoha here, there would be tens of thousands of people outside, not enough for a small clan ninja to kill.

Between ordinary people and ninjas, there is not a world of difference, but it is not much different.

The stronger the ninja, the greater the surprise between them and ordinary people.

Tuan Zang died in a wave, which made some ordinary people who did not have very bright brains think something they shouldn’t have.

At that time, it will have to be the ninjas of these small clans to become executioners.

Beyond Konoha.

Uchiha Manyo found a suitable location for the study of the Great Snake Pill manuscript from the family ancient book.

This was once a temporary refuge for the Uchiha family.

The Warring States are chaotic, and there are no temporary shelters left in the wild, and when the time comes, I don’t know how to die.

Not every family has white eyes, which can be called unreasonable insight.

In the context of the era when ninjas were extremely rare, the underground became the best refuge for almost all ninja families.

If someone has this leisure, go to the ancient battlefield for a walk, and the shovel goes down, shovels ten pieces of land, seven of which are underneath, leaving one or two holes in the ground.

When counting the times, the two dead land families, the hole dug in the ground, is actually only a wall apart.

What Uchiha Wanyo found, is also something similar.

The facilities must be nothing, and the location is not good, because not far from the mountain road, there is a village outpost, which is still a secret post.

The location is also underground, and every hour, there will be substitutes who will come and alternate duty hours.

For these people, Wanye was deeply afraid of the big snake pill, so he caught these and ran to sacrifice.

But even if there are all kinds of bad things here, as long as it is closer to Konoha, it is enough to be seen by him!

A mile away, there are village ninjas.

When Uchiha Wanye transformed, he could only make the movement as small as possible.

Tudun is the best helper for remodeling basements.

Uchiha Wanye first made a seal and created a circle of soundproof walls to remove it, before completely letting go of his hands and feet.

This shelter, I don’t know how many years it has not been inhabited, is full of strange smells.

After clearing the field and changing his qi for ten minutes, he walked again.

Flame lighting, Uchiha Manyo one-handed seal, cast the earth flow city wall, to the future research base of the big snake pill, lay the foundation.

The basement expanded, and the excess dirt and debris were all baked into glass crystals by fire, and filled into the walls of the earth.

The soil quality is not as good as that of Konoha’s back mountain, and Uchiha Wanye searched for a long time, but did not find any good foundation materials. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Half a day passed.

The big snake pill found this stronghold according to the mark left by Wanye.

Returning to Konoha again, Orochimaru’s current state of mind is no longer the peace of mind of the past, but he needs to be scared.

But this was his own choice!

And what is there to be afraid of.

When he returns to Konoha with the research results and cuts the ape flying sun for his whole life, he regards all the power on the soles of his feet!

He will tell his former teacher that the so-called power is nothing more than the plaything of the strong!

Strong as a pillar, no matter how many intrigues and tricks can withstand him, even if you play like that, I can break it with one force!

The more you live, the more confused you are!

Ape Flying Sun Chopper obviously forgot what he was elected to Ape Flying Sun Chopper in the first place.

The career of a person in power for many years has long let the ape fly and lose his heart!

Follow the route map and avoid the trap laid by Uchiha Wanye.

Go deep into the basement and light underground torches.

The big snake pill sealed the psychic, and from the mouth of the big snake, he took out dozens of scrolls and storage scrolls.

Well, the research begins!

Half a month has passed.

The fourth generation fought steadily, and since Ape Fei Ri gave up power, a group of old subordinates were transferred from the military department to take over as his direct subordinate dark department!

As time passed, more and more people forgot about the defection of the Great Snake Pill half a month ago, and the fact that Ape Fei Ri deliberately gave his disciples a way to live.

The seemingly harmonious leaves of Konoha have been covered with a layer of smoke under people’s hearts.


How can it be!

Half a month ago, how many families were separated by this wife, and the melon-eating masses who did not care about themselves might still be able to say so, but those of them who experienced it firsthand, if they easily said and forgot, it would be too much of a thing.

Nothing is shown on the face, because they know that it is useless to say it.

Don’t look at their opponents, who are they?

Big (Li Hao) Snake Pill!

Konoha is newly emerged, and his head is an S-class rebel.

This high level of powerhouse, even if they stand in front of the villagers of Konoha, let them stab casually, I am afraid that they will die of exhaustion, and they will not be able to hurt the big snake pill, a cold hair.

The past deeds of the Great Snake Pill, in the Konoha Valhalla, are still clearly recorded!

It’s true that Orochimaru is a traitor, but before he became a rebel, he was also a Konoha hero.

Meritorious deeds do not offset each other, merit is merit, and merit is passing.

The tablet of Valhalla of the Great Snake Pill is also to pay tribute to the dead hero of Konoha.

Again, ape flying sunchop!

The villagers of Konoha, big people who have never had the opportunity to see in their lives.

If there were no tribe in Konoha to hide the group, the procession would not even be able to find the door of the roots.

As the Dark of Konoha, Danzo has long regarded himself as a dead man, and Valhalla has only deeds before the age of thirty.

Since the age of thirty, Danzo has been a non-existent person for Konoha.

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