As night falls, Konoha is still peaceful today.

The struggle between the forces of the various families did not extend to ordinary people.

This is the bottom line of Watergate, and it is also the bottom line of Konoha.

However, the ninja family has never been an ordinary person, except for the madman Danzo, who will pull the people of Konoha into the power struggle accident like taking the wrong medicine, and the rest of the family is still very well-behaved.

The stage of the ninja world belongs only to ninjas.

As for ordinary people, that’s an addition.

Just like every Dragon Quest story, the passers-by give the protagonist isolation, exclamation, and die four or five times from time to time, providing the protagonist with sufficient anger.

The last wave of bulldozing the boss, the world once restored stability and harmony.

It’s just that this time, the dead will not be resurrected, and the wandering singers who circulate the adventure stories of the brave will not mention the battle of destruction that year, and how many people in “three seven three” fell forever, yesterday before the dawn rose.

Hero, Uchiha Wanye can’t say that he hates it, but he will never do it himself.

Laborious and thankless positions, only those who have a hole in their brains will sit.

Taking advantage of the night, Uchiha Manye and Kiki Shuo Shigeru sneaked into the periphery of the root.

Today, the two plan to join forces to visit again.

The last time he hit the grass and startled the snake, Tuan Zang was a lot more alert.

The sentry on the road and the handover time have completely become the secret of the root, ranging from ten to thirty minutes.

Between the handover, before the shift, there is also a report, reserved before departure, the handover code.

Today’s roots, really armed the patrol team to the teeth!

Through the Eye of Insight, Uchiha Wanye could clearly see that buried in the ground and acting as an initiator for mines, the number was not an order of magnitude at all compared to the last time.

The dark corners of the roots are covered with silk threads, and one line is connected to one side of the detonation charm.

By visual inspection, the rope has a certain weight, even if it is cut by someone, the detonator connecting to the wall will automatically trigger the explosion after being pulled by the rope.

“Tuan Zang, this is crazy, right?”

Uchiha Wanye looked at everything in front of him with interest.

Really not afraid, blow yourself up?


Qimu Shuomao cast a puzzled gaze.

He did not have the ability to see Chakra’s energy, and what Uchiha Wanye saw was still the same in his eyes.

“There are many traps, although the power is not very large, but to remind me, I think it should be enough.”

Kiki Shuomao voiced his opinion.

These, Uchiha Wanye knows better than he knows, Qimu Shuomao can only judge by feelings, and Wanye is directly transformed into a viewable.

However, looking at the large and small vigilance measures at the root, a bold idea suddenly surged up, and Wanye was in his heart.

“I have an idea, so…”

After explaining the preparations that Kiki Shuo Shigeru needed to make, Uchiha Manye left the root first.

Uchiha clan land.

Wanye who went and returned, from his eldest brother, asked for the armory secret order.

The detonator warehouse, Uchiha Manyo walks in it.

With fewer eyes than the scrolls on the shelf where the detonator was stored, he began to estimate the amount he needed to use.

These scrolls are not considered boutique, and there is not much storage space, but they are just used to store disposable consumables such as detonation charms, especially paper charms, which are currently the most widely circulated storage scrolls on the market.

The scroll table of contents, written with one, followed by thousands.

One reel for a thousand.

The shelf of storage, there are also about 10,000, which is worthy of being a wealthy family, and the shot is generous.

Although it is not as bold as when Xiao Nan fought against Obito, he threw out 60 million at once.

Ten million, no less.

Scroll, Uchiha Wanyo withdrew ten.

Back at the root, Qimu Shuomao stood on the high ground, visually inspecting the periphery of the root, where there were the least number of patrolmen.

Wanye and his thoughts, when he first heard it, he was also taken aback.

Blast the roots with a detonation charm, that’s crazy, isn’t it! (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

This is Konoha, throwing a brick down and killing ten people, seven of whom have a ninja relative.

With such a huge base, the strong people who continue to stand out have achieved the foundation of Konoha.

When you come to Konoha to make trouble, the first thing to consider is not whether it can be done, but how to get out alive.

After finally being reincarnated as a personal master, who would want to come to Konoha to die?

But Uchiha Wanye didn’t think so, Qimu Shuomao didn’t know where Tuanzo had provoked him, and Wanye would trouble him in three days.

Qimu Shuomao himself does not reject it, that is, back then, the Qimu family as the number one thug of the three generations, Tuan Zang, who is not happy with the whole body of the three generations, how could he not participate!

“How’s it going?”

Uchiha Manyo returns with the detonation charm.

“Seven nodes, this… That…… Also, these places! ”

Qimu Shuomao took out the map of the distribution of root strongholds that he temporarily drew and pointed out some weak points to Manye 0…..

“Today, first find Tuan Zang to collect some interest, kill if you can, don’t be impulsive if you can’t be killed!”

Uchiha Wanye patted Kiki Shuo Shigeru on the shoulder, his grudge with Konoha could not be explained in a word.

Today, Wanye plans to make big news.

He looked at the roots, and he had been unhappy for a long time.

After the battle half a month ago, Uchiha Wanye clearly felt that there were more people monitoring the Uchiha family.

At first, he thought that Obito had done something and was caught.

The result was himself, targeted.

In the battle of the valley, although Wanye did not show his domineering nature, there were so many ninja masters.

Three generations, Tuan Zang, checked around, and finally found his head.

Not only that, these two guys who were seriously suspicious and overly ill also monitored with Watergate by the way, obviously not at ease with him.

The name is protection!

Those people in the three generations of the dark department, may not be enough to kill Watergate, and protect him?

But Watergate is also a master of pretending to be confused, when nothing happens, love to look at it, he is not afraid of the shadow oblique!

Bofeng Shuimen is not afraid, Uchiha Wanye is afraid.

There are a bunch of unseeable things on him, recently in addition to staying in the clan land, the dark root ninja can’t enter, the rest of Konoha, as long as he appears, there will be a bunch of people squatting on the 0.2 roof behind him.

After holding his stomach for a while, he wanted to find an unlucky ghost to discourage, and Tuan Zang was very suitable!

Unlike the three generations, Ape Flying Sun Chopper as the former Hokage, the face is still wanted.

If he is moved, Wanye will not have a peaceful life in the future.

It’s not that I’m afraid of being caught, but if something happens to the ape flying sun, the whole of Konoha will have to be martialized.

At that time, he wanted to quietly check in and check in all parts of Konoha, or make trouble, but it was not as simple as today’s glance.

Kiki Shuomao is ready.

After Uchiha Wanye nodded, he pressed the map and began to set up the formation!

Now is its first appearance, so don’t disappoint too much.

Calculating the approximate area of the root, Uchiha Wanye divided a batch of shadow doppelgangers, and a pair of nine-hook jade reincarnation eyes used all their strength to differentiate their insight ability into all shadow doppelgängers.

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