The grand rhythm resounded throughout Konoha, invisible ripples penetrated all the buildings in Konoha, high-rise earthen walls, dungeon iron nets, without exception, tonight, whether they were asleep or awake villagers, at this moment, they heard Nagato passing, the mouth of Heavenly Dao Payne, and roared out the five words of the supergod Luo Tianzheng!

No one can know what these five words mean.

It’s just that at the moment of hearing it, the hearts of all the people of Konoha stopped inexplicably, like a heavy boulder, pressing on the hearts of all of them, making people breathless and restless.

The senses of ninjas are much more than ordinary people, especially the stronger the ninja, the more clear the truth is relatively clearer than others.

Hokage Building.

At the same time, the three generations and Tuanzo stood up, turned their heads in unison, and turned their eyes to the Uchiha clan.

I didn’t even have time to say a word.

It’s dawn!

A grand sun has come.

The sky and the sea are one color, and endless strong light blooms, blinding the eyes of all those who dare to peek into the true face of the gods at this moment.

The wind of heaven and earth was clear, and all that, under the shroud of this mighty sun, burned itself up, and returned to nothingness.

The dense dark clouds dissipated, the strong light covered instantly, thousands of water vapor condensed for a moment, followed by countless strands of smoke, dispersed from it, and with each step of light, the water vapor was a little bit.

After being completely covered, the clouds were white.

The brilliant colorful glazed halo pulled out the distorted phantom, like a hand like a touch adsorbed on the edge of the strong light that released light and heat, ionizing one after another into a sea of chaos.

Above Konoha, Tendo Payne stands at the center of the burst of strong light!

Before Nagato went crazy, Uchiha Manyo was ready to respond.

Although Xiao Nan didn’t use it, the back hand he prepared in advance was still perfectly achieved, and Wanye’s expectations.

Before the release of the Super God Ra Heavenly Sign.

Uchiha Manyo took a step ahead of Nagato and launched a spell.

Tu Shu Tu Liu City Wall!

Before the super god Luo Tianzheng charged his power, Uchiha Wanye was almost in a race against time, and from the hands of the god of death, he saved Uchiha plus the inner and outer periphery of Konoha, and all the village ninjas.

The circle of earth veins on the soles of Tendo Payne’s feet were all bound by Uchiha Manyo in a circular area with a diameter of one meter, and after Nagato deliberately released the Super Shinra Heavenly Sign, the magic was launched.

The earth is like the growth of life, protruding a small horn, like the branches of trees, the leaf willows of grass seeds, but this speed has been artificially accelerated countless times!

Almost stuck at the time point when the Super God Luo Heavenly Campaign was launched, Uchiha Wanye sent Tendo Payne to a suitable point.

As for safety, it is far from enough to call it!

The wall of Tuliu City is only a prelude, and the subsequent rescue mission still needs to be carried out by Uchiha Wanye himself.

The second stage of Susanoo reappeared, and the armed color domineering energy was integrated into the body of the Martial God, turning it into a little black man, all the domineering before, penetrating Susano’s lower limb nodes.

Between the voids, a side hell reflection responsible for sealing the space walked out, facing Wanye, and merged with the body.

The convergence of natural energy reflects Susanoo!

The space is distorted, making the distance between Uchiha Wanye and Tendo Payne only one step away!

At this moment, Susanoo stood up, and the armed color domineering was fully filled in, and it turned into a pair of narrow and strong legs.

Take one step, raise your legs and jerk!

The power that exceeded the speed of sound, shattered the air pressure barrier, and with a huge force without wind and sound, at a speed far beyond the launch of the earth flow city wall, he kicked Heavenly Dao Payne into the sky.

On the way to the ascent of Heavenly Dao Payne’s body, the great sun came!

Endless light and heat, from the edge of the super-Shenra Heavenly Sign, the vast and boundless power coverage, bloomed.

Small mushroom clouds rise, and then continue to fuse until the mushroom clouds are completely covered, and Nagato released the Super God Ra Heavenly Sign!

The storm swept through the world, and the Konoha in the lower section of the Shinra Heavenly Campaign naturally bore the brunt of it.

Fortunately, before the Kazuxiao organization started, Uchiha Wanye had already evacuated the villagers, ninjas and ordinary people in advance.

Except for those who were directly involved, the rest of the melon-eating masses were unscathed under the protection of the Uchiha family.

The first wave of shocks came, and Storm 05 also damaged some houses that could be repaired at any time, as well as many scenic buildings near the Guard Building.

Konoha’s iconic building, the Hokage Rock Wall, is undoubtedly safe and sound.

No matter how big the storm impact, it is difficult to shake it in the slightest.

Just like the day Konoha was first established, he has been standing there safely, and a human head of Hokage has always guarded Konoha’s safety.

Heaven let Nagato slap a super god Luo Tianzheng, and after sweeping everything, it revealed the starry river that had been covered by dark clouds.

The deep nebula is distorted and slowly rotates with the atmosphere of the planet shaken by the super-god Luo Tianzheng.

Countless star points, under the refraction of the sun’s rays, shine their own brilliance, although these are some dead stars that do not contain any life, but with the power of the sun, they also have the ability to shine.

The sky is fast and the darkness is fast!

In just a few seconds, the masters of Konoha, first great sorrow, then great joy, then sadness, then joy, all emotional fluctuations, under the pull of the supergod Luo Tianzheng, were clearly arranged.

No one wants to die, and no one wants to die.

As a ninja, after tasting the beauty of the ninja world, compared to ordinary people, ninjas are afraid of death.

Once owned, and then taken away, and never owned, until death does not know the truth of the world, are two different things!

On the edge of the tribal shelter, Uchiha Wanye’s shadow doppelganger, with the sleepy Konan, came to Uchiha Fugaku and Yugito.


It was welcomed by the wooden people for the first time.

“Is the opponent solved?” Fugaku also stepped forward and asked.

The movement caused by the supergod Luo Tianzheng, whether the eyes are blind or not, as long as it is a living creature, it is impossible not to feel it.

Is that power that destroys the heavens and the earth really what people can do?

“Soon, this move means that he also began to fight for his life!”

The use of the Super Shinra Heavenly Sign, for Nagato, who is now running out of oil, is to drink and quench thirst, which is out of reach!

His body was already in deficit to death, and the roots of the divine tree summoned by the desperate psychic in the past had consumed most of Nagato’s life force, and his body had not been good for a day in these years.

Now launching the forbidden technique at all costs is undoubtedly worse.

The eye of reincarnation does not belong to Nagato by nature, he is just a tool person who was pushed out by Madara to assist the evolution of the eye of reincarnation, the psychic divine tree is the first step, grabbing the nine tailed beasts, and fusing to touch the ten tails is the second step.

Due to the excessive wear and tear of Chakra’s vitality in the early years, Nagato himself alone released the reincarnation innate, that is, draining Nagato whole, which is only enough to resurrect Uchiha alone.

Extracting the Nine Tailed Beasts and summoning the Ten Tails is the way that Uchiha Paved for Nagato.

After the Ten Tails appeared, as long as Nagato became a human pillar force, after having enough Chakra, and then controlled by the Black Peer, and forcibly released the reincarnation innate, Madara could be perfectly resurrected.

This broken matter was left to Obito, it can only be said that it was an accident, who let Nagato bump into, Naruto Uzumaki, the unreasonable, ninja world approved savior.

A mouthful, plus physical trimming, gave Nagato a whole hood, and he sold Madara’s plan, and the innate release of reincarnation was not used on Madara, but cheapened Konoha’s villagers.

“Wanye, who is the enemy?”

Uchiha Fugaku knew that Wanye was safe and sound, and the enemy’s blow that destroyed the sky and the earth failed to hurt Wanye in the slightest, and he already knew that this matter could not turn over any storms.

“Xiao, the three generations of the group Zang specially found to deal with my bounty mercenary group.”

Simply told Fuyue the news that Qimu Shuomao heard.

“Ape Flying Sun Chopper is simply crazy, a strong person of this level also dares to put it in Konoha casually, he is not afraid, Xiao backhanded to forcibly occupy Konoha?”

“As a Hokage, if you don’t protect the village well, you can forget it, your arms are still turned out, I really don’t know where the second-generation adults fancy this guy!”

Fugaku became more and more angry the more he spoke, and there was still no Wanye in the evening today.

Nagato struck a super god Luo Tianzheng, Konoha can really die all of them, and there will be no chance to fight back.

“Wanye, who is she?”

Yugito didn’t care much about Konoha’s life or death, she was not from Konoha Village herself, and she came to worry about Konoha’s round of life and death.

“A member of the Xiao organization originally wanted to use it to contain the other party and not let him act rashly, but I didn’t expect it and it was counterproductive.”

Wanye handed over Konam to Yugito:

“Look at her well, I’ll still be useful later…”

Before the words were completely finished, the shadow avatar’s residual Chakra was consumed, and the shadow avatar lost its energy supply, turned into a cloud of smoke, and disappeared.

Yukito, who had a stomach problem, could only suppress his thoughts after Uchiha Manye’s figure dissipated, took the sleepy Konan, and saluted Uchiha Fugaku, and the person also left.

“Three generations…”

As people left one after another, Fugaku stood in the tribal shelter, like three generations of two people in the Hokage Building, looking at Uchiha and looking at the phantom of the Hokage Building.

Ethnic edges.

Uchiha Wanyo, who stands on the earth, stands Susanoo in the center of the heart.

A huge martial god more than ten meters tall, standing tall in the sky!

The second stage Susanoo added, the armed color domineering condensed the legs, and Uchiha Wanye pieced together a third-order.

This idea, he had when he fought with Uchiha Shuishui, knowing that Obito Xiaoqiang’s attribute broke out, released the complete third order, and completed the last piece of the puzzle for him, so that he could make the armed color domineering and become Susano’s leg.

The Chakra circulation route, under the deliberate differentiation of the armed color, simplified the transportation channel several times, and the speed not only accelerated a lot, but also the speed of energy consumption was constantly declining.

In mid-air, the figure of Heavenly Dao Payne slowly fell.

Nagato is now a fire in his belly, and whoever consumes a huge amount of life force, releases a forbidden technique, fights empty, has to be depressed.

The power of the Super God Luo Heavenly Campaign to destroy the world is now all shown to the dog.

The person did not kill a single one, Nagato himself was still tortured by himself, half dead, and the person is now almost hanging in one breath.

There is only one reason to support him so far, and that is to bring Xiaonan back safely!

In the hands of the Zhibo family, Xiaonan’s future and miserable prison career, Nagato dare not think about it!

Manipulating the body of the huge martial god, grasping the landing point of Heavenly Dao Payne, Uchiha Wanye’s figure was illusory for a while, and immediately killed in front of Nagato!

A knife that penetrated heaven and earth, under the light of the starry night, slashed on the heavenly spirit cover of Heavenly Dao Payne.

Shinra Tenji!

In the distance, Nagato can’t let Tendo Payne die, origami his only means of turning over, Xiao Nan hasn’t come back yet, how can he, fall here!

The battle is not over yet, he is far from losing!

Outer Dao Reincarnation is born!

At this moment, Nagato completely opened up, intending to exhaust all his life force and resurrect the six reincarnation doppelgangers!

The Hell Dao was within the shrouded range of the Super God Luo Heavenly Sign, and he couldn’t run out in time at that time.

Outside Konoha Village, in a mountain forest, the illusory giant tree was fluctuated by the huge chakra, tearing the camouflage of the appearance, and the artistic camouflage left by Konan, completely shattered Nagato.

There is no longer a hand left at the moment, he must, and must kill, Uchiha Wanye today!

Nagato could never have imagined that a second pair of reincarnation eyes could appear in the world, if it were not for the reincarnation eye, how could Uchiha Wanye have such a powerful power.

Coming to Konoha today can be described as the only stupid thing Nagato has done in his life!

Such a huge vitality, transforming Chakra’s movements, naturally could not hide Uchiha Wanye.

The black under the ground, after seeing Nagato’s actions, people are also stupid.

The whole person was stunned, staying underground, and there was no sign of activity for a long time.

For a woman, what about you?

Madara was almost completely torn apart by Nagato, a brainless guy, with a sudden hand.

“Reincarnation innate?”

On the edge of the Uchiha clan, Uchiha Wanye, who was bombed by Shinra Tianzheng, was surprised to speak.

He also didn’t expect that Nagato would be so crazy, and at all costs, he would die with him today.

Xiao Nan is important to Nagato, naturally he doesn’t use a mobile phone, but no matter how important it is, in front of Xiao Nan, there is also Yahiko, standing there.

Nagato disregarded his own safety and Yahiko’s ideals, and also wanted to get Konan, but you can imagine what he was forced to by Uchiha Wanye.

“The vision is good, but your reincarnation eye has obviously not evolved to the point of mine, how do you know this technique?”

After being born in reincarnation, Nagato can live for a while, so he can have some time to chat with Uchiha Manye, who is also an immortal eye.

“In Uchiha’s ancient books, there are some records about the eye of reincarnation!”

The words are naturally nonsense, mainly used to flicker, a long door.

Hei is definitely not here anyway, who can run out and expose his lies.

“So it is.” Nagato nodded slowly.

At this moment, Nagato possessed Tendo Payne’s body, feeling very good, the other six reincarnation doppelgangers walked out from behind him in turn, and fell behind Tendo Payne, not giving Uchiha Wanye, a little opportunity.

The last moment.

No matter how relaxed Nagato was, he could not despise Uchiha Manyo, the most powerful opponent he had ever encountered in his life.

The formation is composed of Heavenly Dao Payne as the core, Hungry Ghost Dao as the end, the natural energy between heaven and earth converges, and the starting from the Hungry Ghost Dao is poured into several reincarnation bodies in front of him.

Natural energy continues to converge and finally pours into the Heavenly Dao!

“Uchiha Wanyo, you know what?”

“This moon above our heads is said to be made by the Six Dao Immortals, and the power to create it is in the eyes of reincarnation!”

“My final kill, take it! Uchiha Wanyo! ”

“Earthburst Star ——!”

For the first day, Doi Payne opened his hands, and the black void exploded from Uchiha Manyo, Susano’s body, and then it became bigger and bigger!

No matter how Wanye sprints, he will eventually be pulled back by this endless gravity!

The Earth Explosion Heavenly Star is the sealing technique, and it is also the strongest killing move of the Reincarnation Eye! (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

And there is not one!

Sealing art, in the ninja world is a BUG-like existence, specializing in all kinds of non-return, there is no sealing technique under the sky, things that cannot be solved, if there is, it must be that the sealing technique is not strong enough!

And the Earth Explosion Heavenly Star is the existence that stands at the apex of this strange sealing technique!

The strength of the use of power is purely to see how accomplished the sealing technique of the user of the eye of reincarnation is.

The three-stage Susanoo was in Nagato, and under the release of all his might, he also had the same insect ants embedded in amber, unable to move.

All the sword qi and vacuum wave blades wielded are all blocked one by one with their own bodies in the case of the reincarnation doppelganger regardless of life and death!

The earth split, and the majestic boulder without seeing its depth, constantly rushed out of the surface from the depths of the earth’s veins, and then all the brains crashed into Uchiha Wanyo, protecting Susanoo in the outer periphery!

A circle of huge earth rocks that surrounded Uchiha Wanye’s body, as well as many parts of the earth that were attracted to it, were slowly gathered together to form a huge spherical object floating in the air.

The sphere formed by the squeeze of the huge rock, under the manipulation of Tendo Payne, continued to rise at an unfast speed, and then was trapped in the center of the boulder, Uchiha Manyo, quickly allowing the rock and soil to be compacted.

After inheriting the super-god Ra Tianzheng, Konoha and the other great clans, once again, Nagato was brushed up, his own understanding of the top strength of the ninja world.

“What’s that?”

Uchiha Fugaku looked up, the huge sphere rising up, and looked blankly.

From the center of the sphere, Fugaku could clearly feel the touch of his eyes, it was the breath of Uchiha Wanye, the same blood bond, so that Fugaku recognized Manya in the first time.

“It’s going to be fine, it’s going to be fine!”

Super God Luo Tianzheng failed to take what happened to Uchiha Wanye, I believe this time is the same!

The progress of the transformation of reincarnation’s innate vitality into Chakra is still continuing, and the fluctuations are getting stronger and stronger.

The deep green emerald shadow that occupies half of the sky curtain, it is difficult for Uchiha Fugaku to be invisible.

The huge fluctuations emitted by Chakra, to this day, even Fugaku can now feel the source of the huge stone trapped in Uchiha Wanyo.

Hokage Building.

Three generations, Tuan Zang, looking at the huge rock rising up into the sky, it is also a spiritual shock!

Although he almost let Nagato send a super Shinra Heavenly Sign, and the bones that were crushed were gone, but the two of them didn’t care much, their faces were torn to this point, and the contradiction between them and the Uchiha family has intensified to the point that either you die or I live.

After thoroughly recognizing the strength of Uchiha Wanyo, the three generations clearly recognized it.

As long as the Uchiha clan has the day when Uchiha Wanye is alive in the future, Konoha will fill in the entire family base, and it will not be enough for him to cut alone!

The new generation of Uchiha spots reappeared, but where did they expect the thousand hand pillars go?

Nagato’s appearance was undoubtedly a shot in the arm for the two.

Super God Luo Tianzheng power, the two of them can see clearly, if Konoha is beaten tightly, then in the future, I am afraid that the ninja world will have to shuffle again.

On this day, the three generations were actually a little grateful to Danzo, if it weren’t for the truth from him that the three caves of the cunning rabbit, the three generations might still be in Konoha today.

When the time comes, he will die, that is, he will really die!

The Earthburst Star Sealing Sphere is getting bigger and bigger, from the size of a small mountain bag at the beginning to the size of a small celestial star now.

It took less than a minute!

The Earth Explosion Star continued to rise, and it was clear that Nagato was a six-path immortal who had the same plan, that is, to seal the enemy into the sky.

The strength of the Six Dao Immortals is far from Nagato’s match!

The six immortals can use their own strength to compress the size of a moon, seal the celestial body out, Nagato is tired to death, at most build a small comet.

At best, it surrounds the moon like the moon circles the ninja realm, giving it a companion star.

With an earth-shattering explosion, Konoha’s foundation also let the sky, the rising sphere, be pulled.

Large swaths of houses were pulled by gravity, turning into ruins, shattering wooden beams and walls, colliding with each other around the void, crushing themselves into tiny grains of sand.

Uchiha Wanye was trapped in the central area of the Earth Explosion Star, and he could feel at all times that the Chakra in his body, under the absorption of the sealing gravity, continued to radiate outward, becoming part of the technique of the Earth Explosion Star.

With the power in my own body, seal myself, and the Earth Explosion Star really has a hand.

Relying on Nagato’s own strength alone is definitely not enough to send Uchiha Manya out of the planet’s atmosphere, but with a Uchiha Manyo himself, it is difficult to say.

Although Uchiha Wanye’s strength has never appeared complete, even a half-crippled body is enough for him to crush everyone in the ninja world now.

The space blockade around Konoha quietly dispersed, and the last side hell reflection responsible for maintaining dissipated the figure!

At the same time, the reflection of the side hell in Uchiha Wanye’s body also dispersed, returning the purest chakra and filling the savings of ontological energy.

In the boundless darkness, Uchiha Wanye opened his eyes, and the nine hooks of jade reincarnation under his eyes turned!

Shinra Tenji!

The collision of gravity and repulsion gives Uchiha Wanye a time to temporarily breathe!

The tomb wheel side hell technique was dissolved, and the huge amount of Chakra returned to the body, and for the first time, Uchiha Wanye felt that the energy in his body could be so powerful.

Chakra transforms pupil power and infuses it into Susano’s body.

The degree of awakening of the eye of reincarnation, Wanye is not as good as get, the long gate of the spotted eyes, the super god Luo Tianzheng, and the earth explosion Tianxing, he does not know much, there is only one way to deal with it, that is, violent demolition!

Susanoo is a third order!

At the same time, the blade in the hand of the martial god was dispersed, and the armed color domineering energy surrounded the whole body, and then the void condensed, inch by inch condensed the outline of the blade, and then the pupil power instilled in it, and the Susanoo came with the blade originally, and forcibly rewrote it into the appearance of the weapon that Uchiha Wanye was familiar with.

After the repulsive power of Shinra Tenzheng dissipated, the earth exploding planet squeezed Susano’s body, and gravity once again entangled it, and Uchiha Manyo’s limbs.

Just as gravity was about to extract the chakra in Wanye’s body, the pitch-black long knife rotated, and the boundless sharp aura rushed to the face, and the sharp wind roared from here, and the sealing enchantment that did not save half of the air came out!

Beyond the earth-bursting stars, a round of black sun has fallen!

Whoever saw and heard, his mind let this deep and huge abyss, the black sun swallowed up a essence!

The black sun moves with the turn of the blade in Uchiha Manyo’s hand.

The long knife cut horizontally to explode the outer star rock shell, and the black sun outside bloomed black silk wisps, and the silk thread was sharp to the extreme, touching the sealing sphere.

The brilliance of the black sun continued to bloom, and endless black lines came out from the body of the black sun, and the bee chrysalis came out, one wisp of two wisps and three wisps…

Until the entire earth exploded the stars, they were shrouded in the black sun that emanated from the sky!


A sound of mirror cracking, spreading Konoha, closer to the ground explosion star, the range of people, many people’s eardrums can not withstand it, such a high-frequency rhythm, so that the sound waves have torn a small cut.

Bright red blood slowly dripped from the ears, and countless Konoha villagers in the residential area, implicated in the aftermath of the fight between Uchiha Manya and Nagato, fell to the ground one after another, holding their heads and rolling all over the ground.

Just like a lens cracked, the Earthburst Star Sealing Ball that stopped high above the clouds revealed dense cracks, and the number of these cracks was increasing, and cracks of different sizes were spread throughout the rock sphere.

The Earth Explosion Celestial Star was disintegrated by Uchiha Wanyo’s sword, and Nagato, who was the maintenance of the sealing technique, was inevitably hit hard.

In the underground cavity, Nagato’s body was like the sealing sphere above the clouds, full of cracks, scarlet blood continued to flow, and the broken wounds slowly flowed.

The moment the Earth Explosion Star cracked, Nagato’s entire body trembled, and the blood that seeped out of his body was also shattered into a blood mist under this tremor, and finally permeated this underground cavity!

The earth exploded with stars, and immediately broke away from Nagato’s control.

Soon, the sealing ball that was about to disintegrate in the sky, after losing the control of the eye of reincarnation, no longer had the strength to maintain its ability to float in the air.

Without Nagato Chakra’s supply, the Earth Explosion Star split faster than everyone expected.

Pieces of broken land fell from the sky, smashing out a piece of potholes, the squeezed earth, dust flying, yellow sand around the smashed pits, all around for a long time,

In the end, most of the sealing balls remained, and after the gravity of the Earthburst Star dissipated, they fell directly off from Uchiha Manye’s body, and the whole fell straight down from the sky, falling into a huge tall mountain.

Uchiha Wanye descended from the sky, and the pitch-black Martial God, under the background of the black sun, was like a god in the world, step after step, stepping on the black sun silk thread, solidifying the ladder to the sky, towards the location of the mountain formed after the decomposition of the earth explosion star, smashing into the earth.

In this, under the mountain, the six reincarnation doppelgangers who cannot escape are suppressed by Nagato’s own power in turn, and after the earth explosion star is strengthened, the tall mountain, with some special ability to suppress the flow of Chakra, is close to the core node of gravity formation and seals Uchiha Manyo.

The ninja passing by, the chakra in the body, will also be forcibly absorbed by the remnants of the earth-exploding star.

Regardless of strength, mountain peaks are all treated equally.

“How is this possible…”

This is the first thing Nagato said when Uchiha Wanye dissipated the third order Susano, and after landing, he heard being pressed under the mountain peak.

“There is no such thing as impossible, the appearance of ninjas is challenging the natural laws of this world!”

Uchiha Wanye calmly replied, Nagato is now at the end of the strong crossbow, and there is no longer a means that can threaten Manyo.

Those who are dying are good in their words.

Nagato’s life, compared with Uchiha Obito, has been selected by Uchiha since birth to be, the number one tool man.

With the bloodline of the Uzumaki clan, he was born with a huge Chakra that is far beyond ordinary ninjas, and because of this, he was chosen by Madara .

The eye of reincarnation is both the eye of the immortal and the eye of killing, and the unevolved chakra eye needs to be used by outsiders at a high price.

How can the price of the reincarnation eye of plural evolution be cheap!

There is also a peaceful past that can be remembered.

Before everything is destroyed by Uchiha, Obito also has a partner, a beloved teacher, and the Watergate couple who take care of him!

It’s just that all this was destroyed by his own hands under Madara’s deliberate guidance and his own fall.

The nonsense plan of Infinite Monthly Reading, it was also believed by him and Madara!

One by one, they like to be gods so much, and as a result, they don’t even understand what the essence of God is, and they become one after another, the tool people who resurrect their mothers, and they all give their lives.


Nagato, who is even more miserable than Obito, is written in tragedy, which is not enough to describe.

One lives in falsehood, never has what he really wants to do, and all actions are either guided by Madara or under the foolishness of the black.

Yahiko, a half-old child, thought that Nagato could be regarded as the truth, and gave everything for it.

He had never really seen the world with his own eyes, and he was not able to say his wishes until his death.


Nagato is powerless to refute, the king is defeated, and the loser bears everything.

“Xiaonan, are you going to…”

To death, the only person Nagato cares about in his heart is her, as for Xiao?

Nature loves to die, where to die!

“I caught her, just to contain you, who knows that it has the opposite effect, Super God Luo Tianzheng, you still use it, if it weren’t for my constant vigilance, Konoha would have razed you to the ground!”

As Uchiha Wanye spoke, his hands were sealed, and he overran the rock and soil of the mountain peak, sending out the body of Tendo Payne.

Nagato is going to die, and what he can do as an enemy is to bring his friend back and bury him with Nagato in the future.

“Can you grant me a request?”

Nagato lowered his head and said slowly.

“What do you have…”

Uchiha Wanye opened his mouth to refuse, a dead man, what kind of wind and waves can turn over.

“Reincarnation Eye, I can give it to you, I don’t need you to do anything, just help me and Yahiko take care of Xiaonan, she has suffered all her life, she has suffered all her life, I have suffered from Yahiko, everything we do, in fact, is to make her laugh happily!”

“The ninja world is too complicated, Konan’s personality is not suitable for being a ninja, and give this to her, she will believe you, and don’t let her take revenge, this is a pointless thing…”

Nagato planned to give Uchiha Wanye a ring, woven with paper, and just wanted to reach out, only to find that the place where Wanye was located was where Tendo Payne was, far from his body!

“By the way, can you bury Yahiko and me together? This is my last request! ”

“And you better hurry, I can feel it, absolutely by my side, it is not a good person, after I die, there will be only one left in the ninja world, the owner of the eye of reincarnation, it will definitely come to you!”

“Remember, don’t believe a word of it!”

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