122 Looking into a really ugly mirror
Not far from us was a figure who calmly walked to us not minding all the gazes that were currently aimed into the direction where he came from. He did not seem to be bothered with all of these eyes currently fixated on his body and was even humming a melody.
I would not have cared about some player coming here to meet me, but I was a bit worried since burning hair is a bit special. Certainly, the fact, that this figure looked like a clone of mine made the process, not any easier
And I have to say, it is no wonder, that everybody is trying to hurt me upon seeing me. This face looked really punchable and the smug expression, that he was currently having on his face, made even me want to inflict harm upon him.
His face looked like the aftermath of a really bad car crash and not one thing on it looked aesthetically pleasing to the eye. From the crooked nose to the proportionally way too big eyes, everything made me feel appealed just for having laid my eyes upon it.
The teeth were rotten and the skin itself had seen better days. How could anyone not want to put this thing out of its misery? Living with a face like that has to be a sign, that God does not love you. If he were any uglier the reality might have imploded and the universe would have ceased to be.
What I am trying to say is, why is this NPC who has an uncanny resemblance to me looking so fucking hideous? How could anyone respect me or even listen to me, when I have a face like that? This is a visual attack on every onlooker.
Anyone who invented such a design with a clear mind and yet said, yes, I agree, should be imprisoned. I mean, if that person had tried to create something that was an insult to all creation itself, he would have succeeded.
It takes a lot of talent to create such a horrific and disturbing appearance. This Creator is incapable of feeling any morality or compassion, otherwise, he would never do this to anyone, even if the person is fictitious.
Some limits should never have been crossed in the manufacturing process, but one look is enough to know that this intent has not been kept in the slightest.
How can this abomination still have a smile on its lips? The only thing I expect is a tormented rattle and a desperate "kill me", a being of this kind would have to beg to be released from your suffering. Instead, he hums a happy melody as he comes closer to us without any worry in the world.
I did not mind, that this something looked exactly like me. Even if my clone should never have seen the light of the day, it still had the courage to live on and that was something I could respect.
What I do mind was the fact, that this vermin was like a mirror showing me exactly how ugly I really look. Why, just why did I have to learn, that I look like a troll that lives under a bridge? If these people keep on turning their heads between the two of us, I swear I am going to break their necks.
This copy of mine had not said a single word, but I was already pissed off by its presence alone.
" Relax it is not that terrible," said the voice inside of my head clearly gloating about my misfortune. Relax? My face is a crime that goes against everything that is holy and you tell me that it is not that bad? Not that bad? This thing needs to be wiped out of existence. Burned with the might of a thousand fires to be never seen ever again.
Remind me, to not look at my reflection ever again, I do not want to see something so horrendous ever again. It is hard enough for myself to live with the knowledge, that I am one and the same. I should think about putting a mask on my face, to spare other people from suffering as much as I just did now.
No one deserves such a fate, not even my worst enemy. Regardless of how desperate the situation is, I would never force this kind of burden on other players, I would rather die, then let another soul crumble through such an awful visual stimulation.
Well if I am honest I would most likely try to weaponize it, but for my current narrative it is better to act the part, otherwise, you might think, that this face is really not that bad. Trust me it is as bad as I make it out to be, even though I am currently insulting myself, it still needs to be done.
" Why do you sound more insulted by the fact, that you have such a hideous face, then the fact that there is an exact copy of you coming closer to you?"
The fact, that you agree with my opinion is somewhat comforting me but also quite disheartening at the same time. The fact, that I am not very surprised by it, is simply due to the ominous words the Observer used when it talked to me about the upcoming event. Quite frankly I am not surprised by anything in that regard, a clone is still not enough to cause me any concern.
Of course, this judgement can change in the blink of an eye depending on how similar this copy is to the original. Just because they look like me, does not mean that they are like me. Should they truly act and think like me, then I had much bigger things to worry about other than a bad taste in design.
So I would rather make fun of my face then thinking about the implications that came with such a revelation. I doubt, that it is truly able to copy myself since it called me unique, but the possibility of something like this occurring can not be excluded and nothing prevents the Observer to shape this model to resemble me in their thinking process and in their behaviour.
The issue at hand remains the same to what degree is it capable to mimic me? When my copy finally has ended his leisurely walk, this question can finally be answered. If my replication would not put so much emphasis on his importance, I am sure this ordeal could have been taken care of ages ago.
Who is he even trying to impress with such a boring introduction? In the time he took up, he would have been killed multiple times by the magic-wielding psychos just for carrying my face. Either he knew that we absolutely would not kill him or he was sure that regardless of what we might do, that we would pose no danger to him.
Truly conceited for someone who was supposed to be like me. I had always been someone to avoid potential conflict like a pest and he just casually walked into the lion's den with a big smile on his face.
Somehow this is not a grin that full of happiness no it was a grin born out of pure contempt. I had gotten used t expressions like that and they were not enough to agitate me anymore. Though seeing something like this one my face caused the sudden urge to wipe said smile out of it. But without enough information at my disposal, it would be wiser to wait and see what might happen.
Who knows he might just want to get my signature because I am such a beautiful person on the inside. " Beautiful on the Inside? You are many things, but by no means, would I ever relate you to the word beautiful when talking about you. "
True, you would have never settled for a good guy. Although they have many redeeming qualities none of them is of any use to you. Someone like you strives for absolute strength, so compassion is nothing more than an inconvenience.
"Although you know next to nothing about me, at least you have understood a basic principle of mine. Even a lower lifeform like you should be capable of this much."
Who needs enemies, when I already have you in my head? Who am I kidding I would rather have you stuck inside my brain when uptight magic proclaiming to act in the name of Gord always preaching about his warped sense of justice.
Death would be a good alternative instead of going through that kind of torture. The voice would probably scream about my sinful thoughts and behaviour all the damn time. I do not mind others believing in Gods or other supernatural powers, but the moment they try to force their beliefs onto others, makes me lose all of the respect I might have had for them.
" My humble self is called Moirai" after what felt like an eternity my copy had finally come close enough and started the conversation with a slight bow. At least, his manners were on point but he was still unable to hide the distaste in the voice, while he spoke to us.
" Hello Moirai, how can I help you?" A neutral response was given from me, to see how he would react if I did not treat him as something higher or lower. Since his ego, seems to be as big as his forehead, it will be interesting to see how he would reply to something like this.
" This lowly one has come here to witness something with his own eyes." While the content of the discussion might seem servile the voice was clearly showcasing hostility after hearing my reply.
" I wish you the best of luck, so you might find what you seek. There are a lot of dangerous places, one can get lost easily."
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Visible confusion could be seen on his face, as he tried to comprehend what I said to him. Hidden threats do not seem to be part of his vocabulary though. Seems like I will have to be more direct to get my answers across.
" I found it but the outcome was meagre." The voice had returned to the usual tone full of contempt.
I am truly sorry, that I did not live up to your expectations. Now I would get provoked by seeing this display of arrogance and a fight ensues. Seriously by now, everyone should know, that I hate being treated as if I had lost every functioning brain cell.
" Dear holy maiden, with a face as angelic as yours, I am bewitched and am smitten by your presence. It would be an honour if you would allow me to bed you. I am sure this would be to your liking." with an indifferent expression on my face, I made him that offer. All in all, it was just an elaborate way to imply that he should fuck himself.
" Yeah, as expected no spine and backbone." Cleary my copy did not get the memo, that the script had changed and it was still talking loudly and gave his all to provoke me. I am quite sure, that the Observer did not give them the correct translation of what I had just said to him, but one that suits the narrative, that it is trying to force into being.
Sadly this will not work, if one of the key actors refuses to act his part and just keeps on saying weird stuff, that does not make any sense.
" You see you are nothing more than a mere pawn, too stupid to think for himself. In your eyes, you might think, that you are in full control of your destiny and suffer under the illusion, that you have a choice. but regardless of what happens, you will never be able to escape from this fate. "
"Even your so-called arrogance is just born out of someone else's intention. What does the puppet say after hearing this kind of revelation?"
I still did not change my voice or expression as I spoke to him. The content did not matter, it was all about the impression I left others with, the system or the Observer would change my words to fit the current situation.
" But your fear and hesitation are just to be expected for being in my presence." said the Clone still trying to rile me up refusing to notice, that I was not even talking to it directly anymore and currently conducting my own play.
" You try to provoke me and force me into something I have yet to know the repercussions of. But you do not even pay any effort to come up with something, that seems believable. Please do not tell me, that this kind of provocation is enough, to get others to blindly attack in this world."
I continued but this time I around I showed an expression full of fear.
" While they perceive me as a hairy ape, incapable of even the simplest tasks, you should not treat me as such. I think we are beyond a point, where we have to play psychological tricks on one another given the disproportionate difference between our power."
" Tremble in my presence, you filthy creature" I was forced to suppress a yawn, that wanted to escape my mouth as I was forced to hear this kind of nonsense while I tried to convey a message to a certain someone.
" There is no need to show my videos about Childbirth or some other weird dance in the nude. There is no need to try and make me believe that this kind of NPC just casually walks to this place without any purpose in mind. What's the use for all of this mind games? I just do not get it."
" Bow down to me." This noise was relegated into the background as I tried to find the correct words to get my points across without sounding like a whiny bitch.
" Instead of wasting so much time and effort for such make-believe bullshit, just tell me what you want from me and we will make it happen without all of this trouble and stress. If you want to see how I would react in certain scenarios I would advise you to make it less obvious then this, otherwise my reaction will be exactly like this."
I just turn around and returned to the dazed players and resumed the training. Actions speak louder then works. If my words get falsified I will just have to communicate non verbally. Under the confused glances from Tom and the players I just did my push-ups without any worry in the world.
Everyone involved seemed at a loss, how this situation should be handled. Even the Observer must have been caught off-guard as my copy, stood there without moving just blandly staring at my physical prowess.
The first person, who broke the silence was not someone in the close vicinity but the voice inside of my head.
" From all the possible actions, yours was not something I would have considered. The humans in your world seem a lot more interesting than the ones who turned into these god abiding maniacs."
All I want is to enjoy the time I spent here. Why do I have to waste my time, thinking about so many things, that could be solved by a simple exchange of words? Why is it necessary to send this copy of me, to show me how others see me? Is it trying to demoralize me? Is it just a showcase of his powers?
I can not fathom, why he would go through all of that, just to show me how the world perceives me. Quite frankly I could not care any less what a random person on this planet thinks about me, but it really is annoying, if I can never be sure, whether the words I said, will be the ones they get to hear. Sadly I can not change this, without learning their whole damn language at first.
" Yeah and we both know, it would be a waste to do so. Your life would certainly not end well if you decide to go against the Observers will. The stunt you pulled just now was quite risky as well."
It was not risky at all. All of these players follow me willingly, unlike the others who would start a crusade upon noticing my location. So sending this clone of mine, would not bring that much attention and publicity with it. So even if I did go against his will, the repercussions of this decision are minor at best.
The Observer might have full control over his sphere but it still can not force players do act like he wants them to. So it would be unwise to introduce this chaotic bunch, into this situation. At least this much can be expected from an entity, that governs this world. In comparison to its lack of importance it places on me, I spend a lot of thought about its intentions and thoughts.
That is why I take so much offence to be treated like a small child. If it wants to take advantage out of me, fine by me, but please do not think it will be easy to force me to do its bidding. One day it will come back to bite you in the back. That is not a warning that is a promise.
Because even if you take away my ability to communicate with others, I still have my ways, to shape this world in a way, that it certainly has not accounted for and I doubt this is the result it tries to achieve. Especially you Mr Tennant should know about the danger of the ideas, that are in my hand.
" I truly advise against bringing this kind of object into this world."
Of course, it is just a last resort, but some times the best threat is one of mutual destruction. While I lose my life, it has much more to lose. As long as I serve a purpose it should not care about what I do or how I think. This is just a little reminder, nothing more.
I am sure, that it will notice what message I am trying to convey. Even if looking at the ugly version of me is quite an inconvenience, there is no way around it for the time being. The dumbfounded look on its expression was still worth it.
Yet the situation was still far from over as in the distance I saw yet another silhouette approaching. It was a hulk of a man that just barely could be called human. Still, it had the same face as me and the first copy.
If I had known, it would double down I would have just folded and play along. Now I am in for a ride, this will be quite something. The mere thought of how many versions of me might be out there makes me shudder.
But did the Observer really think I would back down? Let us see who will back out here.
Not far from us was a figure who calmly walked to us not minding all the gazes that were currently aimed into the direction where he came from. He did not seem to be bothered with all of these eyes currently fixated on his body and was even humming a melody.
I would not have cared about some player coming here to meet me, but I was a bit worried since burning hair is a bit special. Certainly, the fact, that this figure looked like a clone of mine made the process, not any easier
And I have to say, it is no wonder, that everybody is trying to hurt me upon seeing me. This face looked really punchable and the smug expression, that he was currently having on his face, made even me want to inflict harm upon him.
His face looked like the aftermath of a really bad car crash and not one thing on it looked aesthetically pleasing to the eye. From the crooked nose to the proportionally way too big eyes, everything made me feel appealed just for having laid my eyes upon it.
The teeth were rotten and the skin itself had seen better days. How could anyone not want to put this thing out of its misery? Living with a face like that has to be a sign, that God does not love you. If he were any uglier the reality might have imploded and the universe would have ceased to be.
What I am trying to say is, why is this NPC who has an uncanny resemblance to me looking so fucking hideous? How could anyone respect me or even listen to me, when I have a face like that? This is a visual attack on every onlooker.
Anyone who invented such a design with a clear mind and yet said, yes, I agree, should be imprisoned. I mean, if that person had tried to create something that was an insult to all creation itself, he would have succeeded.
It takes a lot of talent to create such a horrific and disturbing appearance. This Creator is incapable of feeling any morality or compassion, otherwise, he would never do this to anyone, even if the person is fictitious.
Some limits should never have been crossed in the manufacturing process, but one look is enough to know that this intent has not been kept in the slightest.
How can this abomination still have a smile on its lips? The only thing I expect is a tormented rattle and a desperate "kill me", a being of this kind would have to beg to be released from your suffering. Instead, he hums a happy melody as he comes closer to us without any worry in the world.
I did not mind, that this something looked exactly like me. Even if my clone should never have seen the light of the day, it still had the courage to live on and that was something I could respect.
What I do mind was the fact, that this vermin was like a mirror showing me exactly how ugly I really look. Why, just why did I have to learn, that I look like a troll that lives under a bridge? If these people keep on turning their heads between the two of us, I swear I am going to break their necks.
This copy of mine had not said a single word, but I was already pissed off by its presence alone.
" Relax it is not that terrible," said the voice inside of my head clearly gloating about my misfortune. Relax? My face is a crime that goes against everything that is holy and you tell me that it is not that bad? Not that bad? This thing needs to be wiped out of existence. Burned with the might of a thousand fires to be never seen ever again.
Remind me, to not look at my reflection ever again, I do not want to see something so horrendous ever again. It is hard enough for myself to live with the knowledge, that I am one and the same. I should think about putting a mask on my face, to spare other people from suffering as much as I just did now.
No one deserves such a fate, not even my worst enemy. Regardless of how desperate the situation is, I would never force this kind of burden on other players, I would rather die, then let another soul crumble through such an awful visual stimulation.
Well if I am honest I would most likely try to weaponize it, but for my current narrative it is better to act the part, otherwise, you might think, that this face is really not that bad. Trust me it is as bad as I make it out to be, even though I am currently insulting myself, it still needs to be done.
" Why do you sound more insulted by the fact, that you have such a hideous face, then the fact that there is an exact copy of you coming closer to you?"
The fact, that you agree with my opinion is somewhat comforting me but also quite disheartening at the same time. The fact, that I am not very surprised by it, is simply due to the ominous words the Observer used when it talked to me about the upcoming event. Quite frankly I am not surprised by anything in that regard, a clone is still not enough to cause me any concern.
Of course, this judgement can change in the blink of an eye depending on how similar this copy is to the original. Just because they look like me, does not mean that they are like me. Should they truly act and think like me, then I had much bigger things to worry about other than a bad taste in design.
So I would rather make fun of my face then thinking about the implications that came with such a revelation. I doubt, that it is truly able to copy myself since it called me unique, but the possibility of something like this occurring can not be excluded and nothing prevents the Observer to shape this model to resemble me in their thinking process and in their behaviour.
The issue at hand remains the same to what degree is it capable to mimic me? When my copy finally has ended his leisurely walk, this question can finally be answered. If my replication would not put so much emphasis on his importance, I am sure this ordeal could have been taken care of ages ago.
Who is he even trying to impress with such a boring introduction? In the time he took up, he would have been killed multiple times by the magic-wielding psychos just for carrying my face. Either he knew that we absolutely would not kill him or he was sure that regardless of what we might do, that we would pose no danger to him.
Truly conceited for someone who was supposed to be like me. I had always been someone to avoid potential conflict like a pest and he just casually walked into the lion's den with a big smile on his face.
Somehow this is not a grin that full of happiness no it was a grin born out of pure contempt. I had gotten used t expressions like that and they were not enough to agitate me anymore. Though seeing something like this one my face caused the sudden urge to wipe said smile out of it. But without enough information at my disposal, it would be wiser to wait and see what might happen.
Who knows he might just want to get my signature because I am such a beautiful person on the inside. " Beautiful on the Inside? You are many things, but by no means, would I ever relate you to the word beautiful when talking about you. "
True, you would have never settled for a good guy. Although they have many redeeming qualities none of them is of any use to you. Someone like you strives for absolute strength, so compassion is nothing more than an inconvenience.
"Although you know next to nothing about me, at least you have understood a basic principle of mine. Even a lower lifeform like you should be capable of this much."
Who needs enemies, when I already have you in my head? Who am I kidding I would rather have you stuck inside my brain when uptight magic proclaiming to act in the name of Gord always preaching about his warped sense of justice.
Death would be a good alternative instead of going through that kind of torture. The voice would probably scream about my sinful thoughts and behaviour all the damn time. I do not mind others believing in Gods or other supernatural powers, but the moment they try to force their beliefs onto others, makes me lose all of the respect I might have had for them.
" My humble self is called Moirai" after what felt like an eternity my copy had finally come close enough and started the conversation with a slight bow. At least, his manners were on point but he was still unable to hide the distaste in the voice, while he spoke to us.
" Hello Moirai, how can I help you?" A neutral response was given from me, to see how he would react if I did not treat him as something higher or lower. Since his ego, seems to be as big as his forehead, it will be interesting to see how he would reply to something like this.
" This lowly one has come here to witness something with his own eyes." While the content of the discussion might seem servile the voice was clearly showcasing hostility after hearing my reply.
" I wish you the best of luck, so you might find what you seek. There are a lot of dangerous places, one can get lost easily."
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Visible confusion could be seen on his face, as he tried to comprehend what I said to him. Hidden threats do not seem to be part of his vocabulary though. Seems like I will have to be more direct to get my answers across.
" I found it but the outcome was meagre." The voice had returned to the usual tone full of contempt.
I am truly sorry, that I did not live up to your expectations. Now I would get provoked by seeing this display of arrogance and a fight ensues. Seriously by now, everyone should know, that I hate being treated as if I had lost every functioning brain cell.
" Dear holy maiden, with a face as angelic as yours, I am bewitched and am smitten by your presence. It would be an honour if you would allow me to bed you. I am sure this would be to your liking." with an indifferent expression on my face, I made him that offer. All in all, it was just an elaborate way to imply that he should fuck himself.
" Yeah, as expected no spine and backbone." Cleary my copy did not get the memo, that the script had changed and it was still talking loudly and gave his all to provoke me. I am quite sure, that the Observer did not give them the correct translation of what I had just said to him, but one that suits the narrative, that it is trying to force into being.
Sadly this will not work, if one of the key actors refuses to act his part and just keeps on saying weird stuff, that does not make any sense.
" You see you are nothing more than a mere pawn, too stupid to think for himself. In your eyes, you might think, that you are in full control of your destiny and suffer under the illusion, that you have a choice. but regardless of what happens, you will never be able to escape from this fate. "
"Even your so-called arrogance is just born out of someone else's intention. What does the puppet say after hearing this kind of revelation?"
I still did not change my voice or expression as I spoke to him. The content did not matter, it was all about the impression I left others with, the system or the Observer would change my words to fit the current situation.
" But your fear and hesitation are just to be expected for being in my presence." said the Clone still trying to rile me up refusing to notice, that I was not even talking to it directly anymore and currently conducting my own play.
" You try to provoke me and force me into something I have yet to know the repercussions of. But you do not even pay any effort to come up with something, that seems believable. Please do not tell me, that this kind of provocation is enough, to get others to blindly attack in this world."
I continued but this time I around I showed an expression full of fear.
" While they perceive me as a hairy ape, incapable of even the simplest tasks, you should not treat me as such. I think we are beyond a point, where we have to play psychological tricks on one another given the disproportionate difference between our power."
" Tremble in my presence, you filthy creature" I was forced to suppress a yawn, that wanted to escape my mouth as I was forced to hear this kind of nonsense while I tried to convey a message to a certain someone.
" There is no need to show my videos about Childbirth or some other weird dance in the nude. There is no need to try and make me believe that this kind of NPC just casually walks to this place without any purpose in mind. What's the use for all of this mind games? I just do not get it."
" Bow down to me." This noise was relegated into the background as I tried to find the correct words to get my points across without sounding like a whiny bitch.
" Instead of wasting so much time and effort for such make-believe bullshit, just tell me what you want from me and we will make it happen without all of this trouble and stress. If you want to see how I would react in certain scenarios I would advise you to make it less obvious then this, otherwise my reaction will be exactly like this."
I just turn around and returned to the dazed players and resumed the training. Actions speak louder then works. If my words get falsified I will just have to communicate non verbally. Under the confused glances from Tom and the players I just did my push-ups without any worry in the world.
Everyone involved seemed at a loss, how this situation should be handled. Even the Observer must have been caught off-guard as my copy, stood there without moving just blandly staring at my physical prowess.
The first person, who broke the silence was not someone in the close vicinity but the voice inside of my head.
" From all the possible actions, yours was not something I would have considered. The humans in your world seem a lot more interesting than the ones who turned into these god abiding maniacs."
All I want is to enjoy the time I spent here. Why do I have to waste my time, thinking about so many things, that could be solved by a simple exchange of words? Why is it necessary to send this copy of me, to show me how others see me? Is it trying to demoralize me? Is it just a showcase of his powers?
I can not fathom, why he would go through all of that, just to show me how the world perceives me. Quite frankly I could not care any less what a random person on this planet thinks about me, but it really is annoying, if I can never be sure, whether the words I said, will be the ones they get to hear. Sadly I can not change this, without learning their whole damn language at first.
" Yeah and we both know, it would be a waste to do so. Your life would certainly not end well if you decide to go against the Observers will. The stunt you pulled just now was quite risky as well."
It was not risky at all. All of these players follow me willingly, unlike the others who would start a crusade upon noticing my location. So sending this clone of mine, would not bring that much attention and publicity with it. So even if I did go against his will, the repercussions of this decision are minor at best.
The Observer might have full control over his sphere but it still can not force players do act like he wants them to. So it would be unwise to introduce this chaotic bunch, into this situation. At least this much can be expected from an entity, that governs this world. In comparison to its lack of importance it places on me, I spend a lot of thought about its intentions and thoughts.
That is why I take so much offence to be treated like a small child. If it wants to take advantage out of me, fine by me, but please do not think it will be easy to force me to do its bidding. One day it will come back to bite you in the back. That is not a warning that is a promise.
Because even if you take away my ability to communicate with others, I still have my ways, to shape this world in a way, that it certainly has not accounted for and I doubt this is the result it tries to achieve. Especially you Mr Tennant should know about the danger of the ideas, that are in my hand.
" I truly advise against bringing this kind of object into this world."
Of course, it is just a last resort, but some times the best threat is one of mutual destruction. While I lose my life, it has much more to lose. As long as I serve a purpose it should not care about what I do or how I think. This is just a little reminder, nothing more.
I am sure, that it will notice what message I am trying to convey. Even if looking at the ugly version of me is quite an inconvenience, there is no way around it for the time being. The dumbfounded look on its expression was still worth it.
Yet the situation was still far from over as in the distance I saw yet another silhouette approaching. It was a hulk of a man that just barely could be called human. Still, it had the same face as me and the first copy.
If I had known, it would double down I would have just folded and play along. Now I am in for a ride, this will be quite something. The mere thought of how many versions of me might be out there makes me shudder.
But did the Observer really think I would back down? Let us see who will back out here.
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