Jiang Jingcheng opened the music. When the familiar voice came, Gu Manman stayed for a moment. This is a very small singer. Few people know her, even know her so unpopular song, Gu Manman has some Surprised, I didn’t expect Jiang Jingcheng’s favorite singer to be like it.

I have to say that this is already a small probability event. Gu Manman is warm in his heart. Even if he is pleased with the singer he likes, there are other people who like it, because he has found another place where Riverview City has something in common with him. Girls in love always like to find out what they have in common with each other.

Gumanman used to be particularly disdainful about this kind of behavior. She felt that love is to be free and easy. Don’t be so tactful. If she wants to love, she must have a lot of love. Of course, she always thought that Gu Manman treated her feelings like this. Or, before she met Riverview City.

Now, Gu Manman, already because of this little commonality between himself and Jiang Jingcheng, is very happy. Although she is very happy, Jiangjingcheng likes her favorite singer, but she is just happy in her heart. Did not say, because this time, she did not want to disturb Jiang Jingcheng to drive, and did not want to feel a very noisy feeling with Jiang Jingcheng.

Along the way, Gu Manman did not open his mouth. He only looked at Jiang Jingcheng from time to time. Although Jiang Jingcheng focused on the front, Gu Manman’s vision was too hot, and it was impossible for Jiang Jingcheng to ignore it.

Jiang Jingcheng’s face soon became red, so he couldn’t help but secretly rejoice in his heart. Fortunately, the lights in the car were dim, Gu Manman should not be able to see his changing face, or else his own masculinity would be greatly reduced. Just confirming the relationship with Gu Manman, Riverview City does not want to occupy a weak position in the relationship from the beginning.

Originally, Gu Manman’s home was not far from here, and it took a long time to drive. So it didn’t take long for Jiang Jingcheng to drive to the door of Gu Manman’s house. After all, the two talents determined the relationship. He didn’t want to I have already let my family know about my feelings.

Just as Gu Manman is holding this idea, she is planning to let Jiang Jingcheng park her car on the side of the road. Jiangjing City seems to have stopped the car like a psychological sensory. Gu Manman could not help but sigh in the bottom of his heart. It’s really a pair of heavenly creations.

"That, I am leaving first."

Although Gu Manman said, he wants to go first, but the body is still very solid sitting in the co-pilot, Jiang Jingcheng is also a bit shy, he was stared at Gu Manman, this time to her home, he clearly I should be relieved to have a sigh of relief. How can I feel a strange feeling in my heart? I feel as if I want this road to be longer.

"Get some rest early, see you tomorrow."

However, the goodbye to say is still to be said, Jiang Jingcheng can not always keep Gu Manman not let her go? Jiang Jingcheng can't do the kind of kisses and actions, because he can only say so many words. Other actions, the current Jiangjingcheng feels that if it is done, it is also not for Gu Manman. respect.

Although Gu Manman’s heart is a little disappointing, she also knows that Jiang Jingcheng is very ignorant in front of her. Jiangjingcheng, who usually hangs in front of customers, is quiet in front of her. Gu Manman feels helpless. However, she also knows that it is precisely this way that it proves that she is a special existence in the heart of Jiangjingcheng.

Since Jiang Jingcheng is not active, then he will take the initiative!

Just having this idea, Gu Manman also made a move that surprised him. She turned her side and gently dropped a kiss on the face of Jiangjingcheng.

"good night!"

After saying this, Gu Manman did not wait for Jiang Jingcheng's answer, and he ran off the car and went home. Her face was red and stunned. It turned out that this is the feeling of love. Gu Manman runs. The wind that she brought to her own cheeks, the wind she brought on her cheeks, made her feel that the temperature had dropped a little.

Gu Manman was also surprised by his actions, but she didn't think much. Since she did it, it was done. She and Jiang Jingcheng are now together. They are already together. Gu Manman has been repeating his mind. Together with these words, the sweetness in my heart, like a cockroach, spreads layer by layer.

Gu Manman knows that she has fallen, and in the love network that Jiang Jingcheng inadvertently woven, it is impossible to break.

Jiang Jingcheng is still in the midst of Gu Manman’s move. Gu Manman has already run far away. Jiang Jingcheng slowly raises his hand and touches his cheek. It seems that he just has the soft touch and still stays on his face. In the same way, Riverview City slowly said a "good night", knowing that the girl who wants to listen to her good night has already run far.

Through the window, Jiang Jingcheng looked at Gu Manman's slowly becoming smaller figure, and the smile on his face became bigger and bigger. This girl is her own girl!

Waiting for Gu Manman's figure, he has already entered the house, and Jiang Jingcheng slowly took the fire in the car, slowly turning the front of the car and leaving the community where Gu Manman was.

Gu Manman came home and waited for the hot and dry cheeks of his cheeks to remember what he had thought before. He had to call Gu Yan and say thank you to her, even though in the eyes of Gu Yan, Gu Man Man’s help is simply a matter of insignificance, but it is different for Gumanman.

If instead of Gu Yan replacing Jiang Jingcheng and explaining the design draft, Gu Manman will definitely leave the studio in an angry way. Where will he have the opportunity to understand Jiang Jingcheng’s good intentions for himself, and there will be no chance at all. Like Jiangjing City, like today, there is such a close proximity.

Gu Manman knows that many things are caused by a lot of causes, good things, good things, and what Gu Yan does, although it is not a big deal, but it has indeed changed Gu Manman’s emotional trajectory, and she is completely There is no revenge because of Gumanman’s previous slack.

Still single-mindedly thinking about himself and Jiang Jingcheng, Gu Manman knows that some things people do not necessarily want to benefit from it, but people still choose to do it, Gu Manman can not be so ignorant.

Anyway, I can have such a good result with Jiang Jingcheng today. Gu Yan’s credit is indispensable. Gu Manman must talk to Gu Yan about his thanks, but Gu Manman is not in Annan now, if she waits for her back. Annan City once again said that she was grateful, but it was not sincere enough. Gu Manman did not want Gu Yan to feel that she was perfunctory.

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