Boss Mo’s Predestined Love Brought by Surrogacy

Chapter 770: It’s finally reconciled.


When I spoke, the destination was already there. Liang Shaoqi stopped by and stopped. The car didn't stop and looked at the car, but when she stood still, she looked at the surrounding buildings and found out that something was wrong.

Where is this hospital? Gu Yan carefully looked around, which is clearly the bar when he first met with Mo Yichen! Gu Yan may forget a lot of things, but this place is a place she will never forget, because this is where everything starts.

"go in!"

Liang Shaoqi was raised by Manra, but still did not forget to say a word with Gu Yan. After all, only when Mo Yichen really saw the shadow of Gu Yan, his task was really over, if it was at the door. When something went wrong, Mo Yichen was not so good to talk.

When Manla arrived at this time, how could she not see Liang Shaoqi, is this helping Chen Yichen to play them? Therefore, there is nothing to say, and Liang Shaoqi’s ears began to pack him. Liang Shaoqi also knew that he was losing money, so he did not dare to resist. He could only be blamed for being cleaned up by Manla.

Gu Yan now has no thoughts on what they are doing, and they have gone to the bar since they took care of themselves.

It’s daytime, there aren’t many people in the bar, but it’s because there’s no one, Gu Yan can see Mo Yichen standing on the stage at a glance.

When Gu Yan walked in, Mo Yichen also saw it in the first time. She saw the woman who came in at the door, let the woman of Mo Yichen’s dreams wander, and then slowly opened her mouth, and the music sounded up. Mo Yichen's low and mellow voice, so unprepared into the face of Gu Yan's ears.

"This feeling has never been around everyday thoughts.

Every breath is occupied but bitter

You made me crazy.

I want to rely on you, but you are away from me.

I lost my courage every day and it’s hard to forget.

Just for you, because you love, you know more.

It’s full of pain and pain in my heart.

I really really love you

Really have a special liking for you because there is a difference in your world.

Laugh, I’m too stupid, too ignorant or too loving.

Just believe that I can always have a soft spot for you. ”


Gu Yan did not speak, did not move, so I looked at Mo Yichen, Mo Yichen did not remove the line of sight, the eyes of two people, so in the air, the feelings of Mo Yichen's eyes, Gu Yanquan accepted.

But at this moment, Gu Yan did not know how to describe her feelings in her heart. Gu Yan felt that her feelings in her heart were very wonderful. Before the Ming Dynasty, Mo Yichen gave herself a lot of grievances, but for a moment, in the eyes with Mo Yichen. In the moment of confrontation, Gu Yan felt that all the previous grievances were not counted.

It seems that all the grievances and all contradictions can be regarded as not happening. Gu Yan feels that this feeling is very wonderful. It seems to be climbing a mountain and climbing a very high mountain. In the process of climbing up, Gu Yan feels bitter. Unspeakable, but when she climbed to the top of the mountain and felt the scenery of the top of the mountain, she felt suddenly clear.

It seems that all the exhaustion and hardship that I have suffered before are worth it.

Gu Yan listened to Mo Yichen still singing, he sang, giving Gu Yan a very special feeling, as if every voice of his voice, every tone, pressed on Gu Yan's heart, like a light feather Falling on the face, the kind of itchy, touching the heart.

"Gu Yan, I am sorry."

After singing the song, when the music has not stopped, Mo Yichen looks at Gu Yan’s eyes and tells the three words that his heart has said to Gu Yan in the bottom of his heart. He is afraid of Gu Yan’s opening, but I was afraid that Gu Yan would not speak, afraid that Gu Yan would refuse to accept herself, and she was afraid that Gu Yan would refuse herself with silence.

Gu Yan didn't know when she had reached the front of the stage. She looked at Mo Yichen on the stage quietly. Although Mo Yichen had a calm face, in fact, his heart had already set off a wave of waves. When he was in the waves, he was waiting for Gu Yan’s opening, and he wanted a prisoner waiting for a verdict.

"Mu Yichen, I love you."

For a long time of silence, every silence for a second, Mo Yichen’s heart will sink down an inch, sinking down one inch and one inch, as if they have already sunk to the bottom of the valley, Gu Yancai said so gently. Although Gu Yan’s voice is soft, the words that are spoken are indeed powerful.

Not only did Mo Yichen hear it, but now everyone in the bar heard the confession that Gu Yan had just said.

"Hey!!! Pro one! Pro one!"

Liang Shaoqi is the kind of person who looks at the excitement and is not too big. When he sees that Gu Yan forgives Mo Yichen, Liang Shaoqi also has a big sigh of relief. Before they reconciled, they can live normal with Manra. The lover lives, Liang Shaoqi is more excited than anyone else, while applauding, while picking up.

Under his leadership, the whole bar was ringing the voice of "pro-one". Manra saw Gu Yan and Mo Yichen, and finally solved the problem between them. Manla was moved to tears. Although Manla’s perception of Mo Yichen’s present is not good, she also has to admit that Mo Yichen’s work today is quite beautiful.

Before Mo Yichen took the initiative to seek forgiveness, this is a good concept for Gu Yan to find a door, it is completely two concepts, so now this situation, Manla saw, still satisfied, now Mo Yichen still In his own investigation period, Manla is not Gu Yan, Gu Yan now forgives Mo Yichen.

But Manra is not. If the next time Mo Yichen still makes such unreasonable things, Manra will definitely not be gently exposed as this time. She will never allow Gu Yan to accept a little bit. Wronged, but she thought so, but she also absolutely does not want Mo Yichen to make anything that makes Gu Yan feel sad.

Gu Yan did not come to power, Mo Yichen did not step down, Mo Yichen slowly leaned down, Gu Yan has been looking up at Mo Yichen, now look at Mo Yichen leaned down, Gu Yan did not dodge, just A smile was revealed and the kiss of Mo Yichen was slowly greeted.

When the two people's lips are in contact with each other, the whole bar wants to die and scream, and the most powerful of them is, of course, Liang Shaoqi and Manla. At this time, there is no other point in Manla’s mind. Thoughts, a heart is happy for Gu Yan.

It’s finally reconciled, isn’t it?

This time, the event is finally over. At the beginning of the two people, there is a new beginning. Some words need not be said. The feelings of Gu Yan and Mo Yichen are the same, just the same. This time, the two people have experienced many of these storms together, and they will never be separated.

Gu Yan will not dodge, and Mo Yichen will not give Gu Yan a chance to escape.

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