Unlike Chen’s anticipation of Chen’s sleep in the night, Chen Hao couldn’t sleep after half a lie. Even today’s day’s boat, this can’t make Chen Yu’s sleep, she thought. Things are really too much.

Regarding the revenge on Gu Yan, Chen Mu’s non-interference is one thing, but how should she retaliate against Gu Yan, Chen Yu’s heart, there is really no clear idea, but she knows that since she has to do it, she has to As soon as possible, dragging and pulling until the end can not be done.

But what should I do? Chen Hao did not count, thinking about it, she fell asleep without knowing it.

Early the next morning, Chen Hao went out after he woke up. If he wants to retaliate against Gu Yan, it is definitely not a simple matter, and Chen Hao himself is very clear. Her father has interfered with her a lot. When she was in a lot of things, she was constrained and could not let go.

Chen Hao knows that she is very likely to be a person. She has to find a helper, a capable helper, and she has to be a person who does not want to see Gu Yan and Mo Yichen together. If you are selfish and help yourself, Chen Hao will feel more with less.

Jiang Jingcheng is no longer the best candidate. He has already turned his back. Chen Hao will never believe him anymore. Jiang Jingcheng has been turned away from the fascination of Gu Yan, how can he help Chen Hao? Chen Hao did not want to exclude Jiang Jingcheng.

Besides, what other good candidates? Chen Yig filtered the people he knew in his mind to see who is right to cooperate with himself.

For Chen Hao, the best candidate is non-Qi Changfeng. Regarding Qi Changfeng’s thoughts on Gu Yan, in addition to Gu Yan, everyone knows clearly, even even ink. Yichen has already known, and in the back, Qi Changfeng is also regarded as his own rival.

And Gu Yan’s goal is not to revenge Gu Yan as simple as this. She wants Gu Yan and Mo Yichen to completely finish, so that the two people will never be together again. Only in this way, Chen Hao will have a little chance, a little bit. The opportunity to reconnect with Mo Yichen.

When I woke up in the morning, Chen Yan’s mind appeared in the figure of Qi Changfeng, and gradually formed his own ideas. She even thought that the way she felt that she was a good way, so she woke up in the morning. When I got up, I simply left the house and couldn’t care if her mother called her behind her.

Chen Hao walked into the garage and drove her own trot, because today her destination is Annan City, the most promising man in Annan. Since it is to negotiate with people, I have to make a pair. The appearance of the negotiations comes, the loser does not lose, it has always been Chen Hao's guidelines.

Chen Hao also did not have speeding, and added her own speed to the fastest, so she soon went to Annan City. For Chen Hao, although Annan City is big, she wants to find Qi Changfeng. It’s not too difficult, let alone the purpose of Chen’s coming to Annan City today is to find a long wind.

The time is not early, but it is definitely not late. Chen Hao did not go to other places, but chose to wait for him in the hall of Qi Changfeng Company. Now, at this time, Qi Changfeng must have no work. Chen Hao, while painting his nails in the hall, waited for Qi Changfeng to get off work.

Chen Hao, who didn’t eat anything in the morning, didn’t feel hungry at all, because she is now boiling like the whole person. It seems that she has already won the battle. She knows that Qi Changfeng and Mo Yichen are good brothers, but she also knows It is this kind of brotherhood between Qi Changfeng and Mo Yichen that makes Qi Changfeng unable to keep up with his own love.

To say that there is no blame in Qi Changfeng’s heart, Chen Hao is determined not to believe. If there are people who have no **, what else is it worth to pursue? However, it is obvious that Qi Changfeng is not the kind of person who does not care about these.

Chen Hao understands Qi Changfeng's feelings very clearly. He likes it very much. He cares very much, but he just can't get it. No matter how much effort he puts himself, there is no way for his favorite woman to look at himself. For Qi Changfeng. He likes it, and he can't even resort to his mouth, because the woman he likes is with his good brother.

Qi Changfeng did not come down for a long time, but Chen Hao is not in a hurry, because she is very clear, Chen Hao will always come down, and he will be patient and wait for him. Only the hunters who are willing to wait patiently can capture the best. prey. Now for Chen Hao, Qi Changfeng is the best prey she can find.

Qi Changfeng was in the office, looking at the mountain of official documents on the desk, and he took a sigh of relief. So much work was done, most of them were finished. People are iron, rice is steel, and it is not good to eat. Otherwise where is the motivation to work? Qi Changfeng left the rest of the documents on the other side, and then walked out of the office door.

Come and go, there are many people passing by Chen Hao, but Chen Hao is not moving because these people are not the ones she has to wait for. As for the person she has to wait for, where is it, what is it, Chen Hao I don’t know at all, if I say that Chen Hao can still wait very calmly at the beginning, then after a long time and the long wind has not come down, she can’t help but be anxious.

After all, Chen Hao is now hungry and waiting to be aligned with Qi Changfeng, but how has Qi Changfeng not appeared for so long? Is it my own news is wrong? Chen Hao didn't know exactly which part of the link went wrong, and he could only take it for granted that he had gone to the person who gave his intelligence.

Finally, the crowd finally came over and the figure that I had waited for a morning, Chen Hao was still a little excited, but the face was still quiet, after all, she could not show her emotions, let Qi Changfeng from herself What caught in the emotions.

After all, a businessman like Qi Changfeng is good at gaming, and Chen Hao came to find Qi Changfeng today, in order to play a game with him. Chen Hao has no experience, but she is very clear that she can't let Qi Changfeng see too much information from herself, or she will have no need to negotiate with him.

"Qi Changfeng!"

Many people walked around the hall, but Qi Changfeng’s eyes didn’t stay on his face for a second. So he didn’t even see Chen Hao standing in the middle of the hall, knowing that Chen Hao’s voice was loud. Changfeng only looked at the source of the sound.

This does not seem to know that when I saw the person who called myself, it was actually Chen Hao, Qi Changfeng was taken aback, but he quickly adjusted his look, did not let Chen Hao see a little bit of clues.

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