Who grows plantain trees in front of the window? The atrium is overcast.

Yin full atrium, leaves heart, Shujuan have more than feeling.

Sad pillow three more rain, drips of rain.

A little bit of rain, sad damage to the north, not used to listen to.


No. 8, West Wangyang mountain road, fengshengtang District, Macao.

When it's dark, the black clouds are sweeping over the sky.

With the deafening thunder, the storm came.

The torrential rain is just like a storm "arrow" rain. The rain suddenly falls, and the thunder is more and more loud. The wind is roaring, the thunder is roaring, and the sky is roaring.

Chen Zhengliang, the big man, has been sitting quietly in the tea house in the garden.

All the time, all the time, sitting quietly in the storm, he did not cry, only sad, just for the heart of unwilling.

The rain drenched his people and shivered his heart.

At the moment, he has faded all the halo on his head. He is no longer the invincible God of war, no longer the president of the country, nor the king who is arrogant. He is just an ordinary man, a man who has flesh and blood, understands feelings, can be sad and tears.

His face is expressionless, but the red lips light open, is praying? Or talk to yourself? Or self pity?

Yes, you're right. This thunderstorm night is destined to be a sad day for him to remember forever.

"Xue'er, you left, and at the same time took away my hope and beauty in this life. But fortunately, you left me an unforgettable memory. "

"Although in that memory, mixed with too much pain, but I have no regrets."

"You always say that I am as strong as Superman and invincible in the world. Yes, I am not afraid of failure, and I will start from scratch; I am not afraid of pain, and there is medicine when I am sick; I am not afraid of death, which is just the starting point and end point of human life cycle."

"But Xueer, I tell you, I'm afraid now, because without you by my side, it's like Superman losing his ability and becoming mediocre. Cher, I'm afraid, I'm afraid, I'm afraid, I'm afraid of being separated from you, and I'm afraid I'll never see you again!"

"But if I am destined to lose you and not be able to spend this life with you, then I have to accept my fate and wish us well."

All of a sudden, he stopped talking and opened his right fist. Looking down, he saw a bright diamond ring shining with lightning.

It was the diamond ring he gave me and the only thing I left him.

The ring was pinched at the tip of his finger and presented in front of his eyes. He looked at it foolishly and laughed foolishly: "do you remember you lost it when you were angry? Remember because I forgot to bring it, and I was told to droop? The ring is brilliant, but now things are different. My wife, my little monster. "

The ring is placed on his lips and kisses with affection. His deep eyes are so dim and pale. His haggard face just wants to cry without tears. He has good hope and hope. Now he kisses not the ring but his little monster.

At the moment, there are more and more dark clouds in the sky and more and more rain. A series of pale lightning splits the darkness of the night.

Chen Zhengliang looked at the sea in the distance with a thousand waves in his chest: "my wife, I am here to face the sea and swear that I will never marry again in my life. My life is waiting for you. I hope we can get married again in the next life, my little monster. "

"Little monster, what an appropriate adjective for you, but now, for me, the word is synonymous with pain and despair."

No! ~A heartrending cry burst out of the chest, like lightning across the night sky.

Plop ~, he hit the ground fiercely with his iron fist, like a raging lion roaring and venting in the rain.

Wuwuwu ~, cried, finally cried out, unable to suppress the pain, now finally turned into tears and flowed out.

Scalding tears mixed with cold rain on his face, washed away those colorful sweetness in his memory, and all the sweetness turned into bitter water to reconcile his body's blood, and could no longer be asphalt.

Why, why, my God, why did you take her? ~~~

give it back to me, give it back to me, give my love back to me, give my heart back to me ~

why, why, why take her? Wuwuwu ~

the roar made God angry. It got angry, it made the rain heavier, it made the thunder louder, it made the Lightning more dazzling, but it didn't answer why he so much

It was such a stormy night that Chen Zhengliang was drenched all over the place.

Just as he said goodbye at his sister's grave, he cried bitterly all night thinking about his sister buried in the ground.

Now, with the same sadness, he buried our past.

Since then, this infatuation will be frozen in his memory, sleeping in the bottom of his heart, please don't wake it up, open it, because underneath, there was bloody pain, and the cry of parting in life and death!

In this way, Chen Zhengliang had no choice but to accept the reality. He put all his body and mind into his work, and Cathay Pacific Group was becoming more and more powerful and prosperous. However, he still couldn't let go of me and our old feelings, so as long as he was free, he would keep recalling and recalling.Seeing such a change, Zhuang nianfan and Guan Jingxian finally let go of their long-standing hearts. Three days later, they said goodbye and went back to their homes on the other side of the ocean for recuperation.

A month later, Cathay Pacific Group conference room.

The meeting presided over by Chen Zhengliang is in the process of opening. Everyone speaks freely, and the noisy and lively scene comes.

"Xiaoliangzi is great. You have fulfilled another wish of your master."

"Yes, yes, life is daunting"

"this project can finally be implemented. I hope that our Cathay Pacific will live up to the expectations and operate smoothly."

"Yes. We have been preparing for this project for two years. We have spent countless efforts on examination, research, signing agreements and memorials. "

"This shop is located in Central Hong Kong, which is also the prosperous place of Hong Kong."

"It seems that next month, we will be ready to leave."

"Hong Kong has already arranged for reception at any time."

"All right, everyone, get ready. Let's go at any time and aim for Hong Kong!"



Villa 1-08 Park Road, Repulse Bay, Hong Kong.

Just at noon, the autumn tiger raised the temperature of the sun by several degrees, and the heat was drying the flowers and plants in front of me.

Flowers and plants are wilting in the sun, straight dozing, a burst of dew suddenly from the sky, they immediately wake up for a while, and gradually straighten up.

I have a close look. Oh, it's not the rain. It's Chuang Bo who started the fountain and the automatic sprinkler system.

Hua La ~, the spray system sprays the water column rhythmically, watering the green trees.

The water column spurted into the sky, like a broken line of pearls scattered down, reflecting the colorful light of the sun. Sometimes the breeze blows, the water mist curls like smoke like fog, which is very beautiful. The whole world seems to be immersed in a colorful water world, which is too attractive.

I am naturally active and not quiet, how can I miss this good game?

So I took off my shoes, lifted my skirt, and rushed into the world laughing and shouting.

Sometimes I was like a sika deer with big eyes, standing on tiptoe and jumping on it; sometimes I became a swan, spinning in its gap; sometimes I became a runaway Mustang, constantly shuttling back and forth with the fountain compared with the speed.

Run run run ~

"ah! ~WOW! That's fun! How exciting! Ha ha ha! ~"

when I ran back and forth, my clothes were only about 10% wet, so I continued to work with pride.

Go! ~Ha ha ha! ~

with the right time, I rush into the world again.

But when I ran to almost the middle of the position, who Cheng thought, originally a column of water but suddenly turned into a high spray, straight on my body.

I couldn't lift my head or open my eyes. I couldn't tell the direction. But in a few seconds, my head was covered with water, and my clothes were all wet and wrinkled tightly on my body.

A cold feeling through the skin, instantly transmitted to the brain, I am surprised, happy and flustered.

"My mother ~ ah ~ ah ~ ~"

I am like a hamster on wheels, jumping up and down in the water world, running around and shouting.

Just when I was having fun, a big hand suddenly caught me.

Ah! ~~~This sudden movement scared my soul.

Before I knew what was going on, the big hand turned into a powerful arm, wrapped me up and "escaped" from the water world.

Help! ~Help! ~My limbs soared and scratched hard, closed my eyes and cried for help.

"Do you want help? Are you lost? Hello, Hello, OK, open your eyes. I'm yifana. "He felt puzzled.

"Cousin Yifan! You, why are you back at this time? " I was in a daze.

"Didn't I tell you yesterday that I went back to see you this afternoon? Forget it? What's the matter with you? " He hastened to explain the reason.

"I'm ok. Have a good time." I was embarrassed.

"Then why call for help?" He still doesn't understand.

"You suddenly caught and scared, natural reaction," I said back.

"I'm so convinced. I saw you play this way for the first time." he laughed.

"Cousin Yifan, can you let me go?" I whispered, lowering my head and pursing my lips.

"Oh, of course, I'm sorry." he quickly released his arms and gently put me on the ground.

"Oh, my body is perfect. He is not a muscular man, but he is handsome. I can see my cousin Yifan, hehee hee ~ ~ ~ "I snickered, committing a flower maniac who can't take medicine.

Yi Fan cousin's attention also fell on my body, thin skirt, wet to stick on the body, showing my skin if coagulation fat and graceful posture.

Wow, he was as surprised and focused as Columbus discovered the new world.I just notice to see oneself embarrassed appearance, blush, command way: "don't look, turn around!"

"Good, good." he turned around and said with a smile, "go and change your clothes. Be careful of your cold."

"Oh yes, but you are not allowed to turn back now. You can go back to your room and change clothes after dozens of times. Cousin Yifan" I added.

"Good," he nodded.

"Count it"

people go with the sound, and I'm gone.

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