I don't want cousin Yifan. I'll give him a heartless farewell.

I want to keep my promise: run away from home.

Let him cheat and see if he dares to bully me with big guys.

Scared him to death.


At the moment, I'm sitting alone in the corner cafe, drinking my coffee.

I'm familiar with that shop, because sister Ning Xuan and may always bring me here, and because the cakes there are the best.

Look down at the watch on your wrist.

It is a high-grade jewelry watch of Nautilus brand. Although it is only two circles larger than a dollar coin, there are 2328 South African natural diamonds inlaid on it. It is shining, dazzling and dazzling. It is a gift from cousin Yifan to make me happy.

Its pointer turned to 4 p.m., and I knew it was getting late and needed to solve an extremely important problem.

I put down a hundred banknotes under my coffee cup and got up and walked quickly out of the coffee shop.

Just went out, just happened to have a taxi drop off the side of the road, do you say coincidence?

I sat in and pointed to Xu Jialin's business card to show the driver: "thank you, I'm going here."

"Xu family clinic, good." The driver looked at his business card, nodded, swung his arms around and drove away from Tsim Sha Tsui.

Half an hour later, the driver stopped and turned around to look at me. He yelled, "Miss, the Xu's clinic is here. Thank you for 150 yuan!"

"Oh, yes." I nodded, opened the pink gucci handbag, carefully took out the change purse, counted out the fare from it and handed it to him, and he counted it carefully in his hand.

"Thank you." With a smile, I got out of the car and slammed the door.

"No thanks." The driver smiles politely, and the car disappears into the vast traffic.

Xu family clinic.

Staring at this very striking sign, I tilted my head and giggled.

"I'm going to surprise him. Ha ha ~ "

meidada, I ran into the outpatient department and stopped excited until I ran to the reception desk.

Hi, nurse. Is Dr. Xu in

"Oh, Hello, doctor Xu is here. He is on the evening shift today. Do you have an appointment

The nurse said sweetly and laughed sweetly. Her five tubes were exquisite and small. She was a doll, so beautiful.

"I don't have an appointment." I shook my head as I spoke, smiling apologetically.

"Oh, well, I'll give you a number. You can sit on the bench and wait for me to call you." The nurse said as she handed over a note with the number on it.

"Yes, thank you." I'll pick it up in a hurry. Sixty nine.

"There are 15 people waiting ahead. It will take at least 30 minutes to get to you. You'd better go to the bench and wait." The nurse pointed to the benches on the other side of the wall.

"Well, thank you." I obediently went to sit down and looked at the noisy patients and the medical staff shuttling among them. I thought about it all the time:

"do you have to wait for a long time. Yeah, there are so many people here. Fifteen people in line, ten minutes each, that's That is Oh, it's a shame. I can't figure it out. Er Doctor Xu must have been surprised to see me. He might have been shocked. Ouch, have a good laugh.

with these "abnormal" looks, people around me are whispering and casting strange eyes. It's embarrassing. So I quickly pretended to be a "normal" person, instead of stretching my neck to look around and mumbling, I calmed down.

In the clinic, the handsome Xu Jialin looked very anxious. He stood at the table, holding the phone in his hand and talking in his ear, nodding all the time.

At this time, the nurse opened the door of the clinic to deliver the bills. He habitually raised his eyes and glanced out of the door. Eh, he was just seeing a bored man sitting on a bench.

Hang up the phone in a hurry, he smiles, raises his feet and rushes out of the outpatient room. He comes to me like a whirlwind. He shouts with joy like seeing a treasure: "Qiqi!"

"Ha! Doctor Xu! "

I jumped out of the chair, holding his right hand tightly with both hands and grinning at him.

This series of initiative enthusiasm is absolutely beyond his expectation. He has some surprise, some sweetness, and clenched my hand.

"Come with me, Kiki Oh, by the way, Miss nurse, please assign the patients I have arranged to Dr. Zhang and Dr. Liu

"Yes, Dr. Xu." The nurse nodded and laughed sweetly.

I wiped my head and followed him into his clinic.

He put me in the seat and turned and handed me a glass of water.

"Sit down, sit down. Give you water, thirsty, drink ~ just hang up Yi Fan's phone, you appear. "

"Hee." I took the cup and couldn't wait to take a big gulp. I stretched my neck and swallowed it all.

He said with a smile: "Yi Fan's crazy looking for you is only three feet away from digging the ground. The battle is so big that people are scared to death. What's the situation? What new tricks do you play? Yes"Because I ran away from home."

Swallowing all the water in the glass, I gasped for breath.

"Ah! It turns out to be true. You're running away from home without saying goodbye. Yi Fan also specially told me that if he saw you, he would like me to send you home. He was afraid that I would not report back. " He said as he sat down next to me.

"Then you must know why I ran away from home, don't you?"

I put down my glass and looked at him.

"Yes. I heard Yifan mention it He nodded.

"Well, do you think I did something wrong?" I asked.

"No mistake, but it's not right to run away from home, you know? Because the people around you will be anxious and worried. Do you understand? " What he said seemed reasonable.

"I just want him to worry. I want him to be anxious, so that he knows he can't bully me." I don't listen.

He didn't care about me. He took my hand and said with a smile, "OK, don't be angry. Come with me. I'll take you home."

"No, I don't want to go home. I managed to slip out of the house ~ "

I knocked his hand ungratefully. He had to sit back with me again, but he tried to persuade me to give up the idea that I should not have.

"Go home. It's not safe outside. How can you be reassured as a little girl?"

"But I don't run around the city when I'm here. You're safe, right?" I shook my head with joy.

"Yes, yes, thank you for your trust. I'm so happy. However, Yi Fan and I have been friends for more than ten years. If they want me to cheat him, it's not easy to do. He will be angry. "

After a burst of joy and then a cloud of sorrow, he was in a dilemma.

"It's not cheating. It's a delaying tactic." I tilted my head to look at him, but he was amused.

Cluck ~

when I saw him happy, I began to brainwash him.

"Besides, doctor Xu, think about it. You have other friends besides cousin Yifan. Yi Fan's cousin is the same. You are my only friend. If you refuse to help me, what can I do? Help me, doctor Xu. "

“……” He was silent and his brows twisted together.

"Do you have the heart to see me on the street?"

"Do you have the heart to see me sleep in the open air?"

"Or have you been abducted and sold away? Since then, has the world evaporated? "

"Well, I'm rich in time anyway. How about I work for you..." No money, no work Don't you want that either Oh, why? Can't I be so useless? Why don't you say something, doctor Xu? "


He still did not express his position, it can be seen that brainwashing has not been successful, and I will not give up and continue to spare no effort to ramble on.

"Promise me, doctor Xu. Aren't we friends? Shouldn't we help each other? Good people help, doctor Xu. The great Luo immortal who saved the suffering, the benevolent doctor Xu, hee, ah! ~"

" our compassionate doctor Xu has always spared no effort to save his life. How could he do such a merciless and unintentional thing? It is contrary to his original intention of learning medicine. How could he ignore the life and death of the homeless, right? "

“……” He still did not make a statement, but was biting his lips, which made me secretly happy.

"You can see how graceful, handsome and talented doctor Xu is. Ah, you are such a good man with understanding and extraordinary appearance. Just like your profession, how noble, how noble and unconventional he is. He will respond to every request, right. ”

“……” He is reserved but happy. It seems that flattery sometimes works well.

"Well, it's a big deal. One day you run away from home. I'll help you." I'm heartless again.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha, I will run away from home!!!??? Oh, my God, it's hard for you to think about it. OK, OK, I can't say that. I promise. Whatever you need me to do, Kiki He was so happy that he almost lost his breath and nodded when he was happy.

"Really, great, yeah ~"

I jumped three feet high with joy, and finally I saw the dawn of happiness through the boundless darkness.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you, doctor Xu. You are so kind. Well, can you help me find a place to live?"

"Well, no problem. How long do you need to stay?" He's so happy.

"Well Five days. " I held out five fingers and swayed in front of him.


I didn't expect these five fingers, but his face was full of accidents, as if to see a ghost pretending to be a corpse.

"Ah! Is it a lot of five days? So, three days. How about three days? No problem. "

I was afraid that he would change his mind. I quickly put away two fingers and changed them into three. Then I sincerely looked at him and waited for his promise."Three days, three days should be fine. It's just, Qiqi, don't you worry that Yifan can't find you in a hurry, and he may call the police. What will you do then? "

He also put forward a series of worried questions and looked at me foolishly, waiting for me to verify.

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