In order to avoid the tangle of mathematical problems, the big blunt pig led the small blunt pig, ran out of the big house like a run for life, avoided a scene, and turned into an attractive ending of braised pork or scallion pork ribs.

Turn right 200 meters out of the gate, and then turn a curve. There is a shady path running out along the path. Suddenly, there is a winding road parallel to the coastline.

I think it took me about a kilometer to get on this jogging road.

Jogging Road, five meters wide, red, every distance between one meter will be marked, pointing to the front of the yellow arrow, the big arrow is particularly eye-catching, it seems to be for you to refuel, for you, keep telling you: run, don't stop!

"Wow! It's a great road. It's springy. I can run an extra kilometer. "

Holding aduh's hand, I was full of joy, jumping and jumping.

"Well, it feels good, and you can't think of it. Come with us. " Adele was eager to try.

"Chong ah ~ ~ ~ ha ha ha ~ ~"

at the end of the speech, I left his hand and ran to the front.

"Hey, hey, hey, don't run so fast. It's a long way to go. Slow down." Adele called out in a hurry to catch up.

Running down this road, I have a surprising new discovery.

This 20 kilometer jogging road is actually a one-way road, no motor vehicles, so you can rest assured to run boldly, run unscrupulously. The most suitable for me this, unrestrained little wild horse, spread its hooves and run recklessly.

I firmly believe that only in this way can I show my personality of yearning for freedom, so when I am excited, I should praise the big guy. How can he be so smart?

Five seconds later, a Zhong was the first to come to me.

"Oh ho ~"

he raised his eyebrows defiantly.

"Oh, roar ~"

I followed his example and ran happily under my feet, sometimes fast and sometimes slowly, trying to break his track.

However, as if he could see through my mind, he kept a parallel state with me, with an error of less than 10 cm. What was most irritating was that he turned and ran backwards without falling or hitting people.

Did he have a pair of back eyes on his brain shell.

Unconsciously, we ran another kilometer away.

In order to catch up with the army, they had to order themselves to speed up and rush forward.

"Run slowly. Wait for a Ren and a Yi in the back. Run slowly and wait for them. Don't you hear there's a dull Pig ~"

aduh turns to me and jumps and blocks my sight.

"Why are you disobedient? Stop here, you little one."

Seeing that I had turned a blind eye to him, he had to come to a firm grip on my arm and force me to stop.

"Oh, well, well."

I had to slow down, and then simply stood on the side of the road to see the scenery.

"The sea, the beach, the sunshine, wow, what a beautiful scenery. The sea breeze is so comfortable ~ "

I narrowed my eyes and took a deep breath. I stretched my arms upward and enjoyed myself.

The bright sunshine spreads on the face of pink tender, outline the facial features of small and delicate.

"Is that enough? It's simple enough. It's so cute. "

Adelaizhong looks at each other and smiles with wisdom.

"Yes. It's beautiful, isn't it. If you look at those sculptures again, are they very vivid and interesting? "

Along the direction of Adler's fingers, there are many sculptures.

The sculptures, about two meters high, are dark brown, male and female, old and young. They may squat or stand, run or jump, meet and play, or compete. They have different forms and are vivid and interesting. Clusters and clusters extend in the landscape corridor among flowers, making the whole jogging Road look full of sports atmosphere and vigor.

"Well, that's interesting. One by one, it's like living. This is as handsome as you are. It's very powerful, like brother Zhong. Does that, the one with short hair look like sister Daqi Brother De, look at the coastline over there. There are seagulls! So many gulls! Look, there's a boat. The sails on the boat are so big ~, so fast to run ~ "

listen to my endless chatter, and aduh didn't speak. Look at ah Zhong, they looked at each other with a smile, and followed me to see the boat and the seagulls flying in the distance.

Ten minutes later, a'ren and a-yi finally followed, and after another 15 minutes, they started.

This time, aduh held my hand firmly and insisted that I run with everyone.

I couldn't earn it, so I had to run in the crowd.

In a flash, he ran another kilometer.

"There's a puddle in front of you. If you can't jump over, don't try to make a detour." Ah Zhong was joking with a smile.

I raised my chin and looked at it. Five meters ahead, there was a small puddle with a diameter of three meters and a very shallow one.

I think it may be the water accumulated by the storm yesterday."Good! We play, lose, go back a hundred push ups. "

The additional conditions of ah Ren's self righteousness.

"Agree ~ ~ ~" everyone echoed and passed.

Looking at the eager crowd, and then glancing at the water pit not far away, I thought in my mind: "to be honest, it is still difficult to cross this pit. They have big horses and long legs. Their advantages are so obvious that they will step on the water if they don't do well. "

At this time, a Zhong was the first to walk to the puddle.

He's no problem. You can't see that he's big, like a big bear walking upright, but he's very flexible. He just jumps over with a little bit of effort.

Next is Adele. He jumps over with the same skill and agility. Then he raises his jaw with his hands on his shoulders. He looks very busy.

"Well, look at me."

I won't give up easily ~

lock the position of the puddle, I turn back five steps and stand still, then run up, accelerate, jump, land, ten!!!

Like a gymnast, I drove a standard horse and gracefully crossed the puddle.

Success. Bang.

"I don't see it. I'm very good at it." Ah Zhong came up with a tissue in his hand and wiped the sweat off my forehead and cheek.

"Are you confident to teach me real Kung Fu now, master?" I'm in a hurry.

"All right, all right. You'll pass." He nodded, and I was so happy that I stood beside him.

"Entering the school ~, congratulations ~" adelain Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi, took the paper towel and threw it into the garbage can.

In the twinkling of an eye, Daqi has successfully leaped over the puddle and walked to us.

It's Ren's turn.

At the critical moment when he seemed to have to jump, a passer-by twisted his foot. Alas, ah Ren let out his anger and ran away. But he could not stop the rhythmic pace, so he had to brave his head and jump over.

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