It's nine o'clock in the morning.

Sunshine, sea breeze mat, flowers bloom, green grass.

There are more and more people on the jogging track.

With the noise, we came back laughing and talking.

That gray baseball cap, I wear it back on my head.

I mixed up with them like a tomboy.

They said that I was short, maybe lost, so they had to stay in the crowd. At the same time, they thought I was in the way. They also told me to be careful. Maybe someone might bump me into a horse or something.

Do you think it's one meter and nine meters tall?

Isn't it a big fool? Hum ~

I was unconvinced and deliberately bumped into this and that to show off my sense of being in the way.

Have you ever run in the rainforest?

Around the towering trees, blocking the sun with you synchronous movement, is my feeling now.

Less than a kilometer away from home, I began to accelerate, obviously faster.

Adele looks at a Zhong, and a Zhong nods.

"Blunt pig!" Aduh grabbed the hat on my sweatshirt and yelled.

"Don't call me blunt!" Startled, I turned back and slapped him on the arm.

"I can't beat you to death." He dodged quickly and nimbly avoided my "iron sand palm".

"Stand here, little sister." a Zhong La, I stood beside me and looked at me mysteriously: "I'm almost home, and I'll take you to play a fresh and unique

"The tango? I want it, I want it! "

I thought he was willing to do that magic dance step again. He was so excited.

"No, little sister. This time it's going to be quick. Adler and I will take you home

Ah Zhong's expression is so mysterious that I can see how exciting the next exercise will be.

Wow, I'm looking forward to it.

"Well, well, I want it. I want to be quick. Tell me, tell me, tell me. " My eyes were wide open and I jumped around him.

"Come here, blunt pig." Aduh nodded.

"Hum!" I didn't want to, but I still ran to them.

They looked at each other and laughed. Lift the arm adjacent to the opponent, bend it into a 90 degree L-shape, and then close the fist. It is parallel to the two sides of my body. The height is about the same as my neck. It looks so novel. ~

"eh, it's like the parallel bars in school." I shake my head and look around.

"Yes, that's right. Come on, put your arms around it."

Ah Zhong claps his arm and says that, with adelain, he bends his knees to lower the height of his body and waits with a smile.

"Oh." I quickly according to his request, three shake two shake hanging.

"Remember, you should hang your arms firmly and never loosen them, or you will fall into a panda. Also, keep your weight down, legs together, and look ahead. Stop when you're tired. We'll stop. Do you write it down

Ah Zhong's expression of speaking is cool, as if a general is lecturing.

"Oh, yes." I remember the precepts in my heart and dare not to slack off.

For the sake of safety, Adele and ah Zhong clasped my wrist at the same time, just like tying a seat belt to me.

"Are you ready?" They look at me.

"Yes." My eyes are full of anticipation excitement, only nodding and grinning. It seems that I am about to be taken out of liuwan'er for a whole day, shaking head and tail happily.

"Good." Adele and a Zhong look at each other, and stand up after eye contact.

Looking at the height of my feet fifty centimeters off the ground, I yelled, "Wow!!! I grow tall!!! Hahaha ~ "

aduh and a Zhong make eye contact again, start at the same time, take the same pace as God, keep the same speed as God, and jog forward.

My small solid weight, like playing parallel bars, is tightly on their arms, following them forward.

One hundred meters later, they stopped and gently put me down.

"How are you feeling?" Aduh asked with concern.

"Well, I'm fine. It can't be better. Brother nade, let's hurry up. Hurry up, master. Let's speed up. "

I was as excited as a stimulant that made them active.

"Good. Well, next, we can speed up. You should be careful. "

As they spoke, they stood up again, with an air of courage.

"Well, come on, go! ~~~"

looking at the picturesque scenery ahead, I blow the bugle of charge.

Before the words fell, they had already stepped into the long legs like a runaway wild horse. At the speed of 180 km / h, like a sprinter, they took me with them and disappeared in an instant.

It is well-known for its fast speed and lightning speed.

I felt like I was sitting in an open car. Every hair was smiling happily, and every cell was bursting with excitement. The fierce wind was blowing in my ears. I couldn't open my eyes at all. My long black hair was like a blooming flower floating behind me."Come on! come on. Go

I keep yelling and yelling, but I don't stop.

Ah Ren, ah Yi and Da Qi were so shocked that they couldn't believe the scene in front of them.

"It's crazy. When did they do it? "

"Oh, ma'am, be careful. Be careful to fall down. Oh my God, hang up and hang up.

"brother Liang, if we play like this, we can't beat us to heaven

"Eh! ~”


At half past nine in the morning, the big house.

"Oh, my Lord, it must be the lady who has come back."

Sister Shen touched Chen Zhengliang's arm and laughed happily.

"It's so clear to hear the silver bell like cry. It's better than the birds in the tree

Chen Bo stood up with a smile and looked for the source of the sound.

"Yes. The little monster really had a good time. She wanted to go jogging again

Chen Zhengliang said and laughed as he walked toward the door with a relaxed and pleasant pace.

Sure enough, three minutes later, I swept into the garden with adelain and ah Zhong, and I didn't stop galloping in front of Chen Zhengliang.

Chen Zhengliang took me into my arms and saw me giggling. He knew that the little monster was still in a state of excitement, so we all said hello and scattered.

Chen Zhengliang smiles contentedly. He draws up his arms and gently embraces his beloved little monster. He slowly walks into the door, enters the bedroom and puts it on the bed.

"Happy, wife." His warm lips finally left me.

"Yes." At last I could catch my breath, push his face away and nod shyly, but he clenched my wrist and put out his thin lips.

I ran away from his arms. He was not willing to follow me. Before his arms were closed, I ran away to the balcony. He was still unwilling to follow me.

Looking at the high balcony, I knew that I was dizzy and ran in the wrong place. When I looked back, I saw the big man's hot eyes, and I knew that I had no way back.

"Don't hold, don't hold Actually, I have something to tell you. " I don't want him to hold him, but I can't bear to leave.

He sat down on the sofa, hugged me, and insisted on kissing.

I pushed his face aside, tilted my head to one side and said anxiously, "Oh, no, don't do this. I want you to listen to me."

"Say something in my arms."

I know that if he does not let go, he will not be able to turn out his Wuzhishan, so he has to sit on his lap and fall into his arms.

Looking at him, I said with a little nervousness: "I have something to tell you, but I'm afraid you will be angry and scold me."

"I'm not angry. As long as you're in my arms, I won't be angry at anything

This soft words like the sun outside, soft and warm, listen to me can not bear to say, but think of the God, I still opened my mouth.

"I-I mean, I'm going home. Cousin Yifan promised to pick me up in the apartment, but he didn't see me today. I don't want him to worry

"I know, I know what you think. You can think for others, is you considerate and sensible, I am very happy. But listen to me. He came here to pick you up this morning, but as if he was in an emergency, he was called home by sister Hao. " He patted my hand.

"Ah! He came and went! Then did he not leave anyone waiting for me, or when he would come back? "

"No. He was in a hurry and didn't say anything

"Is something wrong at home? I should have been with him

"Don't leave. Sit back. Listen to me, I understand your mind, but I think you should live here happily and don't think about anything else

"I don't want to live here!" It's not convenient. I need to take a bath and change clothes. "

"I don't think it's inconvenient. There are all kinds of things here. Besides, you are my wife. This is your home. It's reasonable to live here. "

"Hello! I think I need to remind you once again that I'm not your wife. If you want a wife, you should marry one as soon as possible, and don't always take me as your number

"Ha ha ha ha, I want you. No one can separate us. No matter how fierce my eyes are, I'm not afraid."

The big man suddenly pressed down his lips and refused me to speak any more. He branded his crazy kiss on my lips, on my cheek and on my eyebrows.

"No, let go. I'm not your wife. I don't want to be so close to you."

"Good. I'll make you my wife now

He put up the kiss, grinned cunningly, picked me up and walked back to the bedroom.

"Hello! What are you going to do? "

I slapped him hard on the chest, but he didn't care.

The magnetic field of his love is strong and powerful, as long as I get close to me, I will be out of control in an instant. He can always, at any time, take me into a vacuum with his kiss.

The warm scene, the hot kiss and the deep affection melt us together.After a long time, he finally stopped kissing me, but put me in his arms, watching me blush and heartbeat.

I couldn't escape. I didn't want him to look at me like this, so I had to put my head in his suit and cover my face.

Hahaha ~

he was laughing, and he was laughing all the time, so I had to use my strength to prick my head and ignore him.

he was laughing all the time

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