Lope finally got it.

In the big house, she gambled on the God of love, Chen Zhengliang.

This powerful big man, absolutely loved by the heart, can be called the perfect perfect perfect saint of love. Only in front of him can she remember that love is a pure land.

In order to occupy this beautiful and suffocating pure land, she did not hesitate to bare her back and sing a soul stirring tune to win the coming of "sex" blessing.

She hopes that her beautiful voice and graceful posture will become the melody of romantic music, just like a colorful thread weaving a romantic brocade. She will meet the enchanted magpie bridge and weave it into a sentimental and sentimental harmony.

Who knows that the big guy is ungrateful in the whole process, with a heavy face, like avoiding the God of pestilence again and again, is it the legend that the more difficult to get, the more precious it is?

I am standing upstairs watching the live broadcast. I am like a bomb that ignites the wires. Instead of frightening lope, I blow up Chen Bo and everyone else.

As it happens, I just had a good nap. I wandered out of my bedroom to find a Zhong to learn kung fu. Unexpectedly, I bumped into it and saw the beautiful scene.

"My God, why do you hold another one. Making love in the living room in broad daylight, still take off like this! Look at the red lip print on your face, it must be extremely enchanting. Why don't you get her in the bedroom? Wait for what. What are you talking about. You can't wait

"Big guy, you brought me to your house to let me see you flirting and cuddling with different women? Are you declaring war on me? Is to prove to me that you are a sentimental species, how many women delivered to the door? "

"Don't think I'm just like them. I'm flattering. Hum

The anger in my chest turned into boundless anger, but I couldn't find any reason to run down and shake my fist.

Depressed, suddenly heard their clear dialogue voice, let me have to listen patiently.

"Well, Pei Xuan, please respect yourself."

Chen Zhengliang Huoran pushes aside the delicate luopeixuan.

"I don't love you. You should know that you have never loved you. Why don't you give up and insult yourself? "

“……” Lope looked up in tears.

"Aren't you satisfied, big guy?" Why are you crying. fool. Go and scratch him, or bite him hard. Can you just sit there and cry? " I have a flat mouth.

All of a sudden, the string in his head jumped for a moment: "Pei Xuan?..." Perot? It seems that I've heard of it somewhere. Who mentioned it? "

With this in mind, I quickly opened up the limited brain capacity and searched for limited information in it.

Ding! There's an answer in three seconds.

"News! Ah Ping mentioned her in the exclusive! Ping also said that lope is a big fiancee. If you don't admit it, can you hide it

"Why do you want me to give up! Why? A Liang, will you be fair to me

Lope was in tears, as if the whole world owed her.

"I'll give you an abortion. I can't give birth again. Do you know that?"

"My husband is dead and I have no relatives. I will guard for you. Do you know?"

"As long as you love me, as long as we love each other for a lifetime, do you know?"

"She lied." Chen Po lowered his face.

"A poor woman wrapped in lies." Sister Shen shook her head.

"Well, Pei Xuan, don't talk about it. We have no past, no future. "

Chen Zhengliang Tieqing's face is full of anger, which makes me afraid.

"My God, you big man, how can you do this! You are too mean

To tell you, I hate this kind of dregs man who is full of human feelings and morality. He is always ready to live forever. However, he is full of evil intentions. Let alone men, even human beings are not considered. Disgusting.

"Yes, we have the past. Don't you forget how happy and exciting the night we spent together is the past

"Besides, if you don't feel for me, how can you give me so much love, a'liang? Wow, your love is so fascinating and irresistible. It's so wonderful. A Liang ~, besides, we were engaged. That day, in front of aunt Xian, in front of Uncle Zu, in front of everyone, you said you married me. Isn't that the future? "

Luo Pei twists his emotion and rushes to hold Chen Zhengliang's hand.

"Oh, ah Ping's exclusive news is not bad at all. Big guy, you don't love people, but you're kind. People pay for you, you still don't admit it. Damn it, heartless one. "

I'm going to fall down the stairs. It's so irritating. What's the matter?

"Pei Xuan, I'll admit it. But it was all a misunderstanding, not my own volition. If you want to make trouble, I'm afraid you won't get much. "

Chen Zhengliang said faintly, Huoran took back the back of his hand and looked at the manic and epileptic woman in front of him coldly.

"Admit it but be irresponsible! Asshole I clenched my teeth and glared."Don't get me wrong. Listen to me. Why do I want to make trouble? I just want you to know my heart, and I want you to know that I love you, a Liang ~ "

lope said more and more excited, rushed to his arms and cried, repeatedly begging in a low voice, nothing more than to want him to accept himself again.

This selfishly extreme woman Oh, pitiful and hateful.

"Let go of your hand. Listen to me solemnly tell you once again, I don't love you, we have no past and no future. Don't imagine that I will change this decision, and I think that you have said enough today. I don't want to talk to you any more. The conversation is over. That's enough. I don't mean to say that. "

Chen Zhengliang blocks her and makes a stop hand gesture, just a little harder.

Lope almost fell, but she rushed in again to ask for it.

"Let go Chen took her arms and pulled to one side.

"No! A Liang, don't pull me away, don't pull me away, don't want to ~ "

if Chen Zhengliang wants to pull her away, it's easy to say it's easy, but he always tells himself" no ".

The reason is not complicated.

For fear of hurting lope Xuan, anyway, she is Guan Jingxian's niece, and hurting her will hurt Guan Jingxian's heart and face;

Second, we should not let lope Xuan use the subject to stay, thus leading to more trouble.

Just as they were pulling and pulling, the door opened and the figure in front of him shook. Ah Zhong came in.

Since receiving an urgent call from a Yi, a Zhong was so anxious that he stopped a taxi for Fang Fang. After telling the driver that the destination had paid the fare, he flashed home like a flash of lightning.

Ah Zhong's cold eyes made lope whirl like a cat mouse. He shivered and took back his arms.

Chen Zhengliang took the opportunity to get rid of himself and stride to five meters away.

Luo Pei Xuan knows that a Zhong is a cold and merciless master. Iron fist has never recognized people. Anyone who gives Chen Zhengliang a headache will not have a good life. At least, he will pick up his ribs or something.

"Zhuang Yifan is Zhuang nianfan's only nephew. He dares to teach him a lesson, and after that, no one bothered him or said that he did not say a word. What's more, she's just Guan Jingxian's niece in name. Why bother to be boring

"Wait and see, sooner or later you will suffer, hum."

Thinking of this, she had to lift the sling that slipped off her shoulders, pulled up her skirt to cover her graceful figure, and then hopped over to put on her shoes.

Chen Zhengliang didn't say a word and waved his hand gently.

When passing by, ah Zhong glances at the dishevelled lope with a startling look.

Adele saw this big figure, can't help but smile, immediately sent out a unique contact information.

A Zhong is always full of signals, so the first time he receives them, he sticks to the corridor and goes to meet everyone.

"Everyone is tired today. I'll arrange for Adele to take you back. Adele came here ~ "

brother Liang's urgent call made the German nurse who was hiding in the tent and carrying out the task of tracking children was in a dilemma.

A Ren and a Yi came to the rescue with a smile: "good brother, ad happened to go to the bathroom. Let's take Miss Luo home."

"All right, you can run." Chen Zhengliang hurried down the slope.

"Why should I leave! I don't Luo Pei's eyes were wide, like a female tiger, fiercely blocked Yi and pushed him away.

One cry two make three hang, confession, seduction are not easy to use, she has to perform a new trick.

"Ah Liang, do you still have her in your heart? With the so-called past? "

"I tell you, she's missing, she's dead. Do you hear me! It has been so long, you should put it down. Do you want to keep it for her all your life? Is it necessary? "

"She? Which she? What is she? " I can't understand her words but follow me.

"Does it make sense for you to be so persistent? You can see clearly that I am the most real one. Only I love you through and out, and I love you without complaint or regret. Do you understand me? "

" besides, what's wrong with me? Nothing can compare with her! Figure, appearance, family background, qualifications, or something else, you say! You say? I want you to say it now, you say ~ "

" 15 years, I love you for 15 years, infatuation for 15 years, even a stone should feel it! Why can't my love change you a little sincerity? Why, why. You heartless man ~, heartless man ~ ~ "

" you are more and more unreasonable. I don't want to talk to you any more. That's the end. Ah Yan ah Yi took her home. "

"I don't want to leave, and you don't want to leave. Make it clear to me! "

"I've just made myself clear."

"Stop. I tell you, I'm not satisfied. If you don't make it clear to me, I'll die here today. If you don't promise to make up with me again, I will die! Don't regret it

Chen Zhengliang tried his best to get rid of it. He was shaking with anger.Lopez grabs his shirt and whines.

"You! You push me! You dare to hit me! I want to report to Aunt Xian! You are a bastard stop! Stop! I told you to stop! You say, are you doing this to me because of other women? "

This seemingly unintentional words, but heard Chen Zhengliang's eyes flash a little flustered, and this flustered happened to give lope spin to see the clue.

Catch the handle, she is like a gambler with new chips, manly, more and more arrogant.

"Ah, tell me. Say it! Where did you hide her? Let me catch her. I'll ruin her face, break her limbs, and make her worse than death. You don't want me, and you don't want to have another woman

"Oh my God, this vicious woman

"Lope, are you crazy? What good is it to you to enrage brother liang? "

What a terrible lope spin

Everyone was sweating and couldn't help but suck in the air conditioner.

"My God. What's the matter with this woman? If you can't make love, you don't have to be so cruel I was so scared that I was sweating.

At this time, lope whirled like a stimulated wasp, running around like crazy, looking for the woman she thought was hidden.

The impending situation became more and more uncontrollable. Lope caught everyone by surprise, and their heads roared.

"It's broken."

"Brother Liang doesn't know that his wife is watching the live broadcast upstairs."

"I don't know how many things will happen if I catch my wife by lope."

"She's hateful because of love. She can do it."

"Come on! Think of a way

In an emergency, who has a good way to stop the crazy lope spin?

Chen Bo? Aduh or ajong? Or someone else?

For example, can I?

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