Luo Pei lost the spin bet, Chen Zhengliang mercilessly put her away from the big house.

She cried with tears in her eyes, but no matter how noisy she was, how reckless, how repentant, Chen Zhengliang was holding her wrist and didn't say a word.

A Ren stepped on the gas pedal and drove the car at a high speed.

Come to the door of the house, Chen Zhengliang put her hand away, iron green face does not move a place.

Lope Xuan knew that as long as he walked out of the car today, he would have nothing to do with the beautiful man around him.

This is absolutely unacceptable to her.

So she leans on Chen Zhengliang like a Green Toad, scratching, kicking, kicking and kicking her brothers who are pulling her outside the door.

A Ren and a Yi can be regarded as risking their lives, and it took a lot of effort to get her out of the car.

Who knows she plays a new trick, her hands cling to the door, become a shrinking hedgehog, sitting on the ground can not get up.

A-ren and a-yi say good and bad words, a naked car is no help. They just don't hear.

Time goes back and forth in this way. It's not that the brothers can't cure her, but that too many factors are mixed in.

First of all, considering that she is a girl and too hard to hurt her, I can't explain it; secondly, after all, there is a Guan Jingxian behind her, who always needs to give her face; the most important thing is that she is afraid that she shouts indecent remarks and causes police officers to intervene. That would be a really headless case. Don't think it's over.

Knowing that his brother was in trouble, Chen Zhengliang pretended to move to the other side and opened the door to leave.

As expected, lope was caught and stood up to bypass the front of the car.

As a result, a-ren and a-yi just grabbed two arms and entered the house and threw them into the sofa like garbage. After that, the two brothers ran out of the gate like a tiger in the back.

Outside, she heard the door slam, the door closed again.

She told herself sadly that it was over, it was over, it was over, and she couldn't wait for the spring of love.

She cried when she saw that the situation was gone, her lonely self and her empty home.

Wuwuwu ~, Wuwuwuwu

this ending was unexpected to her, but in human relations, although it looked unsatisfactory, it was a perfect ending.

Of course, no one took pity on her, and no one came forward to mediate.

"Damned woman! You've scratched your skin. If it hadn't been for the good brother's face, I would have finished with one fist, hum ~ "

ah Ren mumbled, touched his own tender neck, glared at the door, turned around and sat back in the car.

"Want me to be disabled? It's good that I flash quickly. No, then half of my life's happiness is gone. "

Yi groaned and kneaded his thighs and swayed left and right. He followed ahren back to the car.

Chen Zhengliang couldn't help laughing when his brother was so embarrassed.

a Ren and a Yi looked at each other and laughed.

However, the laughter didn't stop, the wheels didn't move, but Chen Zhengliang's mobile phone was moving. Wow, it didn't stop.

Hang up the phone, Chen Zhengliang to a Yi issued a rush home order.

Time forward two hours.

After they took lope away, ah Zhong and Adele finally let go of their hearts. They covered me for another five minutes to let me breathe.

A Zhong jumped to the ground, stretched out his right hand and patted Adele on the shoulder, and then Hulu Hulu on my head. He said cautiously, "don't move. I'll go and see what's going on. Watch out for lope's comeback. Aduh ~ "

aduh nodded and hugged me in his arms. However, I was so short of oxygen that I couldn't blink or say anything.

Before the words fell, a Zhong picked up his coat and put on his coat and stood behind the door to listen. Until he thought it was safe and normal, he gently opened a crack in the door and stepped out quietly.

Five minutes later, I inhaled enough oxygen and woke up in a dream. Like a caterpillar, I was moving around in Adele's arms to leave.

Adele was afraid that I would go out and run into the red eyed lope spin, and cause more trouble. He rushed to suppress the "heartless" and trapped me again.

"Listen to me, listen to me, be honest, don't move, you listen to me Well That Well, oh, by the way, tell me honestly, why are you so willing to marry me, huh? Is it because I am handsome that you like me, or do you have any other intention? "

I don't want to ask him any more questions.

"Where am I?" I raised my eyebrows and denied it.

"Why not. Ning Xuan said that you would marry with her. He also said that he wanted me to tolerate you more, treat you favorably, and give you meat to eat. "

He said it with certainty, and I was too shy to refute it.

"All right. How about if I like you and want you? " I started messing around again.

"Oh, my God, there is no bride like you in the world. I'm domineering before I go through the door. " Aduh chuckled."Yes, of course. I'm a rare breed. Don't you get married soon? Be careful that I marry someone else, and you will regret it. " I chuckled.

"Well, that's right. You are indeed a rare breed, very rare, a dull pig, a cute baby, an angel who can forget his worries, and a... "

As he said that, he stopped talking and just looked down. The wonderful dream reappeared in front of him. It was true, false and beautiful. So his head was short circuited and covered my lips.

My brain was short circuited by his kiss

Ten minutes later, there was a slight knock on the door.

"Peace message, from a Zhong. Well. It's OK. It's finally peaceful. Oh, My God. Conquering this stubborn blunt pig is a thousand times more difficult than pedaling Mount Everest. How do you usually do it? Superman? Well, it must be. "

Adelain was relieved. He looked up to the sky and gasped for breath. The whole person collapsed into a steamed rice cake. I took the opportunity to jump away from him to break the personal limit speed.

Listening to the pedaling steps, Adele's heart leaped wildly. Just as he was about to calm down, he leaped wildly again, because I hit the door and killed him like a whirlwind. His face was stiff and he hid back, as if I was going to do to him.

With my lips closed, I approached him with a straight face and overthrew him from the momentum.

Step by step, step by step, the last big step forced him to the wall.

He was like a mouse chased into a dead end by a cat. His eyes flashed with the light of begging for mercy. The word "help" was rolling up and down his throat and was about to blurt out.

"Are you looking for the back account? A bite or a grab? It's not like, ah ~, do you think, ouch, dull Pig ~ you should be restrained, don't do this, don't mess around, don't mess around, I, I'm still a virgin, people haven't decided whether to dedicate themselves to you ~, restrain, restrain quickly, spare me, I'm wrong ~, I dare not ~ ~ "

" hum ~ "I'll give him a wall thump.

Because he was tall and wide shouldered, it was his waist that I caught, not his neck.

"Ah, what do you want to do?" he was still shrinking back into the wall.

I was so happy to see him so nervous that my teeth would break. I know what he thinks, so I do it on purpose to scare him. Everyone has a good time to make a lively atmosphere ~

"hum I exposed twelve bright teeth of snow, suddenly stretched out my hands, tried my best to hold his thumb, and could not help but send it to my mouth.

"Oh, no, don't bite, it hurts." he immediately pulled his hand back, his heel seemed to be pricked to the ground, and the whole person was instantly raised in the posture of a ballerina who was going to jump into the Nutcracker.

In his eyes, at the moment that exposed is not teeth, but flashing cold light blade, killing in the invisible blade.

"Brother de ~ I'm going home ~ brother de ~"

all of a sudden, the situation reversed and the tiger turned into a sheep.

I suddenly let go of my hand and watched him giggle and wink his big bright eyes.

Bang ~ ~ ~

the news is from aduh.

Because his hand hit his nose, which was sour and painful, he suddenly lost consciousness, which made his head buzzing, and he bent down to tears.

Oh, my God, I can't help it any more. I can't help laughing. I can't help smiling. I cover my eyes with stars. I can't take back my mouth behind my ears. My legs are soft as noodles. So I just sit on his big feet and beat his elephant legs hard. I smile hard and smile hard.

Gaga ~, Gaga ~, gagaga ~

he picked up my neck collar, went to the door and threw me out.

I jumped up, opened the door and walked in with a smile.

"Well, don't be angry, brother de. I'll rub it for you. Don't be angry."

I said and laughed, helped him into the sofa, pulled down his hand and looked at his nose.

"No. Do you want me to die faster? "He glared at me fiercely.

"Why, why do you think so? With sister Ning Xuan here, I want to live longer."

I couldn't help laughing when I saw that he was suffering.

"Hum ~" he was so angry that his temples would be furious.

I quickly reached out my right hand to appease him, his face was as red as a monkey's buttocks, and then gently opened my voice: "brother De, I want to go home ~"

"go back, go home Now? It's not easy to do! " His heart was about to jump out of his throat.

"Now, of course. Why not? Is there a problem? " I looked at him puzzled.

"Well, that, yes, this, that, let's not go home. If you're bored, we can have a chat, don't you say, eh? " He went around with me.

"But I don't want to chat, I just want to go home. Brother De, take me home. Don't make excuses to avoid itI saw through his small measurement, and my eyebrows gradually twisted into pimples.

"But now I can't take you home, really not." He's shaking his head again.

"Why, why." I let go of his hand and stomped my feet in a hurry.

“……” He ignored me, drooping his eyelids as if he were dozing.

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