At four o'clock in the morning, the world is sleeping.

The stars jumped into the clouds to rest, leaving only a dark blue curtain over the top of the sky.

The sea breeze is blowing gently, and the waves are lapping gently on the beach. It is like a mother caressing the baby in her arms and singing a lullaby for him to sleep. The song is gentle and gentle, and even the crickets are sleeping in the grass.

However, in Repulse Bay, the lights were on all night.

Cousin Yifan mobilizes all forces to search for his treasure.

The team of more than 50 people, which took four hours to search the streets and hotels, turned out to be futile.

Looking at the people staring at the eyes as red as rabbits, sitting in the sofa coughing and sighing.

Chen Bo helplessly picked up his mobile phone and pressed Zhuang nianfan's phone number.

At 4:30 in the morning, the sky is dim, and half of the egg yolk is exposed on the sea. The duck egg yolk is hazy looking at, and the world that has not yet awakened smiles.

On the wide and flat road, a black Rolls Royce glides.

Uncle Zu opened his eyes and turned the steering wheel. At the back of the car, Zhuang nianfan, a big crocodile in the back of the car, sat steadily.

How, a pretty little girl, how humble, how insignificant, but can lead his spirit?

That's too much.

No exaggeration, of course!

Because the little girl is smart, simple and kind, he loves her very much, and she is the source of his happiness.

From the first sight of the little girl, he was regarded as a happy young tree nestling under his big pine tree. Therefore, how can we allow the young tree to cut its roots before it grows?

"Surrounded by a large group of people, they couldn't find it."

"Leng Buding called to tell me that Qiqi was lost. That's not true. "

"Xiaoliangzi, Xiaoyi, if you can't find a clever ghost, you can't let me go."

Zhuang nianfan held the pipe in his right hand, and his eyebrows twisted into pimples.

"Little girl, little girl, I don't know if you are lucky or unlucky now..." Uncle did not speak, but his heart was boiling.

According to Chen Bo's description, the little girl should be at home.

It was an agreement between the two, so they rushed to Repulse Bay as quickly as possible.

Come to the door, the car slowly through the corridor into the garden.

Eh! Bicycle shed!

Uncle Zhuang looked at Zhuang nianfan's smile, and Zhuang nianfan nodded knowingly.

The car made a turn and they walked into the shed side by side. At a glance, I saw the man, who was shrinking in the corner of the shed and leaning against the bicycle, with a white face, a solitary figure and a weak figure.

"Oh, my God, how much injustice you have suffered. I can't recognize you, my child

Zhuang nianfan, with red eyes, came over and slowly squatted down. He gently called, "Qiqi ~"

with tears in his heart, he leaned over and moved me.

I was so easy to fall asleep. I was entangled in the nightmare. When he moved, I screamed. My whole body trembled. I opened my eyes in a hurry. In a panic, I shrank back.

Little did not know that he has always been a hedgehog who has lost his spines. He has no armor to defend against.

"Are you going to get rid of me now? I haven't figured out where to go yet? It's cruel, isn't it? "My head was buzzing.

Zhuang nianfan was startled. He followed me and took my hand. A cold feeling made him shiver all over. He could not help but take a cold breath: "my God, the child's hands are so cold."

"Child? children? Don't be afraid. It's me. I'm Zhuang nianfan. Don't you know? children? Did I scare you? children? Children? "

He said as he clenched my hands, hoping I would warm up soon.

"Ah Oh, it's you, uncle

"Yes, yes, yes, I am. So, kid, you see who this is, huh? Look at him, boy

Zhuang nianfan said as he eagerly pulled his uncle. He's afraid that I'll be silly when I'm stimulated. In fact, I'm just confused.

"Yes, uncle."

Well, not stupid.

They finally laughed, and I lowered my head astringently.

"Come on, boy. Come with us."

Zhuang nianfan took me by the hand, uncle Zu supported me by the shoulder, and three people, old and young, got into the car.

"Here you are. Have a cup of hot tea. Let's talk slowly."

Uncle Zu handed me tea. I did not answer, looking at the curl of the heat in a daze.

"My child, uncle knows your grievance. Let uncle make the decision for you, OK?"

Chuang nianfan patted my hand with warm eyes.

This sincere smile is so warm. Like the aura of God, like the gift of God, I have to be moved.

Just about to be impulsive, Yi Fan's words came out of my mind again, which scared me to shake my head."Why shake your head. Have an idea, don't you? " Zhuang nianfan chuckled.

Uncle Zu put down his teacup and looked at us.

I'm ambivalent.

If it's really like cousin Yifan said, what's the relationship between a picked up doll and this tycoon?

What if people are just curious?

What if people just want to hear the news?

Isn't that self humiliating?


I want self-respect!

"Little girl, don't hide anything in your heart and tell us. It doesn't matter if we are here. "

Uncle Zu gently said, slowly holding my other hand, from his generous palm came the warmth, melting my lonely and helpless heart.

"I..." I hesitated and looked down again.

"Children, you can say what you think. Don't be embarrassed and don't worry about it. I'm not afraid to have uncle Zhuang nianfan clapped my hand again.

"Yes, tell it out, son, or we will be heartbroken." My uncle brought hot tea again.

I still did not answer, still kept silent, tears in my eyes, sobbing softly.

"Here you are." Zhuang nianfan took out his handkerchief from his pocket.

“……” Holding the handkerchief and looking at him, I bit my lips and stopped.

Uncle Zu put down the teacup, picked up the handkerchief and glued away the tears on my cheek.

They kept their eyes on me, patiently waiting for me to relax before telling the truth.

Five minutes, ten minutes, fifteen minutes I finally stopped crying.

"Are you better? Well, take a sip of hot water, don't worry. "Uncle Zu handed hot tea again.

"Yes." I took the tea cup and looked at him. Then I saw Zhuang nianfan.

"It's warm and warm for your child to drink."

Zhuang nianfan took the tea from his uncle and sipped it on his lips.

Uncle Zu also poured himself a cup. The three of us looked at each other and drank tea together.

Gudu, hot tea down the throat, down the esophagus, depicting the shape of the stomach.

Gul Doo, it is a few mouthfuls down, the body gradually ease over, not so cold and stiff, breathing is much more smooth.

Zhuang nianfan put down his teacup and pondered for a moment before asking, "Qiqi, my child, can you tell Uncle the truth now?"

"Uncle, do you know me Who am I? "

My voice is a little shaking, shaking the big eyes covered with aggrieved tears.

They were so surprised that they didn't speak for a long time.

"Why do you ask, child? I don't understand. "

"Because, Yi Fan cousin said, I am a girl with amnesia. He said, "I don't deserve to live in his house." My voice is very light and thin, like a mosquito in late autumn, without a bit of confidence, saying and lowering his head.

After hearing this, uncle Zu immediately lowered his face and could not help complaining: "this Xiaoyi, you can't speak but your brain."

"Not lightly." Zhuang nianfan raised his eyebrows.

"He told others that I was the doll he picked up. It was just for fun. I I don't want to be a doll. I don't want to go to his house and be played by him. "

Speaking of this, I feel that my heart is full of grievances, just stable mood again, tears gushing out.

Wu Wu ~

Zhuang nianfan was so angry that his beard was shaking. His uncle could not help clenching his fist. He could see that they had already been burning a raging fire in their chest, and their anger was about to burst out. It was like a dark cloud coming from all over the sky, and it was very depressing.

After about ten minutes, I was able to calm down again.

Seeing that I didn't cry any more, Zhuang nianfan said softly, "good boy, we won't cry any more. We'll leave our grievances to uncle. What else did the stinky boy say? Tell me all about it

"Yeah. Uncle。 Cousin Yifan also said that... "

With tears in my eyes, shaking my mouth and breathing, I narrated what I saw and heard last night.

Of course, I'll leave out the big house.

It's enough to break off diplomatic relations with him. There is no need to cause more troubles, that is, to make Zhuang nianfan unhappy and to give everyone trouble. Therefore, I kept my mouth shut.

"Yes." Zhuang nianfan asked while listening. He asked in detail, even the expression, tone and manner of cousin Yifan when he said this sentence. He was so serious.

Seeing that he was so angry that I couldn't help worrying about cousin Yifan, but I still wanted Zhuang nianfan to help me repair the villain.

"Well, don't cry, don't be angry, follow uncle in, uncle will make the decision for you, repair that stinky boy, OK?" Zhuang nianfan smiles lovingly.

I nodded and looked at him expectantly.

At six o'clock in the morning, the sun is shining on the ground, life reappears, warm as spring, my heart gradually gets better.

Uncle Zu started the car again, and the car finally showed up at the door.Hearing the doorbell ring, sister Hao rushed to open the door.

Around the gate, uncle Zu appeared first.

Seeing him, everyone went to say hello to him.

Zu shulue stopped and swept every face solemnly. He took special care of Yi Fan's cousin and looked at him more.

At the moment of eye contact, Yi Fan's cousin shivers all over, inexplicably flustered into a ball, and the small heart hastens to vigorously contract the oxygen supply.

Then the figure swayed and Zhuang nianfan came in. Instead of stopping, he went straight into the living room. Looking back, he held the right hand of blunt pig in his left hand, and blunt pig's mouth was shriveled and his face was full of grievances.

"Qiqi!!! Where's your guy? It's very urgent. "

"You found the blunt pig. Where did you find it?"

"What is falling from the sky is still growing on the ground. If you look for it, you will find it. "

"The master is really a fairy. It's amazing."

"My little monster, you show up."

"Yes, the master is going crazy."

After sitting on the sofa, Zhuang nianfan coughed seriously. The people in a trance came to the sofa and stood with their hands down. Sister Hao took the servants to a further position and listened carefully.

The only difference is that there are only me, Zhuang nianfan and Uncle Chen in the sofa, and even my grandparents are standing behind Zhuang nianfan.

I was uneasy, and Zhuang nianfan held my hand and sat beside him.

He was as serious and powerful as a judge, shaking my heart and shaking, as if he was a criminal who committed crimes.

A minute later, I raised my eyelids to see Zhuang nianfan, Chen Bo, and then the people.

"Why is it that only Uncle Chen can sit side by side with uncle? Why did Uncle Zu stand aside like that? Uncle Chen must have a good future, and he has a lot of experience. "

While I was still thinking, Zhuang nianfan opened the hall for questioning with a light cough.

"Xiaoyi, stand in front of you." His voice was light, but his tone was heavy, and his dignity was beyond doubt.

"Oh, yes." Yi Fan cousin cool to walk over, he seems relaxed, practical mood is very flustered.

"Here comes the chief justice. Cousin Yifan, you are miserable. You look so gray, like a cat and mouse, hum I raised my eyelids and glared at him fiercely.

This merciless eyes stare at Yi Fan cousin straight grin, he like to eat Coptis as sad, heart straight cry bitter: "miserable!"

"Xiaoyi, Qiqi is sad. You have an unshirkable responsibility. It's not. "


"Well, I'll give you a chance to tell it yourself, and give Kiki those grievances."

"Er, that..."

To be honest, he didn't understand why I went missing in tears.

Because he didn't know, I heard his conversation with Doris and told Zhuang nianfan that he was not sure what to say and how to say it, so his tongue was tied.

Seeing Yi Fan's cousin Chi Chi refused to speak, Zhuang nianfan's face sank and asked with anger, "why, do you need me to remind you?"

"Oh, it turns out that Zhuang Yifan provoked the little monster, which made the little monster angry and disappeared."

Chen Zhengliang felt a little relieved for his current safety, and the people around him also relaxed in their hearts.

Cousin Yifan!

You don't have to come to the truth!

If you confess, you will be more strict if you resist. If you resist, you will die. Hum!

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