As the saying goes: success also Xiao He, failure also Xiao He, the heart of the achievement of him, but also destroyed him.

This is the prophecy given by Zhuang nianfan to the top of the earth.

Looking at this pair of thirsty eyes, Zhuang nianfan sold the key.

He struck a match and lit his pipe in no hurry. With the lighting of a red bright spot, the pipe gave out a little green smoke, and slowly took a breath. Later, the smoke curled out of his mouth and nose, until the smoke was gone, he told it again.

"Ding Xiangkun is a man who can't be underestimated. He knows women's heart very well and knows when to do what. Ah Xian's heart and eyes are only him. In order to get rid of his enemies, he tried his best to eliminate them

"Yes. Ah Fan said so The uncle answered thoughtfully: "I remember that Afan was often repaired by him at that time."

"Hee hee ~" we couldn't help laughing.

"He deliberately lost my textbook and made me do my homework in extra classes. During the school day concert, he stood behind me and pinched my leg, which made me lose my tune and make me lose face in front of people Zhuang nianfan laughed shyly.

"It was so easy for me to ask ah Xian to dance at school, but he went to cut my dress pants on purpose. Fortunately, he found out in time that he didn't embarrass ah Xian. But when I went to the dressing room to change my dress, the dress was hidden by him, which made me dare not go out of the dressing room

"Yes. At that time, if it had not been for the clothes sent by Zhengjun, I'm afraid your uncle would have spent the night in the dressing room. "

Uncle Zu is so funny.

"Of course, my break of appointment angered her." Zhuang nianfan breathed out heavily.

"Er ~" we nodded and sighed.

"But then, this little superficial peace was broken by an accident. From then on, ah Xian, she... "

"I like you and agree to associate with you? Isn't it right? "Cousin Yifan took Zhuang nianfan's words.

"No Zhuang nianfan shook his head gently.

"Ah We looked at each other and frowned with regret.

Zhuang nianfan spits out smoke and looks thoughtfully at the sparkling sea level.

Uncle Zu said with a smile: "children, next, the second rival will appear in the sky ~"

"ah! Another one! Talk about it We waved his arm begging.

Zhuang nianfan withdrew his eyes and puffed out a big puff of smoke before continuing to tell the story.

"In our time, society was turbulent, with a mixture of good and bad people. Most of them were evil gangs and lawbreakers. They made a living by binding people for extortion and collecting protection fees."

"I remember that year, I was 23 years old and ah Han was only 19. At the invitation of Xiang Kun, we went to the villa to attend his father's 60th birthday party. The party is very grand and lively. It is full of people with a good reputation, status and status. "

"For me, I finally got my wish. We danced one after another with a beautiful waltz. Although ah Xian didn't talk much, she always laughed at me. The sweet smile, like an angel, like a goddess, is more like the red rose with dew, love and beauty in the morning, which makes me willing to fall in love and indulge in it, and I want to stay with her all my life. "

"That night, the stars all over the sky were bright, so beautiful ~"

"that night, I said to my heart, I want her to be my rose fairy, raise proud lips to the whole world, and soar in the sky of love."

"But accidents always happen by accident. Good luck will never cover only one person's, unexpected bad luck, with an ugly mask to come ferociously. In other words, in the early morning of the next day, we drove back from the party and met fierce kidnappers on the way. "

As soon as the topic became heavy, we also raised our hearts and raised our courage.

"Eight burly kidnappers, with cautious murderous spirit, forced our car to stop, cruelly cut the throat of drivers and bodyguards, demonstrated to us, and then tied us with ropes, covered our eyes, and took us away by force in another car."

Just a few words, with a cruel bloody, suffocating.

"The car bumped all the way and we felt dizzy and nauseous. About 30 minutes later, the kidnappers took us out of the car and locked us in an office with dim, dirty, less than 10 square meters of abandoned parking lot

"When she saw the rats scurrying all over the place, ah Xian was so scared that she almost fainted. I can't help it. I'm back to back with Ding Xiangkun and put her in the middle to make her feel better. "

"Of course, we don't wait to die, so we agree to abscond. That night, we sat on the cold ground and slept until four o'clock in the morning. The sky was dim and the people in charge kept dozing off. We know it's time. "

"We stood up quietly, sandwiched ah Xian in the middle and moved to the door a little bit. We didn't dare to breathe. Every step of the road was as frightened as stepping on the tip of a knife."

"It's so easy to come to the door, head to Kun has already stepped out a leg, and even can see the world of dawn. At this time, a big gray mouse with a sharp mouth ran out of nowhere and jumped onto ah Xian's skirt again. Ah Xian's scream caused the kidnappers to wake up and kill. We were not able to resist and were taken back to the garage by themThe voice did not fall, we open mouth exclaimed, heart cool to the end.

Not waiting for the exclamation, uncle Zushu said an exciting good news: "but the top to Kun took advantage of the chaos to escape from the talons, in theory, there was no total annihilation."

"Great ~, finally see hope, this is saved ~" we applauded.

Zhuang nianfan shook his head and banged away the ashes in his pipe.

"Ah??? Not hope? Why not? Didn't you escape? Isn't that hope? " We look at each other, how can we guess the mystery inside.

"He ran away, but didn't go back to report." Uncle Zu explained with understanding, smiling faintly, but laughing bitterly.

"My God, how can this man be like this?" We can't help sniffing.

Zhuang nianfan picked up the tea cup and sipped it. After putting it down gently, he said helplessly:

"yes, this is that man does not kill himself. Besides, protecting oneself is not for personal gain, but he should not betray his love with ah Xian. Since then, we have never met again. I only heard that his father suddenly resigned and his family emigrated to the other side of the ocean. "

"Oh, I see Then, were you saved? "

Yi Fan's cousin is always impatient, but he always asks the questions we want to know most.

Zhuang nianfan looked at us and nodded with a smile.

"Yes, Xiaoyi, we are saved."

"I want to start with Ding Xiangkun. We waited for three days and no one came to rescue us. The kidnappers did not deliver food and water regularly, as they did in the beginning. They stare at us and scold us all day long. We are so scared that we can hardly control ourselves to think about the bad side. The more we think about it, the more afraid we are, the more we feel that we are not far away from the end of our lives and we are in a state of constant fear. "

"Who knows, on the night of the third day, three burly, black veiled men broke into the door and fought with a dozen or so kidnappers. If you chop it, I'll cut it off. It's so windy. "

"A ferocious corpse fell on the filthy ground one after another, and there was a spatter of blood all over the parking lot. What's more, groups of rats the size of fists swarmed in, gnawing at the corpses on the ground, and there came bursts of quick click sound, like devil's teeth grinding. "

"Ah Xian was paralyzed with fear and cried bitterly. I was scared to death. I've never seen such a thrilling scene. But I'm a man after all. When I think of ah Xian around me, I can't help holding her in my arms to reduce her inner fear

"Later, the masked man finally killed all the kidnappers and drove us out of the garage to get on the bus. We had no choice but to leave with them. Who knows, there is an indomitable fish who escaped from the net, killed out of the dark, and came with him, and a large knife with a length of 30 cm. "

"Ah Xian was the only one who didn't dodge. The sharp blade was about to cut to the neck. At the moment of life and death, one of the bravest masked men suddenly stepped out and stabbed the kidnapper to save ah Xian. But the kidnapper's knife also cut into the masked man's shoulder. The masked man took off the machete, covered the wound and sent us home. There was no sound on the way Yes

"Wow! hero! The hero who feels the heaven shaking the earth! It's amazing! How brave! It's even braver than a great Xia and a man. I admire him. I really admire him

One after another, we picked up our thumbs and ordered 10000 compliments.

Zhuang nianfan took a cup of tea and sipped it until we stopped talking about it.

"The car roared all the way. I don't know how many turns and slopes I've climbed. I've been walking through the boundless night. When the light of the day comes, I finally drive us home."

"My God, it's safe at last." We also follow the story to relax.

"We later learned that, after receiving the extortion call from the kidnappers, the family members were afraid to call the police and cause more trouble, so they used a mysterious figure to bridge the situation and lead people from the rivers and lakes to rescue them."

"With the permission of her family, the kind-hearted ah Xian Qiang left a life-saving benefactor and took good care of her. When she saw the hero's true face, ah Xian fell in love with him

"What's the real face of Lushan? Who? What does it look like? " We took Zhuang nianfan's hand and shook it.

He grinned, and suddenly glanced at Uncle Zu with jealousy.

Uncle Zushu raised his eyebrows and gave back his boastful eyes.

"Uncle Zu

"The hero is a granduncle?"

"Uncle Zu is a masked man?"

"That is to say, uncle Zu is your rival in love??? That's too much

Our thought greatly jumps, because jump too high too fast, temporarily some slow can't come over, so for a while, just mouth wide open to look at the two old people in front of us.

"Alas, it's a pity that I, the hero, did not win ah Xian's heart in the end. She still plunges into your arms, marries you and becomes Mrs. Zhuang." Uncle Zu shook his head unconvinced.

After hearing this, Zhuang nianfan beamed with a smile and said, "how about it? I know you're not convinced, right? But so what? Because I am charismatic, handsome and rusty; because I have the ability to realize ah Xian's dream; because I love ah Xian; because I am stronger than you. ""Because, because, because, where do you get so much because, to put it bluntly, you are taking advantage of the fire." Uncle Zu repeatedly sarcasm, rolling eyes at him.

"Ah! What a robbery! Who took advantage of the fire? Speak responsibly. " Zhuang nianfan was a little embarrassed.

"Hum!" Uncle Zushu ignored him and complained to us:

"children, you said that I had only been separated from ah Xian for half a year, and he took advantage of the opportunity to marry ah Xian. What is it

Before the words fell, he glared at Zhuang nianfan with the look of looking for the sequel, and asked aggressively, "I still don't understand what skill you used in those days, or what kind of ecstasy did you give ah Xian to marry her, ah? Come on

"It's an exclusive secret. No, yes, say it. Besides, even if I tell you, you can't learn. "

"And then what happened? What happened then? "

Under our constant questioning, Zhuang nianfan put on a winner's posture and pointed to his uncle with a smile.

"Later, this guy was not convinced and had the courage to find ah Xian. Ah Xian has no choice but to marry her sister to his family ~ "

" Oh, so it is. Uncle Zu and you have such a close relationship. No wonder uncle Zu said that if Chuang nianfan wanted to pay for it, ah Xian would repair him. The original way is here. This explains why only Zushu can stand by Zhuang nianfan. " It dawned on me at last.

"But who is that mysterious figure? Who is your third rival in love? " Yi Fan's cousin is still questioning.

But Zhuang nianfan refused.

He said with a smile: "Oh, well, well, that's all for today's story. Let's go. Let's go, let's all go ~"

"no, No. You don't want us to lose sleep. Talk about it. "

We were trapped and would not let go.

It's as if the meat to the mouth just took a bite and then it was taken away. As soon as the frozen hand covered the hot stove, it was very difficult to win the grand prize, but the ticket flew

My God, I'm so disappointed. I can't reconcile myself to it.

uncle Zu pointed to his wristwatch with a smile: "I'll talk about it another day. It's late. Now, we have something to go out. We can't delay. Let's go to rest and be obedient. Besides, it's not better to leave a suspense, eh? "

"Yes. Next time, you can't break your promise. "

What else can we do after all this has been said? We have to give up and separate.

With the help of awei and a Hao Na Ge, Yi Fan's cousin sits in the car with straight legs and buttocks, and reluctantly leaves.

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