At 9:30 a.m., big wave Bay, Hong Kong Island.

Put on beautiful make-up, I like a flower butterfly in spring, light fly downstairs, full of joy to Xu Jialin's date, go to see horror movies together.

Who knows, but to Chen Zhengliang, a big man who has no eyes, is blocking the gate.

"It's changed. It's great. Come with me, wife. " He said and squeezed my hand.

The hypocritical guy thinks that if he disguises himself as a Fortune Cat, he will be loved by everyone?

"I don't want it. Get out of the way. " I glared fiercely, turned and ran with my hands on my back.

"Stop for me!" His eyes grew stern as he grasped my hand.

"Let go." My voice was light and cold.

I'm not afraid of him.

From this moment on, his Majesty was nothing more than a mask on my face.

His brows moved and his heart vibrated. He pulled me into the sofa and looked at me for a long time before he asked in a low voice, "tell me, what are you angry about?"

"Gas! Hum! You? Do you think you're worth it? It sounds like a good laugh. I tell you, I don't want to talk to you about anything. I'm going out. You are in charge of heaven and earth, not me. Don't follow me. "

"Come back. I also tell you that you can't go anywhere without my permission. "

I ignored him, bypassed the sofa and sped out the door.

I didn't expect that his acceleration was faster, which made me almost bump into his arms. Fortunately, my brake system was sensitive and stopped the car in time. Er, it was dangerous ~

"what are you doing? Get out of the way"

I stamped my feet in a hurry. Stubborn big guy, who wants to listen to you.

"I said no going out." His eyes were round.

My restlessness irritated him again, and he forced his arms around me.

I bared my teeth and tried my best not to escape.

At this time, Fengling ran over and looked at us. She said timidly, "doctor Xu is here."

She swallowed the rest.

Because the air in the living room was too tense and oppressive, she was afraid that her words might become a fuse and detonate the box of gunpowder, which could not be cleaned up.

Adelain and a Zhong are also embarrassed: get. This pair of enemies is in trouble again.

"Adele, go and tell the doctor Xu that she is not going out today." Chen Zhengliang called out.

This dignified remark ignited the anger in my chest. It exploded like an atomic bomb. A black mushroom cloud rose in an instant, and I became a witch with red eyes.

"Good brother." Aduh shook his head and sighed as he walked.

"Don't go." These three words, but I took a lot of effort to shout out.

Adelain just hesitated for a moment, and still walked to the door.

"Is there any law in the world. Is my freedom worth a word in your eyes

"That's right. You just have to do it to the letter. "

"Don't do it. I don't want it. Don't, don't, don't, don't let me go. Let me go. "

"I has the final say, you can't do well."

"Arrogant guy, I'll get rid of you." Thinking of this, I opened my mouth and bit hard.

Ah Zhong looks in his eyes and is anxious in his heart. A exclamation makes Adele stop and look back.

Let go of Chen Liang.

I took the opportunity to run to the door, but he followed me forward, put his arm around my waist, and wrapped me around my side again.

"Oh, no! ~"

it's hard for him to get rid of his obsession. I became upset and impulsive, and suddenly I used fighting skills against him again.

That's fast. I lifted my right leg, bent my knee, and folded it into 90 degrees. Suddenly, I made a force to top his vital point.

At the same time, Adele and ah Zhong open their mouths and sing a high scale, with their hearts in their voices.

Chen Zhengliang is not a vegetarian indeed. This guy is the king of fighting. He can reflect it in one tenth of a second and reach out to block the attack.

As a result, I lost again.

The fragile knee is like hitting a hard iron plate, and the goblet falling on the ground is smashed to pieces. I even hear it crack and crack, and my right leg loses consciousness. As a result, the whole person loses balance and plops to the floor.

Oh ~

in my eyes, tears of grievance flowered out of my eyes and reached out to knead the poor kneecap bone.

Chen Zhengliang was angry because I started fighting against him again.

His eyes were burning, his temples were bulging high, and he roared, "rebel against you!"

"Oh, my leg ~" I was still whole-heartedly soothing my poor kneecap.

"Aduh, get the message." He roared again, picked up the loser and turned back to his bedroom.

"Oh, yes." Aduh ran away in a hurry.

Xu Jialin calls Fengling for confirmation and leaves calmly.

There's a lot of trouble in the bedroom.The date stirs up Huang not to say, also became his subordinate defeat, I am indignant stubborn resistance.

He was so angry that he shivered, pressed me, and roared at me with big, bell like eyes.

"Yes, I'm good at it. You can't attack me."

"It's just a long skill. How about it! how!!! Who let you in the way, who let you control me. "

I do not want to be outdone, like a fish just landed on the shore, struggling.

The quarrel in the room was buzzing, decibels high enough to lift off the roof.

Fengling pulls Xiaohui, and Adele pushes ah Zhong. We hold our breath and stop to pay attention.

"What to do, aduh." Ah Zhong rubbed his hands with sweat.

"What to do, how do I know what to do." Aduh turned and hit the wall.

He glared at a Zhong and scolded: "it's you who are wrong. How do you teach her the most important fighting skills. Fortunately, brother Liang is quick enough. Otherwise, he will become a eunuch, and there will be no future generations. I see Uncle Zu's butt under the board will become yours immediately. You, you have to lie down for at least a month. Be careful, you. "

"Ah! What are you talking about! I didn't teach her that. " A Zhong is full of grievances and has no place to sue.

"I dare to say that it's not you. It's your road skill that is so fierce, tough and powerful." Aduh is right.

It's not, I declare. That's what I see on TV, but I'll use a Zhong's method. This is called learning to use, hee.


Ah Zhong wanted to say something, but he was interrupted by the roar coming from the room.

"Who allows you to go out on dates, eat ice cream, watch horror movies, and want to rebel? You, huh?"

"To rebel. Whatever you disagree with, I will do it. How about it

"Talk back. Believe it or not, I'll tie you up with a rope and lock it in the bedroom."

"Well, if you have the ability to bind me all my life, lock me for life."

"You! You! Asshole! Unreasonable asshole

"You're a jerk! You can't just take medicine, you bastard

"Oh, my God, how can brother Liang become such a jerk." Ah Zhong was so frightened that he glanced at Adu: "he has never met such a bold and fat man in his life."

"Oh, what's the end of it?" Aduh is shaking his head.

Feng Ling and Xiao Hui looked at each other and lowered their heads in silence.

"You let me go! Let go I screamed.

"You admit your mistake and apologize." He growled.

"Well thought. If I'm not wrong, I don't want to apologize, I don't want to, don't want to

I held my head high and glared at him.

"You have a hard mouth and don't pay attention to me when I don't exist?"

"You are you, I am me. I never promised you. Why do you care about me

"Well, you rebellious little monster, I don't believe you don't beg for mercy." When the big man finished this sentence, he suddenly put away his angry expression and changed into a tender and watery one.

He lowered his head, opened his mouth, suddenly held my lips, forced to pour His love, and I, in an instant, couldn't extricate myself

"My God, it's quiet at last."

The audience breathed a sigh of relief, either by the door or against the wall, paralyzed.

After a long time, Chen Zhengliang reluctantly left my lips.

"Wife ~, good wife, don't be angry, OK? Shall we stop arguing? Well? "

"His kisses are so wonderful, his world is so yearning."

I breathed for a long time to come back to God, back to the real world, looking at him, laughing into a happy rose with dew.

However, lope's tears are like a thorn in my heart at this beautiful time, which makes me feel like a lump in my throat. I can't spit it out or swallow it. The heat wave of love just turned into a cold snow mountain again.

"Do you like to kiss me?"

My eyes are much more peaceful, but there are things that big people can't read.


“…… Do you want me? "

Looking at him, I am charming and smiling, cherry lips showing snow-white teeth, pink arms with love signals, hanging on his neck, bright big eyes, release the urgent waiting for high-voltage.

The high magnetic force of the high-voltage electricity was enough to make his heart itchy, and his blood was bubbling like a bull in full swing.

"Yes." He nodded again with a rare light in his eyes: "did you agree? I will make you the happiest woman in the world. " He said, squinting happily and hugging me.

"Oh, my little monster, you make me want to stop."

"Can't you stop How many women are you obsessed with? How many women can't stop for you

My words made him gasp.

"I..." He's not happy."Is my kiss like Fang Fang? Is love like Su Xiaojin? Do you look like lope's

Accident, too unexpected, he felt a burst of cold from top to bottom, he finally knew that I was not jealous, but sad, the next will be broken.

"What? What do you say He is helpless.

"I'm saying, why don't you continue your relationship with Fang Fang? Why don't you marry Su Xiaojin who loves you so much? Why don't you leave your fiancee for abortion? Aren't they all women who can't stop you? "

"You insult me, you insult yourself."

He couldn't contain his anger and roared fiercely. The huge waves of 30 feet filled the dike of his mind, and the heartache swept over him.

"My God, there's a fight again." Aduh was startled.

"Is it really difficult to ask for peace in the world?" Ah Zhong quickly stood up.

"Insult! I'm afraid you can't write these two words, but you throw them to the women around you

"You Well, well, I won't quarrel with you, because there are some things you don't know. It's not what you think it is. "

"Not what I imagined, of course, but what I saw. You must be very sorry now. Take me back to your big house

"You hope I'll never see the truth, do you?"

"You want me to be blinded by your hypocritical appearance forever, don't you?"

"You want me to live in your control forever, don't you?"

The more I said, the louder my voice was, and tears of grievance came out.

"No, no, No. What do you want me to say to you

His heavy tone, like his hands, pressed me out of breath.

"You always do more than you say. Let me go. " I threw my tears to my cheek.

"Well, what's the situation? Why are we fighting again?" Aduh sticks to the door to listen.

"It's only five minutes of peace." A Zhong kept on talking.

"My God, it's amazing."

Fengling and Xiaohui run downstairs in panic.

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