In the dark night, the strong wind and the torrential rain!

The sky rolling with sultry thunder, across the frightening lightning, make people uneasy, make people anxious.

On the G116 road in Macau, a Land Rover SUV with its headlights dangling, bumps past in the storm.

Two tough robbers were sitting in the front row, and a sack was placed in the back seat.

The sack contained me tied up by their ropes.

The wind whistling, rolling rain and leaves, like countless whips, mercilessly whipped the window glass, and then "Hua Hua Hua Hua!" The ground flows down the car.

On the road, where the wheels pass, there is a trough, and the rain water is forced to splash, and the Land Rover is mercilessly left behind.

It may be because it is dark and rainy and the street lights are dim, which may affect the sight line, or it may be because of being in a hurry to get on the way or the heart is weak and the liver is trembling.

As we all know, when Land Rover turned the corner in the hairpin curve, a careless, bang ~, hit the road guardrail heavily, and the sack on the back seat "Gudong!" Slide down the seat.

The huge inertia of collision is a disaster for me! Because it made me slide off the back seat of the car. I was stuck in the gap between the two rows of seats. My head hit the steel frame of the front seat heavily and lost consciousness.

The robber jumped out of the car in panic.

They complained to each other, swearing to the front of the car to check the condition of the car.

The right front face of the car is seriously depressed and deformed.

The mechanical cover was folded up, the headlight was smashed and the bumper fell off.

The most important thing is that the front windshield is broken and the car is obviously no longer usable.

The robber had to turn back to open the rear door, stretch out his big hand, pull out the sack containing me from the seat gap, shoulder it, abandon the car and walk instead.

Two people walk along the road, their figure is gradually swallowed by the darkness!


When I woke up again, I felt as if I had only one head left.

The brain, cerebellum, and facial features in the head are just like the goods on the shelf. If they are put on the same plane, they will not be unified.

No matter how hard I tried, my eyelids were as heavy as lead.

I went to sleep again in confusion.

Time passed in my deep sleep.

Three days later, a sunny afternoon.

Dee! ~Outside, there was a rapid and loud sound of car horn, which penetrated my ears. I recovered my hearing and my brain also woke up.

I tried to open my eyes. My vision was always slow and slow. The scenery in front of me was blurred. It was like a person with 5000 degree myopia who took off his glasses and saw the world. It was a vast expanse of white.

"How white! Oh, heaven I make a judgment for myself.

"You are awake! Great A hazy face appeared in front of his eyes and made a silver bell like sound.

"Wow! Angel The blurred vision told me that there was an angel talking to me, so I bought to hang up the corners of my mouth.

"I heard that a good man will go to heaven after he dies. Now, I should be a qualified good man, hey! Hey, hey I secretly stink, secretly happy!

A minute later, the heavy eyelids were filled with lead, and could not be lifted any more. But my mind was clear, and my hearing was restored. I could hear the conversation of people around me.

"Do you mean she's awake?" Man's voice, so clear.

"Ah! The sound It must be God. I quickly crossed my heart and prayed!

I want to open my eyes and see God! But that does not strive for the eyelid is not up.

"Yes! She wakes up, she opens her eyes to look at me and laughs The angel answered God.

"You see, her hands and feet are moving!"

All of a sudden, I felt a big hand holding my hand, and I regained my touch.

"Oh! By the way, it's time to give her medication. "

"Oh, wait a minute. I'll change her prescription!"


I didn't hear the rest because I fell asleep again.

I do not know how long, a strong smell of disinfectant, spread in the room, it opened my sense of smell, so that I wake up again.

"Sister Zhi, it seems that the proportion of your disinfectant today is not well prepared. It's thicker."

"Oh! When I'm done cleaning the room, I'll just pour some water in. "

"Heaven can also disinfect potions! Have a good laugh

Open your eyes again, your eyelids are much easier. You don't have to work as hard as last time. The scenery in front of you becomes clear and clear.

"Oh! This is a hospital. I thought it was heaven

"Fortunately, no one knows what I just thought, or I will be laughed off! ~"

I was secretly happy in my heart, which made my soul, which had been swimming outside my body, suddenly bumped back into my body like a naughty elf, and my body suddenly recovered all its functions. I feel like a reincarnated baby, born and reborn."You are awake! Can you see me? " This angel, though without wings, is dressed in white. She is so beautiful and peaceful. She stretches her right hand in front of my eyes with a smile, affecting my eyes.

I blinked, nodded mechanically, and made a dull benediction.

"Can you hear me? You, OK! Come on, tell me, you, OK The angel house teaches me to speak, just like the kindergarten teacher as patient.

I nodded again and opened my mouth with her gesture, but I didn't say a word.

"Well, then! Don't worry, it will be better in a few days

I nodded again and gave her a smile.

Five days later, at 7:30 in the morning, after breakfast, the angel in white hung the liquid for me.

Outside, it just rained! In the blue sky, there are big white clouds floating leisurely! Branches, flowers are inlaid with many crystal clear, such as crystal like water drops, reflecting the colorful light of the sun, evil is good-looking!

Take back your eyes and look at the clock on the wall. It's already 9:30 a.m.

When the angel in white came, she took off the needle on the back of my hand and said to me like a child, "OK, from now on, you don't need to use infusion any more. Are you happy?"

I nodded happily and looked at her sweet smile.

The angel in white cushioned my back with a pillow and helped me sit up against the head of the bed.

I feel that my body can move flexibly, but my head is covered. My brain and cerebellum collide fiercely in my head, like a bowl of marinated bean curd brain, steaming in the bowl.

She neatly packed the infusion bottle and equipment, pushed up the car and left.

I once again side head, looking out of the window lush trees, listening to the birds chirp happily, breathing the fresh air, so happy!

Just when I was in a daze, suddenly, a large bunch of Huwei Baihe and Tianxing flowers appeared in front of me, and strongly attracted my attention.

"Ah!" I was dull, took the flowers and held them in my arms. Lengke Ke looked at the elegant person who sent the flowers and the two male models behind him.

The man in front of him had a beautiful face. He taught women how to love them, and how to teach men how to hate them. His face was as beautiful as a sculpture, with clear facial features and angular faces.

He is about twenty-five or six years old. His appearance seems cold and indifferent, but his eyes are full of light, which makes people dare not underestimate.

A black and thick hair, a pair of sword eyebrows, but a pair of slender peach blossom eyes, full of amorous, let a person accidentally fall in, high nose, thick thin suitable red lips, at this time rippling another person dizzy smile.

Slender figure with a straight suit, showing elegant gentlemanly demeanor, gentle to look like a gentleman of status.

His magic lies not only in the face that makes people intoxicated, but also in the mysterious masculinity of his whole person.

The handsome man who follows is like the gentleman's right-hand assistant, or follower, or bodyguard.

The handsome man is similar to him in age, with fair complexion, beautiful facial features, tall body, strong chest muscles, low voice, and gentle in handsome!

Their temperament is very complex, like a mixture of all kinds of temperament, but in those gentle and handsome, they have their own unique ethereal and handsome!

"There is such a handsome man in the world! It's not a movie! I'm still dreaming I was stupefied.

At this time, the dean and the nurse came into the room.

Miss Kiki, come to see you this morning They say hello to the handsome guy and do all kinds of routine examinations for me at the same time.

"Yes!! How is she? " The handsome boy happily accepted, but his sight never left me.

"Good, good! Miss Kiki is recovering very well! It seems that in a few days, she will be discharged from the hospital! "

"Oh, great, thank you, Dean!"

"No thanks! Let's go! Go to the other ward. " The crowd followed the dean and left my ward.

The handsome boy came over and sat beside my bed and looked at me gently. The handsome boy behind him put down the fruit basket and sat in a chair not far away, looking at me with the same concern.

"Who are you! Who am I Do you know me

“???!!!…… Of course we know each other, little fool. I am Zhuang Yifan, your name is Zhuang Meiqi, you are my little cousin

"The one slightly higher is called ah Ho, and the other with big eyes is Ah Wei!" Handsome boy refers to the two handsome men sitting in the back, and the handsome boys immediately show a simple smile on their faces.

I politely returned them with a smile, then lowered my head and frowned. My brain didn't think of any information from them. I was sweating.

I blinked puzzled eyes and asked him, "cousin? Maggie? Why am I here? "

He pondered for a long time before he said, "well Well, that's it. I wanted to tell you when you recovered, but I don't want to hide the truth, and I don't want you to think nonsense, so listen to me There were some accidents not long agoI didn't speak, I just listened quietly.

"Not long ago, you had an accident with your uncle and aunt. You are the only one who survived the accident. Your uncle and aunt died and both died. "

"I have finished their affairs. Don't be too sad, ah!"

Hearing this, my head was buzzing, the five internal surging river and sea, tears came out, sobbing bitterly.

"Well! Good Zhuang Yifan put his arms around me and patted me on the shoulder. I fell in his arms, shivering and crying for a long time.

"Well, darling, don't cry, you and I, I won't feel lonely."

after listening to him say so, I looked up at him with tears in my eyes, and fell in his arms and sobbed softly, unable to say a word.

He took a paper towel to wipe away the tears for me. His gentle eyes were always on me, which was warm and considerate.

Next, he washed my face and wiped all the water on my face with a soft towel, and then he said, "OK, stop crying, see what I bring you"

"well, here you are, have an apple, OK?" he handed me a large peeled apple.

"Cousin, I don't want to eat" my cry gradually faded into sobs and choking.

"Call me Yifan, cousin, it's strange to listen to me"

I nodded, but I still didn't pick up the apple. He smile, with a knife cut a small piece, break off a small piece to my mouth: "good, eat a small piece of good? Well, a small piece of "

" thank you ~ "I couldn't twist him. I ate the apple a little bit.

"Well, here, one more piece. Can I have it with you this time?"

I nodded, just like this. You ate the apple one by one.

He gently wiped his hands and mouth for me and said, "well, do you want to sleep for a while now?"

I am really tired, eyelids straight to a piece of sticky, but still forced to stare at the "cousin" in front of me.

He saw that I just stare at him but did not answer, so he helped me set up the pillow, helped me lie down and said, "well, come on, I'll help you lie down, OK, sleep! Don't worry, I'll stay with you, sleep! "

"Wow! I have such a handsome cousin! Considerate and gentle! How happy! But is it really the case? It's not a dream! Will you wait for me to wake up, the handsome guy and the apple will disappear? "

I was dreaming, trying not to sleep, as greedy as possible to nostalgia for everything in front of me, but I lay down for only three or two minutes, and I fell asleep.

Who are you? Who am I? Who is he?

Why do I open my eyes again and see everything that is unfamiliar?

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