Fengling spread her feet like flying again to the kitchen, and behind her there is awei in the name of helping.

Awei turned around and saw that he had left the visual area. He suddenly blocked in front of Fengling and called eagerly, "Fengling, stop one stop, Fengling."

"Why ~" Feng Ling looked at him unsatisfied and walked away from him.

Awei had to follow her and said, "don't give me the ice cream. I'll have the second one."

"what's the matter? Qiqi beauty likes it. Don't worry about it." Fengling didn't want to listen to him. When she came to the building, she could go downstairs.

"But Van Gogh wants me to look at her." Awei came down to talk.

"But if you don't, Kiki will be angry." With that, Fengling leaped over the last step and landed steadily.

"Van Gogh knows he'll be angry." Awei had to move out.

Fengling didn't get scared and didn't listen. Instead, she stood and looked at him and said, "OK, you go and tell Qiqi beauty that you don't give ice cream. Go and go."

"Ah, I I... " Awei was like a fish caught ashore, only to open his mouth and shut up.

Feng Ling laughed and left him to go on. She turned a corner and opened the door again. She walked quickly into the hallway of a dome.

Awei followed her again, half anxious and half helpless, and said, "you stand still, listen to me, fan Ge told me that you can't remember two cups of ice cream a day at most."

Fengling pinched her waist and looked him up and down: "you're a dead brain. If you think about it, which one is important, Kiki, to be angry with the beauty or the husband? Which is more difficult to calm down? "

"Well..." Awei rolled his eyelids as if he was really thinking.

"Do you want to think about it? Who can get rid of Kiki? You? Sir? None of them, right? If you ask me again, who can deal with Mr? Naturally, it's Qiqi beauty. It's called one thing falling one thing. Do you understand it? "

"Yes. But... " Awei nodded, but he still didn't get it.

"Don't worry, Qiqi beauty is so righteous, it won't make us embarrassed." Feng Ling shook her hand and walked away. Awei hesitated for a while and hurried to follow him.

Vanilla ice cream, fragrant and sweet, cold and silky, every mouthful is as happy as relying on cousin Yifan's arms, making me as happy as in heaven.

Oh, my God, Ah Wei gave me another big spoon of his own, which was eaten by me with my tongue curled up. If only there was another spoon, oh, my God, I wiped the corners of his mouth and fingers with a paper towel, and suddenly Adu and ah Zhong showed up, They come together to chat. In this way, they can talk about a wider range of topics, and they can also have a more lively chat, and their creaky laughter will be more enthusiastic.

Unconsciously, an hour passed quickly. Just as I was preparing to charge for the third cup of ice cream, the big man came out of nowhere, staring at the sharp ice cream in my hand, and frowning with a bitter hatred.

I habitually put down the ice cream, he is also habitually sitting beside me, still want to hold hands.

Hum ~, "hate evil as a foe" I ran away without a shadow.

Feng Ling grinned and picked up the ice cream to run.

Ah Zhong blocked his face, held out his index finger, pointed to the ice cream, and then pointed to the table.

Feng Ling ignored him and ran away, but ran into a face with Adele.

Adelain stretched out his right hand to her eyes, flashing a charming smile, eyes slightly blinked.

Feng Ling with the devil like, raised her hand obediently to hand over the ice cream, and then a red face, shy to run out of shadow.


I stayed in dalangwan for five days, and I found that everyone was very busy.

Zhuang nianfan, uncle Zuo and uncle Shou hardly stay at home every day, or go out to visit them.

although Chen Zhengliang moved his home and office here, he was very busy all day.

his best friend and master were too busy to hold their heads up all day long. Tian Tian was surrounded by the big man, went in and out, and was inseparable from him.

Comparatively speaking, I'm a real idle person, and I'm a kind of person who's very busy. Besides Fengling, there are no other people around me.

Fortunately, cousin Yifan cares about me and asks awei to bring me the whole car book to relieve my boredom. So Fengling and I learn to look like an old scholar. We shake our heads every day, but we are at ease.

On this day, shortly after breakfast, Fengling came to tell me that the guests had come to my home, and I squeezed my face curiously to the window to look around.

On the corridor in the garden, rolls Royces were slowly entering.

After a while, there were at least 20 cars parked in the parking lot, which made a group of people. Some of them had a gentlemanly manner in their suits, some of them looked like smart businessmen, some were tall and strong like masters, some were thin and dry, like great uncles. They knew that there were so many kinds of things to offerOne by one, you can see that they have a lot to come from.

Zushu and Shoushu were dressed in formal clothes. They were handsome and dignified. They stood by the door and shook hands with the people who got off the bus one by one. People poured in with joy and laughter.

I kept a low profile, just like a mouse afraid of the big fat cat at the entrance of the cave. I stayed in the small living room on the third floor to read books and amuse myself.

I don't know how long it used to be, as if it was time to have lunch, because my stomach was barking.

"Qiqi, let's go to the restaurant to have lunch with Uncle Zu."

uncle Zu is really an immortal, and he must have arrived at the right time.

"OK ~ ~" I ran to him and followed him downstairs.

In the dining room, at the table, only Zhuang nianfan was present. When he saw us, he waved happily: "Qiqi, come here, let's eat."

"Good ~" I said while holding uncle zutuan to sit, just sat down, and then came uncle Shou, uncle Tang, uncle Guo and so on a large group of people.

"Have a meal ~" Zhuang nianfan said, "let's start together.".

The feast made my taste buds full of pleasure, so I tried to eat and tried to eat until I felt that there was too much rice in my throat and I could not swallow it any more. Then I put down my chopsticks and watched everyone laugh.

Zhuang nianfan picked up his napkin and touched the corner of his mouth. He touched his beard and said happily, "Qiqi, shall we go to the living room and have a chat?"


Everyone got up and walked out to the living room.

I ran to Ravi's hand, so everyone was surprised.

Sitting in the living room, Xiaozhi and Xiaofen offer fragrant tea and turn away.

Zhuang nianfan said with a smile: "Qiqi, I didn't see that you and awei got along well too ~"

I patted awei's hand and was proud: "that's because we are brothers ~"

awei kept nodding and grinning.

A word did not fall, the ear immediately came to the hall of laughter, good guy, the ears were buzzing.

Zhuang nianfan touched the tears in the corner of his eyes and said with a smile: "little girl, I think you seem to listen to the words of this' brother '"

"yes, yes, because we are a family, and cousin Yifan loves me so much, all I can do is to be obedient and not to let him touch snacks."

"It's true that Xiaoyi loves you. We can all see that you are so clever. Why should he be worried? Why don't I see that you have something to worry about? "

"Well, uncle. Cousin Yifan is the most, the most, the most painful person in the world. Every piece of my clothes is carefully selected by him; every meal is decided by him after reading the menu; the arrangement of the bedroom is also arranged according to my preference; from my illness and hospitalization to now, as long as we are together, he will always accompany me to eat an apple. The peeled apple skin can go around the earth three Zhou Ye ~ "

with that, I stood up, like a ballerina, with my arms in braces, and stood on tiptoe, spinning sweetly in place.

Elegant movement in one go, see everyone nodding and smiling.

I went on to say, "uncle, you know, cousin Yifan is very considerate. When it's thundering and raining, when it's cold, when it's lonely, when it's lonely, when it's boring, when it's angry and aggrieved, it's there. It's like a shadow, and it's one with me. "

"He always agrees with all my requirements. OK, OK, no problem. Sometimes, I think he is as strict as a father, romantic as a boyfriend, caring like a brother, and caring like a husband. With him, my life is too perfect."

"Well." Everyone listened to me and got excited.

"And I'm not that nice to him. ~"I smile shyly.

"Oh? Why do you say that, Kiki

"Because I always bully him, even deliberately angry with him, to find him angry and crying, and to scratch and bite him, but he tolerated all of them and said that if I didn't, it would not be me."

Speaking of this, my heart is very guilty Oh ~

"well, tolerance is a virtue, Xiaoyi is indeed worthy of praise."

"Yes, yes, avant was right."

"Hey ~ ~ ~. Uncle, do you know that I have brought great losses to him ~ "

" Oh? Loss? What loss? Let's hear it. "

"That was last month. I accidentally put a contract in the book and put it on the shelf, causing him to miss the delivery time. It is said that he has accompanied others with a loss of 30 million Li ~, but he did not mention a word to me, nor did he complain a little, let alone reprimand me a word

"Thirty million, that sounds like a lot. But, Qiqi, since Xiaoyi didn't talk about it, how did you know that? "

"Oh, I heard ah ho talk on the phone. You know, when I took the contract to apologize, cousin Yifan just laughed and put the contract in the briefcase. He advised me not to take it seriously"Yes, Qiqi, Xiaoyi is right. Don't worry about unintentional mistakes."

"Yes, uncle. Thank you. However, after all, it is 30 million. If you want to pile it up, it must be higher than me. What do you say? "

As I spoke, I jumped up and stretched out my arm as high as I could from the ground level, stretching it as high as I could.

Ha ha, everyone is happy again.

"Uncle, uncle, I can't sell it for so much money, don't you think so?" I took the move and jumped to Zhuang nianfan's side and asked solemnly.

He replied with a smile: "why, I think, as long as Xiaoyi agrees, 50 million won't be a problem, Qiqi girl ~"

he laughs and focuses on Chen Zhengliang. Chen Zhengliang grins, even Adu and ah Zhong around him seem eager to try, as if only Chen Zhengliang nods, Aduh would take out his checkbook and circle it.


Dong Dong Dong ~, the clear knock on the door broke the silence of the night.

At the door, Yi Fan's cousin stands at the door, looking forward to the opening of the door and the baby with big eyes.

"Why? Nobody? Uncle said she had returned to her room? Why not answer? "

Dong Dong Dong, Dong Dong Dong, there is still no answer inside.

"Asleep? Did you go to bed at eight? Or where? "

He began to get irritable and knocked on the door of Feng Ling's bedroom.

"Good evening, sir ~"

"cousin Yifan hee ~"

"so you are here. Let me find it easy and come here quickly."


"Cousin Yifan, why do you come so late? You should go home and have a rest. Look at you. People are a little haggard."

"Thank you for your concern, Kiki. But I don't want to go home. I really don't want to. I don't have any attraction at home without you. "

"Hey ~"

"come home with me. Do you have the heart to see me alone in my boudoir, alone and depressed? Go home, follow me home, Qiqi, my little darling. You should have agreed to this, right

"Hate ~"

"Oh, Qiqi, I mean, half of people's hearts are cold without you. Come back, eh?"

"Well, I hate cousin Yifan. Oh, by the way, did you have dinner?"

"Yes, of course. Why are you hungry?"

"Of course I'm hungry, cousin Yi fan. It's all you're not good at. I'm only half full by telling me about those things."

"Well, well, I'm sorry. Can I get you something to eat, Kiki?"

"Yes, but I want you to take me with me."

"All right, all right. I'll take you, sticky little witch."

"Just stick, how about you?"

"You can't get it"

"hum ~"

"all right, let's go, Qiqi ~"

"slow down, Yifan, I'm a little scared ~"

"Coward ~"

"hate ~"

"keep up with ~"

"Oh, I know ~"


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