Looking at the bathtub, dense, crackling white bubbles, I am happy to cover myself with them.

Hao nodded with satisfaction, wiped the sweat from her forehead, and took a rest in a small mahogany chair.

"Sister Hao, is cousin Yifan's injury OK?"

"it should be OK. Angang Sheng hasn't asked me for medicine for two days. I think it's OK. "

"Uncle's board is frightening to death ~, I thought he would scold him at most, but his tone would be more severe, and he would give a warning. I didn't expect that he was serious, and the board asked him to stop. He was afraid of people when he was angry. His face was as blue as iron, and no one dared to persuade him. I can't even breathe in the air. "

"And uncle Zu, the board was raised so high that he didn't show any mercy. He hit so hard and accurately. That's cousin Yifan. "

"There's no way to do that. If you love him, you should punish him first."

"Cousin Yifan is not surprised at all. Is he always beaten?"

"Of course not. In fact, this is the first time Xiaoyi has been attacked by the board, and it is also the second time for Mr. Zhuang to move the board."

"The second time? That is to say, for the first time, who is the bad guy? Sister hao? Why is uncle angry with the board? "

My curiosity began to explode again, and Feng Ling also instantly stare round eyes.

"Do you want to listen, Kiki? Yes She deliberately shows off, watching us chuckle.

"Listen, listen, of course, Fengling."

"Well, sister Hao talks about it. We all want to hear it.

" OK, sister Hao, tell it to you. "

With a slight cough, Hao's eyes flashed with a bright light like a star. She opened her talk box and opened up the dust laden past, and then she took them leisurely.

"I remember that it was twenty years ago that Mr. Zhuang first used the board. AZU slapped it on aduh's ass

Aduh? No way ~

then can a good man be so wrong? How can it be.

A big accident, Fengling and I were both shocked.

"Yes." Sister Hao seems to see our mind.

She nodded and said leisurely, "at that time, Xiaoyi and they were all children under 10 years old. In order to strengthen family cohesion, they would live together for a month every year."

"In that year, there was a lot of snow, and the north wind was howling. It was extremely cold. It could be said that the dripping water turned into ice, and the fresh snow was frozen together with the newly covered snow. On the side of the road, there are people falling down, and occasionally you can see dogs and cats frozen to death, falling into the snow

When I told her that, I felt cold all over. When I looked at Fengling, she was in a cold war.

"on a snowy and sunny day, I opened the door and welcomed in a large group of people, such as Afan and ah Xian. In AZU's arms, he also held a young master with a big head and big eyes. He was very eye-catching, and we saw it at a glance. Oh, he is Adele

"Oh ~" I nodded with Fengling.

"This young master is thin and looks like he is seven or eight years old, but his eyes are full of fear. He seems to have been frightened, and he just shrinks in his arms. Seeing him, Xiuyun and I were surprised. The child looked as like as two peas. "

"Chengye? Who is Chengye I'm dizzy.

"He is Alfan's son. Because of congenital disease, he was weak and died early With that, Hao lowered her eyelids and sighed softly.

Feng Ling and I looked at each other and lowered their eyelids. I was bored.

Hao chuckled astringently, and then said, "I remember that day, before lunch, Afan called all the people to solemnly introduce the young master. He said that his name was Huang Jinde. He also said that this was the legacy of an old friend of his. He wanted us to take good care of him and pay special attention to me and arrange special personnel to serve him."

"With the passage of time, a month later, we are familiar with each other, but also more unfamiliar. Adele seems to be colder than Xiaoyi, even a little inhuman. I can't accept the bitterness. I try to make trouble every day. "

"It turns out that Adele came to the dealer like this ~" I blinked as if I didn't think through anything.

"He always said that the food was not delicious and the soup was hard to drink. He said that the servant abused him and beat him away with two punches. The servants knew that he was a thorn in the head and had to serve him with fear all day long. One day, I don't know where he caught a big mouse and put it into Xiaoyi's pants. She was so angry that Xiaoyi made fist with him. He didn't admit his mistake and beat Xiaoyi into a panda. "

"Ah, how can you be more domineering than a big one?" I added involuntarily.

"Ha ha ~" Hao shook her head with a bitter smile: "at that time, Adele not only bullied Xiaoyi, but the whole family was the object of his fooling. Brush the vegetable oil to the kitchen door and let the fat cook break her leg; find the pearls hidden under the doormat, which makes Lao Zhuang slip into the door, bump his head against the table and make his leg bag. He stands aside and claps his hands and laughs

"Hold it or not. As we all know, this naughty boy has made us suffer enough. ""Hey, hey, hey ~" Feng Ling and I laughed.

"When we complained to Afan and ah Xian, ah fan didn't punish him. Ah Xian just laughed and advised us to say a lot of good things, so we didn't pay attention to it."

"Uncle doesn't hurt aduh at all. It's not inferior to a big man. I haven't seen it. Is it Fengling

"Yes, Kiki. Master De is not a mortal indeed. "

"What happened later, sister hao? What's more serious than that, and what about moving the board? "

Hao Jie ignored my question, just kept smiling.


the shallow water bay under the starry sky is quiet, with insects and frogs.

Yi Fan cousin pulling awei, two people look nervous, timid, like afraid of stepping on ants to slip out of my bedroom.

"How about Ah Wei, did sister Hao come out?"

"Without fan Ge, sister Hao is still in it ~"

"have you heard anything?"



"Yes, Van Gogh, laughter. Kiki's bathroom is full of laughter all the time."

"God, sister Hao, leave me some privacy. I beg you, my mother."

In order to make sister Hao feel more comfortable, Fengling, a capable woman, brought her a soft rattan chair with a back. She sat down very happily, watched us laugh and continued to search her story pocket.

"The next spring, when the flowers were blooming, Xiaoyi's mother gave him more than ten horses."

"David and the count ~" I said again.

Hao said with a smile, "yes, David and the count. It looks very expensive. Xiaoyi's father also expanded the racecourse and hired professional equestrian coaches from France to form a health consultant team and a veterinary team

"Oh ~" we nodded.

"In the twinkling of an eye, autumn comes and the children get together again. Besides, there are new people here. There are more sons of the eldest master, the son of the third master, the son of AZU and the son of ah Shou, and there are also loyal young masters. Together, there are more than ten people. It's really lively. "

"Equestrian is a compulsory course. But Adele, because Xiaoyi won't let him ride on the count, intentionally cuts the reins, causing Xiaoyi to slide down from the horse's back. Fortunately, the technician holds him fast. Otherwise, Xiaoyi must be broken. "

"Cousin Yifan is scared to death. Is he crying in your arms?" I asked curiously.

"No. Xiaoyi's tears are precious and never easy to flow. But when he came, he twisted his temper and ran to fight. As a result, he became a panda again, and was severely repaired by Adele

"Hahaha, Panda Is it because of this that brother Nader is in trouble? "

"No Hao shook her head and said with a smile, "Mr. Zhuang just admonished him face to face. However, the next day, adelain's old skill was applied again, which made a CAI fall into the haystack when he turned over the horse's back. Of course, a Caiqi also made a fist with him. As a result, neither of them won. Mr. Zhuang punished him and sat in his bedroom for an hour

"Adele's temper is good or bad. He bullies the weak."

Fengling, look at me, we are shriveled mouth to pull down the corner of the mouth.

After hearing this, Hao said with a smile: "who said that, he also had a few battles with a Zhong ~"

"I really don't pick a fight!" We were so surprised.

"It's nothing. A boy's fight won't affect friendship

Hao shrugged her shoulders.

"I remember that day, aduh deliberately ran through the loyal young master's horse, and then he yelled loudly. The horse was frightened, lifted his front hooves and left the unprepared loyal young master down his butt. Zhong Shao Ye is angry and grabs Adelaide to give a heavy blow. Adelain naturally does not show weakness, two people wrestle together, from the house to the outside, from the ground to the roof

"The scene must be very lively, like shooting a martial arts film ~" I don't think it must be like this.

"Yes, they can't open the glue. At the same time, adelain only paid attention to his fist and didn't care about his feet. When his right foot was empty, he would fall down on the eaves! You know, the eaves are five meters high, but the hard granite floor below. If you fall down, you will be injured or dead, and at least you will be disabled for life. At the critical moment, thanks to the timely arrival of the loyal young master, he was able to avoid a disaster

"Oh, my God, my heart is coming out." I patted my chest for relief.

"But Adele, instead of being ungrateful, attacked from behind. After he fell down, he shook his fist and broke the nose of loyal young master."

"Ah ~ ~" the cat call of Fengling scared me a lot, and my nervous little heart was even more happy.

"Ha ha ha ~" Hao's whole body trembled with laughter, and then she said vividly:

"there are more exaggerated and lively things. Xiaoyi and they can't see it. They all come together to fight. You take my collar, I pull your sleeve. You hit me and I'll give you a punch. It's like a punch in the eye. A group of children, like a group of fish caught in the ground, purr and purr hard, rolling into natives one by one"Brother De is angry. Sister Hao, there is no one to dissuade, no one to manage, let them fight like this into a group. "

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