"Why do you say she's dead or alive?"

Doris's curiosity grew stronger.

"Oh, well, a year ago, she was accidentally kidnapped by a group of unidentified people. It seems that the world has evaporated and there is no news. I think, after such a long time, maybe they have been thrown into the sea to feed the fish. "

"Isn't that better? What's wrong with getting rid of this thorn? "

"But this is the most fatal. The less I see someone, the more I miss him, the less I have a chance. No more than you, he has a clean heart and eyes, no competition. "

"Ah, you don't know my difficulties. Wow, there is no competition and no backing. Unlike you, there is a person who can rely on to make a decision for you and say something. Oh, Miss Luo, why don't you introduce us to meet and get to know each other one day, so that I can act according to the circumstances, and maybe I can handle it. ~ "

unexpectedly, Doris began to recommend herself to herself beyond her ability, and lope was ready to laugh.

"It's easy to say, but it's not so easy. Besides, I'm just his niece in name. If he doesn't help, I can't. Even if he is willing, a Liang will not do so ~ "

" so Anyway, if you are familiar with it first, you can't wait for death like this, Miss Luo? "

"Of course, look at the opportunity. I'll take you to see him. Maybe there will be a new breakthrough. Then we will be happy."

"Yes, yes. Think about it. We must be good sisters when we enter a family. It's not a big happy event that we go shopping like this every day?"

It's a happy event, of course. Even the beautician laughs ~

On the first day of training, Chen Zhengliang was completely destroyed. It was terrible.

When the helicopter stopped steadily on the tarmac, the young men jumped to the ground with vigor and vitality. They did not wait for breath to see the grim faced instructors.

The chief instructor should be conspicuous.

He was neither tall nor bulky, and his fitted camouflage suit was tied with a palm wide armed belt.

His skin is white, his forehead is flat, his facial features are incised with sharp edges and corners, and his stubborn lips are always pressed down like half a bracket.

There is a pair of big sunglasses on the bridge of the nose, so that you can't see his eyes, can't guess his ideas, but always feel like a thorn in the heart.

Looking at the people standing in front of them, the master instructor raised his right hand to draw.

Oh, hand, I understand.

They all went back to get their luggage, put them on their shoulders, and then stood in a row again.

A minute's silence, a dead silence.

Everyone's heart is beating the drum, and the instructor is giving instructions at this time.

He pointed to the camp, pointed to the watch on his wrist, and made several command gestures. Then he put his hands on his back and hung his mouth like a big uncle.

"Yes The crowd responded in a neat and uniform manner, and then presented the standard military gifts.

"All right, turn left, turn left!"

The crowd followed Chen Zhengliang's command and disappeared.

All the people here know that since you are here, you should not have the delusion of having a car to pick you up, to live a luxurious life, or to have intimate service.

Even if you are as noble as a king and rich as an enemy, in the eyes of the instructor, you are just a student who needs to be taught.

Therefore, you must bear in mind two points: first, you are not here for a holiday; second, it is not Zhuang nianfan.

Looking at the crowd leaving, the instructor turned his hand on his back and turned on the controller hidden in his palm. The red light on the controller flashed rhythmically and quietly.

It's a routine to run to the camp, you know.

This time, it's the tenth time I've been on duty, so I know the topography of the island like the palm of one's hand. To exaggerate, you can get there even in the dark.

This will be easy.

Looking at the flat and wide asphalt road in front of you, you are just like jogging on the road in Macao. You are as relaxed as morning exercise. There is no pressure at all. The fresh and moist air is blown by the habitual sea breeze. The bright morning light penetrates the tall shrubs and the shadows of trees are whirling

Ouch, it's just a pleasure, it's a blessing ~

hey hey, roar ~

"ah Zhong ~, don't just think about Fang Fang, and you'll be punished if you don't finish the task. I don't think it's easy to deal with the discipline officer this time."

Adele catches up with ah Zhong and ridicules him in a strange way.

"And say me, we have something more serious here than me. For example, the "Uncle" running in front of him ~ "

chi ~, Chen Zhengliang laughed when he heard his body shaking.

"It's not that" Uncle "from other families is the most popular. Every move is full of thunderous screams, but our" Uncle "is ignored and life is hard ~"

"who said that Adele, our uncle also has screams ~"A Ren and a Yi are so happy that they come to join the fun.

In the moment of surpassing Chen Zhengliang, they burst out of the high pitch of the tune: ah ~ ~ ~, and yelled loudly: This is the blunt pig scream ~, and then they jumped and jumped out of sight.

Chen Zhengliang was so angry that he was about to run after him, only to find that Adu and a Zhong had already stood on both sides, squeezed their eyes, and grinned cunningly: "and, this is a blunt pig's paw."

before the words fell, they patted him on the shoulder, and then left with a smile.

Chen Zhengliang simply stopped and looked at the man ahead who was faster than the rabbit and shook his head in tears and laughter.

At this time, two hands suddenly clapped on the shoulder: "ah ~"

"who patted me?"

"I ~" Yi Fan cousin if there is no reply.

"And I ~", the ancestors should be loud.

"Xiaoyi? A CAI ~ "

" follow up, Mr. Chen, and tell you something. "

"I tell you, don't make Kiki's idea, you won't succeed."

"Don't try to get her idea, and you won't succeed."

"Look here, the successful people are here ~"

"ah Cai, don't be funny. Kiki won't fall in love with you

"Are you together so soon? Let me tell you two, I'm not going to give up ~ "

why, what's cold in my face?

Looking up, I don't know when the clouds are on the top. When I look back, the rain falls down slowly and hits me.

It's raining.

After 1000 meters, Chen Zhengliang habitually ran in the front.

But the instructor's smiling mouth always feels wrong, but he thinks twice and has no conclusion. Come on, let's find a high intelligence counselor to discuss it ~

thinking of this, he is busy shouting: "aduh, come here quickly. I have something to ask you Aduh

No one answered. It was strange, but he didn't pay attention.

After a while, he said, "don't make trouble, aduh, I have a serious business to tell you, aduh ~"

no one answered.

"Don't you think I don't know if you don't make a sound? You want to see if I'm joking, or if you think of some crooked idea, right? I'm not that gullible.


" > he does not move with his body.

Who knows, unexpectedly frightens own heart to shrink, the sweat hair root by root to erect.

There was no one left behind.

Have you lost it?

God, what's going on?

Without waiting for him to sort out his thoughts, a huge net from the sky came to the ground like lightning. He immediately rolled it to the root of the big tree with eighteen rolls on the spot. The net swished through the tip of his nose and his eyelashes, and stopped swinging in the air like a swing.

Shocked, he suddenly understood everything: the brothers are plotting.

Next, nature is to rescue.

He went back the same way, but there was no harvest. Until the appearance of the tarmac, he stopped to gasp and looked around the open space. There was no sign of wind and grass.

According to time, how could more than ten living people disappear so quickly?

It doesn't make sense. If you don't understand, you have to turn around and run to the camp.

Eh, why does the scenery around you seem to move, but it can't be forgotten?

It's a road, but it turns into a towering tree when you come to it. Moreover, the tangled roots and vines, like long eyes, only focus on the legs that fall on the ground, which makes them fall into it, and even blocks the pace of progress.

Well, lost.

After reaching such an unfortunate conclusion, he could not help but fight a cold war.

He knew that getting lost is the most terrible thing. Even if you know everything about everything here, it's useless.

So he ordered himself to cool his feverish head and think of a solution.

No more running.

He simply sat on the ground, grabbed his backpack, zipped from head to tail, and then put his big hand into it. Don't remember, how could he change his equipment until he arrived at the camp?

"How could you forget to install a compass?"

He was so annoyed that he smashed his elephant's leg, and suddenly his eyes brightened.

"I remember how to mark, how to identify the direction, it's hard to beat me ~"

looking around, woody vines can be seen everywhere, climbing from one tree to another along the trunk and branches, climbing from under the tree to the top of the tree, and hanging upside down from the top of the tree, intertwined, like dense nets with endless green.

Looking up at the huge tree 30 cm thick and 50 m high, he suddenly had to turn left and right around it like Mr. Feng Shui was doing an ashram. He also grabbed the leaves and turned them upside down to study. Finally, he stretched out his big hand like a pair of tongs, clenched the vines around the tree and crawled up like a monkey.Wang Wu's neck suddenly fell to the sky, and his face was covered with rain

With a perfect smile, he turned into a fierce cheetah with vines on his head, and jumped down the tree three times and two times around.

His vigorous body, mixed with the temperament of King's return, is so perfect that people can't help but sigh: Mount Tai, the king of the jungle, is just like this ~

next, as he said, it's hard to help himself.

Ten minutes later, he had already run out of the maze, but he still had a puzzle in his mind. Where did the brothers go?

At least ah Zhong should give some hints?

For these possible hints, he ran back again, his attention firmly fixed on the tall plants on both sides.

He firmly believes that the powerful a Zhong is not so easy to be subdued. He may have hung up on the Internet between some trees, and beckoned his hand to himself countless times, but he just ignored it.

Yes, it must be.

He quickly ran to the tarmac again.

Ten bear like strong men swarmed in, punching without saying a word. He rushed to fight, but strangely, the group was not keen on fighting. After a few of them met, they disappeared.

Looking at his watch, he was only ten minutes away from the time appointed by the instructor. Looking at the camp two kilometers away, he ordered himself to arrive in five minutes.

I saw him deep breath, ha waist, suddenly exhaled that breath, like an arrow from the string, shot himself into the distance.

Camp, ha ha.

Three hundred meters, two hundred meters, nearer, nearer.

Seeing Zhuang nianfan standing in front of the door, he could not help but quicken his pace.

100 meters, 50 meters, close, closer.

Chuang nianfan's warm sunshine, which made him feel very comfortable all over the body. So he had a pure smile, like a child running to his parents.

When he came to Qijin, less than 10 meters away, he was just about to grin, but he found that it was just a dummy who couldn't move.

The change of pole turning straight down made his heart jump wildly. Only when he said "no good ~", the whole man was immediately lifted up 30 meters in the air by the net.

Click ~, ten thumb wide iron bars were pressed down, making him unable to move or make a sound.

Er, our great Taishan, omnipotent big guy, has become a fresh sandwich with honor.

It's over. The first battle has come to a tragic end.

When the defeated generals with grey faces stood in front of Zhuang nianfan's eyes, the old man touched his beard, turned his head and left

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