Chen Zhengliang is knocking on my bedroom door again.

This big man is the legendary one who knows death and will never give up until he reaches his goal.

Feng Ling left the door, took back her stiff neck, rubbed her numb face, and looked at me nervously.

"Qiqi beauty, you really don't intend to see him. He has been home for four times, and he is more and more persistent."

I did the same thing and pulled her away from the door.

"Hush, keep it down, don't let him know I'm in the room. I don't want to see him because he's not very kind. He refuses to leave. Just like last time, you call cousin Yifan and ask him to leave. "

"But you can't hide like this after all."

"It's a time to hide, but he can't live here. What are you afraid of. Hum. Besides, if you think about it, if he can be unkind to Miss Luo, he will certainly be unjust to me. I don't want to go through the same road again. If you want to understand the so-called love, it's nothing to do ~ "

" in other words, people can't just look at their appearance. Mr. Chen is so powerful and upright. Who knows that he also has a bad side. So Kiki beauty, I support you, stand by you

"Ha, Fengling, you're so nice, you're a friend ~"

"Oh, Qiqi, I'm going to be held to death by you. You are thin and weak. Where do you come from. But that's what I said. Listen to the outside. Mr. Chen is working harder and harder. "

"Yes. What should I do Ah! You say he won't knock on the broken door and rush in, clip me out and repair it severely. What can I do, Fengling? What to do? "

"Yes, what should we do? Besides, our door must not be strong. Mr. Chen is so powerful that I think he can open it with a little effort."

"Yes, but it's easier to change the master. Two fingers are enough."

"Yes, yes, as long as it is like this, click ~"

"yes, yes, that's it, click ~"

ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.

"But now what to do, Fengling ~, eh ~, otherwise, I hide under the bed, in case he comes in, you say you didn't see me, how about ~"

"Oh, no, stop, stop. I said Kiki beauty, didn't anyone tell you how bad this is? You think, you hide under the bed, that does not follow the birdcage, if he found under the bed, where do you escape? Well Let me see. Ha Yes, look at me. "

After that, she turned and ran into the bedroom. After a while, she lifted and carried out a solid mahogany armchair.

My God, seeing her shaking three times at a time, I really felt a cold sweat. I was afraid that the chair would turn over and crush her, so I rushed to give her a hand.

"Fengling, you are so angry. You know, this chair is so heavy that Ho Chi Minh can't carry it. Thanks to you, it's really hard for you."

"This is not a Qiqi beauty ~", said the grandmother. People should be careful and big, just like ants can lift things three times larger than themselves. When they meet people who are better than themselves, they should use their brains to win by wisdom. When I put it in front of the door and block it, you won't be afraid ~ "

" but what if you meet Mr. Chen, who is strong and resourceful

"What are you afraid of? Find someone stronger and more resourceful ~"

"Uncle Zu or uncle ~"

"don't be such a great person. Have you forgotten your husband?"

"Oh, yes, how could I forget my cousin Yifan? It's enough to have him. What else can I worry about? Hahaha ~ "

I clapped my hands with joy, but I forgot the mahogany chair I held in my hand. The chair fell to the ground with a bang and almost fell on Fengling's foot. Thanks to her quick reaction, she was so quick.

"Ah ~ ~, Qiqi beauty, be careful of my feet." she looked at the chair and looked at me with fear. She patted her chest and comforted herself: "Oh, my God, the Bodhisattva bless me."

but I was even higher than her, and took her hand and nodded: "I'm sorry, I can't bear it, I'm so happy, I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

"No wonder Miss Ning Xuan said that the more you help, the more helpful you are. There is nothing wrong with it."

She gave me a white eye, and I chuckled as we continued to lift the chair.

Wobbly, wobbly, like two tumblers all the way up and down.

I really tried my best, even suckling. My God, the mahogany chair finally arrived at the designated place and blocked in front of the door like a gatekeeper.

It fits perfectly and properly. It's OK.

Looking at the result of the victory, we both held hands and jumped high.

Shhh ~, Fengling put her index finger on her lips, and then she took my hand. We stepped on the catwalk to the door and listened.

I don't know when it's quiet outside. She pulls me to the window to investigate. She sees the big guy driving away in a gray car.After lunch, Hao asked me to go back to my room for lunch break. I wanted to lie down and get up, but it was 2:30 p.m. ~

I stepped out of the bedroom and walked to the stairs. I heard Guan Jingxian and Fengling answering questions and answers. I was so curious that I quickly found a suitable angle to stretch my neck Look down.

"Has Kiki been sleeping well lately?"

"Very well, ma'am."

"Has she met anyone?"

"No, ma'am."

"Do you know what's on her mind and not meet Mr. Chen?"

"I don't know, ma'am."

"It's cold. I want her to eat less ice cream."

"Yes, ma'am."

"It's all right. Go."


At the end of the conversation, Fengling turns and goes upstairs.

I clutching my mouth and chuckling, I turned into her bedroom and waited.

Five minutes later she went into the bedroom, but before I could jump out, she caught me hiding behind the door.

"Hide and scare me again. I won't give you a chance."

"Ah? How do you know I'm hiding behind the door, tell me, tell me. "

"Because I have the ability of prophecy. How about it? Take it."

"Really, yes."

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.

"You believe it. Oh, my God, how could it be? I saw the door move, I guess. I said, Qiqi beauty, you should improve your IQ, or you don't know which day you will be sold. "


I was just about to scratch her. Suddenly, sister Hao pushed the door in and pulled the two of us together: "so you're here. Tell me to look for it. Mrs. Zhuang is here. She is in the living room. Please go downstairs With that, she pointed to Feng Ling's forehead: "more and more unruly."

Hee ~, we both put out our tongues, pedaled and ran downstairs.

"Mommy ~" I jumped over and put my arms around her waist.

"Qiqi ~ my child ~" Guan Jingxian also hugged me and patted me on the shoulder.

"Mommy, sit down and have tea. Oh, Hello, Miss Su. Welcome to tea

"Thank you ~"

looking around, Guan Jingxian put down her tea cup and took my hand and asked softly:

"Qiqi, why don't you pay attention to little Liangzi. He must have done something wrong or bullied you and made you unhappy. Mummy apologizes for him. He has a quick temper and a straight temper. Shall we not dispute with him? "

Su Xiaojin, who was bright eyed, also put down her tea cup and sat down on my other side, staring at me as if there were some precious flowers on my face. She would thank you if she didn't look.

I know, Guan Jingxian will ask, but I really have a contradiction in my heart, I don't know whether to tell her those words of lope spin.

Anyway, it's a big man's privacy. It's not good for me to say it. It's like I'm a chicken. But if I don't give an account, look at that posture, she must not be willing to ask a clear answer before she will give up. Alas, it's very difficult and tangled.

"Qiqi, Qiqi, what are you thinking about? Are you in such a trance?"

"Oh, nothing. I just don't want to be friends with him again. Our temperaments, personalities, hobbies, likes and dislikes are all out of place. There is no common language. There is really nothing to talk about. Therefore, I think it is better to separate them. "

"How can there be no common language? You like sports, so does he. So, let him teach you Kung Fu and come tomorrow, OK? After a long time, there will be a common language. "

"But Mommy, I only like brother Zhong's fist, and I can't adapt to Mr. Chen's. moreover, now, I prefer to play karts. Mummy, I'm sorry."

"Brother Liang can drive, if you like, let him accompany you."

"He's a big shot. He works a lot and is very busy. I'm not sure when I want to play. It's inconvenient for everyone. Why bother?"

"You can make an appointment to eat out and go shopping at other times. You'll be tired of going karting all the time, right?"

Well, the go kart was out of gear, so I had to think about something else.

"It's good to go shopping, but cousin Yifan said that he wanted me to wait for him to accompany him. Besides, I didn't seem to lack anything. Besides, sister Hao thought of me and I didn't have anything special to buy."

Listen to me move out Yi Fan cousin, Guan Jingxian has no words, Su Xiaojin also can't say anything.

They looked at each other and understood that I was iron hearted and ignored the big ones. They had to bow their heads and drink tea to find another way.

All of a sudden, Guan Jingxian seemed to realize something, put down the teacup, and said solemnly, "Qiqi, do you mind if you are spinning. She must have told you how she loved her, and she didn't love her, did she? "

"Ah I was surprised and my heart beat faster."It only shows that they have no predestination and should not be together."

"But, Mommy, maybe you don't understand something. Miss law has a problem to say." I spoke weakly.

"I know. Mommy knows everything. Xiaoxuanzhong loves xiaoliangzi, but xiaoliangzi's heart is never in her body. What's more, there are lies in her words. The child she knocked out has nothing to do with xiaoliangzi. "

"There won't be lies, Mommy. Which woman will lie about such a thing and expose her scar as a laughing stock? Mommy, how would she want to go back if she didn't have to? Mr. Chen asked Miss Luo and promised to take her as his wife. How could he break his promise? How can he be powerful? "

"You know, son, those who want to turn back may not. If you want to be accepted by others, you should do well by yourself. Moreover, even if she wants to turn back, she can not be forced to accept her. You are the only loyal love of little Liangzi. The person he loves is you, my child

"But mummy, we can't do this. It's unfair to miss law. She has nothing. How can she lose her only hope? It's cruel to do this, Mommy. I can't do it. I really can't do it. Mummy, I'm sorry. Please don't do this. "

"Son, don't be preconceived and listen to Xiaoxuan. If it is true, xiaoliangzi will be responsible. I believe xiaoliangzi's character is reliable and honest."

"But mummy, maybe you really don't know. I have heard Mr. Chen admit it, but he refused to accept it and warned Miss Luo not to make trouble."

"You hear me! Where did you hear that? "

"It's real Mommy. I heard it in the big house. It's true. He won't be wronged. Mommy, Miss law is your niece, and her happiness is yours. Even if Mr. Chen doesn't love her, he shouldn't be wrong again and again with me. Mummy, I'd rather marry an ordinary person and live a simple life, rather than make him a baby machine. Mom, please forgive me. I really can't do it. Anyway, I don't want to see him. I don't want to ~ "

" no, it's all false. It's just that xiaoliangzi has a real problem. My child, a lot of things really exist, but you don't know, it's all because of your amnesia ~ "

Guan Jingxian is in a hurry and tells everything.

Every word and every word of her is a thunderbolt from the blue sky, and a hallucination token of death. Listening to my suffocation, she scared me to despair, and her body was completely hollowed out. She sat there, stupidly, stupefied.

It's impossible, how can it be, how can it be ~

I even see myself standing on the edge of a cliff without a sound. When the strong wind blows, I fall down and disappear in the dark world, in the cold breath.

There is no possibility of survival, there is no room for recovery, because my wings were scalded by a drop of tears, can not fly to heaven.

Hallucinations, must be hallucinations, not true, not true, not true.

I kept shouting in my heart.



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