I think that the longest time is only five minutes. When Laozhuang and Zhuangzi know the news and arrive at the scene of the incident, everything is a foregone conclusion, and the suspect has already fled.

Sister Hao was in a daze, and everyone was in a state of uneasiness. People in the shallow water bay yelled at horses and became a pot of porridge.

Just at this moment, the door opened, the dark Rolls Royce slowly drove in.

Yes, Guan Jingxian came and brought chicken soup.

But seeing the bloody scene, she could not help shaking her body and turning pale.

"Quick, quick, little peach calls for an ambulance. Oh, by the way, you have to tell Xiaoyi again. Don't move sister Hao. She's bleeding so much. It's very dangerous. "

"Situ, we'll take Qiqi, Sister Li and Fengling to Liying hospital."


Little peach stumbled into the living room, picked up the phone, shaking her fingers, broadcast Yi Fan cousin's mobile phone.

With a voice of crying and hoarse voice, she reported:

"Sir ~ Sir ~ bad ~ something has happened ~, Qiqi beauty has been greatly aggrieved. Miss law and Miss Doris ganged up to bully her. They hit her on the head, hit her in the face, pinched her neck, and pulled her out of bed, causing her to fall to the ground. Sister Li and Fengling came to persuade them to fight and were kicked and injured by them. Later, Qiqi beauty Hit Miss Luo and fell down Miss Doris ~ "

" and, sir, sister Hao was pushed down the stairs by Miss Luo in order to save Qiqi beauty. Now she is unconscious. She has shed a lot of blood and can't get up. What should I do? ~ "

" have you gone to the hospital? "

"Yes, yes. Sister Hao is waiting for the ambulance at home. Mrs. Zhuang takes Qiqi, Sister Li and Fengling to the Liying hospital. She has just left."

"I know ~"

after hanging up the phone, cousin Yifan frightens duanhuner again, and the fragile spirit becomes more vulnerable.

He sat for a full minute to catch his breath. After a little explanation, he took a Xiu and a you and disappeared like leaves in the wind.

Similarly, Chen Zhengliang, who has just started work, is also thrilled.

Because Guan Jingxian also broadcast an urgent call to him.

Bursts of strong vertigo, accompanied by a headache to crack the feeling swept, he pressed hard on the desk to avoid falling off the seat.

Is lope crazy? Is she crazy?

My little monster ~ ~ ~

Long wind and waves will sometimes, straight cloud sail Jicang sea.

Boom ~ boom ~

on the tarmac, five helicopters were in line, and the huge propellers were rapidly rotating overhead, making a deafening sound. With the issuance of the command, they rose one after another, shaking the earth and shaking the mountains, the wind was blowing, and the leaves were rolling wildly in all directions.

Later, they formed a domineering array of arrows, drove into the blue sky, and flew haughtily on the blue sea level.

Looking into the distance, think about the big eyes in the shallow water bay, think about the Superman like big men in the Hong Kong Garden. We will meet each other in a short time. We will be filled with joy in our hearts. We will talk and laugh with each other.


After 30 minutes of driving, it stopped at the corner of the hospital.

As early as there was a hospital bed waiting at the door, the three of us were lying on it and pushed into different departments by the nurse.

I'm OK to say something about it. It's just that I have a fever due to a cold. The doctor stares at me, eats the antipyretic prescribed by him, then drinks more than half a glass of water, and orders me to stay in bed.

I put on the patient's clothes and fell asleep under the supervision of Xiao Hui.

I can't sleep. The heart is boiling like boiling water.

Once a scene, good terrible, more terrible than nightmares, the heart always asked why.

Why did Doris hurt me badly?

Is because Yi Fan cousin unconditional love and jealousy, just find me to vent?

It makes sense. Who doesn't want to live in such a home?

But what about the lope spin?

Why did she beat and scold me so that I would die?

I only know her, never had conflict, let alone contradiction, I don't love big man, but why does she say that I am seductive and rob her man? Is it because the big guy doesn't love her and tends to me? Hate her because of love?

What a terrible disaster.

Can't remember the past, is it my fault?


Who are you?


From waking up to now, I have never doubted everything in front of me.

Yi fan is her brother, Ning Xuan is her sister. Sister Hao is so good and the bay is so warm. What reason do you have to suspect, unless you are mentally abnormal.

However, it seems that there is no reason to doubt it?

Guan Jingxian said it seriously, not like lying. The time and place are just right. Who will deliberately arrange this accident?This may explain why I always feel familiar when I see a big guy, as well as the impulse that I can hardly restrain in my heart.

Why, why, can't think over why

Wake up a lot of relaxed, looking out of the window has been noon.

Why, Xiao Hui is not here.

Pat the head, not dizzy, then shaking, still not dizzy, go to see Fengling, she can not have any accident.

507, ha, this is it!

Well, someone is talking.

It's Xiaohui. She came here.

I'll hide first, and then I'll find a time to rush in and frighten them. Roar ~

"Fengling, my wife's order, you should drink all the chicken soup."

"Oh yes, thank you, Mrs. Zhuang It's delicious. Mrs. Zhuang is very kind and considerate to her servants. She is just a Bodhisattva

"Yes, yes, yes ~" and I kept nodding.

"We think so. I'll tell you Fengling, it's not just you. If anyone of us is uncomfortable, she will arrange special personnel to accompany them to the hospital for medical treatment, and she will arrange work for you until you are fully recovered. "

"Yes, Mrs. Zhuang is very considerate. It's very lucky for you to work in this house."

"no, Mrs. Zhuang is very kind to everyone. Especially for the good young master, it's too good to say. If you want the stars not to be given to the moon, they should be held in the palm of your hand and held on the top of your head, which is more intimate than your own. "

"I can see that my husband has been compared."

"What's good about a big man, cut it." I glanced at my mouth dissatisfied.

"That's what I said, but there is something extraordinary about people who can be so valued. In terms of character, appearance, talent and virtue, everything is good and outstanding. Moreover, I tell you Fengling is infatuated and enviable. Ever since Mrs. snow left, he has been in tears all day and almost ruined himself. "

" Oh, my God, it's really moving. So he saw that our Qiqi beauty was so attentive, didn't he? "

"Of course, I'll tell you, Fengling, you can't tell Qiqi. In fact, she is Mrs. snow. It's a secret everyone knows. The reason why she kept it secret was that, first, she had lost her memory and could not remember anything; second, she was afraid that she would not be able to bear it when she knew the truth, and that she would do something out of the ordinary and hurt herself; third, she was afraid that she would be content with the status quo and would not think about these things at all, so she did not act

"Ah Life matters, Xiao Hui. Don't talk nonsense. "

"Yes, it's frightening." my hands and feet were cold and my legs were shaking.

"It can't be wrong. believe me. I follow my wife every day. I can't leave the news. To tell you the truth, if I'm a beautiful girl, I don't want to think about the past. Let the past pass. Anyway, if you have a good life now, you'll have to ~ "

" Xiaohui, don't talk nonsense. Qiqi beauty is not that kind of person. In fact, she just doesn't have so much imagination. "

"But young master Liang has tried his best. Did you know that, in order to grasp the trend of Qiqi beauty in time, he specially arranged for his confidants AD and a Zhong to approach her. ~ "

" my God, the intimate master is a fake, and the intimate intimate friend is also a fake. It turns out that they just want to complete the big task, just, with me, with me My God, what else is not a fake in this world

My back suddenly leaned against the wall, supporting myself.

"Oh, my God, so it is. If Miss Ning Xuan knows about it, she will not be angry to death ~"

"Oh, don't worry, Fengling. Adel must have some way to do something about it

"Yes, yes, yes, I must be prepared. I'm afraid that the retreat has already been repaired ~" I laughed bitterly and shed tears.

"Well, Xiaohui, do you think our husband knows these things?"

"Yes, of course, Master Yi suspected the identity of Qiqi beauty at first. He was afraid that she was an undercover sent by his enemy. He tried to destroy Chuang's liquor industry several times."

"Undercover! I'm undercover. I'm undercover. Cousin Yifan, you knew that, right. Why don't you kill me. Why not kill me. What do you want to do with me? Is it for today, for now, for my despair? "

This moment, my spiritual will to bear the limit.

He began to hate the world, every person, every face, every inch of sunshine and every breath of air. He hated those who knew and didn't know. He even began to hate himself, his ignorance and incompetence, and even more his own stupidity and clumsiness.

Waiting for tears to flow out of my eyes, I turned my head and ran to the unknown destination.


Red as blood Ferrari, squeak to a stop, its owner gracefully opened the door to get out of the car, stepping on 15 cm high-heeled shoes, curling into the Yiwei building.

Come to the bright office and sit in the comfortable leather seat. Needless to say, she's here to transfer money.

In the next ten minutes, as she had hoped, five billion turned out without any effort.Leaning back on the back of the chair, she was very proud, arrogant and arrogant, as if everything was in the palm of her hand. Naturally, she also included Zhuang Yifan, the little fresh meat that she was longing for.


Ding Dong Ding Dong ~, ADE rings the doorbell quickly.

A Zhong and others stood beside him, their bright eyes full of happy expectation.

It's better if you can go to the shallow water bay again and see the big eyes that make people eat so much. It will be more perfect if you can go to the shallow water bay again and see the big eyes that make people eat so much.

As soon as the brothers poked up, they held hands, pulled lapels, pulled arms and arms, and cried in unison: "sister Shen ~ ~"

"it's you, but I'm confused. I don't know. Is it Mr. Zhuang who gives mercy to the quota again, or do you sneak back. But be careful of the board. Spanking is very painful. " Xinjie pursed her mouth and giggled.

"We are good people ~" the elder brothers are coquettish and cute.

Hugging these happy young people one by one, she seems to be back in her twenties, and seems to be holding her own children. How happy she is.


Yi Fan's cousin finally finds Guan Jingxian who is busy in the crowd.


"Xiaoyi, sister Hao is not optimistic. The doctor said she had signs of severe concussion."

"I'll go and have a look."

Five minutes later, he closed his brow and went back to Guan Jingxian.

"It will be OK, Xiaoyi. Don't worry. I just called Afan. Afan said that he would arrange for ah Shou to come and help. If necessary, he would contact Christopher."


"I'll go to Wong Tai Sin Temple and ask for a amulet for her. I'll hang it on the head of her bed and ask the Bodhisattva to help her recover as soon as possible."

"Aunt's hard work."

"Now go to see Qiqi ~"

"Oh yes ~"

"the doctor said that Qiqi is just a simple cold and fever, as long as you rest for three or five days, you will be OK."

"Yes. She's so sick that it scares me

"I'm scared. It's heartbreaking to see her sick. The child is strong in appearance but weak in interior. You have to hurt her


As they talked and walked, they took the elevator down to the sixth floor, turned the corner, walked through five doors, opened the door of the ward, and walked in one after another.

"No one?"

"Where would Kiki go if she wasn't here?"

"Maybe I went to Fengling."

"I'll go and see."

"I'll wait for you here. Go and come back."

As a result, of course, he picked up only one coat in the aisle.

"Qiqi ~, Qiqi ~"

he was holding his coat and murmuring, along the wall, sad and soft into a pool of mud

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