Gu Zhengxin hung up the phone, put it in the pocket of his suit, raised his mouth and was satisfied.

Thinking of 50 million more in his account, he was so happy that he shook out of the cafe like a rock star and drove straight to the bar.

He didn't know me, so my concerns were superfluous.

But in front of him, Xu Jialin's worries were too much, just like this rainy day, full of dark clouds.

"Psychological counseling is a very professional thing, hypnosis, but also through professional learning. Kiki. "

"What should I do. How can there be an answer if you don't remember the past? How to face the reality without the answer? Doctor Xu, I don't want to live in such a muddle headed way, and I don't want to be ridiculed for no reason. Greed is insatiable and birds occupy the nest

I'm so disappointed. I have no choice but to look at my tears.

"I know, Kiki, I know you're not feeling well at the moment, and I hope I can help you, so that you don't get upset."

"Doctor Xu, in fact, I'm so afraid to know that Zhenxiang is everything everyone says. You know, I can't believe how to live without cousin Yifan. For a long time, relying on him has become a part of my life, even a daily habit, just like people have to breathe out and breathe in, absolutely not less. "

"Yes, I can see how much Xiaoyi loves you. We have known each other for so many years. He has never devoted so much effort to any one person or anything, which makes people envious ~ "

" doctor Xu, who is so good to a person who has never known him or has nothing to do with him? It's too good to believe. It's hard for me to give up. I can't imagine what I would become if I left him and repulse bay. I really can't do it. I can't. Doctor Xu, I'm afraid, I'm so afraid ~ "

" yes, it's hard for you. Things that have been used to will be released suddenly, and I can't do it again. But Qiqi, do you think you can accept what you see after counseling and thinking about the past? "

"Yes, certainly, certainly. Sister Hao once said that sometimes you need to have something in your life, but don't force yourself to do it. I will give up if I don't give up. Otherwise, Doris will not give up. If it goes on like this, cousin Yifan, everyone and everyone will be put in an awkward situation. Those who have ulterior motives will have opportunities to take advantage of them. At that time, she will certainly destroy him and Zhuang's wine industry. "

"That's right. I didn't expect that you have far-reaching insight and are still well organized. You can't be underestimated. "

"I think doctor Xu will come sooner or later. It really doesn't seem to be hidden forever. In fact, there's nothing to be afraid of. It's all my life that I should continue. It's just that the reality is too good and I can't bear to give up. As long as I learn to face it calmly, there's no threshold that I can't live."

"But Qiqi, it's not easy to do that."

"I understand. The word "suffering" is enough to describe it. God ~, I think, then, it must be more difficult than drinking Coptis water. AI ~ "

" well, Qiqi, I can't do psychological counseling, but I can recommend a talent to you to ensure that you are satisfied with it. " He suddenly became mysterious. He looked so profound.

"Ah, who are you?" my eyes brightened and I leaned over my head to listen carefully.

"You know this man, too. Guess it." He was triumphant again.

"Really! Don't let me guess who it is. Tell me. " I grabbed his hand and shook it.

"Well, well, I'll tell you, the best candidate is Joshua." He speaks so loud.

“Joshua?” My facial features were twisted together to make a stupor.

"It's a surprise, isn't it. well. You may not know. He's the youngest brain surgeon and psychologist in medicine. It is known as a rare species that no one can match in the next 30 years. Like his father, old Mr. Christopher, he enjoys presidential courtesy and 24-hour protection. Those who have privileges and are not of the same rank can not line up. "

"Oh, my God, he's so magical that he can't even see it. We often make fun of him and even make fun of him. Ah, you say, he will not be unhappy in his heart and refuse my request. "

"No. I know that boy. He is not so careful. When he was in college, he was the most optimistic and heartless. You two are very similar in this point. But this is not a shortcoming. Please rest assured. You are a group of fierce marine creatures. Xiaoyi has given us preventive injections. He said, "keep away from strangers, or you will be injured or disabled."

"Hum ~, it's just that our personalities are obvious." I seem to have regained the incomparable self-confidence and raised my chin triumphantly.

"Yes, yes, personality." He kept nodding, "well, I hope Joshua can help you, and I hope everything is up to you."

"I think, maybe at that time, I'll ask you to witness that recognizing Yifan as a cousin is just like sister Ning Xuan and Mei becoming Jin Lan. At that time, all the problems will be solved easily, and no one will be worried, right, doctor Xu! " I'm dreaming again."Well, well, it's a good idea to make both sides beautiful. No one is bothered. It's as good as possible." He clapped his hands with joy.

"Well, doctor Xu, you can contact Joshua now and make an appointment with him as soon as possible. Oh, and don't mention me. He belongs to the big guy. Be careful that he leaks the news and tells the big guy that he must not come. He will find here to catch me and teach him a lesson. Also, you must not contact cousin Yifan. Please, please, don't tell him, or the trouble will be big. Please, please, please, good man, please... "

With that, I put my hands together like a Bodhisattva and looked at him pitifully with a very devout little eye.

"I know. Don't I look smart. How dare I be careless in this situation. don 't worry. I'll call Joshua right now. " He patted his chest confidently.

I suddenly raised my right hand like a student in class and couldn't wait to shout, "I have one last question to ask."

He put down his mobile phone, looked at me, and said with a confident smile: "you want to ask, if there is no contact or failure, what to do, right?"

"Yes, yes, I'll give you a guess, ha ha ~" I nodded.

He patted his chest and said with great style: "don't worry, I'm here. This time, I'll pack food and package company. In the afternoon, we'll meet Joshua in another place. After hypnosis, we'll change another place. With the experience of the last time, I'll make sure that I'll be safe. I'll keep you invisible for at least three days."

"Wow, that's great, doctor Xu. That's interesting. You are the embodiment of justice and truth, the great God of salvation. You have to go straight into the clouds. Doctor Xu ~ I look up to you, I worship you, oh ~, you are my good teacher and friend, my friend in need, oh, doctor Xu, great kindness, I will never forget you. "

I put my hands together on the side of my cheek, crooked head, long eyelashes and teeth. It's funny.

"Oh, my God, listen to me as if I'm in a state of ecstasy. I was flattered by your compliment, knowing that there was a lot of water in it, and I thought I was amazing. Hey ~" he couldn't close his mouth again.

"Hey, hey, hey ~" I shrugged my shoulders and giggled with him.

It's nice to have this friend. Thank you.

He took up his mobile phone and held it in his hand, as if he had a heavy burden. Then he stood up and said solemnly, "let me, a great man, help you ~"

yeah ~ yeah ~

As it happens, Joshua had hardly entered the house when the phone rang.

It was said that he was following the wind and washing the dust, so he naturally went.

After 20 minutes, Xu Jialin's car stopped at the door. They were very happy to meet each other, clapped their shoulders together, and then left the door together.

The car kept driving along the straight road, and as the vision gradually widened, it stopped in front of the door of a three story villa.

Joshua looked out of a bit of an accident. Sitting in the car, he hesitated and said, "Why are you here? Is your home? Not really

"My house, of course, or where do you think it is. Come with me. Come in. "

Xu Jialin jumped out of the car and came around. He even pulled out Joshua with a pull belt, and then he tried to broaden his heart: "don't worry, there's no danger. You're a gold like little life won't be threatened at all. I'll guarantee you with my personality and life. Go, go? The excessive enthusiasm seems to be fake, causing a little uneasiness of sensitive Joshua. He is like a tree growing on the ground. He raises his eyebrows and asks, "wait a minute, Alin, are you going to give me something to lose, right?"

Looking back at him, Xu Jialin disdained to say, "lose? What can you lose to me? We are both men. I have all you have, and I don't like the same sex. If you want to give yourself up, I can't enjoy it. "

Joshua was amused by his words.

"Oh, that's great. I don't like the same sex either, thank you ~, but, Alin, you have to give a reason to go in."

"Wash the dust, didn't you just say that?" Xu Jialin is still pulling hard.

"To wash the dust in such a sparsely populated place? No, say, tell me about your conspiracy

Joshua's head was shaking like a rattle drum, but he refused to take a step forward, so anxious that Xu Jialin was almost in the arms of the princess.

"No, no, there's no such thing as a conspiracy. Isn't I worthy of your trust?" Xu Jialin said as he went around his back and pushed his back with both hands.

"No way." Gently a side to flash through the hands behind.

"Oh, come in, come in ~" Xu Jialin had to push again.

Just as these two people and four hands pushed and pushed Lala, and you and I couldn't give up each other, the door of the villa suddenly crashed and opened from inside.

Joshua's eyes widened when he saw the man jumping out of the door.

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