The scene of shallow water bay just made Doris and Lopez finally put down their long-standing hearts. They were content to swing their graceful posture, and both sat in the red Ferrari and left.

At this moment, tanshin, who had been like a transparent and lifeless man, suddenly turned around and gazed at the big house with an elusive and unimaginable look.

Gaze, gaze, gaze, until it disappears into sight.

At noon the next day, the bright sun shining overhead, the air was washed by it, fresh and sweet.

Doris dressed in gold and silver, dressed in heavy make-up, covered herself with a secret account number and password. She raised her mouth with a mysterious smile, just like a victorious Napoleon. She took an elegant cat step and swaggered into Yiwei building.

Ding ~ elevator a crisp sound, the door to both sides smoothly open.

She walked out into the office, sat in the seat more proud, look around no one, she can no longer let her reserve, suddenly burst into laughter.

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Happy days will come soon ~

then, look who dares to talk back and show me the face. Those who disobey will have a bad life, hum!

Zhuang Yifan ~, Zhuang Yifan ~ ~, Zhuang Yifan ~ ~

Oh ~, my good husband, my handsome boy, my little fresh meat.

You can't get out of my hands anyway.

Your arms, your breath, your time, your life, everything you have belongs to me. It's my private property. If you don't come to my arms and obey me, what are you waiting for?

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

I don't know how long I sleep. I wake up at last.

I found that my head was so painful that there was always a bomb ringing in it; all the bones in my body were sour and swollen; for a moment, the whole person was hot like a steamed bun in a cage drawer, and the air was constantly coming out from his nose; at the same time, he was like an iceberg in the south pole, frozen into a lump, so cold that his teeth kept grinding I opened my eyes and took a hard look at the surroundings. I was so sad that I could not blink back with tears.

Suddenly, a gentle hand reached out and stained the tears from the corner of my eyes. Then, a pair of clear and transparent light blue eyes, like the sky, appeared in front of me. Before I was intoxicated, there was a taunting voice in my ear:

"Ouch! What's the matter? Is the medicine too bitter, or too many eyes to hold, I have to flow it out? But I think it must be what I think, right? "


Seeing him in front of me, my heart was shocked and cool, and I couldn't help drooping my eyelids.

It was him. It was him.

At this moment, I really hope to see cousin Yifan's face, hear his voice, and I don't know what's going on with his cousin Yifan. AI ~

"what's going on?" David seemed to understand my mind and kiss me with a hot smile: "don't worry about my baby. Everything will be OK. Look, they are all medical elites invited by my sister. I believe that under their care, you will recover soon. My baby. "

"Thank you."

"Fool ~"

"get some sleep. Come on, let me help you tuck in the corner



Sure enough, when I woke up again, my body was much lighter, my head was no longer rumbling, and it was much easier to think.

Look around. Oh, this is David's bedroom.

A spacious and bright bedroom, inadvertently, I found a touch of bright sunlight through the pale blue curtain shot in, suddenly feel the room more soft and comfortable.

Lift off the fluffy quilt, leave the warm quilt and stand on the ground. There is nothing wrong except a slight shiver in the lower leg. Breath must be enough God son, long hair thrown behind me to flatten the pajamas, I tried to walk, I feel light as if in the clouds.

Well, I wish I were the monkey king ~

at that time, I would rush to protect cousin Yifan, the only Tang Sanzang in the world, and then hit the archetype of Doris, an abominable white bone spirit, with a golden cudgel. It must be a happy ending. Roar and roar ~

after laughing enough, I can't help but sigh when I look down at my embarrassed self.

Alas, it seems that luopeixuan is the invincible "Sun Dasheng" Yo, and the perfect "imperial brother" also belongs to others.

Alas, these two powerful monsters.Alas, I was beaten back to my original form.

A little bit into the bathroom, looking at his pale face in the mirror, I can't help sighing again.

"What is my prototype Second senior brother? No, no, not it. I don't want to be a "second elder martial brother" with a long mouth and big ears. I shake my head like a rattle drum to get rid of the concept of "second elder martial brother" in my head until I can't stand stably.

After washing my face with cold water, I held the breakfast bag in my cousin Yifan's mouth and put it on my chest. I firmly warned myself in the mirror:

cheer up and cheer up. Don't look down upon. The task of defending peace and shallow water bay lies on your shoulders. OK. From now on, be strong. You can't fall down. Qiqi, come on!

Chanting, chanting, until the confidence is too full to fit me to go out of the bathroom.

When I looked up, I found an angel in white standing outside the door.

She held a small stainless steel plate in her hands. When she saw me, she squinted and said with a smile: "are you awake? How do you feel? Are you still dizzy?"

Before I could answer, she had come to me and pulled me back to bed. She took the thermometer out of her plate and photographed it on my forehead. She said casually, "36 degrees, normal, well, very good."

I quickly smile to let her know that I'm happy too.

Next, she put away the thermometer, took the blood pressure meter, tied it skillfully to my left arm, and a minute later she read out the number: "120 / 80, good."

All of a sudden, I didn't know what she was holding in front of my eyes. It was so dark that I didn't see it clearly. I just heard her say, "well, there will be a little pain next, because I want to take your finger blood for test."

Blood!!! Oh, my God!

I had to close my eyes and tighten my muscles to deal with it.

Look at me as straight as a stake. She laughs, grabs my index finger, presses it with that black thing, and then clicks it down, extrudes the blood cell into the small test tube, puts it back into the tray, and presses a cotton ball on it.

"Don't move, I need to do it again."

she said, holding my middle finger in her hand.

Pain, good pain, pain I am so afraid, even breathing become short, so I increase my strength to turn myself into a stronger "stake", erect my ears to meet the arrival of the click.

So I waited and waited, and all of a sudden, all of a sudden, it was so quiet that my hair was straight in my heart, but I didn't dare to look at it. I had to constantly bend my fingers to scratch the sheets.

Another minute or so later, I stopped scratching the sheets, but I still heard the sound of the rope. There was a flash of lightning in my head, and I stood up with all the hair on my body.

Are there any disturbances or ghosts?

Blue faced fangs, ferocious ghosts?

I was about to huddle up when I heard a loud laugh.

Now I have to open my eyes to see.

It's David with a bad smile.

Originally, he colluded with the little nurse to tease me and watch me make a fool of myself.

I was really ashamed, decisively stretched out both hands, crackled to the array "white bone palm", let him taste the fierce.

He kept laughing and hiding until tears came out. He didn't return until I called for my sister to judge him.

"Show me." He picked up my finger and looked at it carefully. He said seriously, "a little dark brown dot, if you don't look carefully, you can't find it with Ben, and it doesn't bleed."

"Yes." I leaned over my head and looked at it carefully.

"It's just a finger blood, don't be afraid to be like this, coward ~"

"hum ~"

"OK, but make you laugh. Why are you so angry. If you don't get angry, eat me. But I am so big, you may not be able to digest, I think, or let me eat, Hello, let us become one, in this way, you can't run away, you can't leave me anymore ~ "

" hate ~ ", glib ~"

"ha ha ha ~", ha ha ha ~, ah, are you hungry, let's go to dinner ~ "

" en en en. "

When I heard the tempting word "eat", my head was like a wind up machine, shaking up and down, and my mouth was grinning behind my ears.

Not waiting for me to shake enough, he suddenly narrowed the distance with me, bad smile: "I take you to the restaurant."

"Oh, no!" I pushed his face away.

But he just broke through my defense line, and his whole face was next to mine. I immediately felt his nervous breath and eyelashes as thick as a long brush. He was stunned there and couldn't move.

In the next second, he laughed again. His sunny smile melted all my sadness in my heart, so I laughed with him.

After dinner, accompanied by Amy, I meditated for a long time and finally told everything in my heart.

My doubts about the man like man, my last resort to my cousin Yifan, my guilt towards sister Hao, Sister Li and Fengling, etc., all I know and remember.Seriously, I'm not sure what kind of reaction will be made by the two of them, angry, angry, or indifferent? Or sarcasm? Or turn a deaf ear? Or regret?

The result was far beyond my expectation. Amy took my hand and patted it gently and said with a gentle smile: "Qiqi, my good sister, you are too worried. This may be your heart knot. My sister wants you to untie it and put it down. Remember to trust your sister and trust David. You know, we'll never leave you alone, Kiki

"My sister knows that there are some things that you can't do or talk about. Let David do it. My brother's ability to handle affairs is still very strong. I believe he can satisfy you."

"Oh, and Qiqi, do you know that people will not be driven to a dead end by things. They always force themselves to have no way to go. Now, no matter who he is, just let the horse come and let his sister settle him down and kill him. How about not daring to appear again? Yes

Sincere feelings, sincere words, word by word, sentence by sentence, are so touching that I was moved by everything. I was speechless for a moment. I just nodded in tears and nodded in tears.

Amy put out her arms around David and me at the same time and patted our shoulders. We were so happy to lean on her and melt into her emotional world. We felt her meticulous love was so broad and profound, as vast as the ocean, like the sky, as fresh as the sun and air

After breakfast the next day, David drove to Xu's clinic according to Amy's instructions.

Because I really can't remember those four numbers, and it is the key point, so the first step is to remember them back.

Xu Jialin, of course, is very enthusiastic about the number, and he also brings out a lot of things.

Xu Jialin can't wait to rush to me. He comforts and persuades me for a long time, which makes my heart warm and reassures me that he knows the importance and will keep his mouth shut about this matter.

That's great.

After lunch, David saw Xu Jialin away and held a family meeting. Finally, at Amy's suggestion, he went to dalangwan, hid himself in a safe corner, and waited for the opportunity to see his uncle.

Tick by tick, tick by tick, as time went by, he kept his eyes wide open and kept alert, as attentive as a lioness guarding its prey. However, he could not see his uncle's figure at the other end of the mountain when the sun set, so he had to give up his flag and return to the base camp.

At this time, I just wake up, still in the quilt blink an eye to have a breath, wake up nap to make Leng.

That night, the witty Amy revised the plan until it was seamless.

The next morning, David had breakfast and settled his sweetheart. Facing the bright sun, he had a sweet smile on his mouth. He was like a soldier on the expedition and set off with full confidence.

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