Strong winds and heavy rain suddenly hit Hong Kong Island, and the infamous typhoon penya finally arrived.

Whoosh ~, penya whizzed and circled at the speed of 32.7 ~ 41.4m/s.

Look at the momentum, like thousands of horses galloping and roaring in the air, as if the waves of the forest sea rise and fall, and thousands of infuriated lions are roaring. In a flash, the trees bend down and the fields are lost to the sea; the green pines and cypresses slide down from the mountains, and the houses are flooded

Gu Zhengxin, who is hard to put his pillow on, sits in silence with Doris, a gaunt looking woman.

Think of black skin's bloody mouth with incomparable stench, they shudder.

The colorful crystal lamp gave out a pale light, and the jade clock ticked, but it seemed that every step was a step closer to death, and the magnificent living room became lifeless, as cold as hell.

In the dark, the God of death in black is approaching step by step. The wind is blowing in his ears. It seems that someone quietly pushes the door open, as well as the footsteps coming upstairs.


Tanshin broke the silence and finally spoke.

He coughed slightly and said solemnly, "I think the only way out now is to escape."

"Escape?" Doris raised her eyelids to look at him.

"Yes! Escape! As for the transfer, Ding Xiangkun will soon know that if he loses 5 billion euro, he will not give up. If we do not die, we will lose our skin. Therefore, I think we will make a time difference with him. When the wind outside is less, we will go to sea by boat. "

Gu Zhengxin's creed is a genuine analysis of appearance.

"To sea, where to go." Doris was still awake, as if she were talking in her sleep.

"It's good to go anywhere. Let's get out of here."

Gu Zhengxin got angry and glared at her fiercely. Then he raised his buttocks and stood up to pack up.

After a while, the two oversized suitcases were packed and Gu Zhengxin put them in the door downstairs.

Turning back, he whispered to Doris, "you can pack up the season quickly, bring more gold and silver, less cash, enough clothes to change. As long as you get out, there is nothing you can't buy. I'm going out to get in touch with the boat, and then wait for me to text. "

Without waiting for Doris to reply, Gu Zhengxin carried a super large army green backpack, put on his raincoat, opened the door and left without returning.

Doris ran to the window in a panic. Seeing him turn right when he went out, the wind blew him like a hangover drunkard, and gradually disappeared. Then she remembered that she had not packed her luggage, so she was busy talking, like a mouse out of the nest, jumping around the room to get things packed.

Thirty minutes later, when the wind gradually calmed down, she received a message from Gu Zhengxin:

Hongyun wharf, 4:00 a.m.


Seeing the text message, her heart lit up hope, holding the great hope of life, she packed the luggage as fast as possible, and started the red Ferrari.


Hongyun wharf, which can stop three small fishing boats at most, is a very small, very small wharf, so small and ordinary.

Even Haiou do not want to settle in the dock, it seems to be just a small bay where fishermen stop to rest.

"It's quiet."

Doris stepped out of the car and stood on the shore. The cold sea wind blew through her. She could not help but wrap herself in a tight coat.

Looking at the vast sea, she gasped heavily.

Murmured: "I'm going to flee. It's hard for such a ghost day. But one day, I will come back. I want to be the hostess of shallow water bay and the wife of Zhuang Yifan. I should live a life of luxury and pleasure. Nobody wants to block my happiness, hum. "

At this time, a fishing boat lights up the dim ship's head lamp, like a group of ghost fire gently shaking.

After a while, two fishermen dressed up, hunched over and carefully drilled out of the cabin, walked along the bank until Doris came to a stop.

One of them stepped forward and asked coldly, "Miss Doris?"

"Yes." Doris nodded, and a chill broke in her heart.

"Luggage in the car?" The other man asked again coldly.

"Yes." Doris nodded again and looked back at her car.

The two men looked at her and walked around her.

"Ah, car key, or how to carry luggage." Doris turned and yelled, her eyes wide in disgust and complained, "rubbish that can't do anything."

"That's because they don't need a car key."

What a familiar voice!

Doris was so frightened that she turned back and saw the green bean eyes, which were shining with cautious hair, with a strange cry. Her legs were soft and collapsed on the ground.

That's right. That man is the right hand of Kun. He's a jerk.Hun san'er grinned grimly and approached step by step with a thick murderous air. He said in a strange way:

"Doris, my eldest lady, you leave without saying goodbye. Where are you going. How can I tell my brother to the top master? This is going to be with me. Zizizi ~, at the beginning, we didn't agree like this, my eldest lady. "

Doris was completely shocked. She seemed to say something, but her throat was crushed by Hun san'er's chicken claws until she was pale and her limbs were trampling, and Hun san'er didn't release her hand.

The two fishermen like people behind her then set up her, dragged into the fishing boat, and then threw her heavily on the boat board.

Doris shivered as if she had been punctured. She lifted her delicate body with her arms, and hugged Hun san'er's leg like a homeless dog, and wagged her tail and begged for mercy.

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