"Seriously, I mind."

David slowly lowered his eyelids and leisurely said:

"who doesn't mind if his beloved woman has an unrelated man in his heart? Qiqi, you know, from the moment I saw you, you have occupied my heart, my meaning, my love, your sweet smile, like the rising tide, filling my emotional world, submerging all my senses, and satisfying all my fantasies of beauty. "

"But I can't walk into your world, no matter how hard I try. Because there is already your cousin Yifan. I'm even jealous about it. I'm extremely jealous. Also countless times want to replace your Yi Fan cousin, let your heart only me. Oh, am I stupid? "He laughed bitterly.

"It's silly and naive." I also smile bitterly.

"But I don't regret it. Qiqi, no matter how much I pay for you, I will, you know? I will. For you, I will not change my original intention. "

He stopped his comb, his eyes twinkled with stars, and looked at me in the mirror with emotion.

"Don't you mind if I've been married?"

I am still asking, this faint uneasiness passes to him, he Chi Chi has a smile.

"How about getting married? No one can kidnap you unless you want to, fool ~"

"aren't you afraid that he will fight with you?" I suddenly came out with a little bit of fun.

"I have fists, too. Why not me?" He answered with ease.

"I don't have money, and I don't have a rich dowry to get married." I looked at him with my eyelids.

"I have." He flicked my head.

"I don't even know my name." I raised my eyelids on the other side.

"I have. Give me my last name. Marry me, and I'll give you your husband's surname. " He laughed and hugged me from behind.

"Didn't you say I was a witch? Marry home, not afraid I bully you every day? " I looked him straight in the mirror.

"Oh, don't you know I'm the devil? It's for you, the lawless devil. " He put down his comb and grinned, kissing me on the cheek with an evil force.

"You dare to bully me, I will tell my sister ~" I jumped up to pull up the cordon.

"Sister ~, ouch, what should I do? I'm so afraid. However, if I want to complain, I can get out of this door ~, maybe my sister is here. I've finished my work, and you're more honest."

He also stood up and came over a little bit, his bad eyes, bad tone, his bad mood all close-up on his handsome face.

"Don't be stubborn, my little beauty, my baby, come to my arms and be my woman, the happiest and happiest woman in the world ~"

"I don't want it, you want to be beautiful." I stepped back.

However, he turned his mouth in disdain: "ouch, my eyes are so big, and I still hold my breakfast bag. Why, do you want to fight? Come on, who wins? Listen to others, don't resist, don't bite people, how about it?"

"you villain ~, how can I win?" "I stamped my feet in anger.

"It's good to know. Come here soon." He laughed even more.

Knowing that he intended to amuse me, but seeing that he had no way to go, his heart was still thumping without any idea. He simply sat on the ground, covered his face, played shamelessly, and called for help from his sister.

Just at this time, a knight errant who saw injustice on the road finally helped.

Tommy iron wall around him, begged: "don't be angry, master, don't bully Qiqi beauty, have something to say."

"Ha ha, I didn't expect that? Come on? You come here? Come and win me, and I'll be your woman, OK? Lala ~ ~ "

this time, cola is bad for me. I sprang up three feet high and twisted my hips, stretched out my tongue to make a face, tossed my long hair and ran into my sister's bedroom, but I didn't show up all night.

When he didn't eat the meat in his mouth, David was impatient and angry, patting Tommy's round brain shell and complaining:

"you meddlesome mechanical bag, why don't you go to sleep soon? Why do you hold me. Let me change your procedure to the kitchen. Look, you dare to meddle in my affairs and make me lonely. Mechanical bag, mechanical bag, meddlesome mechanical bag. If you had nothing to do, it would be nice to charge. "

"I have enough electricity, master." Tommy was still persistent: "don't be angry, master, don't bully Qiqi beauty. Don't be angry, master. Don't bully Qiqi. Don't be angry, master. Don't bully Qiqi

"Oh, my God, I agree. I agree. Go to bed

Until David sleeps with his head covered, Tommy still stands guard at the door.


All the ancestors made a gentlemanly gesture. Zhuang nianfan and others in the room saw a flash of human figure and walked into a small old man.

The old man was hale and hearty, his eyes shining, and he was laughing as he walked.

"Big brother!"

Seeing this "omnipotent old spirit", Zhuang nianfan immediately beamed and had the backbone. He walked over in three steps and two steps and held him tightly together.Uncle Zu and uncle Zhuang also came to say hello.

Blood is thicker than water, brothers meet each other very happy, embrace each other, beat, nod and smile.

After the greetings, everyone gathered around the eldest uncle to sit down and have tea and chat.

After swallowing a sip of tea, Zhuang nianfan suddenly remembered something. Seeing that Zhuang Bo was about to open his mouth, he brought back his sharp words:

"Hey, don't do this. You have promised me that you can't change it."


Zhuang nianfan raised his eyebrows and ignored him. He took a cup of tea and took a few drinks.


Chen Zhengliang didn't go to the company these two days, but worked at home.

Because he was in a very bad mood, he was angry when he thought about the unreasonable and conceited guy. It was ridiculous and ridiculous to ask his wife for his approval and consent.

If I didn't care too much, I would have beaten you. Hum. Damn it. Taking advantage of the fire to take Xueer away, but also put on a pair of arrogant look, when you are the Savior, hero save the United States also can not turn to you, angry me. It's going to piss me off.

Yes, yes, David is not the Savior. You are, because some people think so.

This is not, Adele and a Zhongge two people like a whirlwind into the study, looking for him.

"Uncle is back, and Ning Xuan must be back." Adele's eyes are a little flustered, and his voice is shaking.

"Yes, yes, good brother, may, how can I get through this?" A Zhong looks at his good brother anxiously.

"Yes, these three women will surely meet and plot this matter." Chen Zhengliang nodded as he said it, but also found it very difficult.

"It's not just a conspiracy, but a dull pig will make it very numb and terrifying."

"Terror? Terror is what happens when they see you ~ "

" ah!!! Brother Liang, what should I do

"What to do, brother Liang, help me!"

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