David flew to France in a hurry.

Yesterday afternoon, he settled me down, and asked his sister to take care of me. Then, with heavy nostalgia in his arms, his mouth was shriveled and tears were suppressed. Every step was like walking on the tip of a knife. However, I couldn't get out of bed because of fever, and I didn't even get to the machine.

Next, the quiet ear and son make the brain space become larger, the heart space is also bigger, it's really not suitable.

Although Amy is accompanied by joking and chatting with her, she is close to her and even appreciates each other. But without David, the key point, I always feel strange.

Now I have to be given my daily necessities of clothing, food, housing and transportation. But how can I live without this?

Moreover, as far as intimacy is concerned, she is still far from sister Ning Xuan.

With sister Ning Xuan, although sometimes because of the ownership of Yi Fan's cousin, they even quarrel with each other for the first time to have his gift.

But we never took it to heart.

The past is over, and no one needs to persuade. Three minutes later, we'll be as if we're all right. We'll either bang our ice cream cups, eat and talk, go shopping with each other's arms, or drag each other into our rooms to choose presents.

As Yi Fan cousin often said, people who stay with Qiqi for a long time will become so heartless, and they will not pull a few.

2、 No, pull, pull.

Can't you use a better adjective, cousin Yifan?

Can't I get into your noble eyes?

Big villain, huh.

Alas ~

with a long sigh, I looked at the boy Tommy around me, and I suddenly lost myself. It seemed that time passed slowly and my eyelids were very heavy. The foreboding was like smoke and fog in my heart, which made me uneasy.

David flew away, and he was farther and farther away from himself, as if he would never see each other again. The desolate feeling that he was unaccompanied and left behind was like the sea water bursting into my heart, which completely defeated my pride. Therefore, my illness was aggravated.

In fact, maybe it's me.

But as time goes on, I unconsciously eat less, talk less, smile less, all day listless.

Amy was so worried about it that she didn't know what to eat.

At the same time, she arranged for doctors to come home for diagnosis and treatment, and at the same time, she managed to manage the company. No matter how many or how difficult the problems were, she was able to make it orderly and easily solved, just like an experienced animal trainer. No matter how fierce the wild animals are, she just needs to wave a whip.

It was only at 10:30 the next morning that my empty heart was filled with his love again when I received a video call from David.

But the villain teased me about my sentimentality and nervousness. He said that Lin Daiyu, a female man, was just terrible. He also laughed for a long time, which made me blush.

Ah, I said, isn't it good for people to think about you? I really don't know good people.

Bad guy, no! And add a big word in front, big villain!

A safe day has passed. When the sun rises, my fever subsides, but I still feel tired and powerless.

Tommy walked around the house with me as a fitness. He ate a small bowl of white rice porridge at noon, but he couldn't eat any more. In the evening, Tommy talked endlessly, so I reluctantly ate another small bowl of white rice porridge. After taking medicine, I went to bed.

Turn over the morning, suddenly feel good head, hands and feet, recovery? Clap your face, it's true, ha ha ~

I jumped out of bed, went to the bathroom to wash and change clothes in the dressing room, then hopped like a happy little rabbit, jumped to see Amy and gave her a surprise.

A crack in the door. Good chance.

Listen, Amy is talking on the phone, listening to the tone, she seems to be very anxious.

"Ah!!! what!!! Mummy, what are you talking about! David, he's sick what! What David is very sick! Still spit blood!!! God, Mommy, why does David vomit blood? How can he spit blood, Mommy? He has always been in good health! How can hematemesis not get up to bed? "

Amy tried to suppress the cry is so sad, as if she was tortured.

I nailed myself to the ground, glared, and my head hummed.

David, he, he vomited blood!!!

Oh, my God! Blood!!!

My God ~, he, is he in trouble ~, vomiting blood! Blood!!!

What's going on! What the hell is going on here!!!

Thunderbolt like news, hit me to fall off the cliff, no idea.

"How's David, Mommy? What did the doctor say Can not find out the cause of the disease!!! How can't we find out the cause, Mommy Really, really, oh ~ oh Mommy, don't worry. There will be a solution. Mommy, I'll contact Dr. Bradbury now and ask him to go back to France for David's consultation. Mommy can rest assured that everything will be OK. Mommy, I think... "Can not find out the cause of the disease!!!

Now medicine is so developed that it is impossible to find out the cause of disease?

Is the doctor inexperienced or the equipment not advanced?

How can we not find out the cause?

How can it go on like this? How can David stand the pain?

No! no no No! Can't, can't, can't!

Think of a way, try to find a way. You can't just sit around and let David suffer.

Yes, but what should I do? What should I do?!

I'm not a doctor. I can't give any constructive advice to anyone. But, by the way, I can accompany him to the hospital and France. He must be happy and recover soon? Yes, yes, yes, go with him.

"Sister, sister, I know that David is ill and very ill. Sister, can you take me to France? I'm going to accompany David. I can't leave him alone. I can't let him face the pain alone. I'll be with him. Take me to take me ~, OK, sister."

"Kiki!..." Well, it's not urgent. I'm happy that you think so, and I think David must be very happy, but no, Qiqi, I can't take you far away. You're not quite in good health. You'll be exhausted after a long flight. "

She refused!?

"Sister, I know you're good for me, but I've recovered. I've really recovered. There's no discomfort, no pain or itching. It's very good. Don't worry, sister. If I can't, I'll take a small pill to make sure I'm ok. Sister and sister, I will go. I will go. I promise to be quiet and obedient to you. I will do what you want, and I will not give you any trouble. "

"It's not trouble, Kiki. You've never been anybody's problem. I just think that your current situation is not suitable for a long journey. You can't stand the hardships of heavy traffic. It's good for your good sister to listen and wait for news. Don't worry too much. David's illness is urgent, but I think he can go quickly. Soon he will come back to accompany you. Why do you have to go here, Kiki

She refused!?

"I'm not afraid of hard work. I can do it. My sister, take me with you. Take me with me. Sister, how can I stand by and ignore it at this time? Sister, if you leave me, I will only be more sick. Sister, sister ~"

"but Qiqi, if you are tired out, how can my sister tell David? My silly brother will blame me for my incompetence Yes, he is ill. How can I bother him. Is it Kiki? Don't go, stay ~ "

Why do you refuse? And it seems that the reason is just one. Is there any other secret?

"Sister, sister, you tell me why I can't go. Sister ~"

I was so cold that she suddenly couldn't answer. Moreover, I found that she was deliberately avoiding my questioning eyes, constantly dodging, as if in a dilemma, so my doubts grew stronger.

"I know you are in a dilemma, but sister, please don't hide it from me and tell me the truth. Sister, please tell me, tell me, tell me, what's in your dilemma, sister? Tell me, tell me, don't let me guess, or I will die with my eyes closed ~ "

" don't Amy put her hand over my mouth. Seeing that she could no longer hide it, Amy faltered and stammered: "don't talk at a young age Oh, I'll tell you. Just listen. Don't worry. I don't want to take you Yes Yes, David means, he said, "don't let me take you to France. See him."

“David! David won't let me go? impossible! How is that possible? He must want me to accompany him. Did you hear me wrong, or did you pay attention to David's intention? "

"No, no, he said again and again. It can't be said that the illness can't let you come. It's real Kiki

"It's impossible, sister. You see, how could he not allow me to go with us for such a long time?"

"It's true, Kiki. I'm not lying. Kiki. "

"No, no, no, sister, don't get me wrong. I know you're good for us, but sister, I want to hear from him in person. Could you please call David? Sister, as long as I hear him say "no", I promise not to pester you any more. Sister, good sister, please help

As I spoke, I took her phone, put my hands together and gave it to her. I bowed and bowed around her. I was so devout that I only wanted to impress her and broadcast a warm cross-sea call.

She was so entangled by me that she had no choice but to take the phone and answer the number above. I was staring at her without blinking, for fear that the mobile phone would fly away.

"Hello, Mommy, I'm Shanzhu. How is David doing? Is he better?"

when she finally spoke, I was excited and hoped to receive the call. David told me that he was joking.

"Much better, the blood has stopped ~, great, Mommy ~, oh, by the way, Mommy, on my side, Qiqi wants to talk to David, can you give David a call?""Here you are. You can ask him later."

She said and laughed and handed over the mobile phone. I quickly took it over and held it in the palm of my hand, as carefully as holding a handed down antique. I was afraid that I might accidentally touch the mobile phone.

However, the mobile phone actually hung up, because of the beep sound, busy?

Even Amy's eyes widened unexpectedly.

I quickly handed the phone to her hand and pleaded again: "sister, sister, it must be that he accidentally hung up. Could you please play it again, or help me play it again? I think he must wait for the call again. Sister, please help me again, sister help me."

"Good, good. Don't worry. Qiqi, I'll play it again." She repeated what she had just done.

Doo ~ Doo ~ Doo ~, the phone is on again ~

David on the phone, David on the phone, David on the phone, I secretly recite the "Curse".

"Hello, Mommy, the phone has just been cut off accidentally. Would you please give David a call? Qiqi wants to talk to him for a few days. Just a few words will not affect his rest mother."

I think, I moved her, so she is also helping me say good words, I am so moved! I think mummy agreed, because the phone came to me again, and I was still excited and cautious. But after only three seconds, the mobile phone changed to busy tone. My God, I was about to collapse.

So I went on pleading in a low voice, kept nagging, and finally Amy picked up the phone and called David.

Doo ~ Doo ~ Doo ~, every sound of the phone is like my heartbeat, that is, happy and eager, full of hope and afraid of disappointment.

The phone is connected and Amy's voice is slightly sad:

"well, don't call again, Qiqi, my child. Telephone Yes, David hung up You don't want to see him here. Baby, Mommy doesn't want you here. You, you don't want to come here. Good boy, I know what you think, but none of us can screw David. Besides, he is still ill, so please listen to him this time Sorry, I'm going to hang up, kid

Beep! Beep! The phone is busy.

My heart beat in a mess, and then look at Amy shaking her head, I become stupefied.

"If David doesn't see me, Mommy won't let me. Sister Amy, you won't take me, will you? Sister, I I , I I went back to my room. Excuse me... "

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