Tommy is even more exaggerated. I don't know what program David lost to it. It always separates me from everyone else. Whoever approaches me, he will push them away. He is as persistent as a brute force bull.

So it's very unpopular.

But I was worried to death, for fear that cousin Yifan would misunderstand me. No matter what happened to David, he would not help me go to France. Because Yi Fan's cousin is also very careful sometimes, also remembers a grudge.

Yes, the only way I can think of is to ask for help from cousin Yifan.

To tell you the truth, I never thought whether he would help himself or not, and even didn't think of how others could help him, so he came rashly.

Just like eating with chopsticks, sleeping with a quilt, walking with shoes, it's as natural as if people owe themselves.

Good quiet Oh, listen to their own tight when slow breathing, organize a good brief language, boot.

Patting Tommy's round skull and pointing to his overjoyed cousin Yifan, I said with a smile, "Tommy, good boy, I have something to say to him. If it's very important, don't move. Do you know?"

"Yes, Kiki."

"Good. I'm so happy. "

"Kiki is happy, so is Tommy."

Settle it well. I stood up and tried to walk towards cousin Yifan a little bit. I looked back. Eh, it didn't move. It's great.

Fortunately, I quickly grabbed cousin Yifan to talk about business.

"Cousin Yifan ~ ~ ~ I have something urgent. Please."

"Come on, Kiki. Don't ask. His handsome face is full of charming smile like a prince. He stretches out his warm arms and opens his warm heart to accept me and my treason unconditionally.

Sticking into his arms, I was as meek as a full kitten, squinting my eyes and smiling sweetly.

Chen Zhengliang was so angry that he closed his eyes.

And I didn't pay attention to them, because I had more important worries.

"Cousin Yifan, do you know that David is ill, and he is very sick. Amy said he vomited blood. Blood, cousin Yifan, red and red things come out of his mouth. I believe David must be very painful. Cousin Yifan ~ I and I are so afraid ~ ~ "

" yes, yes, Qiqi, I know and I know. No hurry. I know Mr. Dai is ill. I'm not afraid. I believe he will get better soon. I'm not afraid to be afraid. Is there any cousin Yi Fan in here, right? "

"Yes. Cousin Yifan, you know, I wanted to go to France to accompany David, but David didn't agree with me. David's mother didn't want me to go, and sister Amy didn't want me to go. Cousin Yifan, can you tell sister Amy whether she can take me, OK ~ OK ~, you can tell Amy sister's cousin Yifan. I can't leave David alone. "

"Well, I promise, I promise. Don't worry."

He promised, but his eyes darkened and his blood became cold.

Did you agree? So happy? Oh, my God! Just because it's the wish of a beloved woman? But do you know that my heart is saying no, refusing to resist?

Kiki, the spirit that jumped into my heart, the only woman I love, is now sent to another man's side? How can the carefully cared dull pig rush to another family's pigsty? Are you crazy?

Oh no!!! no

Jingling, jingling, his cell phone rings just at this moment.

Amy? He shook his head inexplicably, but I was as sharp as a needle.

I struggled to say, "ah! Did she call? Did she really have to call? It must be me. It's broken. It's over. It's dead. "

"Dead? Why is it over? " Look at each other.

"Because I was, sneaking out. I'm sorry, cousin Yifan. I'm sorry. If she's angry, she won't take me to France. What should I do

After that, I stood up, like a criminal, unable to raise my head, waiting for Yi Fan's one finger zen and everyone's blame.

"Don't worry, let cousin Yifan explain to her, I'm not afraid ~"

? Unexpectedly, it was so unexpected that he not only didn't get angry, but also held me in his arms and patted my shoulder. I secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and my heart also got back to its normal rhythm. Hey ~

"Hello, Ms. Dai." He hit the answer button.

"Mr. Zhuang, how do you do. Well, I have an urgent matter to ask you to confirm "

Amy's voice is light and soft, but it shows great anxiety. I'm sorry to hear that, and I'm more worried about it.

" you're welcome, please tell me. " He pulled me down.

"It's Mr. Zhuang. I don't know if Qiqi is at home. I can't find her when I come back. Tommy is not here. I think they should be together

"Oh, yes, Ms. day. Kiki and Tommy are here. I sent a car to pick her up. I'm sorry to ask for your advice first. Please forgive me for my rashnessCousin Yi fan is so interesting that he can't say anything about it So Well, that's the only way. "

Amy hesitated for a moment, and then said, "Mr. Zhuang, Qiqi's illness has not yet recovered, and she is quite weak. She needs more time to take care of her. Please take more care of her."

"Well, I'll take care of her, please don't worry. Oh, by the way, Ms. Dai, I have something important to ask for your permission. "

"Mr. Zhuang is very kind. Please go ahead."

"Well, Mr. Dai is in a bad condition. Everyone is deeply disturbed. Qiqi is even more at a loss. I hope you can take Qiqi to France, and please help her to see Mr. Dai and help him through the difficulties. "

“…… Really? Is she going? Is that what she said? Did she ask you to talk about this? Oh, my God, I'm so touched. I'm so touched. David's got a lot of vision. That's lucky. I, I really do not know what to say, I am very moved, really moved. Thank you, thank you, thank you. "

Amy's choking voice came from the receiver, and we became red with our eyes. However, a small act of kindness can move people around us. It's great.

“…… But, Mr. Zhuang, this matter I think I need to ask David for advice. Can you give me five minutes? "

It's normal for Amy to hesitate. After all, she's not David.

"No problem. I'll get back to you in ten minutes. Ms. Dai, I know you are in a dilemma, but I ask you to give Qiqi's wish. Thank you again

"Mr. Zhuang is very kind. I understand your hard hearted mountain plant, and David understands it. I will try my best."

Hang up the phone, everyone no longer talk, the room is quiet.

One second, two seconds, one minute, two minutes

The long waiting is like a rusty knife, which cuts my fragile heart into thick pieces and roasts it on the flame. Soon, it emits hot white smoke and makes a sound.

Alas, what a painful ordeal! During the period of

I couldn't understand the reason.

Don't you want to be together? If you are ill, you should hope to be together. Why is the reality opposite? What's the matter? New love and old love? It's not like

I thought that my head was too thick to bear fruit. Even the ice cream that I had been thinking about day and night came to my eyes, I couldn't raise my appetite. AI ~ ~ ~

the little monster is so distressing ~

Chen Zhengliang is anxious in his heart.

However, the little man did not show his brow and was worried about everything. Alas ~

Oh, no, why did his heart jump so violently? I had nightmares a while ago. Is there any disaster?

Wife, you, no! No

Cheer up, cheer up. It's OK. It must be OK.

The mobile phone rings again, like a dropped bomb, interrupting the confused thoughts, everyone is shocked.

"Hello, Ms. Dai."

Ha, Amy called. It must have been a success. Ha ha.

I was so excited that the whole person got up and focused on his every move. I was sure that he would have a sunny smile the next second.

"Oh, Hello, Mr. Zhuang." Amy coughed her throat lightly. I don't know if it was because of dryness or the following words were hard to say.

Just listen to her leisurely say: "I, I don't want to say this, Mr. Zhuang asked you to tell sister Qiqi, she still, don't go. David didn't allow her to come or see him. He asked me to tell her not to call him Sorry, Mr. Zhuang I I'm really sorry

“…… Oh I see. "

"Well Well I, take up the line Goodbye, Mr. Zhuang. "

“…… Goodbye

Dudu Dudu ~, the phone changed to a busy tone, and he sat there without saying a word.

Hang up? Not booking tickets? Not packing? Is this the end of the dry?

Just a few words of plain water like dialogue, is it the result of my hard waiting for ten minutes?

After that, it's gone. What the hell? What the hell.

Look at the tangled cousin Yifan, and then look at the silent people. I'm stupid. My head is very hot, but my hands and feet are cold. It seems that I fell into the ice cellar. I can't get out of it even though I try my best.

Just a little bit of luck in an instant, disappeared without a trace. My heart was full of grievances. I wanted to cry, but I couldn't even see tears.

What's wrong with David? What's wrong with him? Why is he so heartless? Is it because of illness? I'm also sick. Why can't I be heartless? He, he, and he, who is not sick, but who is heartless? Or are you tired of me and want to break up?

No way! I don't want to live in a muddle headed way. David, you must give me a reasonable explanation, or I will not comply with it. So I must go to France, and you and I must see you!You can't run or hide, big! Bad! Eggs! Hum!

So I went to grind my life-saving elixir.

"Cousin Yifan, would you like to take me to France? I want to see him and make sure."

"Ah Yi Fan's cousin is startled. Everyone is surprised.

How to say, people are annoyed and don't want to see you. Why don't you make yourself boring? It's better to stay at home and get sick

It's too cruel to say that. How can I hurt the heart of a dull pig?

Words to the lips and hard to swallow, he was very embarrassed.

When he didn't speak, I had to use my skills to master my family, and I would never give up if I didn't achieve my goal.

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