Big Wave Bay.

The splendid living room is full of people who have a laugh and talk.

Fly to France, naturally to quit.

Yi Fan cousin put down the principle, not far away with her girlfriend, visit her boyfriend.

You can imagine how tangled his heart is, like spring wind does not want to blow flowers, but flowers are hard to open smile. Looking at the woman around you, what else can you do besides embracing them?

Of course, as a proper etiquette, he also knew Amy.

Amy had to default when she saw the situation. She said she would return home in a few days. Not only David, but also worried about her father's serious illness.

We are also worried about it.

I hope more fully in the powerful Joshua, God of heaven, everything is in danger, and bless the good people safe and peaceful.

As my husband, Chen Zhengliang can not be less.

Because Joshua needs him to take over.

With this in mind, he handed over his work to Ren and AI Dai, and he took ADEE and Azhong to keep an eye on private property.

This sarcastic eye can never give others the opportunity to take advantage of, the lost wife returned to others how to do.

I met Zhuang nianfan, I asked Ann, and introduced Tommy to everyone to know, then, my cousin Yi Fan presented my itinerary, and we helped to supplement.

Naturally, Zhuang nianfan would not oppose it. He also said a lot of pleasant words with a great deal of considerate consideration. Let me go to France and do what I want to do.

I am so clever that I am like a sheep with a bell ring, so happy that only smile and nod.

At this time, the door rang.

Xiaohui ran to open the door again, Guan Jingxian in the Congxuan sister and may, rushed back in a hot wind. Happy I am a happy sheep, baa to jump into them, then everyone giggle, accompany Guan Jingxian back to the bedroom to talk about their own.

Of course, the thick face followed the "eavesdropping" and the powerful Tommy Boy.

When our figure disappeared, awei's mobile phone suddenly called up, he hurriedly moved the answer key, and everyone threw their attention.

"Hello, this is the International Airport customer service department. I'll let you know something."

"Please tell me."

"That's it. Regarding the robot taking the flight, our company replied: disagree. First, robot is not luggage, so it can not be checked. Even if it is handled according to luggage, it is far beyond the requirements of weight specification; secondly, it can not be regarded as passengers and can not buy air tickets for flight, and no one can control if it loses control and dangerous things. To ensure the safety of other passengers and the safety of the aircraft itself, we refuse to fly robots. Thank you. "

"I see." Awe hung up the phone and looked at his cousin's shriveled mouth.

Zhuang nianfan laughed: "is it not easy to do it, awe? Xiaoliangzi, send a special plane to Tommy ~ "

awei shook his head and replied," Grandpa, Liang Ge has a special plane to transport. But Tommy would not leave Qiqi beauty, nor would she go with Amy, or stay in Shallow Water Bay; the plane could not be loaded, and put it in the Li cabin Qiqi beauty. She said that it was dark and dark, Tommy would suffer from depression; disassembly was difficult to assemble again, because Tommy was too fine to move a screwdriver. "

"Oh, that's what," Zhuang said with a smile. That makes Qiqi do Tommy's ideological work, the little girl must be OK, rest assured. However, Xiaoyi, you must do tongqiqi's ideological work before you can do it. Everyone in the world knows that Qiqi beauty listens to you. Everyone on the world will go and take the beautiful girl Awe clapped his hands in a happy way.

"How do I think the reverse is almost the same?"

Uncle Zu is funny. It makes everyone laugh.

Yi Fan cousin ran up the stairs with a red face. I didn't know. I thought there was a beautiful tiger biting him behind. Everyone laughed more happily.

Laughter has not been closed, the small intelligence panic reported: "master ~, there are five Mr. outside, ask to meet you, said that the procuratorate sent to do business."

"Oh." Zhuang nianfan nodded and everyone stopped smiling.

"Please come in." Uncle Zu's eyebrows are closed tightly.

Three minutes later, the people of the procuratorate stood in front of you, one of whom you must be familiar with.

Yes, guess it. He is Dongqiao.

"Hello, Mr. Zhuang, my name is Dong Qiao. Staff of the Supreme Procuratorate of the ICAC. These four are my colleagues. "

They have issued their papers.

Zhuang nianfan nodded solemnly.

Uncle Zu extended his arm and said, "Mr. Dong, please sit down, please sit down. Xiaozhi goes to tea. "

"Thank you."

Do Dong Qiao know Zhuang nianfan?

Of course, the high rate of appearance and famous zhuangyianfan, which do not know, which does not know? On both sides of the private officer, who will not give him three thin faces or honor him?

Therefore, Dong Qiao did not express his intention in a hurry, but walked the necessary etiquette process.Looking at the smoke of the fragrant tea in the cup and meditating for a moment, Dong qiaocai opened his voice:

"Mr. Zhuang, I come to your house to talk about meeting you. I have some information to inform you."

Zhuang nianfan nodded again.

Dong Qiao then said, "according to our investigation, a sum of 5 billion euro was transferred to a foreign private arms dealer through Mr. Zu's account three days ago. This money was used to buy and sell arms and was suspected of carrying out a terrorist case on October 19. Therefore, our court has reason to preliminarily determine that Mr. Zu is suspected of two crimes, namely, unidentified transaction and endangering public safety. "

What? How could that be possible? The crowd scoffed at it.

Dong Qiao stretched out his hand, and his colleagues handed over a stack of documents. He took it and put it on the coffee table.

"This is the relevant document. Please check it. We need you to sign here and ask Mr. Zu to come back to the hospital with us to assist in the investigation. As the chief financial officer, Mr. Zu Zhongcai is also requested to come to the hospital for routine questions and answers. "

Zhuang nianfan still nodded and looked at Chen Zhengliang, who was on the phone.

Of course, needless to say, Chen Zhengliang's phone call was to lawyer Xu. At the same time, awei also called lawyer Fang, and a Hao flew to call his fan Ge.

Dong Qiao understood that the Zhuang family had its own lawyer. If the lawyer was not present, the people here would not give any reply. Therefore, he and his colleagues had to wait patiently.

Five billion euro, another five billion euro, it is like a sharp thorn stinging sensitive spirit. The spirits jumped more happily.

So it seems that the enemy is not willing to accept ah, but, how did they get the information of AZU? That's a top secret. How can we do it without being aware of it?

Looks like there's someone else inside.

This man is hidden and dangerous. He must find a way to eradicate it. Otherwise, it will be more unfavorable to the overall situation.

Yi Fan cousin with a Hao came to the living room, and Dong Qiao courtesy of a head, sit to Zhuang nianfan side. Zhuang nianfan patted his hand.

About 30 minutes later, lawyer Fang and lawyer Xu arrived here almost at the same time.

We don't talk much when we meet. A brief greeting cuts into the main topic.

They began to look at the document, and Dong Qiao repeated what he had just said to them.

There is nothing wrong with the 18 page document, from format to content, from citation to circumstantial evidence. Lawyer Fang and lawyer Xu reached an agreement through eye contact and relayed their views to everyone.

In theory, there is no evidence to prove that the 5 billion euro was remitted by Uncle Zu himself, even though it was from his account.

furthermore, there is no evidence to prove that the money really serves as the cost of arms purchase, and there is no evidence to prove that the money has any connection with the terrorist case.

To sum up, in the absence of evidence, the law will only restrict the party concerned from leaving the country within half a year; the amount of a single account on the current day shall not exceed 100 million euro.

And Zu Zhongcai is only a theoretical dereliction of duty, with a maximum penalty of $10000.

Whether or not both of them are criminally liable.

The results were gratifying. Zhuang nianfan held a short family meeting.

The meeting unanimously agreed that risk must be reduced to zero level to ensure the innocence of the innocent. Fang and Xu, two lawyers, should not be taken lightly. Moreover, the French itinerary was carried out according to the plan, accompanied by Xiaoyi and xiaoliangzi.

Next, accompanied by Fang and Xu's lawyers, Zu Shu and Zu Zhongcai set out with Dong Qiao and his party to go to the procuratorate for routine business; Chen Zhengliang dispatched transport planes and private planes again, and arranged work for a Ren and a Yi; cousin Yifan sent awei and ah Hao back to the company to deal with their affairs.

With a private jet, I have a lot of time. And at my invitation, Amy also agreed to go with me. Haha ~

I just met Guan Jingxian. With the help of sister Ning Xuan and may, she couldn't stand up laughing. Tears of happiness flowed down and her depression disappeared.

Next, there is another person who makes me sleep and food difficult, that is, sister Hao.

To such a far away place, naturally to go to visit to be able to rest assured, so, hard-working Yi Fan cousin, non-stop to take me to the hospital.


Day, gradually dim down, the sun off work, a crow to take the last bus, quack to fly to the side of the mountain.

On the busy street, the red light flashed and the green light came on.

Lawyer Fang, who was slightly tired, clenched the steering wheel and drove the Audi very fast. His upright face was full of anxiety. An enlarged character of Chuan was deeply engraved on his forehead, making him unable to open his eyebrows.

When you get home, park your car into your seat, go through the garage door and then into the house.

There was no sound at home. He even called several times, but no one answered. Presumably, his wife took his son out to go shopping, and the servant didn't come back to buy vegetables. So he didn't pay attention to it, but went straight to the study.

Click ~, press down the handle, the door opens, the spacious and luxurious study is in front of you, PA ~, press the power switch, the room is bright as day.

Eh? How can a cockroach sit on the chair behind the desk?Well, what's going on?

In a daze, the four big men behind the hidden door swarmed to subdue him.

Whoosh ~, "cockroach" jumped in front of him and stepped on his face. From mung bean's eyes, his eyes were cold like ice cones, which stabbed his internal organs. His face was expressionless and extremely arrogant. He said, "lawyer Fang, right? I'd like to meet you today and talk about something."

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