The dull knock on the door, like the thunder in the ear, wakes lope's dream before dawn.

Her whole body trembled violently and sat up. Her convulsive eyes were fixed on the dark door. The foreboding swept over her, and her heart beat faster unconsciously.

Since she came back from Xiangyan villa, she has been in a bad mood.

she feels like a social flower among strange and stupid men who are mercilessly appreciated and played by them.

Yes, I love to play, I am open and bold, but this kind of play is really not easy, as if overnight from a princess to a slut, the dust-free nobility under the eyes is also transformed into coquettish cheap.

Yesterday afternoon, Zushu took her to dalangwan with a cold face.

Originally thought, is shut Jingxian does not ache does not itch to train a meal, again understatement recognition a mistake also passed.

I didn't think it was more serious than I thought. For the first time, Chuang nianfan had to appear. The old man, who did not open his face, not only severely reprimanded, but also ordered her to reflect. She was not allowed to go out of the house for no reason within a month. If she committed another crime, she would be expelled.

She was scared to be careful. Her liver was almost out of control at one time. After returning home, she kept chanting Buddhism.

Looking back, there seems to be something wrong with those impulses.

Not only hit the fox fairy, but also hurt the big young master's nurse.

This little-known but worth more than 100 million old lady, seemingly simple, but actually profound.

She was the one who held hands with her beloved son before Mrs. Zhuang died. In the past 40 years as a banker, she worked hard and devoted herself to "jade face dragon". To exaggerate, she was distressed to lose a hair.

His wife, who passed away, is one of the ten old members who, together with Zhuang nianfan, fought for Cathay Pacific.

Hurt her naturally makes people angry, not to mention kicking down the goblin's cronies, the girl called "bell". I heard that she almost broke her intestines when she went down.

It's no wonder that no one said good words to please people. Alas, I didn't know what happened at that time. Why didn't you control it?

It's all goblins.

Yes, the goblin must have been rolling around and would not let go of Zhuang nianfan.

Goblins and foxes. Otherwise, how can a Liang be confused, and how can he not marry me, dead woman, splash woman, hum!

But what to do now? Although the monthly cost of ten cards is 100000 yuan, a Liang has no eyes, and he doesn't even have a voice of kindness or ah. He is cold like an iceberg and refuses to be seen thousands of miles away. Does he really want to break with me and never come back again?

God, what do you do? How can you live without a liang?

You think, she tangled night and night, the bedroom door was suddenly pushed open by a dark shadow, she can not be scared to death?

At the moment, the shadow has already fallen on me.

She was so terrified that she kept her neck straight to call for help, but before her mouth opened, a big hand had covered it, making no sound.

"Hush! Shh! Don't shout! it's me! "Me

? The voice sounded familiar, and her eyes widened and she looked carefully through the dim moonlight.

Gu Zhengxin!!!

When she recognized the person, she was in a cold sweat. Her head seemed to have been drilled out of a hole by a drill bit. There was a loud buzz. The three spirits and six spirits were also running out, but they could not be pulled back.

God, my God, the man who threatened to chop it into meat, ran here!!!

From her frightening eyes, Gu Zhengxin was sure that he was right. A confused heart finally smoothed out. He then released his hand and let lope breathe.

"Don't shout, don't shout, I have something to say."

"Miss law, are you OK Miss law

Suddenly, Sister Zhang's trembling inquiry came from the door, and she knew that she was scared to death.

"I'm fine. Close the door to rest. Don't come out if you don't ask. " The sound of lope's spin was thinner and weaker, as if he had been scared out of breath.

"Yes." Sister Zhang closed the door and disappeared like a refugee.

Lopez asked, trembling, "say? what did you say? We have no grievances or enmities. We have nothing to do with each other. Don't let me get involved. You're the one who wants to die because you're a bastard

Gu Zhengxin raised the corner of his eyes and spat angrily: "I know. If I hadn't run fast, I would have been dead in the street yesterday afternoon. It's not that easy to kill me. TMD, damn it, I really want to strangle him and squeeze out his cockroach excrement!!! Hum But don't worry, baby. I'm here with you. That son of a bitch can't dream of it. As long as I dodge the limelight and don't rush, I will leave. "

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, No? I don't want to feed black skin. Black skin eats people. I don't want to vomit bones. I don't want to. I don't want to do it. You leave. I promise not to mention it to Hun san'er. Go, go, go, go. "

With that, she shook off Gu Zhengxin's hands and shrunk to the other end of the bed.

How could Gu Zhengxin easily back down, half pleading and half threatening: "good man, my careful liver son, don't be so heartless, it's not good for us. Anyway, I came in. You can't get rid of the connection when I come in. Besides, we are close to each other. Don't you like my love and say it's strong and powerful? Miss lo, my goddess Luo, saving one life is better than building a seven level butcher. Give me a way to live, my dear. I will repay you. "Without waiting for the voice to land, he pounced on lope's spin, forced a kiss on her lips, and the monkey quickly untied her silk pajamas and launched a fierce attack.

Strong hormones, soon in the air.

A pair of people who are in love with each other, soon you and I will be together.


It's morning. I'm here.

Although it was overcast, my heart was full of sunshine, oh ~

after breakfast, taking a bath and changing clothes, I unloaded Tommy and loaded it to David's hospital.

Watching me get into Amy's special car and go far away, cousin Yi Fan and Chen Zhengliang are helpless to clench their empty hands, and then take their respective entourage back to their respective villas for a rest.

Looking at the bridges and roads that flashed through the window, Amy suddenly took my hand and joked.

"Kiki, can you give David a call and tell him?"

"No, no, sister." I was startled, but she chuckled.

"Elder sister, don't tell David that I'm going to give him a surprise to make him happy. He will get better soon. I have to check his post. If he dares to cheat me, I will Well... "

"You can beat him with breakfast bag or catch him with white bone claws. Oh, don't be merciful ~"

"en en Hey"

"when the time comes, elder sister will tie his hand for you."

"Sister Xie ~ ~"

while speaking, the car stopped at the door of the hospital.

Walking out of the car and looking around, the hospital is a typical French building.

The scale is not big. The main building has five floors. It is as leisurely and comfortable as a resort.

The unknown birds, dressed in bright coats, lined up in neat lines, hopped back and forth among the thick branches, chirping loudly, calling my heart flowers open.

Gardening flowers and plants can be seen everywhere. The air is so fresh that you can't help sucking it greedily. In the middle, a fountain comes up to the sky, and the bright water drops reflect the sunlight, setting off a colorful rainbow, which is very beautiful.

When you enter the hotel like golden and resplendent medical hall, you can't smell a little bit of disinfectant. It's all the fragrance of flowers. The soothing background music sounds leisurely, can't help but make you put down the burning mentality.

Although the pedestrian around, but each line in a hurry.

"Qiqi, come on." Amy took my hand and went around the hall to wait for the elevator.

The elevator hall is four white and high, and six elevators are in operation.

After a while, the third elevator jingled open the door, doctors and nurses rushed to push out a hospital bed from the inside, we rushed away to make way for the passage of life.

Step out of the elevator and come to the 10 meter wide white and pink corridor.

Walking, turning a corner, Amy suddenly stopped, pointed to the room sign, blinked and laughed: "here we are, Qiqi. Room 506. David, my silly brother, the man you've been looking for from afar, is in it. Go in and check the post. "

Ah! Here we are! So fast! I got it! Oh, my God! Here we are! Did you see it when you said goodbye? David! My David! He really has to be in there!!!

Suddenly, I was excited and nervous. When I thought of the warm scene of meeting next, my blood began to boil. It was as if I was sitting inside waiting for my bride. My heart was pounding and I was about to jump out of my throat. However, my feet were nailed to the ground, and I braked at the door. I hesitated to enter.

At the moment, I was at a loss. I looked around in embarrassment. Then I rubbed my hands on my skirt to wipe off the sweat. Then I stood on tiptoe and stretched my neck. I held my breath and looked carefully into the door of the patient's room. I didn't see anyone's figure. Then I pricked up my ears and listened carefully. Eh, no movement. Did you sleep?

Looking back at the mysterious Amy, I pulled her away from the door and took a big puff of foam before she said in a timid whisper: "elder sister, do I and I want to go in? Do I really have to go in?"

Amy nodded with a smile.

"May I look in the mirror first. Oh, it's broken. I forget to bring my comb. My hair must be in a mess. It must be very untidy. Elder sister, I'm a little hungry. I'm

Ouch, what's the matter with me? How can I say such a thing for no reason? Why do you find this farfetched and absurd reason. Why don't you say you are in a hurry? I'm still hungry. Can't the breakfast for three be eaten in other people's stomachs and digested in others' stomachs? Where is the prestige of a woman? Oh, my God, I'm really useless. I'm so disgraceful ~

"Oh, my silly sister, even dumber than David, I'm afraid She raised her hand to wipe the sweat on my nose, and with a perfect smile in her mouth, she whispered, "Oh, well, you're radiant. It's almost perfect. Go in."

"I I... " I'm still grinding for some unknown reason.

Amy couldn't help joking: "it turns out that someone is nervous. Do you want elder sister to have a look first and play a forward?"

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