Looking at Chen Zhengliang's iron green face, and the way other people point and tie their heads and ears, director Qiu clenched his teeth and bent his heart, ready to fight to the death.

I saw that he also threw the folder back under Chen Zhengliang's eyelids. A dead pig was not afraid of boiling water and yelled loudly.

"What can these pages of worthless paper prove? My boss Chen!!! I'm not a dead old man surnamed Zu. Why can't I go abroad without committing a crime? European houses are beautiful and big. I buy them for my wife. I'm happy. I'm willing. I'm beautiful. I can spend my money as much as I want. That's my business. I don't need to report to you. What's more, how can you prove that I wrote the signature myself? Maybe someone used my notes and tried to frame me up

Chen Zhengliang was so pleased by his flowery words that he snorted in his nose and said coldly, "keep talking."

He really disdains to continue to say: "do you think, you casually get a few pieces of paper to put a pendulum, I confess guilty to the law? Do you think that if you have a big mouth and I have a small mouth, I will let it go? What's more, my president Chen, you are the boss, not the police, this is the company, not the court. If you interfere with my privacy, I can find a lawyer to sue. Don't push people to the absolute limit, leave a way for yourself. "

"Oh? Is it? Do I force you to do these things? "

Chen Zhengliang stood up and paced behind him. He felt as if he was going to be biased, crushed, crushed, stunned and stupid. At least he couldn't breathe.

Turning back, he yelled: "you! What do you want? "

"I don't want to do anything. I just want you to listen to a recording. Mr. Xu and all the directors are sitting here. What can I do to you? Are you so nervous? Are you excited with a clear conscience, or are you haunted by something With that, Chen Zhengliang turned around and sat back in his seat again.

Three seconds later, the recording rang out, and the conversation between the two men reverberated throughout the conference room. All of them raised their ears and concentrated their attention, for fear of missing a word and affecting their own judgment.

"Director Qiu, according to your request, all the expenses of the house have been paid, and the ownership of the house is registered in your name. But ~, what you promised me... "

"I know, don't worry. The boy surnamed Chen will fly to France at the latest tomorrow. It is said that the matter there is very difficult. He can't put it down and come back to take care of it. As long as he is away, everything will be easy. I'll give you a green light to go through the formalities. Then I'll report him to the customs office and let the boy drink a good pot. He'll dare not to take me seriously. Hum! "

Click ~, a Ren presses the key to open the door, and the sound stops suddenly. Then there is a boiling pot in the room. All the directors look at each other, shake their heads and sigh.

"Ah Qiu, how can you do this kind of picky business?"

"Yes, in my old age, do you want to live late?"

"My husband and I have always been kind to us. Ah Qiu, why do you cause trouble?"

"It's just..."

"Yes, yes..."

Oh, my God! What's going on? What happened to the recording?

He was really stunned. He was totally stupid. He was like being hit by lightning. He was burnt outside and smoked inside.

All of a sudden, his eyes filled with blood, he jumped up, and the table clapped, trying to make a pale excuse for himself.

"False! Fake! The recording is fake! You deliberately forged this recording to frame me, didn't you. It's not that easy. Chen, you want to do something wrong to get rid of dissidents, can't do it! You can't do it!!! I don't want you to succeed! "

"Don't agitate director Qiu." Chen Zhengliang said with a faint smile: "one thing you may not know is that the smuggled goods are only empty shells, and there is no cigarette in them. You are not only dereliction of duty, but also dereliction of duty. So you have to take the consequences for what you do. As for the future, I'm afraid you'll have to go to prison and think about your life. "

"Therefore, all directors, I propose to remove Qiu Changlu from the board of directors. Now, please show your hands."

After that, Chen Zhengliang's purpose was to divert Chuang nianfan's attention. His real intention was still Zhuangzi's wine industry.

He felt the black skin's head, which was lying at his feet, panting, and then looked at its silky fur. He laughed triumphantly.


Joshua is wonderful. He is so amazing that he is just a God who can turn corruption into magic.

Because after his puzzled efforts, David not only gradually became energetic, but also had blood on his face. He could sleep all night long.

I'm sure I'm one of the happiest people here, er.

Hee. Of course, it's one of them, because there are a large number of people in the family. They can't take turns on me, who has no famous brand.

However, I was so excited that I couldn't sleep well for several nights. So last afternoon, cousin Yifan couldn't stand my hardness, so he picked Joshua to my house.It's not that he has any opinions on the treat, but that he doesn't want to develop a rival in love, or the ears and eyes of a rival in love, because he is more difficult to deal with than Adele or a Zhong in terms of weight.

I don't have such a complicated thinking. I put down the whole table of top-notch French dishes, with all kinds of colors, flavors and flavors. I just wait for the old wolf to come.

During the dinner, my happy little bee was buzzing around him, saying a train of compliments. He was flattered and flattered. He was honored as the guest of honor, the Savior and the living Bodhisattva.

cousin Yifan took a vegetable mountain out of his cloth dish, and gave him a smile.

awei and ah Hao looked for him one by one Drinking wine;

Fengling is more than a footless runner, pouring wine and serving dishes, busy.

Joshua is like a local rich man with gold ingots in his arms. He can't keep his mouth shut. He carries the president on the high shelf and enjoys the high standard of courtesy. He has to laugh from the beginning to the end.

I didn't let him go home to have a rest until his face turned red into wine and his stomach swelled into Maitreya Buddha. He couldn't move and said he had saved a week's food

I lifted a peeled apple high.

David took it with a smile, bit off a small bite symbolically, put his hand in the fruit tray, put his arm around my waist and said with a smile, "thank you. Apple is so sweet, as sweet and tempting as you ~ "

hey, I looked up at his blue eyes, and I was so intoxicated.

Apple did not eat nothing, naturally sick, poor appetite, do not want to eat is a normal phenomenon, is the so-called good mood is greater than everything, as long as he laughs I will be satisfied.

"I want to hold you like this forever, my little witch." He kisses happily.

"I want to. I want us to be together forever. David, get better soon. I'm afraid you're ill. Please, get better soon. "

I reached out and touched his pale face.

"Of course. don 't worry. I'll be fine. Because I have you by my side. For you, my devil He kisses my cheek edge, suddenly came good doctrine: "I play you first song listen son?"

I clapped my hands and said with a smile, "play the music. It's good to have music." With that, I hopped to the living room in the outer room and took his wooden guitar.

Speaking of it, this guitar has a long history and is a family treasure.

He said it was handed down by his grandfather's grandfather.

He said that his grandfather's grandfather had been a guitarist in the band and was quite obsessed with the guitar, so he specially asked the craftsman to make it by hand.

He also said that the consumers of this kind of guitar are mainly some famous guitarists in the world, some performers with better economic conditions, and of course, there are also some enthusiasts (collectors) with fever level. Because the production volume of this kind of guitar is very small, the price is not always high.

The 41 inch high and 104 cm long guitar has a neck made of materials that match the back and side plates. The back, side plates and string horses are made of different pure wood materials according to different styles and categories of guitars. It looks fashionable and elegant.

At the moment, he held the guitar in his arms, looked at the quiet "kitten" around him, bowed his head and pondered. Suddenly, he raised his mouth and chuckled: "walking together is fate, walking together is happiness."

Ding Ding Dong Dong ~ pearl falling jade plate.

Ding Ding Dong ~ running water to find a bosom friend.

Ding Ding Dong ~ Ding Ding Dong ~

he was so attentive and attentive that he seemed to pour all his feelings into it. Once, twice, and three times, the genie glided on his fingers and gently plucked the strings, which made a wonderful sound. Every note was so perfect and just right.

City of the sky!

Ah, how beautiful, pure and quiet sky, beautiful love.

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