At this moment, there is a group of people who can't sleep.

When Chen Zhengliang is in a hurry, his cousin Yifan's eyes suddenly feel guilty. He feels as if he has lost it carelessly. The priceless treasure that others have deposited here is extremely uncomfortable.

I'm full of promises, but I haven't fulfilled my promise. So, how to face this "creditor" next? Although the status of "creditor" is still to be discussed.

"Oh, here you are. Welcome. Come on in." He grinned dryly.

"Good." Chen Zhengliang was not polite. Surrounded by Adele and others, he walked into the living room side by side and took a seat in the sofa.

Without waiting to ask, Chen Zhengliang eagerly expressed his intention.

"Well, aduh got a clue and got their exact address. When I visit late at night, I want to tell you about it, so that you don't have to worry about it day and night, and I want to discuss with you whether I should go to pick her up now

"Ah! I found it! Oh, my God. That's great. That's great. Aduh is great. "

Yi Fan cousin to listen to the joy straight jump, awei and a Hao also suddenly came to the spirit, three people chicken a mouth duck mouth to say.

"After so many days apart, of course, I have to pick it up the first time."

"Take it back, take it back, of course. And the sooner the better, isn't it? Hey."

"That's it. Otherwise, it's a long night's dream. What if they change places again. "

"Oh, by the way, where is Kiki now?"

"Where, where, where is she? Ah? "

"Yes, Mr. Zhuang is located in the east of France. There is a small town called Colmar, five kilometers east of the town. There is a resort called miracle in the forest. They are there."

Chen Zhengliang, as like as two peas, told the truth, but his heart was stirring with a sour taste. This kid looked happy and looked exactly like himself. It seemed that he loved his little monster too. Oh, little monster, you little monster.

"Oh, yes. It's necessary to get her back, just as awei and ah Hao said. The sooner the better. However, I think we'd better start at dawn, and when we get there, she has already had breakfast, so as not to frighten her or starve her. What do you say, Mr. Chen? "

“…… Good. " Chen Zhengliang nodded.

Yi Fan cousin then said: "well, I think it's OK. Let's eat some food first, then have a good rest, and then we'll start off with enough energy."

“…… Good. " Chen Zhengliang nodded again, and everyone nodded.

Yi Fan cousin and busy command: "awei inform the kitchen meal."

"All right, Van Gogh." With that, ah Weile ran away and disappeared.

Thirty minutes later, the dining table is full of authentic French dishes.

Yi Fan cousin with everyone around the seat, gobble up the wind and wind, not a moment to eat a full.

Just about to leave for a rest, the mobile phone rings suddenly.

Dinglingling ~ dinglingling ~

Dai Shansong!

Yi Fan's cousin exclaimed these three words, which made everyone stop.

Chen Zhengliang closed his eyebrows and pulled his cousin fan into the sofa in the living room. He let him catch his breath and calm down before he motioned for him to listen to the phone.

Yi Fan's cousin drew the answer button and put it into hands-free. He coughed and said, "Hello, Mr. Dai. I'm Zhuang Yifan."

Suddenly, the end of the phone silence, people's hearts can not help but mention the voice, do not know what kind of things will happen next second, bad news?

I don't know. I don't know anything. My God.

It took ten seconds for the phone to ring.

"Mr. Zhuang, excuse me. I wonder if it's convenient for you to come here now?"

“……” This sentence made everyone a little confused, and his questioning eyes fell on Chen Zhengliang's powerful body.

Chen Zhengliang frowned slightly, and nodded his head with a little thought.

Yi Fan cousin replies: "good."

"Thank you for coming. The address is miracle resort, five kilometers east of Komar town."

"OK, I see. I'll be there."

"I'm looking forward to seeing you."

"Well, yes."

Hang up. The house is boiling.

"That's the address that Adler found out."

"Adler, you're amazing."

"Let's go, Van Gogh. How about starting now?"

"Yes, yes, I'll go and drive, Van Gogh."

"Brother Liang, then, should we go as well?"

"Yes, brother Liang, go and see what's going on. Besides, there are so many people who can handle affairs easily."

"Yes, yes, good brother. I think we should go too."

Although he was about to be shaken up by those people, Chen Zhengliang was not in a hurry to answer. Instead, he looked at his excited cousin Yifan and seemed to be waiting for his opinion.Yi Fan's cousin rolled his eyelids to think about it and nodded his head.

Chen Zhengliang still did not state his position, did not move the place, but took out his mobile phone.

At this moment, everyone was quiet, because the call was to Zhuang nianfan.

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